Power Mac G5 :: DVD Burn Speed Options?
Nov 12, 2007
I've been told conflicting things in regards to burning DVDs. I understand that the speed listed for the DVD is how FAST you can burn. What I'm looking to confirm is whether you can burn at slower speeds on a DVD regardless of how FAST it is listed as. For instance, can you burn at 1x speed with a DVD-R that is rated as 8x?
Mac G4 dual 500 & Mac G5 Dual 2.7
Mac OS X (10.4.1)
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Feb 2, 2009
Burning at the slowest speeds possible has always been my goal - I simply get better compatibility when it comes to audio CDs. However, I do not know how to slow down the burn speed on my iMac. I am using Toast 10, and I can select 1x speed, but the CDs still burn at 8x. How can I change this?
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Mar 7, 2009
I want to burn my audio CD-Rs at 1x speed for the best results. I've just bought the LGBE06LU10 burner (because the iMac 24s cannot burn any slower than 8x speed) and updated the firmware to YE05. However, I can't force it to burn any slower than 4x. Is there any way of doing this?
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Oct 31, 2010
I remember reading that the iMac DVD drives are set not to exceed a certain speed so that they remain quiet, but I would rather the occasional disc burns take less time than be silent and keep me waiting. Is there any way to speed this up?
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Jul 13, 2009
I have an iMac 10.3.9. Every time I try to burn a disk on iTunes it tells me that my burn speed is too fast-even at 1x. I have run "fsck, onyX, Macjanitor, repaired permissions in utilities, and even down loaded BurnX. Nothing works! I have also tried various CD'S.
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Jun 16, 2012
I'm getting multiplexing error. One suggestion was to use slow burn speed. Where and how do I change the burn speed?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Nov 30, 2008
I'm an oldie so not very computer savvy, and a newbie here, so forgive me if this is the wrong place to post, or the topic has been dealt with before......
I have a macbook with 2.4ghz intel duo processor, 2 gigs of ram and a 150gig hard drive ( 50 gigs free ).
I've been downloading some free movies for the kids and burning copies with idvd. Trouble is it take 3-4 hours to burn each disk. The original files are .avi and range around 700mb.
I use the magicidvd option in idvd, as it seems the most straight forward. I drag and drop the avi into the movie box, but usually get a message saying the project is too big and I have to change settings in project info. Not fully sure why this is but I find setting the quality to 'professional' ( I think.....disc burning at present so can't open the menu, ) allows me to continue.
My questions are - Am I causing idvd to take longer by the method I've outlined above?
Is there a way to speed up the burn time? I would prefer not to have to buy some other software but am open to suggestions. If I could reduce the burn time with idvd to a couple of hours that would be fine.
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Jun 9, 2012
I have tried burning my iTunes purchases onto a CD, and when I try to play them back on my CD player, nothing happens. It will play back in iTunes on the Mac, but not on my CD player or in my car. I suspect it has to do with the speed at which they burn, but I have no idea how to change that?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 30, 2009
I am running a MacBook Pro 2.2 GHz with a MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-857E drive. Recently I have been trying to burn some video_ts files ripped with MacTheRipper on to 8x Memorex DL DVD +R. I think the problem here is that my drive is only built to handle 4x speeds. I have tried decreasing the speeds in Toast this however has no effect and I still receive a drive error. I have also tried to transform the video_ts folder into multiple different types of disc images and burn them to the DL DVD from the disk utility function. The error I get from here is also a drive error
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Apr 29, 2009
I have got the 2.4ghz aluminium macbook, and I upgraded the ram to 4GB about a 2 months back. I have always felt that my macbook is slower now than before the upgrade(which is strange), but recently the situation became worst. My macbook would randomly heats up very quickly, iStats pro would show me that i only have 1-10MB of free memory, my fan would be running on 6200rpm. response rate would be much slower, and circle of rainbow also occurs much more often.I get panic whenever this happens(i have only got my macbook for 5-months), so when that happens i usually try to quit those application that i am not using like mail, safari, iwork 09 and etc. It didn't really help much(or maybe not at all) until at some point(around about 30-45mins) the systems automatically cools down, reduce fan speed and etc but similar problem would happen again in 30mins.
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Feb 16, 2009
I had a question about my menu bar options that seemed to change on its own.
Where before I could change my battery preference from "Better Performance, Normal or Better Battery" right in the menu bar when I clicked it.
Now, It doesn't give me that option and I can only change it in System Prefs.?
Is there an option to check that might have some hoe got unchecked?
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Oct 31, 2007
I have a power mac g5. I have been having problems with applications running REALY, REALLY slow. Shutting down and rebooting took upwards of 10 minutes each. I've reinstalled the OS (twice) and it still takes 8 minutes to boot up and applications still run slow. Not as slow as before, but slow none the less. I'm thinking it might be a "going bad" HD and I want to get another one. Do I have to buy a Mac HD or can I buy one from say [URL]? Ive noticed that HD's on the Mac site are about twice as much as buying from a online store like Newegg or tigerdirect. My existing HD is a Maxtor Serial-ATA (thats the same as SATA right?). As long as I get the same SATA drive, will my mac handle it?
Duel G5
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Aug 17, 2008
The plastic piece around the dc jack is broken and blocking the power adapter from being able to charge. Is this piece required or can I remove it? Does anybody know where I could get a replacement piece?
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Jun 28, 2012
I'm thinking of buying a G5 with a pci-e slot, does anyone know which cards, Apple original and PC flashable, can be used in this machine?
Mac OS X (10.5.8), Gainward Ultra 6800GT
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Dec 3, 2007
The guys at work convinced me that I could change out my own internal superdrive and I did. Now it will read disks but it won't burn from idvd or itunes. I get the message "burning preparation error: Not enough space for encoding the remaining assets. The weird thing is since I changed out my internal superdrive my external la cie DVD burner gives me the same message when I try to burn to it.
G5 (new) Pioneer DVD -RW DVR-112D
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Nov 30, 2007
Using the Apple Disk Utility...
What the difference between running Repair/Verify (Permissions or the Disk itself) on the hard drive or the boot volume listed in the window?
Some say just run it on the boot volume, others say run it on both.
Is there an advantage in doing both (if so, why) or should it be just the boot volume?
Power Mac G5 / 2GHz
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Nov 4, 2007
My fans are running at full speed and it's getting really noisy when the plastic cover is on.
Its the two fans that you remove when accessing the memory slots that are causing all the noise, as soon as i remove the plastic cover they start to slow down.
g5 powermac 1.8 dual
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Oct 25, 2007
I have a 1.8 duel G5, 3 gig of ram, and 2 internal hard drives, a 120 gig and an 80 gig. My question: does anyone know if it makes a difference (performance wise) which drive I boot from? The 80 was the original boot drive, but due to space problems, now I boot from the 120. I've run every diagnistic imaginable, including Diskwarrior. I have the identical machine at work, and that one just seems snappier. I maintain both machines the same, cocktail, MacJanitor etc. There is plenty of room on both drives. So the last thing I can think of is the master/slave thing.
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May 3, 2012
I have macbook pro and use lion. i have maxell dvd+r 4.7 dvd disk which actually works when burning jpeg files. now i want to burn several pdf files that total small 108.6 megabytes. i create a burn file, put the pdf files in it select burn, select the slowest burn speed and i get the message: The disc can’t be burned, because the device failed to calibrate the laser power level for this media.
pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Dec 30, 2007
I recently purchased an X800 and installed in my G5 1.8DP (OS X 10.4.9) with the intention of having something to drive my shiney new 30" Cinema display. All booted fine and, in glorious wide-o-vision, I spent the next 30 mins playing with all of this extra screen real-estate. At that point, I started to notice that things were not as quiet as I'd initially anticipated.
In fact, the amount of fan noise was so high that I'm not going to be able to use the new card as the machine is part of a project recording studio installation. Doh! So, a quick trawl of the ATI web site lead me to the ROM updates claiming to address fan speed control.
Update to the most recent version of the ROM and no change. Similarly, I've installed the most recent version of teh ATI control panel.
Odd as other people seem to be saying that they're not experiencing the same problem. And strangely, the GFX card fan runs at a low "normal" speed in Safe Boot mode whilst installing the ROM updates.
G5 1.8DP + Macbook Pro
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Feb 13, 2010
Dual 2ghz Power PC G5 with Leopard 10.5.8Recently had it in for a repair, not with Apple (that expired a longggg time ago) because it would only turn on intermittently. They fixed this problem, citing bad components and also replaced the broken optical drive. However when they gave it back to me it was incredibly loud, they stated that they had to reconnect a fan and that was probably what caused the power problem in the first place. I'm pretty sure though that I had disconnected it unwittingly about a week after the power problem started when I opened it up to change the battery... believing that may be the problem at the time.
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Jun 25, 2010
My PCI bay fan is running at full speed no matter what. The temperature sensor reads correctly in OS X, so I don't think it's a bad sensor.
Is there any way to set the fan speed manually, say in openfirmware?
It's a 1.8 DP June '04; I've ran ASD 2.5.8 to calibrate and test the mobo, which passed.
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Nov 11, 2007
I recently purchased a PCI card made by SIIG: CyberSerial PCI 16550 RS232 Serial I/O Card. After I got it I noticed the system requirements only list Windows.For the **** of it I installed it in my Power Mac. The system seems to recognize it in "About This Mac..." as a "Serial Controller". There appear to be serial ports assigned to it: /dev/cu.pci-serial3a.When I try to run a serial terminal program over this port (connected to some known working hardware) I get gibberish. I've checked out the cable and remote hardware on another machine and it works fine.
Power Mac G5 1.6GHz
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Sep 7, 2007
I have a 1.67 GHz Powerbook G4. This morning it was fine. When I got home from work, it decided that it suddenly no longer wants to stay on when not plugged in. The battery is showing a full charge. The light on the plug is green. But the second I unplug the cord from the laptop, the entire thing shuts down.
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Oct 10, 2007
I purchased my PowerMac G5 in 2003 and no problems till now. My problem is that on startup, the display first shows gray screen with a globe in a white box flashing in the center of the screen. This continues for about 90 seconds --- then the globe in box icon changes to a small file folder icon with alternating face/question mark flashing in the file folder. At about the same time, the fan speeds up dramatically. The fan continues to run at this high speed for about 90 additional seconds, then the fan returns to normal speed, and the startup continues normally to the blue screen. Once startup is complete, computer runs okay. The whole process takes about 4 minutes.
PowerMac G5, 1.8 Ghz, OS X 10.2.8
Mac OS X (10.2.x)
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Jan 30, 2007
When downloading via wireless network at a high speed, my PB 12" will consume a lot of CPU power. For instance, 1MB/s, almost 90% CPU.
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Oct 27, 2007
I have a Power Mac 2.3Ghz (see spec in sig) with the standard 250GB Maxtor 6B25050 hard drive. I was wondering, how I could increase the speed of the computer? If I upgrade the hard drive to something like a Western Digital Raptor X 150GB 10kRPM SATA drive would this provide any performance increase over the standard disk? Memory-wise I never have any "page outs", so I understand that a memory upgrade will not increase the speed of my computer.
Power Mac G5 2.3GHz, 1GB Ram, ATI Radeon 9650, Bluetooth KB and Mous
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
IBook 800MHz, 512MB ram
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Sep 17, 2010
It is supposed to be the best burning package on mac. But I doubt it. I convert videos to dvd-video format using the absolutely brilliant windows7 application convertxtodvd. Please dont tell me to use a mac application instead of it. I tried it many times, there were always several problems(slow speed, subs etc). This is not the case here.
So, I want these dvd-videos in Video_ts format, to be burned in dvd disks using toast. It is supposed that video_ts folder are a standard folder, no matter the system you use. But toast has a different opinion. When I drag the folder in the dvd-video window, it asks to re-encode the video!!!If I try to burn this video_ts folder in windows machine using 'nero', no problem at all, straight burning! I really cannot understand why this happens.
Another problem I have is that the files I want toast to burn, usually reside to network computer. Is there any way to burn files from a network computer(win) using toast? Can toast access network or not? If not, I have to manually copy files to local disk, several minutes spent for copying gigabytes just to be able to burn them.
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Sep 16, 2008
My new DVD burner will play CDs and DVDs and burn CDs, but will not burn DVDs through the finder. Will getting TOAST definitely enable me to burn DVDs? I don't really need it otherwise and I would rather not buy it unless it will definitely enable me to burn DVDs.
This is my burner:
G5 PowerMac
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Apr 20, 2009
I am trying to back up some DVD is I OWN.I used MTR to get the Video_TS folder on my HD.I have been trying to get Burn to create a disk that will work on my stand alone DVD player (which supposedly supports DVD -/+R and RW well as DivX).WHICH TYPE OF DISK DO I TELL BURN TO CREATE? I've been trying to burn on to dual layer disk i.e 8.5 GB.Video_TS foldeer is 7 GBIf I chose the DATA TAB tell Burn to create a "DVD-video disk" I get a disk that my computer can play in the DVD App that functions like a DVD, BUT my stand alone DVD player won't recognise it. (tells me its a DATA disk).
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