When I open Disk Utility and select one of the 2 volumes in the left pane, the buttons "Verify disk permissions" and "Repair disk permissions" remain greyed out. Only the "Repair disk" and "Verify disk" buttons are enabled. This is not the startup Volume. For this volume all 4 buttons are enabled.
How can I repair the disk permissions on the volume?
Disk Utility says there are a bunch of disk permissions that need repairing. I hit repair and disk utility says that it repaired those disk permissions. But when I verify, it says they still need to be repaired.
I'm having a series of problems. First some intermittent audio problems with Garageband, then, then some external drives won't mount, and now I can't sync to my disk from the iMac. I've run Disk Utitilies a few times and when I do Verify Disk Permissions, it finds a list of things to fix, I then hit Repair Disk Permissions and it fixes them, and then hit Verify Disk, and it say the disk appears ok. When I do Verify Disk Permissions again though, it finds another long list of things to fix. Is this serious? What should my next step be? Should I reinstall the entire system?
I am having problems with my Mac running slow. I had a friend guide me to run a "repair disk permission".I did that but I am not sure if I am to click clear history.Also should I do anything else to help my Mac run better?
Recently I archived and installed leopard from tiger. Since then sometime there is a message that comes up telling me I need to restart my computer in all different languages. Also when I try to verify and repair my disk permissions, this is what shows up: Permissions differ on "System/Library/CoreServices/Front Row.app/Contents/CodeResources", ....
I bought this G5 with consistant startup problems but after replacing the hard drive,installing a fresh operating system, re-seating the ram, checking the Pram battery, etc, it was running fine. I now realize that when trying to repair the disk permissions, the same list keeps coming back even though it shows it's been repaired. Also, occasionally it may freeze or go into kernal panic on startup. If the hard drive is new, does it sound like a possible hardware problem? Does repairing disk permissions involve anything hardware?
why I have to check & repair disk permissions every time I have to restart my MacBook Pro. When I do the check I get various messages eg 'Library should be '0', is '80'. And other variations for Library.
I repaired my disk premmisons on my mac, but in the history it says, Warning:Suid File "System/Library/core....as been modified and will not be repaired
I just got a new Imac last week. When I try to go into Command + R the repair mode it looks like it changed to a reinstallation mode which is what I don't want. Is there another way to run disk permissions or disk repair in Mavericks?
Info: iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
i need help with my macbook. I just updated the Leopard 10.5.7 and something is up with my machine.It has randomly been hanging and freeze my mac by telling me i have to restart the computer. Its happened about 5 times now!
I tried repairing permissions but everytime it does i have something that cannot be repaired for some reason. Could someone tell me what is happening and why my permissions arn't being repaired...
I have my pbook g4 in target disk mode and I am trying to make a superduper backup but I get "Error starting permissions repair for disk1s3 Powerbook-G4-#1: Operation not supported for the Mac OS X version on the targeted disk (-9950)".
Disk utility doesn't have repair permissions enabled. So, I 've only done a repair disk on the target disk which a journaled hfs+.
While trying to pepair permissions systom freeze up. So I put in the startup disk hit restrat holding down c and tried to repair permissions that way and it froze up that way too. I had to manually turn off machine.
I am considering purchasing diskwarrior but want to make sure it can help my situation before I purchase it. My imac will not boot from the internal hard drive (Intel processor) When I use disk utility to try and repair the disk, I get error messages and it won't repair. I can see the HD but cannot repair it. When I connect using target mode with my mac book pro, the hard drive does not appear on my host (macbook pro) computer. I have reloaded OS X (Leopard) onto a firewire external drive and can boot my imac that way but I can not find my original internal Macintosh HD. Will disk warrior be able to help with this scenario. I would really like to access that internal Macintosh HD and retrieve my files.
Running Diks Util on my iMac 10.6.2. i am given this warning. ========= Warning: SUID file "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ARDAgent" has been modified and will not be repaired.
Is it something I should heed and what to do in that case?
I carried out a "Repair Disk Permission" from the OS X Install disc by mistake. I meant to do "Repair Disk" from the OS X install disc. According to [URL] (and the guide posted here) "Repair Disk Permission" should not be done from the OS X install disc, as it may alter changes made by by software updates. Is there any way I can undo my mistake?
I have a MacBook with 3 partitions. One has Snow Leopard (Macintosh HD), Tiger and Windows 7On Snow Leopard I tried to backup files to my external Hard Drive but some files wouldn't transfer. When I clicked on the folder that was unable to transfer, everything went out of control. All windows started opening themselves and I had to shut down my MacBook by the power button.
Lately, my MacBook Pro (mid 2010) started to slow down even with over 60% disk space is empty and max RAM is installed. It gets slow when using hungry programs such as Photoshop CS5.
I used the disk utility first aid and fixed all permissions that were shown with errors. When scanning the disk, I received the message that my disk is corrupt and I need to fix by restarting with command+R keys pressed until the apple symbol is displayed. When the next window shows up, choose disk utility and go from there to fix the disk.
When I performed that, I let go of the Command+R keys after the apple logo came up, the only thing that came up after that was a grey circle with a diagonal line through it and a spinning clock.
When running Repair Permissions in Disk Utility, it reports that there are errors and that it's fixed them but if I run it again, the same errors keep appearing.
I've noticed that the current permissions on the errors are lrw-rw-rw- which I assume means that they are symbolic links and not the actual files which Disk Utility is expecting. Any idea what's going on?
Every-time I repair permissions using the disk utility it says that the permissions are repaired, but then I click to verify permissions and it is all as it was before... What can I do?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a Macbook pro 17" (2011) running Mavericks with a Crucial 960Gb SSD and a 750Gb WDC in the optical bay. My ssd is divided into 710 Gb to OS X and 182 Gb to Windows 7 Bootcamp. All was well until the other day when the OS X partition failed to boot. I got the grey screen and the very slow progress bar which after 15Â minutes powered the machine off. The Bootcamp partion continues to work without issues. I booted from an install disk and ran disk utility. The OS X partition appears greyed out on the left panel. I attempt a repair disk and after a 15Â minute delay it says it is unable to repair the last action being "updating boot support partitions for the volume as required". Its all backed up regularly on time machine but when I boot an install usb and attempt to restore from time machine, the OSX disk does not appear as an option. I go back into disk utility and attemp to erase/repartition the disk to start a new install but it refuses to unmount. I appear to be running out of options,
My Macbook is starting to get really slow. I've tried Onyx and it told me that the startup volume had to be fixed. But I can't boot my install DVD by pressing "C" in the startup.
last week my mac (1 year old iMc, 2.4ghz intel chip, 4gb ram, system 10.5.7) went all funny, everything was working slowly - so I restarted, same thing, I restarted again and it just went to the grey screen with the spinning ball.Ok so I restarted from my tiger disk and it could see the drive, so I tried to install a new system and it got right to the end of the installation then said because of a disk error it couldn't do it.
Ok so I bought an external HD, put a system on and started up from there - now the drive came up, but things were slow still, it took forever to copy anything so I tried disk utility, it couldn't repair it. I tried drive genius, same thing. DiskWarrior 4.1.1 same thing.
Now I tried again a few times and the programmes took forever to start up but now disk utility opens after about 30 mins and can see the drive, but it's lost it's name and I can't even repair or repair disk permisssions. Drive Genius can see it but not repair and same for Disk Warrior, the 'rebuild' tool is greyed out.
It's a 500GB drive and only has 3GB spare on it, it has loads and loasds of stuff on there, work, music, films, all my preferences, passwords and of course all my software - I do have a backup of some stuff, my photos luckily enough - but I still need to get it fixed.
Now what can I do? Is there anything in terminal I can do? Any other ideas anyone? I'm desperate for help.I have downloaded Data Rescue II and it has been gathering device information for an hour, I'm hoping it will carry on and later on I can start recovering. But in all honestly is there anyway of fixing the drive?And if not can I recover and then do I need to re-format? And if so will it work ok once formatted?Also any ideas why this would have happened?
What are all these errors, i did a repair permission before software update to 10.5.6, than i restarted and did a repair permission after software update and now for the first time i got all those SUID errors.