OS X :: Safari Randomly Playing Music (ITunes Songs)
Sep 5, 2008
For the past few days, my i-mac (10.4.11) has been playing music randomly. I'm not sure what the cause is, but I assumed it could be limewire, so I deleted it. I'm currently using Macscan to look for spyware, but no spyware files have been detected. I know what program it plays through-- Safari. and as far as I can tell it always plays my ITunes songs.
iTunes was open and I was listening to my music through my headphones when it paused randomly. I unpaused it and went on my way, but a few seconds later it paused again, then unpaused. I dealt with it for a little while, then I decided to close iTunes and listen to Pandora. Now iTunes is opening and playing music by itself, no matter how many times I quit it.
So basically I'm sat here pretty chuffed with my self after putting together a nice Spotify playlist, and iTunes keep randomly playing music? I've shut it down and stuff, but it literally opens and plays random music tracks.
I bought a new Mac pro tower. I transferred music from my old Mac pro to the new via an external hard drive. Now the songs stop playing before the end.
My imac is only 3 months old and has started slowing down, randomly playing music when connected to iTunes, spinning colour wheel takes she's to laid anything.
I have transferred my itunes music on to my external HD. The music is there and that is fine. I then deleted the old itunes folder from my actual HD. I have now wanted to access the music on the external HD, and have attempted to select the new music file location on the external HD via the itunes/preferences/advanced window,selected the new file path and it will just not show in itunes!
I haven't changed anything recently to my computer, I don't have any widgets or third-party programs, I don't have an Apple remote, but every ten minutes, my iTunes opens itself and begins playing music. If I have my iPod plugged in or not plugged in, it doesn't matter. If the program is already open, it will start playing randomly.
iTunes 9, for windows, is acting strange. It is keeping place of every song I listen to, like a bookmark. I have scoured the settings, and can't find how to change this. How can I make iTunes play all my songs from the beginning?
have mac os 10.4.11. emptied trash and since then itunes not working properly. also lost some movies that had been saved in itunes. did upgrade of itunes software but no resolution.
when try to play something, get message saying that song cannot be played because original file cannot be found. however some songs do play.
when message asks if want to locate file, it cannot be found.
After I moved my ITunes to a new Mac, some of my songs, the ones I've noticed so far are longer ones, quit playing part way through and then go to the next track-
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
itunes has decided to go all wierd on me and started playing some of my songs but not playing others. When i try to play one that will not play i get the apple logo on the top of the screen where the amount of time your into the song is normally shown and no matter how many times i press play nothing happens.
Also the songs that won't play all are coming from the same folder and when i delete them and try to add them to the library nothing happens and they aren't added. When i try to play the songs from that folder using a program other than itunes the songs play fine.
I just bought a new mac book air and i have a lot of music that Itunes cannot find the album art for. On my windows PC i was able to just copy and paste the art into the "get info" tab and the art will show in itunes when the song plays. When i find the art on my Mac i can copy and paste, however the art does not save to itunes.
Also, whenever i changed the artist or album artist information, the change does not save either.
I bought a song and was billed for it on iTunes. When I tried to play it, a pop-up said, "This computer is not authorized to play....Would you like to authorize it?" I signed in, clicked the authorize button, and it says, "This computer is already authorized" and the window closed. I still can't play the song. I read online to check with the computer administrator and the file --> song info. It is registered with my email address. All other songs I have bought play with no problems. I heard also I could reinstall iTunes, so I went online and installed iTunes 10.6. It is installed but nothing is changed.
I bought some video and audio from itunes and would like to put them to my portable player,but I am failure, whether they have protection or format require?---- how can I convert or transfer those files?
Sometimes one song in the middle of a cd is missing, and sometimes a single just disappears. The weird thing is that the name and albumcover is still there, but the music file is not. The original file in the music library is gone, and a lot of it is music i bought in itunes.
Also, i keep getting less and less space on my harddrive. It's like it's automatically filling up, allthough I'm not filling it with anything.
I have noticed that iTunes has deleted a random selection of music from my library. There is a useful little exclamation mark next to the track it has removed the data of. I have used spotlight to search to try to find the missing file, but without fail it opens my college notes from ten years ago. That's interesting. I suppose it is gone for good and I have to buy it again, preferably from the i-apple-store??
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), 3.06GHz Intel Core Duo; 8GB 1067 MH
I am on a 2008 Mac Pro. My computer was on and after being in another room for about 5 minutes, I start hearing my music playing on the Mac. My iTunes wasn't even on, how is this possible??? No one here but me, so it's not like the keyboard was pressed or anything the music just started playing. It was a random song too, in the middle of one of my albums. First: has anyone ever heard of such a weird thing? Second: is this of concern security wise? Is someone hacked into my machine?
I don't know why, but iTunes entirely too often on my computer. I use a 15" MBP running 10.6.4 (The latest version of SL). I'm using iTunes 10, but I was having this issue prior to the update. It crashes seemingly randomly sometimes when I finish an album, sometimes between songs, and sometimes just mid-song. Restarting seemed to help once, but it eventually started crashing again, and all subsequent reboots have had no effect. I have about 21 GB of music, mostly pirated (though let's not get into that debate); I listen to music by the album. My library is completely music (no TV shows, podcasts, etc.). Am I the only one sending them 20 enraged error messages a day?
Bought music on itunes and now the songs will not play all the way through. What do I do ?I've tried playing the song on the computer and it does the same thing.
iTunes 10 is playing my .mp4 music, of whcih I rip from FLAC to .mp4 using Media Monkey, and now play in a window, blacking out my screen as if it were a movie. This didn't occur in any iTunes version before this (the songs played fine in iTunes as if it were an mp3 or aac files) and has been my setup for YEARS.
I imported several cd's and tracks into iTunes last night and there were no problems while importing. I was able to listen to my music in the iTunes library up until this evening. When I click on a song, a box pops up saying "Connection Failed: The server may not exist or it is not operational at this time. Check the server name of IP addres and your network connections and try again." So I press "OK" and another box pops up saying "The song "(name)-(artist)" could not be used because the original file could not be found.
Would you like to locate it?" I click on "Yes" and see all my songs listed under iTunes/music but all of the songs I have listed in the library are gray and I cannot click on them. I have checked that I am connected to my home network/internet because I am able to share/listen to my iTunes library located on my Windows desktop as well as browse the internet. The only other thing I could think of doing was downloading the new iTunes 8 which I did, and nothing has changed.
It doesn't matter what I do- It's not the iTunes dashboard widget because I removed it, I turned off the iTunes helper app so it doesn't start up with the computer, and it keeps opening up and playing music for no reason.
My iTunes keeps opening by itself and starts playing music. I cannot figure this out. I turned off the "Sync Via Wireless" on all my gadgets, but this continues to happen. This has woken me up in the middle of the night until I got so tired of it I just shut my Mac down.
Info: iMac 2.93 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.6.2), 4 gig Ram
Some problems with iTunes, that appeared currently. When playing music suddenly the rendering stops for several seconds and then it continues without any action from my side. Maybe the problem only shows up when my MacBook comes to the standby mode, but nevertheless, I never had this problem before and it really restricts the possibilities of enjoying music played by iTunes.