OS X :: How To Use Automator

Apr 25, 2009

I've been playing around with Automator today and I'm just curious how other people use it.

The only thing I've done with it so far is to get it to connect to a NAS server at startup for Time Machine to backup to.

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OS X :: Mac Automator Using - Every App Take To Automator?

Jun 25, 2009

I'm having a bit of a problem with automator. I dont actually need to use it, but i've just installed a new application and when i try to run it, it takes me to the automator instead of just running the program. any ideas how to stop this from happening?

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OS X :: Automator - How To Create A Pdf

Nov 26, 2010

When I want to create a pdf, I click print > .pdf > save as PDF. Everything works fine.

Here's the problem though... when I click print > .pdf > Mail PDF... I get the following popup error. "The action "new Mail Message" could not be loaded because it could not be located. Try reinstalling the action."

Im pretty sure these are issues related to Automator, but through my hours of trolling the web, I havn't found anyplace to download automator actions.

Is there a way to restore automator actions and/or filters?

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OS X :: Would Renaming Be Possible With Automator

Feb 26, 2009

i want to to make a workflow renames my anime automatically that searches a smart folder ive got containing all, the episodes eg.

search folder and finds "[DB]_Bleach_208_[191E1D38].avi" and makes it look like "Bleach 208.avi"

would it be possible? i cant find actions for the specific renaming i would need getting rid of selective parts of a name

if anyone has a idea how i could do this automator or not let me know

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OS X :: Getting Automator To Open A URL In Firefox?

Jan 28, 2007

I am fairly new to the OS, just switched from a PC. I would like to know if I can set up a workflow so that with a speech command to my Macbook I can open a specific URL in firefox. How would I set that up?

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OS X :: Automator - How To Run Whole Script Run Every Time

Jun 20, 2008

I have been trying to write an automator script that will take various files from my downloads folder and my desktop folder and organize each file into various parts of my computer.

I have it set to select those folders, then get their contents, then filter by extension and then move those files to a certain other folder. The problem is I have it filter by extension, png first and if there are no png files the script ends with an error. So I have to have each different kind of file sitting in one of those folders or else the script ends. Is there a way that I can get around this and have the whole script run every time? Or is there some way (maybe variables) that I could get this to work.

I have done a little apple script before, but nothing with variables and nothing too fancy, although it's one of my priorities this summer to learn the language.

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Applications :: Converting DVD To ISO On Automator, New Mac

May 17, 2009

After cleaning up my house and noticing I have a very lengthy movie collection I decided I should probably back them up incase anything happened. I have been thinking of investing in another mac to do this. (just gives me a reason to give the lady of the house an excuse to buy one haha) But I was wondering is there any way I can just Rip my dvd's straight to .iso? I figure if i ever need a copy iso would provide me the quick way to make it. I cant find any straight software that rips to iso. Im preferably looking for free software but I wouldn't mind investing 30 bucks or so in a decent app. I also assume if its an iso I should be able to just burn it to a new dvd with Disk Utility. Is this correct or will the software be capable of doing it.

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OS X :: Using Automator Auto Play?

Jun 9, 2009

i have this workflow that runs another workflow to be starts on startup and i have it so that my computer starts up at 5:30am so it can run at that time so i don't have to get up so early. everything runs flawlessly the only part that doesn't work right now is that i have to hit the play button for it to work and i want to see if anyone knows how to make it play by itself without me having to hit it so i can stay asleep for another hour.

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OS X :: Automator Services Not Working In 10.6.2

Nov 10, 2009

right after 10.6.2 installed,

all the automator shortcuts in the keyboard system preference went missing.

even creating a new service from automator also doesn't work anymore.

I can open automator just fine, but the service or workflow I created just doesn't work anymore.

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OS X :: Automator - Trying To Automate Mac From Twitter

Dec 20, 2009

I don't mean to plug URLs but this is what got me started on trying to automate my Mac through twitter. Here What I want to do is when I send a tweet (d iGod_like_iPod mac etrieve contact "Aaron") Mail picks it up sees etrieve contact based on a rule starts a given automator app which turns around and emails my phone that particular contact. What I am having trouble with is after mail initiates the rule based on etrieve contact I have no clue how to copy "Aaron" from the twitter message in mail to pass that on to Automator.

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OS X :: Using Automator To Add User Permissions?

Dec 29, 2009

I just migrated 150GB of Data from my Time Capsule to my new iMAC. I know how to add permissions using "get info." Unlike the last time I did a migration, every document file says I don't have the permissions to access. I have about 100 doc files. Is there anyway I can do this task in automator. I looked, but I don't understand all the language. Is there another way to do this?

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OS X :: Automator For The UNIX Binaries?

Feb 25, 2010

I'm planning to use my Mac Mini media center to replace an old Ventrilo/TeamSpeak server (Winblows). Since I do not plan to have keyboard/mouse access to the Mini, I need to find an easy way to launch the TeamSpeak and Vent server binaries on boot.Since the media center is set to auto-login and run an Automator workflow that mounts 3 AFP volumes and opens Plex, I would like to add upon my script to launch TeamSpeak and Ventrilo server. However, this becomes problematic when I add a Shell Script action. The script keeps running because it is looking for Terminal to complete its action and quit so it can move on to the next process. If I terminate the script, it kills the Ventrilo Server application.

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OS X :: Is This Possible That Automator To Unrar Many Files

Mar 13, 2010

I have a long list of files to unrar (I use unarchive).

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Automator Rar To PDF Name File

Jun 10, 2012

I'm working on an Automator Application which would expand a Rar-archive full of pictures, and turn those into a PDF.This I got working, but now I want the output PDF to be named as the rar-archive's filename that I use as Application input. I tried around with some variables, but just couldn't manage to get the Application working in the end.How do I get the Application to name the output PDF like the input?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: How To Reinstall Automator

Jun 27, 2012

I am not sure where automator went and never needed it before today.  When I went to look for it it is gone.  I could not find it on my snow leopard disc or macbook discs.  I looked all over the web and it seemed like I was the only person who ever went looking to reinstall it.  I am on 10.6.8 and just about ready to upgrade now that all my programs are supported on it.  But I need automator.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Quit Automator

Jun 22, 2014

Two dialog boxes keep popping up that won’t go away.  “Cancel” or “Okay” just gets them back in seconds.  In activity monitor both are listed, Automator Runner.  I can’t stop them. 

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Applications :: Automator: How To Access Menu Bar

Sep 23, 2010

-Import files one at a time into 3rd party application using Automator. Challenge: -The application has no way to program a key command for edit > insert > file (that I could find)Failed tries with Automator:Recorded a "watch me do" sequence using the mouse. Sometimes it works and sometimes it glitches badly; the cursor moves very slowly in places I never recorded and the script runs for several minutes until I press the restart button. I believe that nothing changes on the machine between attempts - very peculiar.Recorded a "watch me do" sequence using 'control' + 'function' + 'f2' to highlight the apple in the menu bar at the top of the screen then navigated to edit > insert > file using the arrow keys. Unfortunately it doesn't work when run. In the workflow,"'control' + 'function' + 'f2'" is shown as"'control' + '(a symbol I don't know - see attached screenshot line 1 of the workflow)'"The arrow keys pressed are then not recognized at all. (Line 2 in the workflow is from pressing return.)A seemingly simple task is really perplexing me. I'm sure there's a simple solution though.

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Applications :: Using Automator And Apple Script To Do Something?

Nov 9, 2010

I have a bunch of images in a folder and say I want to do something like the following to them

The original image name is


Say I now want to take the first 4 digits and and add 645 to them to get 3219

how would I do this in automator any other mac application

(I have like 5,000 photos I need to do this for)

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OS X :: Automator Service Running Slow

Dec 5, 2010

I wrote a very simple service via automator that allowed me to compose a new mail msg in any application using a keyboard shortcut. It used to work amazingly fast, but with time it seems to take quite a bit of time to get that new mail window to come up after using the keystroke. I am thinking this is similar to what happens to my Dictionary app...about every 2 weeks on average, loading dictionary takes a LOOOng time (via typing in a word in spotlight). So every 2 weeks or so I delete the plist file and it is good as new. Is there something like this I can do here? Also - either this seems to be a common theme with teh Mac OS (apps/etc slowing down with time), or I am doing something wrong. Which is it?

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OS X :: Automator Not Working... How To Open Safari

Dec 8, 2008

Here's what I want it to do:

1 Open Safari
2 Click in the address bar
3 Type an address
4 Enter/return

Safari opens, but Automator doesn't want to left click in the address bar.

For left click/type I am using Automator Virtual Input

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OS X :: Using Automator Applescript To Get Mail Attachments?

Jun 24, 2009

i would like to use either automator or applescript to get attachments from certain emails i get in mail that have the subject line that contains "Database Backup" then according to the first part of the subject to save the attachment into a folder with that name.

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OS X :: Automator Applications - Folder Actions

Oct 5, 2009

I understand when I make an automator 'application', it appears and can be drug to the applications folder. But when I make a folder action, or a service or whatever, where does the action go (so I can edit it again, later) or delete it?

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OS X :: Spotlight Search From List Automator?

Oct 14, 2009

I have a list if 600 servers, and folder full of escalation documentation. What I'm looking for is the easiest way to feed spotlight that list and return a list of documents that contain at least one of those servers. We're moving a datacenter and I want to start figuring out what docs need to be updated.

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OS X :: Control Airport With Automator Properly?

Oct 19, 2009

I'd like an automator thingy to do the following for me:
1. activate airport
2. wait a little and then login to my vpn account (defined in apple's vpn)

ideally, also doing the reverse (logout vpn, deactivate airport).

now, automator's record function already fails as the mouse pointer never hits the airport icon when playing back my recording....

anybody know what's wrong and how to do this properly?

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OS X :: How To Use Automator To Open An App At Designated Time

Nov 11, 2009

I was wondering if I could use automator to open and maximize iCal at 5AM every morning.

I don't always remember to open the calendar and place it on top before I go to bed.

If I lose perspective and get off track first thing in the morning, the rest of the day I'm playing catch-up to make up for that lost time.

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Applications :: Automator Won't Delete Actions

Jan 20, 2010

I move an action into the workflow space. Now, I realize that I made a mistake (God forbid) and I want to remove that action. PLEASE tell me how in the world do I do that. I click on the 'x' in the top right corner and nothing happens. I click on it and press delete key. Zilch. I even drag it to the trash (out of desperation). Perhaps my Automator.app is corrupt. I can't think of any other reason I'm not able to delete an action from the workflow. How do I reinstall in Snow Leopard? I can't using the install disk because Automator is not one of the apps designated. Can I download it (the app)? I seem to be the only person in the universe that has this problem (not being able to delete an action). I've googled my fingers raw.

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OS X :: Saving To Original Folder In Automator

Feb 1, 2010

I'm working on an automator actions in Snow Leopard to convert a bunch of small groups of images that i have to single PDF files with multiple pages. What is want it to do exactly is take an input of several files, turn them into pages of a PDF, then give that PDF the name of the first file and then save it in the same folder as the first file, or something to that effect. Essentially I need the output to go to the same location as the source and to have the same name as any one of the files. It seems really simple, but I've googled and dug around Automator to no avail; I've managed to get every step except saving the output file where I want it.

The other ideal thing would be for it to run through a folder and go into all of its subfolders and combine each group of images into a different PDF file. In other worlds, if folders B and C are inside folder A, I can select folder A and it will go into folder B and make a PDF out of all of the images inside folder B and then go into folder C and create a PDF out of all of the images in folder C, etc.

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OS X :: Automator - Creating A File With A Variable Name

Feb 9, 2010

I'm trying to make a little automator script that will upload an image and comment file to a little gallery.

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Applications :: Automator And Text To Speech

Mar 4, 2010

I am trying to convert a text file to an audio file by using 'text to speech'. Originally, the text was created in Pages but just in case I also saved it as an rtf file. I want to save it as an mp3. Also, once I've got the workflow, I would like to use this again with other text files. I know I can save the workflow and I can do the task by Automator, but I must be doing something wrong. Should I use the 'record' function? What am I doing wrong? I called AppleCare but of course, after 15 minutes they recommended their online discussions. They don't know anything about these basics. The guy asked me, what I tried. I told him that I tried Terminal, but I was confident that Automator and creating a workflow would be the solution for me. He didn't even know where Automator was. I suppose, this was the last time that I purchased an AppleCare.

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Applications :: Writing Automator Script?

Apr 5, 2010

Can anyone do me a favour and write me a automator script that can, open address book, find all contacts that contain a dash in numbers and a space in the numbers then remove them from all contacts?

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