When repairing permissions on a G4 iBook with OS 105.8, I find about 8 files that contain the above message and one that contains the message "ACL found but not expected in the Application / Utilities". What does this mean and how are these corrected?
I've been meaning to ask this for some time. When I repair my disk permissions I get the following warning: "Warning - SUID file 'System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ARDAgent' has been modified and will not be repaired". What does it mean? Why isn't it being repaired?
I have a number of files that have been modified and are SUID files that will be repaired by Disk Utility. Anyone have any idea what this is or if you are seeing this with your Disk Utilities... Here is the output...
Repairing permissions for ?Macintosh HD? Warning: SUID file "usr/libexec/load_hdi" has been modified and will not be repaired. Warning: SUID file "System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskManagement.framework/Versions/A/Resources/DiskManagementTool" has been modified and will not be repaired.................
I've had my macbook pro 13" mid 2009 running very slow after updating to 10.6.4. So I run the disk utility and after running it couple of times, some of the problems happened not to be repaired. I've run the disk utility now couple of times and I think that I've had those problems all the time. I am going to post the disk utility report below. I am a new mac user, since aug 2009 and I really do not know what are those:
When I open Disk Utility and select one of the 2 volumes in the left pane, the buttons "Verify disk permissions" and "Repair disk permissions" remain greyed out. Only the "Repair disk" and "Verify disk" buttons are enabled. This is not the startup Volume. For this volume all 4 buttons are enabled.
How can I repair the disk permissions on the volume?
i need help with my macbook. I just updated the Leopard 10.5.7 and something is up with my machine.It has randomly been hanging and freeze my mac by telling me i have to restart the computer. Its happened about 5 times now!
I tried repairing permissions but everytime it does i have something that cannot be repaired for some reason. Could someone tell me what is happening and why my permissions arn't being repaired...
I'm having a series of problems. First some intermittent audio problems with Garageband, then, then some external drives won't mount, and now I can't sync to my disk from the iMac. I've run Disk Utitilies a few times and when I do Verify Disk Permissions, it finds a list of things to fix, I then hit Repair Disk Permissions and it fixes them, and then hit Verify Disk, and it say the disk appears ok. When I do Verify Disk Permissions again though, it finds another long list of things to fix. Is this serious? What should my next step be? Should I reinstall the entire system?
Disk Utility says there are a bunch of disk permissions that need repairing. I hit repair and disk utility says that it repaired those disk permissions. But when I verify, it says they still need to be repaired.
Lately I've noticed that when I repair permissions, it's the same files that keep appearing the log of files being "repaired"... which leads me to believe they're not actually being repaired at all.
It's at the point where I can repair permissions once, generating a log of repaired files, and then if I repair permissions again immediately afterwards (whether I've closed and reopened Disk Utility in the mean time or not), the same exact list of files appears as being repaired.
I've searched google for a solution to this and I came across some and followed the instructions (reset safari, clear cache, run onyx, repair permissions). It works... for about two hours, then safari is back to lagging like crazy. I'm using a late 2008 MacBook Pro with Snow Leopard and all the latest software updates.
I've used the disk repair utility and repaired successfully. My book is still frozen at the logo and spinning cog. I have to hit the power button to shut down - And the hard drive gets super heated. What else to do?
When running Repair Permissions in Disk Utility, it reports that there are errors and that it's fixed them but if I run it again, the same errors keep appearing.
I've noticed that the current permissions on the errors are lrw-rw-rw- which I assume means that they are symbolic links and not the actual files which Disk Utility is expecting. Any idea what's going on?
Every-time I repair permissions using the disk utility it says that the permissions are repaired, but then I click to verify permissions and it is all as it was before... What can I do?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
What are all these errors, i did a repair permission before software update to 10.5.6, than i restarted and did a repair permission after software update and now for the first time i got all those SUID errors.
Yesterday i checked my hard-drive for permissions and it found ALOT it had to repair, so i repaired them and all went fine. Then i restart check again LOADS more!!, if i repair and even wait 5mins loads more come back instantly why this could be?
Also could this be a reason for why when i now start my MBA it seems to hang on the grey screen before showing the apple logo and starting to log me in?
For 2 days my permissions won't repair completely. I run the repair - it takes 20 minutes, examines every file on the computer and ends. When I run it agin it does the same.
CS3/4 suite, Max/MSP, all crash. MS word will not open. Apple software OK.
17" MacBook Pro 3.06, 250 G solid state. 8GB RAM. Running OS 10.6.2
Had Apples since the MacPlus. Never seen anything like this before. Rebuilt hard drive with DiskWarrior, zapped PRAM.
Problems seemed to begin on the weekend with a Flash plugin showing up as needing a new version. I replaced it with 10.0.43 and it didn't fix the problem. This may not be related of course.
i accidentally set permissions in the Mac HD Info window for Everyone to "No Access". of course it locked up. i have an external drive plugged in running Time Machine. i understand i can use that to restore...?
I ran disk utility - it failed because it could not locate the clip art folder in word (?wha?) repair disk permissions ran for 24 hours and couldn't complete. anyway - I know there is an easy solution here - i just want to be sure i'm doing it correctly so i dont make it worse than it already is...would some kind soul please provide me step-by-step instructions to either use Time Machine to repair - or something.
So my teacher's iMac is behaving weirdly. She turns it on and she is asked to type in the password to log in. It's not set as automatic login. But it says the password is incorrect. She is positive the password is typed in correctly. She reboots it and types in the same password. This time, it lets her in. I tried repairing permissions but to no avail.
i have a problem that everytime i restart my imac (late 2007) i get the blinking folder for 15 minutes up to a couple of hours then it starts up normally. i tried clearing up the PRAM. reset the SMC. and it still happens.i tried to do from the system a repair disc permissions and i got back one error that cannot be fixed which was
<quote> Warning:SUID file"System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents?MacOS/ARDAgent" has been modified and will not be repaired.</quote>
i have even tried to fix the error from the bootable CD, but same error. i even upgraded to snow leopard but no apparent change. i dont even know if this is the cause of the problem. but all other stuff is OK. even the boot CD hardware thorough check was all ok.i still get some noise of the fan when i boot up for a couple of minutes then it goes away.but temperatures are quite good and fan speed is around 800rpm at the moment and no sound is to be heard.
A couple of days ago I did a software update for the airport I believe. Everything went fine during the update and after. Every once in a while I do a permissions repair to do some maintenece. I just did it and it repaired prob like 20 entries. All the entries said airport in it. It did repair all of them though. I re ran it and none of them showed up again. So it seems fine. But just curious why it would do this, kinda odd?
The idea for this quick GUIDE was thought up in this thread by kingjr3. Like the networking thread the idea of this is to have a quick point of reference for those common questions. How to Zap PRAM Zapping PRAM is simple, just reboot your Mac and hold down "Command(the Apple key)+Option(the Alt key)+P+R" while it is booting, when you hear the startup sound for the seond time the operation is complete, and you can release the key combination. Now just let your Mac boot as normal. How to Repair Permissions
- Navigte to "Applications > Utilities", and open up "Disk Utility". - Select the volume where your OS resides, and hit the "Repair Disk Permissions" button.
If you are comfortable with using the Terminal (Applications > Utilities > Terminal.app), you can also enter this command to run repair permissions - "sudo diskutil repairpermissions /" (without the quotes), just enter your password when prompted. How to run FSCK
- Restart your Mac holding down "Command(the Apple key)+S" key to enter 'Single user mode'. - Type "fsck -f", and hit return. - Once complete type "reboot" and hit return to reboot you Mac back in to OS X as normal.
If there is anything that you think is wrong here, or you think I have missed any vital steps out, please post and let me know so that I can ammend this.