Hardware :: Internet Speed Through My Airport Express Slows Down About Half The Speed

Apr 10, 2009

I have a WDS local network at my house. I use a Airport Extreme in my main part of the house and a Airport Express for my back part of the house i.e. the backyard. Now every two weeks or so my internet speed through my Airport Express slows down about half the speed but when I am connected trough the Airport Extreme my speed is normal. I know this because I test my connection very often. Now when I want the Airport Express to get back up to speed I have to unplug, and plug it back in. Then after awhile it starts to slow down again in a time period of two weeks or so.

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Hardware :: Setting Up Airport Express To Limit Internet Speed

Oct 2, 2010

I'm having friends stay with me for a few weeks and want to set up the AE to limit the speed of internet available so they don't stream video all day (I have a data cap)

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Hardware :: Airport Express Splitting Bandwidth / Resulting Slow Internet Speed

Mar 7, 2010

I'm using a new AirPort Express updated with the latest firmware and AirPort Utility and both my roommate and I have been banging our heads against the wall. Speed to the APE is 130 Mbit/sec and both of our computers are connected to the APE just fine.

This is what the ping looks like. Ping has started ...

PING google.navigation.opendns.com ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=53 time=155.129 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=53 time=151.575 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=53 time=154.526 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=53 time=154.267 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=53 time=155.645 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=53 time=153.226 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=53 time=153.340 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=53 time=153.381 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=53 time=155.097 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=53 time=152.302 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=53 time=156.201 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=11 ttl=53 time=153.732 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=12 ttl=53 time=156.210 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=13 ttl=53 time=155.551 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=14 ttl=53 time=155.359 ms

--- google.navigation.opendns.com ping statistics ---
15 packets transmitted, 15 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 151.575/154.369/156.210/1.359 ms

When I did a speakeasy test, it turned out that I am getting exactly half of our allotted bandwidth. Is there a way to configure this APE to act more like a router that truly shares a connection rather than a splitter that's cutting it in half? Any help would be much appreciated as I'm getting download speeds of 7kb/s and it takes around 15 seconds to load google!!

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Intel Mac :: AirPort Speed Slows To A Crawl After 5min?

May 25, 2012

I have a mid 2011 27" imac. Ever since I've had this computer, my wifi works fine for the first 5-10 min when I turn the computer on, then after that it starts to slow to the point where it takes 2min to load a page. Then I have to wait about 15min for it to start working properly again.

All the other wifi devices in my house (ipad, laptops) do not have this problem at all so it must be the imac and not the connection. I'm running the latest version of Snow Leopard 10.6.8

imac i7, Mac OS X (10.6.5)

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Hardware :: Very Slow Speed When Using AirPort Express

Jun 25, 2009

I recently moved, and I transferred my comcast high-speed internet service. At my old residence, I used my airport express base station (802.11b/g) with my cable modem, and the internet was quite fast. At my new residence, I set up my network and the speed is quite slow. I initially attributed the problem to Comcast and spent more than an hour on the phone with them this morning. However, I discovered that when I plugged my MBP directly into the cable modem, the internet was blazing fast. So the problem seems to be with the Airport Express.

I'm thinking about just upgrading to an extreme, but I wanted to ask people in the forum to make sure there's not some obvious thing I'm missing so I don't waste my money. I don't really understand why my Airport Express would suddenly become very slow when it was working fine last week, but I don't know how else to explain this problem. I checked my speed using speedtest.net. It measured my download speed as 0.79 Mb/s when connected to airport, and approximately 15.5 Mb/s when connected directly to the cable modem. That's a nearly 20-fold difference!

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Hardware :: How To Maximize Speed With AirPort Express

Apr 9, 2008

I have the new Airport Express Base Station and am working it with my Embarq DSL modem. All my Macs are pre-intel based, iMac G5 and iBook G4. I am not getting the DSL speeds I am supposed to be getting. What procedures should I go through with my Airport and Computers to make sure I am getting the maximum download and upload speed possible?

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Hardware :: AirPort Express Speed - Direct Wiring To Router

Aug 9, 2009

My current set up includes a cable modem to a Linksys wired router, to an Xbox 360, PS3 and Airport Express. This is the set up I have had for about three months. When downloading files or streaming videos the download speed rarely settles in more than 200 kb/s. My old place had a DSL model, which had a slower internet connection, but the airport express speeds (same set up) were much faster. I have tried directly wiring the computer to the router which unsurprising, resulted in much higher speeds. The things I can think it could be:

1. A lot of wireless networks in the vicinity.
2. Airport express just not up to streaming at height 802.11n speeds, although it is rated for them.
3. Attached to a slower port on the router.

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QuickTime :: Batch Editing For Half Speed In QT Pro?

Apr 19, 2012

Need to batch edit mp4 files to half speed, quarter speed, and 1/8 speed and back to mp4 files in Quicktime Pro. Is these even possible? Is there a CLI that would work? Any ability to do this is windows would be preferred. 

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MacBook Pro :: WIFI Downloading Speed Very Slow / Speed Test Shows It Is Fast

Apr 30, 2009

Sorry for the title but I couldn't think of anything better. Hopefully I'll be able to explain my problem. I have a MPR 2.53 ghz, 4 gig ram, I'm using Safari 4.04. I am using the WIFI at a guesthouse in Thailand (but I had the same issue in China, Vietnam ...). I ran a speed test and it said download 7mb/sec and upload about 1mb/sec. I have an "app" that says bandwidth in 1.3kb/sec out 1.0kbs. I thought maybe it was Safari so I downloaded and installed Firefox. firefox gives me similar speeds. When I downloaded Firefox though I had a download speed of over 1mb/sec. But as soon as it finished downloading the speed went back to around 1kb/sec. I have rebooted my MBP many times. I did some Google searches but didn't find anything helpful.

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Hardware :: Adding A Webcam To Imac Desktop - High Speed Usb 2.0 Vs Full Speed

Dec 20, 2007

I am interested in adding a webcam to my desktop Imac (power pc)- Isight is no longer available- an option that I found is the Ecamm Image- but apparently it is USB and not firewire and it will only run with high speed usb- how do I know which type is on my computer? I checked system profiler but quite frankly wasn't sure of the designations.. does anyone have any experience with this camera, by the way? is USB 2.0 by definition "High Speed"?

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MacBook Pro :: WIFI Speed Very Slow / Speed Test Shows It Is Fast

Jan 7, 2010

I have a MPR 2.53 ghz, 4 gig ram, I'm using Safari 4.04. I am using the WIFI at a guesthouse in Thailand (but I had the same issue in China, Vietnam ...).

I ran a speed test and it said download 7mb/sec and upload about 1mb/sec. I have an "app" that says bandwidth in 1.3kb/sec out 1.0kbs. I thought maybe it was Safari so I downloaded and installed Firefox. firefox gives me similar speeds. When I downloaded Firefox though I had a download speed of over 1mb/sec. But as soon as it finished downloading the speed went back to around 1kb/sec. I have rebooted my MBP many times. I did some Google searches but didn't find anything helpful.

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Hardware :: Airports Extreme / DSL Speed - Unable To Get Constant Speed

Mar 4, 2010

Have an Extreme base stations and express repeater connected to my DSL services. On my primary iMac connected via ethernet I get 5.25MBps speed. The speed on this computer is always constant. On the remote MacPro I get anywhere from 1.5MBps to 5MPps speed within a half hour of testing.

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Applications :: Recovery Speed Based On The Hard Drive Speed?

May 21, 2010

I'm using Data Rescue III on a USB powered hard drive with and it's taking a very long time with my iMac G5... It says 42,291 hours remaining (about 5 years) If I did it on my Mac Pro would it go faster, or is the recovery speed based on the hard drive speed?

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OS X :: Difference Between Speed Test & File Downloads Speed?

Apr 12, 2009

i have a 1.5 Mbps AT&T DSL connection, and multiple speed tests show a download speed of 1.2 Mbps (and 200 Kbps upload). when i download files, such as software updates from Apple, various podcasts, and even Silverlight from Microshaft, the speed is always between 140 - 160 Kbps. i contacted AT&T, and the rep said it was because of buffering by the servers i was receiving the files from. is this a reasonable explanation? is this an accurate use of the term "buffering"?

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IMac :: High Speed Fan - How To Make It Run At Normal Speed

Aug 26, 2009

Last night my fan kicked into high gear all of a sudden. I shut it down overnight and when booting up this AM I find it still running on high...quire noisy, of course. Is there something overheating? How to make it run at normal speed?

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OS X :: Download Speed Fine - Upload Speed Horrible?

Jan 7, 2010

I generally get about 700kbs download speed, which is what my ISP (Sky uk) tells me I SHOULD have, but they also tell me that my router upload speed should be similar and it's not anywhere close to it.

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OS X :: Hack Plist Fie / Speed Up Dictation Past Max Speed?

Apr 24, 2010

I find OS X's TTS engine on SL to be not fast enough on full speed. Is there a way to hack the plist file or something to speed up the dictation past the max speed?

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OS X :: How Can I Speed Up Internet

Mar 28, 2010

I have a 2.8 GHz with 2 GB of memory. Everything is connected properly but it's been running really slow lately.

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OS X :: Download Speed From Internet Is Only 12 Kb/s

Sep 28, 2010

I am sorry if i have posted this in the wrong topic, i'm not sure where this would go. I am trying to download a file off the internet, but my download speed is only 12 kb/s on average (Sometimes it will go up to 13 and sometimes down to 9). I have every application that could be using internet turned off and still no help. I have also set my utorrent to unlimited download speed but it still stays on 12! I have a good router so i don't think thats the problem. What am i doing wrong? Is there a program i can use to speed it up?

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OS X :: Airport - Speed Is Reduced?

Nov 11, 2008

So, maybe it doesnt rly matters now because i got tired of this BS and im getting a power line for my mac pro. But im rly curious whats up with this new - yet another - problem that popped up with airport. Ok, so i managed to fix all the dropout problems, and after working good for a month or so, now suddently since yesterday my speed is reduced. The speedtest wont go beyond 2000kbps, while it used to be 7500+, and while ethernet does give me 7500+. The signal appears to be good, my channel is far away form the other networks... Thats a tottaly strange problem, its getting me insane that i cant figure out whats causing it

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OS X :: How Do I Check Internet Speed In A System

Mar 14, 2008

What is the quickest way to check my internet connection speed in Tiger?On a PC, I've always known it's as simple as hovering the cursor over the connection icon in the taskbar. It's been like that at least since XP if not earlier.In OSX though (Tiger at least) the Airport icon in the menubar doesn't give any of that information.

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OS X :: Checking Internet Speed On MacBook?

Dec 3, 2008

Is there a way to check how fast my internet is? I remember there being a website for the iphone where you just go to and it'll tell you the speed. is there anything like that for the macbook? And if so what should the normal connection speed be?

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OS X :: Slow Internet Speed - 18.500 Average

Feb 5, 2009

I have a PowerMac G5 running tiger and am having painfully slow internet connection speed. There are 2 comps hooked to the router from the modem(my MAC and a PC), then another Router between the MAC and an XBOX 360. The other comp has consistently fast internet speed. I pinged [URL] and got the average above, no packet loss. I have:

-reset modem and both routers
-contacted my ISP all ok there
-bypassed the both routers and still slow(this leading me to think its a software-settings problem on my end)
-reinstalled OS

still slow. besides preforming a seance I am clueless, which isnt saying much.

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OS X :: Slow Internet / Speed Fluctuates?

Mar 6, 2009

My ISP is Mediacom (I do NOT recommend them), and I use a cable modem (RCA) straight into my iMac, 24" 2.4GHz, late 2007 Al, running 10.5.6 and Safari 3.2.1.

According to my iStat pro widget, my network in fluctuates between 1kb/s and 5.2Mb/s. Mostly the slow speed. Mediacom is sending someone out on Monday.Is there anything I can check or do in the meantime. The iMac is the only computer around here, and I've rebooted the cable modem until I'm sick of it. Even rebooted the iMac.I used to think TW was bad until I had to use Mediacom.

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OS X :: Internet Speed Over Wifi Vs. Ethernet?

Apr 3, 2009

Ive got a pretty fast internet connection at home and I have just realised that when I plug my iBook and desktop pcs into my wireless router ethernet (LAN) ports I get a much faster internet connection speed compared to the wifi.I.e. 12-17mbps when through ethernet and when I connect to the wifi I get 2-4mbps. My computers are all located in the same room no more than 5 metres away from the router.

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Hardware :: Is There A Big Difference In Internet Speed Between G And N

Dec 28, 2009

I'm trying to decide whether to buy the express or the extreme.

I will only be using it for web surfing with my macbook pro.

But in the near future I might buy a wifi skype phone (which is g).

If I'm using the express, that means my macbook pro connection will change from n to g (because it is not simultaneous as in the extreme) when the wifi phone connects.

Will shifting from n to g change drastically my internet speeds in my macbook pro?

If my download speed is 300 Kb/s and my upload is 30 Kb/s with "n"; how much will that change when shifting to "g"?

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Software :: Increase The Internet Speed

Feb 14, 2009

I have an Apple Imac running OSX 10.4.11.I recently signed up to a satellite internet service and the speed and reliability are very poor.

It seems to take forever to download a website. When I use Google with Firefox, more often than not I get a blank screen. If I hit the reload button the page may or may not load. The ISP tech support point the finger at Apple; Apple support points the finger at the ISP.

The ISP tech support guy who installed the satellite service knew nothing about Apples but the service seemed to work fine when he tried his PC laptop.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Monitor Internet Speed

Mar 25, 2012

I can't stream movies; to slow 0.3-0.4 mbps. My ISP says I have Preferred Service with Powerboost but won't commit to a guaranteed speed. Using cable modem and TC. 

What software might be safe to use to do this? 

MacBook 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo; MacBook Pro Intel Core Duo 2.53, Mac OS X (10.6.2), OS 10.5.8 on MB

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OS X :: Unable To Get Airport Extreme Speed

Jul 15, 2009

so i have a 802.11n airport extreme, but it just seems really slow... i was streaming a movie from a hard drive i have connected to it and it was choppy and it would cut out, i have it set on 802.11n 5ghz only and i have the latest firmware but im not getting very good throughput.

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Hardware :: Airport Extreme Usb Speed?

Nov 11, 2009

im thinking of getting a new airport extreme, i have a usb drive and want to use with time machine, easy enough so far.

i currently backup using just the standard usb drive but its not always plugged in & gets annoying so i want to make it simpler but if the speed isn't there, there is no real point.

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