I'm working on an automator actions in Snow Leopard to convert a bunch of small groups of images that i have to single PDF files with multiple pages. What is want it to do exactly is take an input of several files, turn them into pages of a PDF, then give that PDF the name of the first file and then save it in the same folder as the first file, or something to that effect. Essentially I need the output to go to the same location as the source and to have the same name as any one of the files. It seems really simple, but I've googled and dug around Automator to no avail; I've managed to get every step except saving the output file where I want it.
The other ideal thing would be for it to run through a folder and go into all of its subfolders and combine each group of images into a different PDF file. In other worlds, if folders B and C are inside folder A, I can select folder A and it will go into folder B and make a PDF out of all of the images inside folder B and then go into folder C and create a PDF out of all of the images in folder C, etc.
I've come across a strange behaviour of Finder when copying a folder over another with the same name. I'm using 10.4.11.
Say I have a folder named "Test" and it contains "File1" and "File2" and I copy it over another folder named "Test", which contains "File3" and "File4". After copying I would expect folder "Test" to contain all four files, but it doesn't! It will only contain the two that I copied over, the original two will be deleted.
Is there any way to have finder replace files of the same name when copying and retain all other files in the destination folder?
I understand when I make an automator 'application', it appears and can be drug to the applications folder. But when I make a folder action, or a service or whatever, where does the action go (so I can edit it again, later) or delete it?
I have set up and sucessfully tested a workflow which sends any file found in a particular folder to the "paperless" app, then moves all files to a different folder called "Archived attachments".HOWEVER as a folder action, nothing happens when a file is put into the folder. The file just sits there in the folder. To create a folder action I opened "new folder action" in Automator, then dragged and dropped the working workflow file into the workspace, then set "Folder Action recieves files and folders added to" the appropriate folder, let's call it "Attachments".Just to complicate things, the files are placed into the "Attachments" folder using an applescript that captures all pdf mail attachments. This applescript works succesfully. [code]
I have automator running a weekly task of making a copy of a 10gb folder (database) and into copying 2 (120 seconds) minutes of the 10 minutes it is going to take automator comes back with an error "Finder got an error" Connection is invalid. I know its the size of the folder as i ran it on a different folder and ran successfully. How can i extent the "timeout" period of when it is copying a folder? it needs at least 10 minutes to copy 10gb.
I managed to fumble my way through my first Automator actions today and after some trial and error, came up with a folder action that does exactly what I want, very simply to move music from my downloads folder to a different location. I also created an Automator application to do the same thing as I wasn't aware my folder action will now do this automatically (so cool). Here's my question: I have a few folder actions that were created during my trial and error process. Where are these and how do I delete/remove them? I did a Spotlight search and nothing came up.
I've been fooling around with Automator for a few hours trying to look for little ways it can handle my repetitive stuff. I've figured out some pretty neat tricks, but I also have a slew of unwanted folder actions and services in my context menus and for the life of my I can't figure out how to get rid of them. The folder actions are especially problematic since they mess with my files automatically. Googling it isn't turning up anything nor can I seem to find anything in Apple's help documents. Is this some kind of huge joke being played on me here or something? Has no one ever wanted to disable their automator tasks before or something?
Is it possible to write a workflow that can select files that are contained inside a folder package?
I am trying to automate a file copy of VMWare fusion 3 files to a windows machine on the network but I cannot seem to get any of the finder actions to give me an option to get inside the package.
I created a folder action in Automator and can't find it to edit it or delete it. I've looked everywhere I could think of and ran a spotlight search but I can't find the .workflow document. All I want to do is delete the workflow.Â
What I try to do is pick a photo from a defined folder ("gallery"), scale it and upload it to my Wordpress side. I automatically want to run this workflow every morning at a specific time so that the pictures changes everyday. It may sound strange that almost everything is done but two things are missing:Â
a) How do I tell Automator to use a random file from the "gallery" folder? How do I tell it to use the "gallery" folder in the first place?
b) How do I schedule that task? Is there a scheduler function somewhere that I missed?Â
Right now I use it manually as a service for images - that's why the first action is the copy action.Once the picture is scaled down to 230px and loaded into the folder "image_upload_temp" Hazel will take the file and upload it. I need to copy the file first to keep the original and scale a copy and then move it to the target folder because Hazel shall not upload the unscaled but only the scaled version.Â
I am new to Automator, and even though I have been tinkering around with it for about an hour, I can't seem to create an action.
What I want to do is have Automator automatically take the contents of a specific folder on my hard drive, print the contents of the folder (usually PDFs), then delete the files. I use dropbox, so when I place a pdf into this folder from my laptop on the go, it would be nice to come home to it printed, and no longer in the folder taking up space.
I am trying to set up a folder action to do the following... When a file is added to the "images" folder a new dated subfolder would automatically be created, and the file would be moved to this new dated subfolder.Â
Here's what I have so far (which I'm sure is way off base)Â
1) Folder action receives files and folders added to "Images"
2) Filter finder items - Find files where ALL of the following is true: Kind is ANY
3) New Folder - Name is "_" Where: "Images"
4) Add Date or Time to Finder Item Names: Add Date to folder name
5) Move Finder Items: This is the step that I'm stuck on. I don't know how indicate the newly created folder in step 3Â
Another question I have is how to make automator check to see if there's already a subfolder with the current date and put the file in that subfolder instead of creating a new subfolder with a duplicate name.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
When I download an attachment from an email, for e.g. an excel file, it goes to my downloads folder. All is good. Now, I also noticed it goes to a folder username/library/mail downloads/ excel file. I was not aware of this. Is this by default? Is there a way to not have files download to this folder? I only say this because I download a lot of large files that I send to home from home. They are already in my downloads folder when I save them. I don't want them also in the mail downloads folder creating double space.
In my home folder I have copied a folder from my external hard drive, this folder I can navigate to no problem so in that folder I have created another folder called 2010 in that folder is another called Germany 2010, I would like to save a Excel Doc in there, but when I press save as on the Document it does not give me the option to save to this folder and I cannot navigate to it, So how can I save as in a folder of my choice.
When saving files to my folder on the desktop from the Mac Email, it does not replace same name files. Instead it makes a new file by adding (-1, -2, etc.) at the end of the file. Is there a setting somewhere that makes it so that this does not happen?
When I save a file out of Mail to a local folder, it's not showing anymore! I make a new folder, save files to it out of Mail, and when I view the folder contents in the finder, it's not showing any files!
It's the same whether I save the mail as Rich text or Plain text. If I save as raw email, it saves it, but when I do a search, it only finds the file in Mail and not in that folder?
So i want to change my folder icons back to their original state, I found a set online with the default leopard icons in PNG format and I tried copying and pasting in the get info screen like you normally would but all i get is that white little preview sheet as the image (see attached screenshot)
I then found out all the original icons are saves in the resources folder so i tried those both in ICNS format and converted one to PNG but still no dice.
My Applications were in an Applications Folder on my HD folder so I decided to move them to what I think is the correct place to have them the Applications Folder that is in my Home Folder.I tried to move it but it wouldnt move directly so I copied it to the Desktop and from the Desktop moved it into the Home Folder Applications Folder. So far so good.I then wanted to delet the original Applications from the HD folder.I can't delete it so now I have duplicate Application Folders and duplicate Applications.how I might delete the origial folder? I'm running Lion 10.7.3.
I'm attempting to burn an .avi file to DVD using iDVD. I've tried every tip on the web including, reducing the encoding quality & reducing the burn speed and de-install and re-install iDVD, but still manage to get the same message 'Encoding Video - There was an error during movie encoding' after having waited an hour for it to encode.I'm using iDVD '08 Vir.7.0.1 on a MacBook (10.5.8) with over 20GB of free space and 1GB of memory.The .avi file is 500mb in size.I've tried saving as a Video_TS folder rather than directly to a DVD, but still get the same error.
Why doesn't the original document I'm dragging and dropping from one folder to another move? What's happening is the computer is creating a duplicte of the document and placing it in the new location with a new creation date. The original document I wanted to drag and drop into a new location remains where it started as the "original" document and the new copy has this little arrow protruding up from the lower left of its icon. At first I thought it was an alias, but it's a copy of the document I thought I was dragging and dropping.Â
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 20" Apple Cinema Screen, Safari 5.Mail, Address Book 5.
I have a download folder on my dock and also on my desktop. When I click it open there is nothing there. However, when I go over to the left hand sidebar of Finder and I click on the Downloads (down arrow) label it brings up all my downloads. I used to have a spring loaded icon on my dock ... now its just empty unless I press the Downloads (down arrow) label in Finder. How can I restore the original download folder that was spring loaded on my dock?
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I have a WD external hard drive that I got for the holiday's last year.Here lately I've been using it as my iTunes library. A great way to free up some space on my Powerbook g4. Question is, why does iTunes keep changing my library folder after I'd already changed it when I initially set up the hard drive as my iTunes library destination?
Another question is how do I make sure that all my music files automatically go to the folder on the external hard drive when I download music. For example I may snag a free song from a website and will double click it after downloading and it plays in itunes. I want that file to be saved on my external hard drive as well (yes it's plugged up and plugged in).
I only have an 8g ipod so I have to constantly check and uncheck songs that I want to hear, so I want to be sure they are all in the same locale. And one way I know that certain files are on my internal and not external is when i unplug my external those files still play when they shouldn't unless it's plugged up.
i tried to see if anyone was able to create something like this and i think that the automator script that i got only created a folder with /todays/ date. what i am hoping for is a script that will /constantly/ update the name of the folder to todays date. the reason i need this is that if i have one of these in my documents folder it allows me to easily see /when/ the last successful backup occurred on my external drives. it is a really nice comfort to see this easily and know quickly that the backup was successful.Â
I've looked at some other posts that have gone over how to move files to an external drive, and they all say to use command while moving. I understand this copies the file and deletes the original, but when you make a copy and delete the original, you lose some of the original data, such as creation date, etc... This makes storage and organization more complicated than it has to be.
I'm having a bit of a problem with automator. I dont actually need to use it, but i've just installed a new application and when i try to run it, it takes me to the automator instead of just running the program. any ideas how to stop this from happening?