OS X :: How To Save Screenshots To Desktop
May 12, 2009For the first time, my screen shots [command + control + shift + 3] are not saving to my desktop. I don't recall changing this setting (or how to). Where are they going?
View 24 RepliesFor the first time, my screen shots [command + control + shift + 3] are not saving to my desktop. I don't recall changing this setting (or how to). Where are they going?
View 24 RepliesI want to take a screenshot, (using the standard shortcuts, command shift 3) which saves it to desktop. Don't ask why, but I want to save it to a folder, elsewhere on the hard drive and I have a lot of shots to take and don't want to keep selecting/moving, etc. Any way to change the default save location? By the way, running Tiger, 10.4.11 on a MacBook.
View 3 Replies View RelatedFor the first time, my screen shots [command + control + shift + 3] and [command + control + shift + 4] are not saving to my desktop. I don't recall changing this setting (or how to). Where are they going? I haven't installed any software that should conflict with this macro (haven't installed anything at all except Sim City 4 since last using the screenshot feature. The desktop folder is empty and a search for "Picture 1" finds nothing.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor some reason my screenshots are no longer showing up on my desktop, or anywhere on my computer that I can find. When I press Command + Shift + 3 or 4 I can hear the snap sound but it doesn't appear on my desktop. I've tried Spotlight search for "Picture" but found nothing. It was working fine a few days ago, I don't know what happened.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to take a screenshot (Command + Shift + 3/4) I get the camera sound, but a file is never created on my desktop. I have searched my drive and can't see that these images are going anywhere.
View 10 Replies View RelatedMy screen shots are no longer appearing on my desktop as preferred but instead are going to ' all files' in Finder.
I must have changed a setting but can't figure out what I did to cause it.
iMac, iOS 6.1.4
I want to keep my school files on desktop two so they are all in the same place, and use desktop one as a place to perhaps save photos or other files not school related. When I swipe between desktops, the school files move between the desktops as I swipe but I want to keep them on one desktop all the time.
Mac Pro, iOS 5.0.1
i noticed that while in my harddrive and whichever programs when i go to save a program desktop is not an option. what happened to it? how do i get it back?
View 1 Replies View RelatedScreen shots save automatically under itunes. Like wise, not able to save files on desktop. It goes to itunes in teh movie folder. Whats happening
Macbook pro - 13 inch, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
just curious when you "save image as desktop wallpaper" where does that actual file save to?
View 11 Replies View RelatedJust got my new 27" iMac with a huge screen. I positioned about five different apps on the screen all tiled neatly like a puzzle.I would like to permanently save this layout of apps. I realize Mission Control provides several desktop views. Problem is if I open other apps to perform temporary tasks, I can't seem to find a way to click one button and have everything go back to my neatly organized set of tiled apps on the desktop.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi can't save images to my desk top
Don't understand the download system on my macbook pro. When i used to download items on my G4,it went to the desktop. Now, I have ot use spotlite to select download folder and then look for the download.
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
I can't save files to my desktop. I have no problem saving the same file anywhere else. WHen I try through excel, for example, it tells me the file is read only. When I try to save it as a different file name, a pop up tells me I do not have permission to save to the desktop. The same issue occurs when I attempt to take a screen shot (default save to desktop)
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been trying for hours and cannot fix it. I recently installed Office 2008 and since then I cannot save documents on my desktop. Also I cannot download software because it keep saying that the memory is full or "I don't have permission" to do so. I tried to reset the permissions in utilities, but that didn't work.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a mac lab that is managed by workgroup manager on a mac server. Do you know of a way to disable the right click and save image as desktop picture. I have students that keep changing the desktop background. I haven't found a way to disable it. I have it setup so they can't get to any of the preferences.
View 5 Replies View Relatedwhenever i restart or reopen my macbook after shutting it down, the previously opened background shows up...nt the changed one..anyone with any sol...????
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I've been having this problem for a couple of days now, it was working fine but all of a sudden I can't save a picture onto my desktop or any folder in finder directly from safari by dragging and dropping, I can do it in aperture and iphoto but not onto my desktop or finder, is there anyway I to correct this?!
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I recently used Migration Assistant to move my desktop computer's files to my MacBook Pro. All is well, besides the fact that I now have three users on my MacBook Pro ; my original account, my transferred account, and a test account (but that's not the issue). I cannot save files to my desktop anymore, in the account that was migrated over from my desktop to my Macbook. I get an error that says the following: /Users/Desktop/(filename) could not be saved, because you do cannot change the contents of that folder. Change folder properties and try again, or try saving in a different location.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy dest top is not showing after boot up however, some message pop up and screen saver works. Last massage i had was hard drive is almost full?
Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I've noticed over the last few days that whatever i save, (word doc, iphoto, e-mail, iweb, final draft scripts) or create a new folder... it doesn't show on the desktop unitl i either restart the machine or log out and then log back in... and then all the files that haven't been appeared at the time show up.Any ideas on how to stop this without giving my machine a clean instal?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm around 2-3 days away from my MacBook Pro arriving, and I was just wondering what is the best way to take screenshots on a Mac? I need something that can be made to take a screenshot of a particular window (automatically scale to the size of the window).
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've noticed that using Apple's Grab, or any other screen capture application I've tried, I always end up with slightly blurred text.
It doesn't matter if the capture is saved as TIFF or PNG or other lossless format, or as 100% JPG. Here's an example from Grab. The text doesn't look the same as it does on the screen originally - I've put an example there using Photoshop to show how the text actually looks to me on screen. You can see that the text in the screenshot is blurred.
Is there any way to get around this? Any screen capture software that can get me sharp text?
I'm currently running Mac OS X 10.6.2 on my mid-2007 white macbook. I recently reinstalled Snow Leopard, so I'm not positive if screen shots have been working before on this current installation. My problem is that whenever I attempt to take a screen shot, using cmd-shift-cntrl-[3 or 4], the snapshot noise is made, but no image file appears anywhere on my desktop. I have tried searching the computer for files containing "screen shot" in the name, and none come up, so apparently the file is not being saved anywhere on the computer. Neither restarting Finder, nor restarting the computer solved the problem, so I'm stuck.
View 4 Replies View RelatedEvery time I take a screenshot (regardless of method: via preview, screenshot, selection or screen mode shortcuts), it always comes out all black! Luckily I have Snapz Pro X for video capture so I can show you what I mean, but it's much more of a pain to use on a regular basis. This has been going on for about a week and a half now.
OS Version: 10.6.4
15-in 2.8 GHz/4GB MacBook Pro
I have a MBP with Snow Leopard and I cant figure out how to take screenshots in a game (Starcraft 2). I've tried both command+shift+3 and 4 but they don't seem to work, normally it saves a picture on my desktop but when I do this in a game nothing happens.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to figure this one out for quite some time now. I'm using the command+control+shift+4 option to take a quick screen shot like I always have, but they haven't been posting to my desktop. I've searched all of my files for .png as the should be saving, but they aren't showing up. A tool I used that was recommended to me was to download OnyX and I could control where the files were not only being sent to, but also what type of file they were (.png, .jpeg, etc...)Regardless of where I would choose for them to go they are still showing up.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I've but a bit of thought (and research) into this with no avail.
Basically, I'm trying to detect when a screenshot is taken.
The people over at CloudApp say they do it by monitoring the users screenshot path (com.apple.screenshotpath or whatever) and looking for new files that start with "Screen shot". However, this isn't reliable.
The people over at grab.by wouldn't reveal their secret method, but, a search of their help database reveals "Additionally TinyGrab for Mac will not auto-upload images if 'Spotlight' indexing in OS X is disabled."
P.S. I'm a total noob at this. Try to take some time dumbing things down
I'm not so sure about whether the screen shots my Mac (Mac OS X 10.5.8) really is color safe or not. Because if I compare the colors in my screen shots with the actual screen, the colors variate. Is there a way to extract a screen shot with the exact colors?
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy company wants to take weekly snapshots of our website homepages (22+ websites). Is there a mac app to schedule a task, specify the URL etc? I thought I had seen an app that would do this but cant recall the name/url. Doing a shift-command-3 isn't a viable solution.
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