OS X :: How Good Is Finder / Search / Find In Leopard
Jun 3, 2009
I am about to switch over to a 17 MBP this August, and I was wondering how good Finder is in Leopard.
Msft's find/search feature was absolutely atrocious in XP and Vista--but if you have used Windows 7 you know that their new search function is absolutely brilliant. It works much like Mozilla's Thunderbird finder, where results are almost instantaneous (even before you finish typing the word) and very very accurate.
Can the new finder in Snow Leopard compete with Windows 7?
The original problem was whenever I opened a new Finder window and began to type in the search bar, as soon as I got three letters in, the whole thing would crash on me. After some unsuccessful fix attempts, now Finder no longer opens from the dock icon its supposed to. When I click on the icon, a new one with the default App icon opens at the end of the dock, and it works from there. The search problem also only appears when opening a finder window directly from the dock. If Finder opens to, say, allow me to choose a file to upload to a website, search doesn't crash on me. Spotlight still works correctly.
I tried to delete/reset the prefrences, but when I go to the folder, the preference list for Finder isn't there. I tried removing all the preferences and restartting just in hopes it would help, but it didn't solve anything. I've also repaired disk permissions using the disk utility, but that seems to have created the new problem.
I have two Drobo storage devices connected to my My MacPro. Both are running with the same formatting "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)". I can search one of these disks but not the other.
I have spotlight configured to not index the folder ~/Development, because it contains a lot of jars and I couldn't figure out how to turn off indexing of jars.
1) I open finder to ~/Development/Foobar, which is a folder containing other folders containing files ending in ".png".
2) I go to the search field in the toolbar and type "png", switch the search mode to "File Name", but nothing is found.
It looks like Finder's search function is completely broken if the folder being searched is not indexed by spotlight. Finder should search without the indexes instead, or the search field should be disabled if it is broken.
Is there an way to search a folder that is being excluded from spotlight indexing? How do I prevent spotlight from indexing the contents of jar files?
I have a fresh install of 10.5.8 client on a PPC-based G5 tower. Having an odd issue where, if I open a new Finder window and do a find (command-f), the window gets "stuck" (doesn't change to the "find"-based window, gets stuck at whatever it was when I hit command-f). The rest of the desktop and computer responds as normal, it's just that single window that gets stuck — it's almost like it the desktop/GUI won't update the drawing of just that window. I can open new Finder windows and do everything else — but the only way to get rid of the stuck window is to kill Finder and let is restart. I've tried re-applying te 10.5.8 combo updater, created a new admin user, etc. — all the standard troubleshooting stuff.
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7), Xserves (Early 2009, Early 2008, G5), Mac Pro
I received my MBP last week. everything was great, no problem at all. but since few days ago, I can't type anything to the search panel at Finder! sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt!
i was wondering what can be the reason. it is so annoying problem, i transfered all my files, and i need to search to organize them
here is the place marked with RED where exactly I mean. but this problem is not only for Search Finder panel, it happens at any Finder panel.
office got broken into and my charger to my macbook got stolen, but I had my laptop on me so that did not. I need a new battery anyway but does anyone know where I can find a good deal on getting both of these accessories instead of going to best
Using the Finder in 10.5.8, pressing Cmd-F to get to the Search window. I want to look for jpeg files created during December of 2008. I first specify file type = image, press the + to add another constraint, choose "creation date before" . . . today's date comes up by default, with little up/down arrows at the right to allow changes. Well, the arrows do nothing, and I can't edit the date string directly. The only change I'm able to make is when holding down the Alt key, which allows me to use the little up/down arrows to cycle through the months (but not days or years).
Say I search for "mp3" on my airdisk via finder. No results show up even though I know for a fact there are mp3's on the air disk.
I select "shared" and "filename" in the search bar when it comes up to search all shared drives with the filename (which has mp3 in it). Is this because spotlight doesn't index this drive?
I am trying to find large folders on my hard drive. My Library is rather large, over two-gigs. Yet, if I do a search for Kind-Folder and Size-is greater than-1kb I get NOTHING! Why? Because the damn Finder is measuring the size of the folder itself, not its contents!!
I'm using Finder to search for files on a server connected to my computer at work. The search results I am getting do not include all the files that meet my search criteria. For example, I am looking through photo files for any files with "34" in the name. Some files show up, but not all of them. See screenshot. I am searching in the "Branded Photoshoot" folder, and I am getting some results (Branded Photoshoot/Hilton Universal/IMG_1434), but another file that is in folder, though a different subfolder, (Branded Photoshoot/Architectural Center/IMG_1534) is NOT showing up. What is causing that subfolder and its files to not be included in the search results?
I just installed Lion on a machine that I use daily. One of the routine things I do is connect to FTP servers and search their contents to then collect files and process them. I was unpleasantly surprised when I found that I was simply unable to search the FTP server, it simply doesn't bring back any results.
I tried on 2 other Lion Macs and both have the same symtoms, one of the other 2 macs is brand new out of the box (3 days old) I had to downgrade to Snow Leopard to return the machine to a useable state.
Is Apple aware of this issue, is there a workaround? I prefer to not install 3rd party FTP apps. In fact, I tried Transmit and it too would not search but I assure you that the host of FTP servers I login in to are just fine as any other PC or Mac (10.6 or inferior) work without any problem.
Has Apple changed something? PS the mac I tried it on was even cleanly installed, nothing but Apple SW and fully up-to-date.
Since the latest upgrade of 10.9.3 my and other office computers have problems with searches using spotlight and Finder search on internal, external and networked volumes. This is a big roadblock to our office workflow. Reindexing doesn't fix the issue and we can see clearly that the files we are searching for are there.
Out of the blue my wifes mac mail password was asked and everytime it is rejectedI have searched but couldnt find anything online to assist in fixing this
Safari keeps quitting on me due to a plugin called ".foxeasyvideo.png". When I search for the plugin in finder, I get no results. I look in my main and user library under "internet plugins" and nothing is in there under that name. How do I find and delete this plugin? Safari is quitting almost every time I use it.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Using Safari 5.1.5
I have recently installed Mac os X Lion on my work iMacs, and ever since I haven't been able to search on my windows server. I was running both leopard and snow leopard before, and back then it worked perfectly.
I work everyday with my 21.5' iMac and it had OS Lion before I updated to Mavericks last month. As I work with lots of files, I have also a 1TB Lacie external drive pluged into it via firewire and I constantly access these files. After I updated though, I'm experiencing a strange problem. Everytime I search for a file on Finder, all the results that come up can't be edited or even selected. This is driving me crazy because I must open another tab and go all the way through the file I want as I can't select any file from the searches. All the search results come up written in gray color and with a empty circle on its left side. I can't even click on them! For better explanation, here is a picture of what happens:
Before the update, I used to normally access every result the search came up to.
I have another iMac here in the network with Mavericks too and all the searches returns with selectable and editable results.
I have an external HD full of music and whenever I want to play one, I just search for it in finder and drag&drop it to iTunes. However, I'm having issues with it on my new MacBook Air. Whenever I search the drive for files, they appear normally, but I can't drag them! Highlighing works OK, so does double-clicking or cmd+O, but I can't move them to a playlist. It's the same with any files, not just .mp3s - they cannot be dragged out of the finder window. Scrolling is also wonky, but moving between files using arrows works fine.
note that this works perfectly fine when searching the computer's HD.
Is this a glitch of some sort, or is the computer preventing me from doing it for some reason? I'm running 10.9.3 with all the updates; the HD is a 1TB Transcend, ExFAT formatted.
how to find the path to a file in a Spotlight search result. In Snow Leopard I would get the path to a file or folder by just holding the mouse over the search result in Spotlight. I don't see that in Lion.
I can type a search word into Spotlight. It will show results. I then open let's say an Appleworks text document from that search. Then I close that document and retry the same search: Now that same document will not show up in the search results for that exact word and it WILL NEVER show up again in search results. In other words after a file has been found and opened in search once , it will never appear in search results again for the same word.
Sometimes I simply cannot open a new finder window. If I use Command-N or if I choose New Finder Window in the Finder menu, nothing happens. If I am using Command-N, I can see the File heading in the Finder menu bar highlighting, and then after a few seconds the highlight goes, but no window opens. Also, clicking on my Downloads icon in the dock, the dialog opens showing all the files, but if I then click on Open in Finder, the dialog closes but nothing happens. Now that I am writing this message, it all works again! That's what I mean by 'sometimes'. This issue can last for tens of minutes. Secndly, and this is still a problem, my finder Preferences do not stick. So for instance, I don't want to see an icon for my hard disk on the desktop, so I untick this in Finder preferences. The icon disappears. If I now re-start, then it comes back. The same happens for removing the empty trash warning and all of the other Finder Preference tick boxes.
Now, when the first problem of not being able to open a finder window suddenly stopped being a problem, the icon for the hard disk suddenly appeared on my desktop. So the two issues are linked. This has been going on intermittently for a few days. I have verified my disk, and repaired permissions.
I had recently attempted to uninstall Native Instruments FM8, and in an effort to do so, ran searches through my system Library folder and my user Library folder to find anything related to the software and remove them. Found around 100 preset sound files related to FM8, sent them to the trash and emptied the trash (not securely). Then after removing every file as listed on NI's website, restarting my computer, and running another Finder search in my Library folder, the sound files I had deleted earlier appear in the Finder search! However, right-clicking the files and selecting Get Info shows no directory for the file, and the files are unable to be deleted or have permissions modified.
I have already used the Disk Utility to repair disk permissions, but these phantom files still remain in my Finder search !
I had all my files removed from my folders on my desktop and I could not find my applications in finder. I have now downloaded todays OS X 10.7.2and they have returned. I Clicked the lock in security (prefrences) to check my firewall and the window that you type your password in is written partly in arabic have I been compromised?