I just received some fonts from a professor, specifically a very nice set of Helvetica Neue. I tried to install the font using Suitcase and I get a warning sign saying that the name of the new font conflicts with that of the Mac OS X System Font that is necessary for reading text. I'm wondering how to get around this...? Can I have both versions of Helvetica Neue installed, or do I have to deactivate the system font?
I installed some fonts in font book yesterday, and right after i did, the text in safari is messed up (see photo below) I already reset safari, and that didn't work.
I am kind new to the mac world. (1yr) and i just setup our office to use server 2008 and sbs 2008 in a VM on the same computer which got me thinking i have a copy of snow leopard server (from a project bid that i lost). Can i do something like this on mac? I have a 27" i7 iMac at home and a mini that does nothing most of the time i would love to install SLS on it in a VM if possible.
I have iTunes set to rip at lossless, which is fine, as I am willing to add terabytes of storage to my library if necessary. I have a 120 gig classic, I don't mind the fact that I can fit less songs in a higher quality bitrate on this device. I also just got a 8 gig nano, and I would like to upload everything onto it in 128 instead of lossless. I don't want to convery my who library as I would prefer to preserve it is lossless.
I went to 1001freefonts and clicked on the Mac download button, and in the 'Downloads' folder (through the Finder) I could see the font, but with the extension .sit. Hmmm. Not sure what that is. I persevered and found where fonts are housed on a Mac (Finder-Library-Fonts) and dragged the font file to the Font folder (as per the instructions here - [URL] but didn't know what he was talking about with the whole suitcase thing.
But nothing happened. I can see the file under the Font folder, but I cannot access the font in PhotoShop or Word. I am assuming I've missed a step (I keep reading about 'unpacking' but I have no clue what that is), but I don't know what that step would be. Do you?
I downloaded (legally) a font family, containing multiple weights. However, when I try to install it on Font Book, each weight comes out as a separate font. Is there a way to combine all the weights into one font?
A client wants me to use the Verlag font but it's not available in the Word for Mac Font Book. Can I install this font (or any other new font) on my Macbook somehow?
The other night I pulled some fonts that I downloaded a few years ago off of my external hard drive and installed them one by one into Font Book to the User profile. Right after I finished this, I noticed that now about 80% of the text on pages in Safari now appeared as the Yahoo font, instead of what they used to be (I visit about 10 different sites on a regular basis, so there's probably a variety of fonts that normally appear, but now most things appear as the Yahoo font). I don't have any style sheet selected in the Safari preferences, and the font preferences are untouched from what they are when Safari is installed. Not only are a lot of sites now hard to read because of the mess that the Yahoo font around size 10 is, but its just flat out annoying to read that crazy font.
are Mac and third party apps in general (if its possible to generalise?)
The reason I ask is that on Win XP (my iMac is "in the post" :-) its hit and miss what happens when you install an app. Sometimes they ask if this install is for multiple users, other times they don't (iTunes being one of the worst offenders) and then the first time another user logs on or uses the app they get a very confusing (to them) license acceptance screen.
I was wondering if I could install OS X Leopard retail version on more than one computer which I own. Basically I have an imac and a ibook G4, my imac is running on Tiger 10.4.11 and my ibook just had a new hard drive installed and is currently without any OS as the original owner doesn't have the original disks. So, I find myself needing to buy a retail version of either Tiger or Leopard and the only thing that makes sense to me is to upgrade my imac to Leopard and install the same on my newly acquired ibook. By doing this am I doing wrong? I mean I own both computers and they are only used by me so should it really cause problems?
Just bought a used MacBook5,1 and need to load a bunch of fonts to support Illustrator, etc. Is there a way to select and drag multiple fonts over to the MacBook instead of installing them individually? Ideally, I'd like to replicate the fonts in my 24" iMac. Is this a simple copy/paste procedure?
I have a macpro setup with two partitions.Originally one partition assigned to Snow Leopard.I log in using a network user (using OSX server) and that user has local Admin rights.I setup a new instance of Snow Leopard on the secondary Partition and logged in using the network user.This had the effect of using the partition 1 Home directory for this user and I can't get the secondary partition to use itself for storing the users home directory.The workaround I have is to log in to Partition 2 snow leopard with a local admin user then temporarily rename the Users folder on partition 1. Next login to partition 2 as the network user, then everything gets created on partition 2 as expected.Finally rename the Partition 1 Users folder back.Now I can log in to either partitoin with the same user and have different local home setups.
Anyone else had this or is there a better procedure for setting up multiple partitions? The same happens with LION. I need to keep a snowleoapard partition with all the setup I currently have, but start a new LION partition.I don't want any cross contamination, hence the requirement for separation.
When I open pages it always uses helvetica as the default font.Can i set it to a different one like times new roman as a default.I mean you can tell it to start up by default to a specific page style, why not a specific font also?
I just got some internet going again after having moved. I've had my new Octopus for a few weeks tho. So much to my surprise, I open up my gmail account and it's practically unintelligible. Some weird cartoon like font is my default font. As far as I can tell, all the default fonts are activated and all the settings point to the activated fonts, but this is driving me absolutely F__KING bonkers. Has anyone ever had this problem? Now to be fair, I did install some fonts from a semi questionable font disk a week or two ago, so maybe some rogue font has hijacked my web fonts.
I have a MAC OS LION and our lawyer uses the font "Garamond". Unfortunately the version which is in my mac does not support some of the "Czech-special characters". How do I make my Mac or Office Word use Arial instead of Garamond so I can read it correctly?
Recall, but can't locate it now, a freeware utility that converted PC fonts so that they were compatible with the Mac OS. This goes back a few years to earlier operating systems, both PC and Mac. I just downloaded 4 PC fonts I'd like to add to my current collection. Now running OS 10.6.3.
I'm trying to increase the font size of my mac, but I can't find it anywhere. I should be really simple to do so I'm probably missing something. On windows you just right click the desktop > appearance and bang. How can I do it on the mac? Oh and I don't want to increase the font of safari or finder, i already know how to do that, what I'm looking for is a way to make all fonts bigger (including menus)... just like you do on windows, make all fonts 1.2 times bigger.
As the title says, I have started to think that I will need two versions of XP if i want to use bootcamp, as well as Parallels/VMWare Fussion. After originally buying my iMac, and installing XP SP2 through bootcamp i was chuffed that it all worked as it should (maybe i was just soo used to windows being rubbishy). then trying to install vmware (cant remember, september was when i did it) it had faffed around and then installed. but when booting into windows (this is without reinstalling windows again, ie using the bootcamp partition) windows came up saying that it was different hardware and that it needed to reregister and, upon closing the first multiboot and trying again is failed and just never worked. does this mean that if indeed i buy parallels/vmware (still dont know) i need to install that first, and then do another installation of windows? was it just coincidence that it messed up? have the new version fixed all this?
10.6 will be Snow Leopard? There are only 2 big cat names left (Lion and Cougar) but 3 more versions of OS X to go. If 10.7 is Lion and 10.8 is Cougar what will Apple name 10.9 if there are no more names to use?
I was looking around for applecare on amazon for my mac pro and I found this one MA516LL/A but on that page towards the top they have a there is a newer version of this item which is MC256LL/A.
I have an iMac G3 and Mac OS X Cheetah. The machine came with Panther and OS9 (on the same partition). However I have an OSX 10.0 (for blast to the past needs) disc laying around here. I don't have the Panther disc so I don't want to delete anything Mac OS X-related. I know that I should probably delete Mac OS 9 to save HD space. But can I just install 10.0 on the same partition and select it from Startup Disk?
when I was out trying to set up a development environment on my Mac. (SVN, Bug Tracking, etc.)
It's called Versions, and it's still in beta, but it seems really stable, and it's one of the best SVN clients I've ever used. I have no affiliation with the company or product at all, so this isn't a plug. I've just been using it constantly to manage some Xcode projects and a few other important documents between Macs, and I thought I'd share.
I searched the forum and Google but I can't find anything about HOW to install two different versions of iMovie on one computer. I really like how iMovie 06 works but I'd also like to have iMovie 09 on the computer so I can learn how to use it.
I am needing to install Tiger alongside Leopard on my computer. I have heard that if I install Tiger on the same HD as Leopard I will have to partition the HD. That would be an enormous pain since I would have to first erase my HD. Would it be ok to just install Tiger on a USB drive? I am only going to use a small amount of space since I will only need to install the OS and a few images files.
Info:Power Mac G5 Dual Processor 2Ghz June 2004, Mac OS X (10.5.8), www.kipsdesigns.com
ive got a macbook pro 13" late 2011, and i lost the copy of my original restore disc that came with it.Now my macbook wont boot up, i ran both test for HDD and RAM, both passed and working fine. its just stuck in the apple logo with the loading icon on the bottom, now i want to restore it to factory default but i dont have disc.is it safe for me to buy the retail of Mac OS X Lion from apple store to use to restore my macbook? or its not compatible?some people say i can resolve my problem using my iMac, i just need to connect my macbook to my iMac using firewire and do some configuration but i dont im that too technical to do it with some commands.