Applications :: Recovery Speed Based On The Hard Drive Speed?
May 21, 2010
I'm using Data Rescue III on a USB powered hard drive with and it's taking a very long time with my iMac G5... It says 42,291 hours remaining (about 5 years) If I did it on my Mac Pro would it go faster, or is the recovery speed based on the hard drive speed?
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Aug 17, 2009
recently I bought WD6400AAKS hard drive. I made to partitions (1st for OS and applications, 2nd one for photo files). I also did fresh OS install and loaded basic applications. Strangely I didn't notice any speed boost while booting and to be honest I feel like all applications (photoshop for example) are also starting much slower than on original hdd.
Is there any way to test hard drive if it performs as it should be? I also have 2 more older drives installed. is it possible that one of them would slow the system down?
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Feb 3, 2009
recently I bought WD6400AAKS hard drive. I made to partitions (1st for OS and applications, 2nd one for photo files). I also did fresh OS install and loaded basic applications. Strangely I didn't notice any speed boost while booting and to be honest I feel like all applications (photoshop for example) are also starting much slower than on original hdd.
Is there any way to test hard drive if it performs as it should be? I also have 2 more older drives installed. is it possible that one of them would slow the system down?
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Jun 3, 2009
I have just received my new MBP 2.66. I upgraded my screen and hard drive to 7200. How do I check the speed of my drive. I have gone through all the usual places but can't find the speed anywhere.
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Dec 1, 2009
Alright, here's the situation. Last week I shut down my computer to go away for thanksgiving, and when I came back and turned on my 20" white intel imac my hard drive fan sounds like it is going max rpm. I have istat pro installed and the rpm for the HDD fan is showing it's at zero. Does anybody have a clue as to why this is happening? My computer was working fine when I last used it but now my fan is going crazy. It's really loud and i'm concerned my the life of my fan. Any suggestions on what to do would be great. I installed Snow Leopard after the problem occured, but it's still happening.
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Sep 22, 2006
Someone is selling me a powerbook, but I want to find out what the harddrive rpm speed is, they don't know what it is. Is there anyway to check using system profiler or something?
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Mar 29, 2008
I spent two weeks obsessing on what type of drive to put in my new 8-core Mac Pro (january 2008). I was all set on spending $$$ and go with two 1-TB Samsung's but at the last minute I read this:
[URL] which posted better World Bench ratings than a 10k Raptor and is quieter than WD's Green drives - NewEgg had been out of stock of this brand new drive and suddenly got a batch in and I ordered two of these (WD Caviar 640 Gig / 16 meg cache w/only 2 drive plates). This drive is LIGHTNING fast....I've got before and after bench marks to post, I went from a 56.84 to a 102.91! Also, these installed so easily - not a single hitch!
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Jul 12, 2008
Recently I bought WD6400AAKS hard drive. I made to partitions (1st for OS and applications, 2nd one for photo files). I also did fresh OS install and loaded basic applications. Strangely I didn't notice any speed boost while booting and to be honest I feel like all applications (photoshop for example) are also starting much slower than on original hdd. Is there any way to test hard drive if it performs as it should be? I also have 2 more older drives installed. is it possible that one of them would slow the system down?
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Jan 24, 2009
I am wondering what was the stock hard drive speed of my PowerBook G4 12" (specs in signature). I am asking for the speed of the 80 GB ATA/100 HDD this shipped with.
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Jun 30, 2009
I just received my new macbook pro 17" and I want to verify the hard drive is a 7200 rpm drive, how can I find that information and/or test the hard drive speed.
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Jun 5, 2009
I've been looking at a number of different Firewire 800 enclosures to use with my new Mac Mini and I have seen lots of complaints with almost all the enclosures that I have investigated, including the Newertech MiniStack v3 which I thought should be a good one. A recent enclosure I came across that I haven't seen any bad reviews about is the Icy Dock (MB559UEB-1S). I'd like to know if others are using this and what they think about it. The next question has to do with the type of hard drive to put into the enclosure. Is it worth getting a high performance drive, or will the Firewire 800 interface be the bottleneck even with an average speed drive?
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Apr 20, 2008
I am buying a used powerbook g4 1.5ghz with 1.25gb ram. It has 60gb hd and combo drive. How can i find out the speed of the hard drive (4200 vs 5400 rpm)? PowerBook6,8 TOSHIBA MK6026GAX (this is the hd on the powerbook) Is this a good choice for basic stuff ( email,safari,itunes) and some movie stuff (isquint,ffmpegx)
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Mar 19, 2009
Has anyone cracked open the new iMac with a 640Gb hard drive? Just wondering what the current speed drive they are using.
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Aug 27, 2009
I own a 1st generation MacBook Core Duo (black) with 80GB Fujitsu at 1.5 Gigabit/s. I want to replace this with a compatible hard drive. Will this - Western Digital Scorpio Blue WD3200BEVT 320GB 5400 RPM 2.5" SATA 3.0Gb/s Internal Notebook Hard Drive - work in my laptop? I notice that it has a 3.0Gb/s speed versus my current Fujitsu 1.5Gb/s. I'm using Tiger, if this matters.
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Oct 24, 2009
I know this topic has been gone over several times, but I'm still having trouble deciding on which to get in a new 15", 2.8Ghz MBP - 5400/500GB, or 7200rpm/320GB (or 500, really). I'll be using the machine largely for graphic design, but also for various other tasks as my main computer. I've heard the faster drive IS a noticeable difference, but it also drains battery life and runs hot. There doesn't seem to be a consensus on this anywhere. Is the 7200 worth it?
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Mar 3, 2010
I am desperately waiting on the MacBook Pro refresh. I plan on buying my first MBP, a major upgrade from my grandma's iBook G4 I am currently using. I had a question about hard drive speed. I know that 7200RPM is quite a bit faster than 5400RPM, but what about battery life. I need it to get me through a day of school, 4-8 hours. My question to you is: would it be worth the extra $50 or so to upgrade to a 7200RPM HD, and what would the effects on battery life be? In your own experiences with current MBPs. I've thought about going with a SSD, but that might end up being too much, since I'm already paying quite a bit.
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Jun 15, 2010
I know that the server version has a 7200 rpm HD, but what about the regular version? Also, is the 500GB upgrade HD on the vanilla model a 7200 version?
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Aug 16, 2010
I have a new macbook pro and after reading various threads I want to buy a gtech 320gb external drive. The only one I can track down is the firewire400. (at a reasonable price) The MB is FW800. will the FW400 work OK and is the speed significantly slower?
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Aug 22, 2009
I just switched out my 160GB hard drive on my 13" MBP for a 500GB. I do notice that things are a little slower now as far as opening up apps and such. Would upgrading to the 4GB of RAM instead of the 2 I have make a difference or is that the trade i get for running a 5200 500GB HD.
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Mar 30, 2012
I have an early 2009 macbook, with 320 GB hard drive and running OS Lion, after i upgraded my os to lion, the computer ran perfectly normal, although a little bit slower than running snow Leopard. However, recently I notice my mac become very slow, got rainbow wheel even when i open the safari. then I use the black magic to test the hard disk speed, it appears the read and write speed is only a little over 30mb/s.
i have recently change my keyboard at apple store, I notice my mac slow down after that, do you think it would related?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Jan 31, 2009
I have an old white Macbook, the 512 Ram, 60 GB Hard drive model, 2.0 Ghz. I'm currently upgrading my Ram to 2 Gb, can anyone recommend a relatively inexpensive model replacement for the stock drive with good speed. I'm currently shopping on Newegg and I have no idea what I am looking for.
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May 14, 2012
At times my iMac (27" July 2011) starts making loud fan noise with mouse showing turning rainbow. The only way to stop is forced shutdown by pushing back button for a while. Yesterday I switched to widget screen and saw hard drive fan speed > 4000 rpm without CPU and temps by on the high side.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 2, 2010
which is faster & more efficient? to download photo & or video content from a memory card directly to an external hard drive? or to the computers main drive & then move to the external hard drive?
I am after faster transfer/download speeds with less hang ups
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May 9, 2012
I recently picked up a 17" 2009 unibody MacBook Pro with Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8ghz, 4gb RAM, SuperDrive and a Samsung 1TB hard drive. The system did not come with the original hard drive and I don't have any other hard drives to test and verify that the new larger hard drive is the cause. I have tried a clean install of Snow Leopard, Lion and even Mountain Lion but no matter what my fans always running at max speed (5k+ RPM). I have looked at iStat and the temps of any of the components in the machine never show more than 42*C so the fans should never be running at full blast. Oddly enough smcFanControl shows 0* temp but fan speds for both left and right are always 5.5k+ and very noisy. Using HDD Fan Control I am able to get at least the right fan to run at a controlable speed but its silence is drowned out by the left fan that still runs on full blast. I have already done multiple SMC resets and PRAM resets with no change in the condition. These noisey fans are driving me insane! I have run every available update as well. Is there a chance that the hard drive or something elses temp not being supported or detectable by OSX is causing the fans to default to the fail safe constant high speed?!
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.8GHz Core2Duo
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Apr 30, 2009
Sorry for the title but I couldn't think of anything better. Hopefully I'll be able to explain my problem. I have a MPR 2.53 ghz, 4 gig ram, I'm using Safari 4.04. I am using the WIFI at a guesthouse in Thailand (but I had the same issue in China, Vietnam ...). I ran a speed test and it said download 7mb/sec and upload about 1mb/sec. I have an "app" that says bandwidth in 1.3kb/sec out 1.0kbs. I thought maybe it was Safari so I downloaded and installed Firefox. firefox gives me similar speeds. When I downloaded Firefox though I had a download speed of over 1mb/sec. But as soon as it finished downloading the speed went back to around 1kb/sec. I have rebooted my MBP many times. I did some Google searches but didn't find anything helpful.
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Dec 20, 2007
I am interested in adding a webcam to my desktop Imac (power pc)- Isight is no longer available- an option that I found is the Ecamm Image- but apparently it is USB and not firewire and it will only run with high speed usb- how do I know which type is on my computer? I checked system profiler but quite frankly wasn't sure of the designations.. does anyone have any experience with this camera, by the way? is USB 2.0 by definition "High Speed"?
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Apr 10, 2009
I have a WDS local network at my house. I use a Airport Extreme in my main part of the house and a Airport Express for my back part of the house i.e. the backyard. Now every two weeks or so my internet speed through my Airport Express slows down about half the speed but when I am connected trough the Airport Extreme my speed is normal. I know this because I test my connection very often. Now when I want the Airport Express to get back up to speed I have to unplug, and plug it back in. Then after awhile it starts to slow down again in a time period of two weeks or so.
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Jan 7, 2010
I have a MPR 2.53 ghz, 4 gig ram, I'm using Safari 4.04. I am using the WIFI at a guesthouse in Thailand (but I had the same issue in China, Vietnam ...).
I ran a speed test and it said download 7mb/sec and upload about 1mb/sec. I have an "app" that says bandwidth in 1.3kb/sec out 1.0kbs. I thought maybe it was Safari so I downloaded and installed Firefox. firefox gives me similar speeds. When I downloaded Firefox though I had a download speed of over 1mb/sec. But as soon as it finished downloading the speed went back to around 1kb/sec. I have rebooted my MBP many times. I did some Google searches but didn't find anything helpful.
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Mar 16, 2009
For almost the last year I have been using an Airport Extreme on 2.4b/g and and Airport express in my room to extend my wireless network. I also have a usb hdd configured to back up my macbook using time machine. Well I have a new roommate moving in and he has his own extreme and two expresses.
I have some questions on what would be the best way to consolidate our networking devices. I considered us selling our extremes and getting the new time capsule so both of our macs can use 5ghz while my girlfriends dell uses the 2.4.
Is there a noticeable speed difference between time capsule backup vs hard drive to extreme connected via usb?
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Mar 4, 2010
Have an Extreme base stations and express repeater connected to my DSL services. On my primary iMac connected via ethernet I get 5.25MBps speed. The speed on this computer is always constant. On the remote MacPro I get anywhere from 1.5MBps to 5MPps speed within a half hour of testing.
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