OS X :: How To Burn At 1X Speed
Feb 2, 2009
Burning at the slowest speeds possible has always been my goal - I simply get better compatibility when it comes to audio CDs. However, I do not know how to slow down the burn speed on my iMac. I am using Toast 10, and I can select 1x speed, but the CDs still burn at 8x. How can I change this?
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Mar 7, 2009
I want to burn my audio CD-Rs at 1x speed for the best results. I've just bought the LGBE06LU10 burner (because the iMac 24s cannot burn any slower than 8x speed) and updated the firmware to YE05. However, I can't force it to burn any slower than 4x. Is there any way of doing this?
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Nov 12, 2007
I've been told conflicting things in regards to burning DVDs. I understand that the speed listed for the DVD is how FAST you can burn. What I'm looking to confirm is whether you can burn at slower speeds on a DVD regardless of how FAST it is listed as. For instance, can you burn at 1x speed with a DVD-R that is rated as 8x?
Mac G4 dual 500 & Mac G5 Dual 2.7
Mac OS X (10.4.1)
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Oct 31, 2010
I remember reading that the iMac DVD drives are set not to exceed a certain speed so that they remain quiet, but I would rather the occasional disc burns take less time than be silent and keep me waiting. Is there any way to speed this up?
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Jul 13, 2009
I have an iMac 10.3.9. Every time I try to burn a disk on iTunes it tells me that my burn speed is too fast-even at 1x. I have run "fsck, onyX, Macjanitor, repaired permissions in utilities, and even down loaded BurnX. Nothing works! I have also tried various CD'S.
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Jun 16, 2012
I'm getting multiplexing error. One suggestion was to use slow burn speed. Where and how do I change the burn speed?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Nov 30, 2008
I'm an oldie so not very computer savvy, and a newbie here, so forgive me if this is the wrong place to post, or the topic has been dealt with before......
I have a macbook with 2.4ghz intel duo processor, 2 gigs of ram and a 150gig hard drive ( 50 gigs free ).
I've been downloading some free movies for the kids and burning copies with idvd. Trouble is it take 3-4 hours to burn each disk. The original files are .avi and range around 700mb.
I use the magicidvd option in idvd, as it seems the most straight forward. I drag and drop the avi into the movie box, but usually get a message saying the project is too big and I have to change settings in project info. Not fully sure why this is but I find setting the quality to 'professional' ( I think.....disc burning at present so can't open the menu, ) allows me to continue.
My questions are - Am I causing idvd to take longer by the method I've outlined above?
Is there a way to speed up the burn time? I would prefer not to have to buy some other software but am open to suggestions. If I could reduce the burn time with idvd to a couple of hours that would be fine.
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Jun 9, 2012
I have tried burning my iTunes purchases onto a CD, and when I try to play them back on my CD player, nothing happens. It will play back in iTunes on the Mac, but not on my CD player or in my car. I suspect it has to do with the speed at which they burn, but I have no idea how to change that?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 30, 2009
I am running a MacBook Pro 2.2 GHz with a MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-857E drive. Recently I have been trying to burn some video_ts files ripped with MacTheRipper on to 8x Memorex DL DVD +R. I think the problem here is that my drive is only built to handle 4x speeds. I have tried decreasing the speeds in Toast this however has no effect and I still receive a drive error. I have also tried to transform the video_ts folder into multiple different types of disc images and burn them to the DL DVD from the disk utility function. The error I get from here is also a drive error
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Sep 17, 2010
It is supposed to be the best burning package on mac. But I doubt it. I convert videos to dvd-video format using the absolutely brilliant windows7 application convertxtodvd. Please dont tell me to use a mac application instead of it. I tried it many times, there were always several problems(slow speed, subs etc). This is not the case here.
So, I want these dvd-videos in Video_ts format, to be burned in dvd disks using toast. It is supposed that video_ts folder are a standard folder, no matter the system you use. But toast has a different opinion. When I drag the folder in the dvd-video window, it asks to re-encode the video!!!If I try to burn this video_ts folder in windows machine using 'nero', no problem at all, straight burning! I really cannot understand why this happens.
Another problem I have is that the files I want toast to burn, usually reside to network computer. Is there any way to burn files from a network computer(win) using toast? Can toast access network or not? If not, I have to manually copy files to local disk, several minutes spent for copying gigabytes just to be able to burn them.
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Sep 16, 2008
My new DVD burner will play CDs and DVDs and burn CDs, but will not burn DVDs through the finder. Will getting TOAST definitely enable me to burn DVDs? I don't really need it otherwise and I would rather not buy it unless it will definitely enable me to burn DVDs.
This is my burner:
G5 PowerMac
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Apr 20, 2009
I am trying to back up some DVD is I OWN.I used MTR to get the Video_TS folder on my HD.I have been trying to get Burn to create a disk that will work on my stand alone DVD player (which supposedly supports DVD -/+R and RW well as DivX).WHICH TYPE OF DISK DO I TELL BURN TO CREATE? I've been trying to burn on to dual layer disk i.e 8.5 GB.Video_TS foldeer is 7 GBIf I chose the DATA TAB tell Burn to create a "DVD-video disk" I get a disk that my computer can play in the DVD App that functions like a DVD, BUT my stand alone DVD player won't recognise it. (tells me its a DATA disk).
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Apr 30, 2009
Sorry for the title but I couldn't think of anything better. Hopefully I'll be able to explain my problem. I have a MPR 2.53 ghz, 4 gig ram, I'm using Safari 4.04. I am using the WIFI at a guesthouse in Thailand (but I had the same issue in China, Vietnam ...). I ran a speed test and it said download 7mb/sec and upload about 1mb/sec. I have an "app" that says bandwidth in 1.3kb/sec out 1.0kbs. I thought maybe it was Safari so I downloaded and installed Firefox. firefox gives me similar speeds. When I downloaded Firefox though I had a download speed of over 1mb/sec. But as soon as it finished downloading the speed went back to around 1kb/sec. I have rebooted my MBP many times. I did some Google searches but didn't find anything helpful.
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Dec 20, 2007
I am interested in adding a webcam to my desktop Imac (power pc)- Isight is no longer available- an option that I found is the Ecamm Image- but apparently it is USB and not firewire and it will only run with high speed usb- how do I know which type is on my computer? I checked system profiler but quite frankly wasn't sure of the designations.. does anyone have any experience with this camera, by the way? is USB 2.0 by definition "High Speed"?
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Apr 10, 2009
I have a WDS local network at my house. I use a Airport Extreme in my main part of the house and a Airport Express for my back part of the house i.e. the backyard. Now every two weeks or so my internet speed through my Airport Express slows down about half the speed but when I am connected trough the Airport Extreme my speed is normal. I know this because I test my connection very often. Now when I want the Airport Express to get back up to speed I have to unplug, and plug it back in. Then after awhile it starts to slow down again in a time period of two weeks or so.
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Jan 7, 2010
I have a MPR 2.53 ghz, 4 gig ram, I'm using Safari 4.04. I am using the WIFI at a guesthouse in Thailand (but I had the same issue in China, Vietnam ...).
I ran a speed test and it said download 7mb/sec and upload about 1mb/sec. I have an "app" that says bandwidth in 1.3kb/sec out 1.0kbs. I thought maybe it was Safari so I downloaded and installed Firefox. firefox gives me similar speeds. When I downloaded Firefox though I had a download speed of over 1mb/sec. But as soon as it finished downloading the speed went back to around 1kb/sec. I have rebooted my MBP many times. I did some Google searches but didn't find anything helpful.
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Mar 4, 2010
Have an Extreme base stations and express repeater connected to my DSL services. On my primary iMac connected via ethernet I get 5.25MBps speed. The speed on this computer is always constant. On the remote MacPro I get anywhere from 1.5MBps to 5MPps speed within a half hour of testing.
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May 21, 2010
I'm using Data Rescue III on a USB powered hard drive with and it's taking a very long time with my iMac G5... It says 42,291 hours remaining (about 5 years) If I did it on my Mac Pro would it go faster, or is the recovery speed based on the hard drive speed?
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Apr 12, 2009
i have a 1.5 Mbps AT&T DSL connection, and multiple speed tests show a download speed of 1.2 Mbps (and 200 Kbps upload). when i download files, such as software updates from Apple, various podcasts, and even Silverlight from Microshaft, the speed is always between 140 - 160 Kbps. i contacted AT&T, and the rep said it was because of buffering by the servers i was receiving the files from. is this a reasonable explanation? is this an accurate use of the term "buffering"?
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Aug 26, 2009
Last night my fan kicked into high gear all of a sudden. I shut it down overnight and when booting up this AM I find it still running on high...quire noisy, of course. Is there something overheating? How to make it run at normal speed?
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Jan 7, 2010
I generally get about 700kbs download speed, which is what my ISP (Sky uk) tells me I SHOULD have, but they also tell me that my router upload speed should be similar and it's not anywhere close to it.
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Apr 24, 2010
I find OS X's TTS engine on SL to be not fast enough on full speed. Is there a way to hack the plist file or something to speed up the dictation past the max speed?
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Jun 4, 2008
Have a free to distribute educational DVD (preparation for a test) that I need to make a copy of for a friend. Downloaded MacTheRipper and copy the DVD. Next I downloaded a freeware program called Burn that looks simple and is all I need. However I when I try to burn I get an error "Failed: There was a problem authoring the DVD" Also I tried to use the burn to a data DVD mode and it wrote the data to the DVD (you can physically see it's there) but when it got to finalize I got the same error message and you can't read the DVD contents. I have a new Mac Pro running 10.5.3 and the DVD drive is OEM PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-112D.
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Dec 25, 2009
I used Handbrake to rip encode the dvd to mp4. Now I want to burn it to a DVD for a cheap backup.
mp4 is 1.4gb
I keep getting an error saying the data I'm trying to burn is over 4 gb's and too big for my blank disc. How's that possible?
Shouldn't I be able to burn the mp4 to a dvd easily in iDVD?
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Jun 8, 2012
New to iMac, just trying to do something I could do on the PC without any trouble. Can't seem to get the burn folder to burn to a new CD-R. Can't seem to get the iMac to recogmize that there is a CD in the drive.
Have tried more than one CD. It does eject, but stalled out on the transfer.
I miss my PC. this has taken an hour for something that should be--well--easy.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011)
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Jun 16, 2009
Does it hurt the computer... If the computer is doing something (watching flash, playing a game) that turns on the fan full speed;Does this hurt the computer? There are a few games I like to play and they turn on the fan at full speed (computer gets hot too, on the bottom.)
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Mar 9, 2012
Everytime I try to burn a disc, I keep getting the message "The attempt to burn a CD failed.The burn failed because of a medium write error".
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Apr 9, 2009
I've got a real odd problem with safari 4. For some reason it is cutting my download speeds in about 1/2 from my server and many other places.
If I restart safari I will be able to download close to my 18 Mbps for a little bit but then it will just start to slow down and after about 30 minutes it will be down to about 6 - 8 Mbps.
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Dec 16, 2010
I've researched this for a few hours today. he instructions I find are not working. A friend gave me a workout video and i want to make a copy. How do you do this?
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Apr 10, 2008
Today I began making a backup of half my dvd collection (since the other half was stolen) and I used mac the ripper to rip the files to my harddrives, but now I am stuck on how to burn it back to dvd. I was told handbrake does the job but I see no option on here to burn it back to a regular dvd. Another post I read said use Roxio but I wanted to get some clarification before I drop $80 on roxio. To clarify these are DVDs I purchased and I used to make backup copies in case of scratches etc and I stopped (regrettably) until the other night when half of my movies (about 200) went missing. Now I will be backing up the other half and sending them to my house in case this ever happens again.
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