OS X :: Invalid B-tree Node Size - Unable To Repair Or Fix
Feb 7, 2010
I have a 17inch intel iMac, early 2006 (the first release). A couple of days ago it decided it no longer wanted to boot up. Inserting the install DVD and running disk utilities verify/repair, it said that the volume had an invalid b-tree node size, and attempting to repair the volume failed.
Everything is backed up from this computer, so at this point in time I am only worried about getting it running again. So, I dug deeper to resolve the issue.
I set up a RAID using 4 Segate 320GB SATA drives in it's own box. It is connected to my G5 (OS 10.4.1) via a Highpoint RocketRaid 2210 card. After 2 months, I have gotten the b-node tree error twice. The drive fails to mount and drive utilities (including Drive Genius, DiskWarriror) can't fix it. I was able to use Drive Rescue 2 to get the info off of it, but I am concerned as to why this keeps happening. I can reinitialize the drive and get it working again, but this is not a solution.
I have two disks containing data organized in a RAID 0 array. I have a MacPro running Snow Leopard. Recently, the RAID array does not show up in the Finder and is not accessible. Disk Utilities can't inspect or repair the disks because of the dreaded B tree node size error.
Can these disks be salvaged? Can the data be recovered?
It is a 2008 intel iMac that had worked fine for the last four years until lion. Everytime there was and update or I rebooted, my Mac would freeze at some point of the login. A permission repair or just repair disk would solve the issue an everyone and a while, a restore from backup. Recently my Mac started to slow down to the point it froze for several hours and force quit would never open. I held the button and since then I have been in trouble. The repair permissions had a ton of errors but successfully repaired. But when I repaired the disk, it's hit a couple of errors but ultimately failed right after "Invalid Node Structure" that error has been consistent every time I have attempted a fix and it failed. I tried restoring from a backup to no avail. Then I wiped the drive and installed Lion (after a convienient 5 hours download) an it booted. I tried using it but it was extremely slow, let it sit over night and came back to it frozen. I had assumed it was slow due to indexing but after 12ish hours this didn't solve the issue. I clicked the apple button and it took a while to finally show up an restarted. Fro
There is wouldn't complete the boot. Froze at the apple logo or white screen with spinning mouse. Left that for several hours and stayed there. Tried repair and same issue. "ivalid node structure" redtating aftet that it just reboots and turns off a little bit after the chime. I have tried everything I could find on different forums without any success. I tried single user mode with the fsck commands and that failed also. I downloaded lion and made a recovery flash drive from another computer. I have since installed several new installations of lion after an erase and repartition. I took it to the apple store and they installed a fresh install of lion and it worked for a day then slowed down and froze. I would like to try everything possible before claiming the hardrive dead. I forgot to mention I have done PRAM resets in between the events I described as well as the SCM i think reset by unplugging. I have left it unplugged for over 12 hours, also have taken out all peripherals minus keyboard and mouse.
I'm having some trouble with my Macbook. It's running on Leopard 10.5.8. I recently tried to partition my hard drive and while doing so it prompted me informing me that there was an 'invalid node structure'. I could then no longer proceed with the partition. I had planned on updating my OS to Snow Leopard. I wanted to partition my internal HD, so I backed up some files on my external HD. I basically wanted my interal HD to run smoothly with a new OS while minimizing the space used. Now I've come across this issue where there is another message being prompted that says, 'invalid sibling links on hard drive'. I found THESE steps on another forum that informed me that this might restore the hard drive back to a readable/functional state but that didn't work either:
(These were the steps I took and nothing happened except another prompt informing me of an 'invalid node structure')
Boot off the OS X CD (reboot, hold C while booting).The installer will load up, go to Utilities in the menu and run Terminal.Type df and look for the drive that has your Mac system mounted---you'll have to unmount this. On my MacBook Pro, it was /dev/disk0s2.Type umount /dev/disk0s2, replacing disk0s2 with whatever disk your OS lives on.Type fsck_hfs -r /dev/disk0s2. If you umounted the wrong thing, it will complain that you can't repair a mounted drive. Go back and umount the right thing and repeat this step.
I then stumbled upon a few different forums mentioning something about Disk Warrior. I was wondering if THAT would resolved this issue. Honestly, I don't really want to spend much money on buying this but I WILL buy a new hard drive if I ABSOLUTELY need to. I was just trying to see if I can troubleshoot this before I decide to throw in the towel and buy a new hard drive or attempt to try out this Disk Warrior thing.
Two days ago my MacBook (OSX10.4) crashed; VLC player froze when I was watching a tv show. I though 'no biggie, happens now and then' and hard-resetted my 'book. Tried opening the file again with Quicktime, again, computer froze up. Waited a couple of minutes, hard-resetted my laptop again. Only this time, the screen got stuck on grey/lightblue-ish screen during boot-up.
Tried a lot but couldn't get my MacBook up and running again. Started up with the OSX cd popped in and went to Disc Utility. Mac then told me there was a 'Invalid Node Structure' and that 'The volume could not be repaired'. During a third or fourth start-up this changed to Mac saying there was a'sibling error'.
I checked some sources online, figured out this should be something fixable. One possible option was Disk Warrior. Supposed to be *the* tool with problems like these. I replaced my malfunctioning HD, put an old HD in my MacBook, reinstalled OSX and put the malfunctioning HD in a stand-alone case and connected it too my MacBook. As we speak DW is busy rebuilding the directory but it has been doing so for over a day now. I've read online that it can take a couple of days though. My HD is 250Gb with 30Gb empty space when it went kaput.
Now, there seem to be a couple of other alternative options. These lads talk about Tech Tool Pro - apparantly some other program that could help: [URL]
Then there's a couple suggestions/methods mentioned online that either involve booting up in single-user mode and type some code [URL]
Has anyone ever had their HD act up like this? Any experience/recommendations regarding the programs/methods mentioned above? I'm pretty new with Mac (used PCs for ages, switched to Mac quite recently) and I'm kinda at wit's end here :/. I was in the process of backing up my stuff, but there's a boatload of data on that HD that I hadn't archive yet.
I've been using this external hard drive since Christmas Day and suddenly it doesn't work. I attempted to verify my disk and it came back with "Invalid Node Structure". I've been using this for Time Machine Backups but I don't mind losing them because there isn't really anything majot but I'm currently copying my two largest folders off there because it tells me I need to format my disk as soon as possible. How do I do that?
I recently dropped my even a couple of drops of diet coke near the DVD drive of my MacBook (2009).Turned it off immediately and turned it upside down for a bit. Tune it back on and it worked fine. However, the second time I turned it on it wouldn't go past the login screen. Turned it off as then on again, and started up fine. Ran a disc diagnostic and it gave me the invalid node structure message. From there it started to run slow so I shut it off again. Haven't turned it on since. I'm thinking of taking it in to a shop since I don't want to mess with it anymore.Is there any easy fix to this? If my hard drive is messed up, can I recover my data?
I have a late 2006 iMac, which I know must be at the end of its life now, but at the weekend my main internal HD developed an error, and it wouldn't boot, even from the recovery partition.
I managed to find my old Snow Leapard disks and ran Disk Utility on my HD (when it actually saw it) and the error it came back with was "Invalid Node". After trying many things, I had to reformat and reinstall from my Time Machine back up, which went really well.
However, once all restored it tried to do a backup and it failed. I then went into Disk Utility again and it found the same error on the Time Machine drive.
Therefore, my question is, could the back up process have copied an 'error' to my back up? Or is this a fault somewhere else (Disk Management etc) that I need to watch in case it cases errors with my other drives that have important information on?
im running mac os x 10.4.6 on a g4 powermac. ive got toast 9, but whenever ive tried to burn a cd, it gives me the following message " sense key = illegal request sense code 0 x 20 invalid command operation code" and then "couldnt set up the track for writing"
although I have been successful in burning a cd from itunes. im guessing its something to do with the settings, but im completelyey stuck.
I have a pretty old (4-5 years old?) PowerBook G4, running 10.4.11. Recently the superdrive quit playing commercial DVDs. It will recognize CDs without a problem, but when I insert a DVD, the drive makes noises like it's reading the disc for maybe 20-30 sec. and then ejects the disc. I also tried to install Photoshop, but the drive wouldn't read the instal DVD either.
When I open Disk Utility and select one of the 2 volumes in the left pane, the buttons "Verify disk permissions" and "Repair disk permissions" remain greyed out. Only the "Repair disk" and "Verify disk" buttons are enabled. This is not the startup Volume. For this volume all 4 buttons are enabled.
How can I repair the disk permissions on the volume?
i need help with my macbook. I just updated the Leopard 10.5.7 and something is up with my machine.It has randomly been hanging and freeze my mac by telling me i have to restart the computer. Its happened about 5 times now!
I tried repairing permissions but everytime it does i have something that cannot be repaired for some reason. Could someone tell me what is happening and why my permissions arn't being repaired...
I have a MacBook with 3 partitions. One has Snow Leopard (Macintosh HD), Tiger and Windows 7On Snow Leopard I tried to backup files to my external Hard Drive but some files wouldn't transfer. When I clicked on the folder that was unable to transfer, everything went out of control. All windows started opening themselves and I had to shut down my MacBook by the power button.
Lately, my MacBook Pro (mid 2010) started to slow down even with over 60% disk space is empty and max RAM is installed. It gets slow when using hungry programs such as Photoshop CS5.
I used the disk utility first aid and fixed all permissions that were shown with errors. When scanning the disk, I received the message that my disk is corrupt and I need to fix by restarting with command+R keys pressed until the apple symbol is displayed. When the next window shows up, choose disk utility and go from there to fix the disk.
When I performed that, I let go of the Command+R keys after the apple logo came up, the only thing that came up after that was a grey circle with a diagonal line through it and a spinning clock.
I'm must be hitting some strange key combination / trackpad gesture (I just got a macbook pro) and my font size in safari keeps randomly increasing. This happens on the desktop with the icons as well.
I have a Macbook pro 17" (2011) running Mavericks with a Crucial 960Gb SSD and a 750Gb WDC in the optical bay. My ssd is divided into 710 Gb to OS X and 182 Gb to Windows 7 Bootcamp. All was well until the other day when the OS X partition failed to boot. I got the grey screen and the very slow progress bar which after 15 minutes powered the machine off. The Bootcamp partion continues to work without issues. I booted from an install disk and ran disk utility. The OS X partition appears greyed out on the left panel. I attempt a repair disk and after a 15 minute delay it says it is unable to repair the last action being "updating boot support partitions for the volume as required". Its all backed up regularly on time machine but when I boot an install usb and attempt to restore from time machine, the OSX disk does not appear as an option. I go back into disk utility and attemp to erase/repartition the disk to start a new install but it refuses to unmount. I appear to be running out of options,
I'm having a series of problems. First some intermittent audio problems with Garageband, then, then some external drives won't mount, and now I can't sync to my disk from the iMac. I've run Disk Utitilies a few times and when I do Verify Disk Permissions, it finds a list of things to fix, I then hit Repair Disk Permissions and it fixes them, and then hit Verify Disk, and it say the disk appears ok. When I do Verify Disk Permissions again though, it finds another long list of things to fix. Is this serious? What should my next step be? Should I reinstall the entire system?
My Macbook is starting to get really slow. I've tried Onyx and it told me that the startup volume had to be fixed. But I can't boot my install DVD by pressing "C" in the startup.
My father-in-law is considering switching to macs, but a deal breaker is whether or not he can continue to use his genealogy information. He's been using Family Tree Maker which is peecee only. I've read that Reunion is a good mac alternative, but will he be able to transfer his data from FTM to Reunion? What if anything would he lose?