MacBook :: How To Save Image As Desktop...
Dec 30, 2008just curious when you "save image as desktop wallpaper" where does that actual file save to?
View 11 Repliesjust curious when you "save image as desktop wallpaper" where does that actual file save to?
View 11 RepliesI want to keep my school files on desktop two so they are all in the same place, and use desktop one as a place to perhaps save photos or other files not school related. When I swipe between desktops, the school files move between the desktops as I swipe but I want to keep them on one desktop all the time.
Mac Pro, iOS 5.0.1
I have my PowerBook G4 connected to a Hitachi video projector, using a DVI to VGA adapter.
The problem is that the only projected image I can see is that of my Desktop image. It doesn't display the Dock, menus or any windows.
What settings do I need to change?
I recently right clicked a picture to set it as my desktop picture but didn't have the foresight to save the picture in case I wanted to change it later. I still have the picture up but I cannot find where the picture is stored so I can save it for later. I checked HD/Library/desktop pictures but no luck. Does anyone know where these pictures are saved?
View 4 Replies View RelatedBeen trying to create a CD image mounted on my Desktop, as to load the program it needs to know that the CD is in the optical drive of the MacBook Air. But the program doesn't actually use the CD, its just verifying that I own a copy. Is there anyway I could start the program without actually having the CD in my drive? Anyway of making the Computer think that the CD is actually present, such as mounting the CD image on the Desktop?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just purchased my 13inch MBP base model
I turned it on and I don't see any Disk image on my desktop...
I relaunched the Finder, but still the desktop is empty.
Is there something wrong with my MBP?
Screen shots save automatically under itunes. Like wise, not able to save files on desktop. It goes to itunes in teh movie folder. Whats happening
Macbook pro - 13 inch, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
Haven't had any success searching for an answer.
I have an aluminum macbook (April 2009) and when I use a picture as a desk top image, even HD resolution pics it never quite fits well as wallpaper. I have tried all options (stretch, full screen, etc).
When I had windows pics would always fit nicely. With my mac its either too stretched and just doesn't fit well
Anyone else have this issue? Am I missing something?
If I change my desktop image, it often changes back to its previous setting next time I boot up. And- it doesn't remain constant between graphics cards either. (15" late '08 UMBP)
It changes when I connect external monitors, and it changes when I bring it home from work and boot up.
I just can't wrap my head around it. I have to change it every time I boot up, actually.
In System Prefs, selected Desktop & Screensaver. Selected image from pane at right. Used to be the desktop image would change as soon as I clicked on it. Now, nothing happens. Same results when I select an Apple image vs my own jpeg.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I upgraded from 10.5 to 10.6 but liked the rounded stone desktop image that came with the 10.5. Can I download that original image somewhere?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X(10.6.2)
I'd like to save individual disc images of the OSX and Win 7 installs on two partitions on my drive so that I can restore the operating systems if I need to. How can I do this since both have different file systems? Do I use Carbon Cloner? How do I restore the Windows partition if I do this?
I installed Windows 7 32-bit Home edition on a 200gb partition using Bootcamp. I am installing and tweaking the Windows installation and would like to take a snapshot of the system after I have installed all programs and settings.
How do I save an image at a higher DPI?
View 2 Replies View RelatedDon't understand the download system on my macbook pro. When i used to download items on my G4,it went to the desktop. Now, I have ot use spotlite to select download folder and then look for the download.
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
I feel stupid for asking this but why do some applications leave a disk image on the desktop after it is installed? you can eject it and it goes away but then reappears every time you launch the program again. I noticed this happens mainly with applications you get off the web such as Google Earth. It is very annoying because I like to keep my desktop clean. So my question is how do you avoid having this disk image appear every time Google Earth launches for example. Is it normal for some programs? or did I install it wrong?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI installed Windows 7 32-bit Home edition on a 200gb partition using Bootcamp. I am installing and tweaking the Windows installation and would like to take a snapshot of the system after I have installed all programs and settings.
I used Acronis True Image 2011 on my previous Dell laptop to take a disc image of my installation then used that on subsequent reinstallations using an Acronis boot disc and disc image accessed from a USB hard drive.
How can I reinstall the disc image of an Aronis True Image partition on a Macbook Pro 13" 2010 if part of the drive has OSX? Could I boot from an Acronis boot CD then reinstall the Windows partition on the MBP?
I am trying to take a screen shot and save it as an image.
Mac mini, iOS 5.1.1
I can't save files to my desktop. I have no problem saving the same file anywhere else. WHen I try through excel, for example, it tells me the file is read only. When I try to save it as a different file name, a pop up tells me I do not have permission to save to the desktop. The same issue occurs when I attempt to take a screen shot (default save to desktop)
View 2 Replies View RelatedImage Capture in Snow Leopard defaults to saving to the Pictures folder, but I want to change it to the Desktop instead. If I simply change it in the app, close it, and open it again, it reverts back to the Pictures folder.
View 4 Replies View RelatedPlease forgive me if this has been covered, but I couldn't find anything on it here. How do I save image files from a web page to my imac. I can't right click my mouse, and I'm totally lost on this one. All my previous comps were pc's that ran a windows system.
View 7 Replies View Relatedwhenever i restart or reopen my macbook after shutting it down, the previously opened background shows up...nt the changed one..anyone with any sol...????
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
how to save an image as a PICT resource file? I'd like to make ikons in Photoshop and save them in this format, but I 'm not finding any leads.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have a newly refurbished emac running the latest OSX 10.9.3. I used to be able to move images from iPhoto to the desktop and using Preview change the file size. I need to do this to upload images of a specific size to a website. Now Preview will not save the adjusted image size. I adjust the size from a 5 meg image to a 1.5 meg image but when I go to upload the image it is still 5 meg. I try saving it before closing it but it doesn't do anything (by the way I hate the new options or lack thereof when it comes to saving in Preview)
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I save image files from a web page to my imac. I can't right click my mouse, and I'm totally lost on this one. All my previous comps were pc's that ran a windows system.
View 4 Replies View RelatedUsing Lion, I have tried to re-size an image using Preview and every time I try to save my edited image it tells me I do not have permission to save this/the file is locked when I have full permissions to do so and the file is NOT locked.
View 2 Replies View Relatedthumbnails for images on my desktop arent showing it works fine though if its on a stacks folder on the dock if its on the desktop or on the dock as an alias it only shows as a preview file and has the png/jpeg/bmp badge
View 5 Replies View RelatedAll of the desktop icons have no image on them. We are starting to accumulate quite a few icons and they all look the same (an @ sign) and we have to read what is written underneath which is time consuming. Just wondering if there is a way to add a different photo to the icon?
Mac mini
i noticed that while in my harddrive and whichever programs when i go to save a program desktop is not an option. what happened to it? how do i get it back?
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor the first time, my screen shots [command + control + shift + 3] are not saving to my desktop. I don't recall changing this setting (or how to). Where are they going?
View 24 Replies View Relatedmy mid-'09 whitebook has a dvd in it that will not eject. there's no disc image on the desktop and i can't eject from the dvd player either... i've tried shutting down and booting up, and restarting....
this is my first issue with this computer so i'm pretty worried... is there any way i can force it to eject? i mean, without damaging anything...