OS X :: How To Input Approximate File Path Information Into Search Query?

Sep 26, 2009

The original message was too long, so here is a shorter version. Suppose I have the following file structure: Joeirthdayphotos. I want to type, "photo, joe" to get me to the "photo" folder. Is there a simple way to do something like that?


Spotlight seems to only allow users to find files but without relation to where the file might be located. This works fine if the filename is "New_York_Birth_Rate_2008.pdf". How about if it's stored as "Birth_RatesNew_York2008.pdf"? Searching for "2008.pdf" would bring up a whole host of files and one could select the one in the right folder. But what if you have a large number of files called "2008.pdf", stored under various folders (birth rate, mortality, morbidity, rain fall, humidity, crime rate, etc etc etc" and you want to narrow the search? Sure, one could use the advanced search, but this defeats the purpose of a file launcher like Spotlight.

Ideally, I want to input something like, "new york, birth, 2008" in any order and it would search for all folders and files with similar names, sorted by placing ones with more matched terms in terms of the file path. Is there an input method to do this? Surely this is a common scenario?

Here's another example, "Sales Person ABronx2009SeptInsurance Plan A.pdf". Now imagine I have 200 sales persons, and 50 areas. I want to type "richard, longevity plus.doc, bronx" to narrow the list. Sure, I can use advanced search, but as I said, this defeats the purpose of spotlight.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Find The Path To A File In A Spotlight Search Result?

May 24, 2012

how to find the path to a file in a Spotlight search result. In Snow Leopard I would get the path to a file or folder by just holding the mouse over the search result in Spotlight. I don't see that in Lion.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Spotlight No Longer Shows The Path Of A Search?

May 2, 2012

In Lion, the spotlight no longer shows the path of a search. Can I restore that?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Edit A "Saved Search Query"?

Feb 9, 2012

How do you edit a "Saved Search Query"?  It seems impossible.

MacBook Pro, 15, Mac OS X (10.7)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Lost All Input Calendar Information

Jun 11, 2012

I lost all of my input calendar information. I hope my inputs such as birthdays, events, etc., have been stored somewhere on my computer.

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OS X :: Using Mac's File Path?

Jul 18, 2009

we have some excel worksheets in the office an use neo-office to use VBA with the Macros, an the Macros point to save files to a storage device on the network, using a path like //001-stoarge/folder/

to save them manually would take a lot of time.

is there a way for Mac , or neo office to see the path like windows does? or UNC way

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OS X :: Is It Possible To Print A File Path?

Nov 23, 2010

I have a detailed hierarchy of folders and files that I need to print a table of contents for. Is it possible to do this through OS X (either by directly printing, or exporting to another file, etc.)? I'd hate to type out the whole thing if there's an easier way.

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OS X :: File Path In Finder?

Jun 16, 2008

Is there any quick way to get a file or folder's path in a copy/pastable form from the Finder (you know, like the location bar in most other file browsers)?

I know you can right-click on the little icon at the top of the window and it'll display the parent directories in a clickable form, but that's not very useful when I need to have the actual path (when coding, for example). Dragging the little icon won't work, either, as TextMate does weird things with that.

Basically, is there some Cmd+??? combination that'll copy the path to the clipboard?

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ITunes :: Organizing By File Path?

Jul 22, 2010

I've always hated how itunes doesn't let you order by file path. It's really an overt ommission intended to get people to abandon their folder structures and have itunes take control. Anyways I've held off since I've built up a good system which works for me and I hoped that maybe one day it would get patched into it. Well it didn't look like they'd ever put it in so I started looking around for alternatives and I found one which works.

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OS X :: How Do You Find The File Path To Mount An ISO?

Jun 21, 2009

i've no idea what i'm talking about really haha, but here's the deal! i have a download that requires steps that i've no idea what the heck they are talking about, and i think it's mostly PC instructions too so i'm totally lost, all i know is what i downloaded isn't complete. so they tell me to do this

1. Burn or mount the Application ISO using one of the many ISO utilities. ( I personally use PowerISO to mount, but daemon tools should work fine too.)

personally i don't have the slightest clue as to what an ISO is in the first place but whatever. so i look up ways to do whatever it is they are asking for macs and i get this from [URL]

If you're wondering how to mount an ISO image in Mac OS X, it is very easy. In the Terminal type the following command: hdiutil mount sample.iso with sample.iso being the path to the image you want to mount. After the checksum is completet, your ISO will appear mounted on your Mac OS X desktop - that's it. You you can actually mount virtually any other disk image type with hdiutil as well, so give .dmg .img a try too.

still no clue what anyone is talking about but ok! i find terminal which i didn't even know existed. i type in what i think is that path cause i've no idea how to find it and i get this

macs-macbook:~ mac$ hdiutil mount /User/mac/Desktop/japanese1/data/00.rsd hdiutil: mount failed - No such file or directory.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To See Path Of Current File In TextEdit (or Any App)

Feb 22, 2012

Pre-Lion the way to see the path of the file you are currently looking at (in any app, but for simplicity let's say TextEdit), was to select Save As... and it would default to the directory the file is open in. At least that's the way I did it... 

So now in Lion (which I generally like) how do you see what directory your current file is located in?? 

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: What Is The Correct File Path For Library

Sep 5, 2014

My MBP crashed, and I had to restore by dragging and dropping from an external hard drive.  I fear I may have put the "library" for my user account in the incorrect place.  I am trying to create and modify MS Excel Templates and am learning to do so watching Lynda.com videos and the file path they illustrate has the library listed after selecting a user...on my MBP I have library and users in the same category so when I go to my "user name" there is no library in the next category.  I hypothesize that is why Excel is not automatically creating a "my templates" file for the custom templates I am creating. 

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Safari Version 8.0

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ITunes For Mac :: Forget File Path When Closed

Aug 19, 2014

If I change a folder name, while iTunes is working it's okay, it keeps playing the file just fine, but when I close iTunes and re-open it, it forgets the file path and make me find the path manually, then appears to be all right, but why it forgets the path when I close it? 

I mean, even if I change the folder name (path) of the song that is actually playing, nothing happens and keep playing all the songs just fine, but if I close forgets all changes...

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Applications :: How To Append File Names With Folder Path?

Mar 18, 2009

I'm looking for a way to rename a batch of 30,000 photos. I have renamer but I don't think it does what I need it to do. I want to append the file name with the folder path. The photos are organized in folders which give info I want to make part of the filename itself (country, city etc.)

I am sure there is a way but...don't know how. Freeware or native apple way preferred over having to buy a new program.

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Applications :: Mamp To Wamp Path To File Index.php?

Jul 3, 2010

Just trying to load my wamp sites on mamp.

Copied my folders into htdocs and it says to change to the wamp path file for index.php. I looked it up copied what I thought was the code needed and now all is broken.

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ITunes For Mac :: Changing File Path To External Drive (XML / ITL)

Dec 8, 2014

On Mavericks, Current itunes. My iTunes library files, the folder, iTunes Library.itl , iTunes Music Library.xml and so on, are stored in the Music folder of my system on the main hard drive. 

All of the actual MP3s etc are on a separate drive, "Beagle Music". (I have iTunes set to not import and to leave my files the way I have them organized)

I've moved those to a new External, "Beagle Media".  

I would like to point iTunes to the new drive, and would GREATLY PREFER not to have to rebuild the library files from scratch. 

I TRIED editing the file path in iTunes Music Library.xml, thinking that would fix the .ITL file, but that is actually the reverse of how it works, so the XML reverted when I restarted iTunes.

iMac (27-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)

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ITunes For Mac :: Changing More Than One File Information At Once

Dec 1, 2014

iTunes won't change more than one file's information at once (e.g. changing the componist at 10 Songs), even if i mark them together and iTunes tells me if i want to change them at all. It doesn't change a thing at all. If i change them one after all it works. I have about 25.000 Songs which i want to edit.

MacBook Air, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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ITunes :: Import / Export File Information?

Mar 14, 2012

Is there anyway to export the iTunes music files information? For example, export file name, genre, etc. into an excel format.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7), 2.2 Ghz Intel Core i7

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Finder Keeps Asking To Input Password Whenever Delete File To Trash

Jun 23, 2012

Suddenly Finder keeps asking me to input my password whenever I delete a file to the trash. Emptying the trash is fine, though.I thought maybe I had clicked an option in Onyx that caused this, but having looked several times, I can't see anything in Onyx that would cause this. I've tried repairing disk permissions using Disk Utility, with no effect.

Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 8 GB RAM

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Restore Backed Up Information From Desktop File

Dec 5, 2014

I had my computer worked on and the tech had to back up all my information and he stored it in a file and put it on my desktop. I now would like to reinstall all the pics, and other information. How do I do that?

mac, Other OS

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MacBook Pro :: How To Unlock Locked Pages File For Adding Information

Jun 28, 2012

I unintentionally locked a file in Pages so now when I try to add additional information to that file and try to save it I get the message that I can't alter that file by adding additional information. How do I unlock a Pages file that has been locked?

MacBook Pro, 10.5.8

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OS X :: Why Can't Spotlight Search For Particular File

Jun 24, 2010

I am pretty new with Mac and I am trying out my new macbook pro. I'm trying to get to know it. And a while ago I was trying the Spotlight feature. I have a file under User/Library/Preferences/ that is called [URL] I just thought I'd try to search for it on Spotlight if it can find it. I typed myname123 on spotlight but no results were found. Why? Are there any specific strings that should be entered if the search string is between a filename?

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OS X :: Itunes And Terminal Gurus - Search File Format?

Aug 18, 2009

Through some scripting mishap, I accidentally ended up with two copies of everything in my iTunes library. One was in lossless format, the other in AAC. I just went through and deleted all the AACs by hand. I'm worried that I might have accidentally deleted a lossless copy though, in stead of the AAC copy. Is there a way I can search through the trash (via terminal presumably) to make sure there are no lossless files in there? It'd be so easy if they didn't have the same extension.

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Software :: Spotlight Search Ignore Some File Types

Aug 25, 2008

I have folders of Adobe ActionScript (.as) files, but I've noticed that spotlight/search ignore the contents of these files, even though they are text-based. How do I configure spotlight/search to examine the text within these files?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Spotlight To Search File-names Only Not Content?

Mar 23, 2012

Every time I do a spotlight search, intending only to get filenames (that's what it says in greyed out lettering in the search field), the Spotlight results show content as well with the result I have sometimes 1000s of items listed when I just want results containing filenames only. The search results are useless?How do I get Spotlight to search for filenames only? This is how Search used to be in Classic and for a while in OSX. 

MacMini 2.26GHz, Mac OS X (10.7)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Eliminate Certain File-types In A Spotlight Search?

May 14, 2012

How do I eliminate certain filetypes from results in a Spotlight search?

MacBook Pro (17-inch 2.4 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Understanding File Search On New Mac Versus Windows?

Jun 8, 2012

I have a lot of computer experience, mostly with Windows.  This is my first Mac (MacBook Pro Lion). I'm having trouble understanding how to search for files with the Mac OS.For instance, let's say there's a file named "shakeyt" inside an application folder and I want to search for it (even though I know this file does exist there).  If I select the root of my hard drive and type "shakeyt" in the search box in Windows Explorer, it searches the entire drive and shows me all the results for that search, including the file "shakeyt" that I knew was there and it's path. 

This does not seem to work for me in Lion.  When I select Macintosh HD or "this mac" or click on the Applications folder (where I know it exists) and type "shakeyt" in the search box (or in the spotlight search box) the only results that I get are a couple of emails that contain the word "shakeyt". I have looked through all the finder and system preferences to see if I have something set wrong but cannot find anything. Isn't there somewhere in this OS that you can simply type a word and it will show you all instances of this word (file names, text references, etc)? 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Final Cut Pro X :: File Name Disappears From Link Search Window

Jun 23, 2014

Rebooting this question to keep it simpler.  Using the above, when I try to relink to files that are definitely the same type and size (WAVs or AIFFs only), the process SEEMS to work; the progress bar to confirm matching file goes through, file name disappears from the link search window and at the bottom it says (when searching for 1 file)  Matched: 1 out of 1. 

But nothing changes, still just red empty clips in Event Browser and Timeline.  I've tried deleting original file references / aliases from the Original Media folder, tried linking to the new file from various older folders, tried changing the names of files, just nothing.  I've trashed preferences with Preference Manager.  Is this some bug they left behind in Mountain Lion because they think we should all be in Mavericks by now?  I'm afraid to upgrade to 10.1.1 anyway with some older projects I still need to use - and I have other reasons to wait as well. 

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Safari :: JavaScript: Input Type="file" Does Not Fire Change Event

Feb 7, 2012

I have a very simple form with input type="file" and a listener of onchange event for this field. 

1. User selected file A and press "upload" button. I send the file to the server via AJAX. 

2. Now I need to clear the file field. I tried different ways to do this:

- set value of input to null or ""

- call "reset" method of the form

- reset innerHtml/outerHtml

- use input type=reset to reset the form 

3. Whatever I do the value of the input seem to be clear, but! If I select the same file A in this input "onchange" event will not be fired. This is not convenient because in our case sometimes user will need to do re-upload of the file with the same name. In other browsers (like Chrome, Firefox) it is enough to set value of input to null to get onchange event fired when we select the same or another file.In Safari nothing works and it looks like a browser issue.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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IMac :: 13" GPU Query - Apples Logic?

Nov 20, 2010

I have been thinking about stepping up from my MBP 13" to a top spec imac but looking at the specs see that the GPU fitted is what I would class as incredibly out of date and can bought for about �75 new. This is really putting me off thinking about buying one and considering the imac was only "updated" not long ago does anyone know Apples logic for fitting such an old GPU? The 5750 is about 6 generations behind the latest. I realise GPU's get released constantly but not that quickly so that this new imac is this far behind. I wanted to use a mac for heavy photo and video and the odd gaming and although the 5750 is sufficient it just bugs me that I know it's a "budget" card.

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