OS X :: Hard Drive Containing Aperture Library Crashed

Sep 26, 2010

Luckily, this is not my primary Aperture library, but another one that I started a few weeks ago as I thought my first was getting a bit large. I am unable to open Aperture at all, nor can I copy to or from the drive. Because the drive is (I believe) bad, I can't repair the library, plus, as I mentioned, I can't open Aperture anyways. I can pull the drive, but then how do I get Aperture to redirect itself so that it opens my original library, instead of trying to open this new one? Pulled the suspicious drive from my Mac Pro. On restarting, Aperture asked which Library I wanted, adding that one was no longer available. So, I'm back on the original library and things look to be running fine. Unfortunately, I hadn't vaulted yet, so the last month is probably gone. Luckily, I think I already exported the few keepers I had during that time.

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Aperture :: Error 36 When Copying Library To External Hard Drive

Jun 2, 2014

I am trying to copy my aperture 3 library (126GB) to an external hard drive to free up space on my local hard drive.

When it is at the final 1gb of the process I recieve an error message:

"The Finder can’t complete the operation because some data in “Aperture 3 Library” can’t be read or written.

(Error code -36)" 

I have repaired the aperture library and repaired permissions and this did not work.

I'm running 10.9.3

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Mac Pro :: Hard Drive Crashed (what's Best)

Jan 7, 2010

I just had my first Hard Drive crash on me . When I turn it on it makes a clicking sound for a few and then nothing happens. Its a Western Digital 500gb HD. I was wondering two things. 1) How can I get my stuff off the HD and 2) What's the best HD to get that wont give me any problems. I want to get a 1tb or 2tb HD.

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OS X :: Crashed Hard Drive Secure?

Sep 10, 2009

I swapped out my stock 160GB HDD for a 500GB WD HDD a year ago and put the old HDD into an enclosure. I guess I didn't screw it in tight enough and after jostling around a move or two, I just plugged it in to clear the clicking sound of a crashed drive. I can't even mount it onto my computer, so I pretty sure it's gone. My question is: I was about to take it to Best Buy to put in their electronic recycling bin, when I wondered if whatever data that was on there is secure, and if there's another step I should be taking before disposing of it properly.

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ITunes :: My Hard Drive Crashed

Apr 24, 2012

My hard drive crashed.


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Hardware :: External Hard Drive Crashed

Dec 21, 2009

My 500GB external hard drive (Hitachi DeskStar) crashed! The blue light comes on, and I can hear the hard drive spinning, then sounds like it's stuck, or clicking ...

Same thing happens to the internal HD on my iBook G4. Sometimes the internal HD works, sometimes not.

I desparately need to find someway to attempt to either fix the external 500GB HD, or recover the files. The 500GB was my main HD, and I have so much very important data that I need to recover (no backups!).

I have years of research (lots of family history), thousands of pictures (many very old), my personal journals that I've been keeping for years, personal information, letters, documents, family videos, and all of my e-mail.

Somebody was telling me that there is special software that will recognize the HD, and allow you to recover the files.

What would you recommend? At the present I have no money to do anything, but will save up for the recovery software. My uncle is getting me a new hard drive, so I'll have that to back up the files when I have the recovery software ...

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OS X :: Mac Crashed Repeatedly / Hard Drive Not Recognized

Dec 30, 2009

I have a 2007/2008 MBP 2.4Ghz running 10.6.2. I was having repeated hard crashes
due, I think, to some stupid firefox mods I made a few days ago. Every 1-3 hours, the system would freeze, make that crackly thinking really hard noise, spin the beach ball, and wait for me to hard restart. This happens 3 or 4 times today, and on the last crash, the system hangs on restart. Grey screen, spinning grey circle of circles for 10 or so minutes. I can't wait any longer, so I hard restart again, and again the system hangs indefinitely. Now I start to get a bit worried. I boot from the Snow Leopard install disk and open disk utility. From there, I attempted to verify permissions, but the process hangs with one minute remaining for at least 20 minutes. A crash while trying to repair a crash. Great.

So I hard restart AGAIN, and open disk utility, this time selecting repair disk. The utility detects a few errors, supposedly corrects them, then hangs for about 2 minutes, finally culminating in the hard drive disappearing act. The bar looks complete, but the hard drive is gone from the list! GONE! I can't select it from the sidebar in Disk Utility. It doesn't show up in the Startup Disk menu. The only drive I can access is the dvd drive with the Leopard disk. I opened System Profiler and looked under Serial-ATA, and found the only entry was for an Intel ICH8-M ACHI. I don't remember that being there. It used to be a Matsushita drive. Can't find anything on google, and I want to do whatever I can before giving up hope on all my data. Haven't made a backup in a while.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Reinstall After Hard Drive Crashed

Apr 23, 2012

My hard drive crashed and i ended up replacing it. I had downloaded LION OS from the app store and know i would like to re-install on my new hard drive.

Info:iMac (24-inch Mid 2007), LION OS

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OS X V10.7 :: Hard Drive Crashed After Loading Lion

May 18, 2012

hard drive crashed after loading lion


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MacBook Pro :: How Long Should It Take To Transfer Aperture Library To An External Drive 54GB

May 28, 2012

How long should it take to transfer aperture library to an external drive 54GB

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MacBook Pro :: Hard Drive Crashed / Should Do 7 Pass Sweep?

Dec 28, 2010

My hard drive crashed so before I sell the laptop, I heard I should do a "7 pass sweep". I'm not sure how to do this from the OS install disk though

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PowerPC :: G4 Quicksilver Hard Drive Finally Crashed

Aug 30, 2008

Just want to know the proper type to replace it with. Is there a size (gigabyte, not physical!) limit I need to be concerned with?

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OS X :: Clicking Noise Heard And Hard Drive Crashed

Jan 2, 2010

Background Info: Earlier today, I experienced a what I am 99.9% sure was a hard drive crash on my white MacBook (about 36 months old). Everything stopped responding, and I heard a clicking noise coming from where the the hard drive is located. I forced a shutdown by holding down the power button, and tried to reboot, only to be greeted by the little question mark folder and the clicking sound. Fortunately, I had just backed it up the previous night, so I knew I hadn't lost anything of value. Then, about an hour ago, a made another attempted to start it up again, and to my surprise, was greeted by no clicking and an logo.

Actual Questions:
I am guessing this is not a one time occurrence, and that the noise and another crash will be back, am I correct? If so, does anyone have any guess on how long until it does return, and ultimately, how long can I put off my trip to the genius bar?

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OS X :: Saving Crashed Data Recovered From Hard Drive

Mar 10, 2010

I recently lost access to my Seagate eSATA HD after my Mac froze up and I had to do a hard shut down of both the Mac and my eSATA drive. When plugged in, OSX says I must initialize the disk before use (Windows says the same thing, but uses the word "format"). I figured out the drive is now in RAW format. I found a nifty little program called Recover My Files, (which cost a cool $69.95, far less than professional data recovery services) and ran a scan on my drive. It found what appears to be all of my files, but it doesn't look quite like what it did on the drive. Several top level directories are gone, and their content folders and files just spread out in the list.

All of this is OK by me, but when I try to save the files to another location, the software says my selected files take up 2.43 TB of space to save! The eSATA drive itself was only a 500 GB hard drive, so I don't know how it could find 2.43 TB to save. And I had only used around 350 GB of space on the drive. I did go through and found it had several duplicates for many of the files, that looked like maybe older versions or temp versions (with a ~ in font of the file name). I'm not sure how all these files could fit on that drive, but maybe I am misunderstanding something. Anyhow, I want just to save the correct files. A) I don't have space for all that stuff, my max to copy to is 500 GB (minus used space), and B) I don't want to have to sort through all of those files to get the one's I need (assuming there are tons of dupes in there).

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MacBook :: Possible To Recover Data From Crashed Hard Drive?

May 29, 2012

My computer had frozen up so I had to restart it by holding down the power button. After I had done this, I kept getting a recurring kernel panic error. I had taken my MacBook the Apple Store and the tech who looked at it said that my hard drive was no longer good and that I would either have to replace it or purchase a new laptop. Regardless of whether I replace my hard drive or just purchase a new laptop, would there be any way to get my data that I lost off my old hard drive. I have some stuff backed up, but not recent data.


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MacBook Pro :: Can't Fix A Crashed Hard Drive - Impeding Circumstances

Jun 27, 2012

I have an early 2008 Macbook pro 15" 2.4ghz (T8300). Now when it attempts to startup I get the white screen with the spinning circle but it stays stalled at this screen indefinitely. While the icon continues spinning theres also a constant clicking sound coming from the hard drive. I have the Snow Leopard Install disc, but unfortunately the disc drive malfunctions ever since the laptop was dropped several years ago. (This happened a good year before the hard drive began failing) So booting from the disc wont work. 

I have an external usb drive that I thought I could boot from but would need to make a separate partition, thus losing over 2TB of music, movies, and documents. What I think I should do...?: Buy a small SSD to replace the failing hard drive. Using another mac, plug in the SSD via usb and install Snow leopard onto it. Then plug the SSD into the Macbook pro via usb and boot from it to make sure everything works. Then install the drive internally. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Transferring Data From Crashed Hard Drive To New One?

Sep 7, 2014

My trusty 6 year old mac book crashed.  Took it to apple, they couldn't recover.   Purchased new 15 mac book pro with 1TB. drive.   Removed my HD from the old mac book and trying to transfer files via sata cable to USB directly to my new mac.   Been successful with lots of files.  Problem is, new mac shows old file icons from Applications,  library, users, etc. but not contents.  I tried copying entire hard drive... Wont work.

Then went into users, from my main folder with most of my saved stuff.  The largest two folders I want to recover is the Documents folder and the Images folder. I cant open and see the files inside because for over 24 hours now it has been showing "Preparing to copy files". When I went to the images folder after about 6 hours it went from preparing, to copying with estimated time of 6 days to complete. If I could see the contents in the folders, I could simply just transfer the main Items needed? 

MacBook Pro

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Applications :: Hard Drive Crashed And IMovie Data Missing

Oct 19, 2010

My hard drive crashed and corrupted some of my iMovie MOVs. When launching iMovie, I get a series of alerts (attached image). I'm trying to find what is making iMovie look for these files so I can clear out the reference. I tried searching for the file name and nothing comes up. I already know the file is missing, I'd just like iMove to stop looking for it.

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OS X :: Hard Drive Crashed / Recover Data From Corrupted Drives?

Jun 2, 2008

My friends iBook hard drive has crashed and I'm in the process of replacing it. However, he had a lot of important data on that hard drive that he needs recovered. Is there any software that you can recommend (for Windows or OS X) that will recover data from corrupt/bad hard drives? I have software for NTFS/FAT32 but don't know of any good ones for HFS.

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Applications :: Recovering ITunes Music From Crashed Hard Drive

Apr 24, 2009

My hard drive crashed and could not be recovered without spending about $1500. (according to the guys at the local Apple certified store) We had quite a bit of music on it but not enough to justify spending that kind of money. Is there a record of the music we purchased and some way to re-download that music to our new hard drive without re-buying all of it?

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Hardware :: Hard Drive Crashed - Recovering Files Procedure?

Dec 21, 2009

My 500GB external hard drive (Hitachi DeskStar) crashed! The blue light comes on, and I can hear the hard drive spinning, then sounds like it's stuck, or clicking ...

Same thing happens to the internal HD on my iBook G4. Sometimes the internal HD works, sometimes not.

I desparately need to find someway to attempt to either fix the external 500GB HD, or recover the files. The 500GB was my main HD, and I have so much very important data that I need to recover (no backups!).

I have years of research (lots of family history), thousands of pictures (many very old), my personal journals that I've been keeping for years, personal information, letters, documents, family videos, and all of my e-mail.

Somebody was telling me that there is special software that will recognize the HD, and allow you to recover the files.

What would you recommend? At the present I have no money to do anything, but will save up for the recovery software. My uncle is getting me a new hard drive, so I'll have that to back up the files when I have the recovery software ...

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ITunes :: Hard Drive Crashed Cannot Download Music From Match

Jun 6, 2012

I had a fairly extensive music collection and recently i had to get a new hard drive. I didn't think it would be a big deal because i had always updated itunes Match. But iTunes match isn't showing me my library to download my music again. 

Did i completely misunderstand iTunes Match? Do i have to start over? 

All the music properly downloads on my iphone but not my mac.

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MacBook Pro :: Crashed While Writing Email When Back Up Account Gone (but Still On Hard Drive)

Aug 28, 2014

  Model Name:    MacBook Pro
  Model Identifier:    MacBookPro5,1
  Processor Name:    Intel Core 2 Duo
  Processor Speed:    2.4 GHz 

Was working on my emails and computer crashed. When I turned the computer back on everything came back except the email program and emails.

Instead it asks me to open new mail account. I can find the emails on my hard drive but when I click on them...goes to same window to open and asks to open new mail acct. How can I recover and have access to my mail account?

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Mac Pro :: Configure Hard Drive Bays For Use With FCP Aperture?

Nov 13, 2009

I just placed an order for a 2.93 Quad core, a 640gb HD in bay 1, 6gb ram with a 4870 card(didn't want to buy and flash my own as this mac pro is a gift from a friend). I really want to get a 128 SSD as OS and app drive, but can't afford it. So I will just stick with the 640gb. I will most likely raid 0 two 1gb disks in bay 2 and 3 as a scratch disk for FCP, would it be a good idea to put my aperture library on there as well for faster speed? I have around 113gb of photos in my aperture library currently. Finally, I will use bay 4 as a back up for the OS and apps. I have a drobo for data storage.

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Aperture :: Import Does Not See Files On Hard Drive

Dec 7, 2014

This happens again and again, and it's EXTREMELY irritating.  

I am trying to import some existing JPEGs on my Desktop. When I try Import in Aperture, the file browser simply does not see most files and folders. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. It seems to happen on a whim. This is very bad, I have just about had it with Aperture. And yes, permissions are set correctly.  

On what basis Aperture sees or does not see certain files/folders?

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Aperture :: Export Errors For Mac Hard Drive?

Aug 25, 2014

I am suddenly getting a "The export operation failed to create # of files...."  This is happening when I try to export to the Mac HD (Retina 13MBP)

If I export to desktop, I am ok. I have run disc utils verified disc and fixed permissions on the drive...as welll as the permissions on the Ap library, and a rebuild.

I can also export to a connected thunderbolt. It seems to only be the HD and it happens with differet export settings. 

MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2013), Mac OS X (10.6.4), Apeture, os 10.8.5

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OS X Mavericks :: Disk Utility Crashed Whilst Creating Partition And Now Missing Hard Drive Space

Jun 3, 2014

Disk Utility Crashed whilst creating a Partition, and I now have ~100GB missing, which was the amount I had allocated to the new partition.

The new partition didn't get created, and I now have 100GB missing from the Hard drive. I have a 1TB hard drive, and when I go to Disk Utility, it says:  Capacity : 999.35 GB (999,345,127,424 Bytes)Available : 586.1 GB (586,103,844,864 Bytes)Used : 310.52 GB (310,524,317,696 Bytes) 

Which adds up to about ~900GB.

I tried Repairing Disk in Disk Utility, booting into Recovery Mode and Repairing Disk there, but neither made a difference. 

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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Aperture :: Hard Drive On IMac Is Full With Photos?

Sep 1, 2014

My hard drive is full,mostly with photos within Aperture. I have created separate libraries for each year. How do I move one or more of these libraries to an external drive to free up memory on the iMac. I am using Aperture 3

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)

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Intel Mac :: How To Move IPhoto / Aperture & ITunes Libraries From One Hard Drive

Jun 12, 2012

How to move iPhoto, Aperture, & iTunes libraries from one hard drive to a new external hard drive

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: ITunes Crashed And Library Damaged

Feb 25, 2009

I recently opened up iTunes to update some of my podcasts. Since my MacBook can keep a charge for about 1 minute (I'm not kidding), it shut down while new podcasts were downloading since I forgot to plug in the charger. No big deal, I think. This has happened to be before. Except when I try to open up iTunes after turning the computer on again, I'm told that something happened to my library, and some file was renamed itunes library(damaged).itl.

Huge problem: there is absolutely no damaged itunes library anywhere on my computer. I'm missing about 2k songs, all of my audiobooks, and all of my podcast subscriptions. Where in the hell could the damaged library have gone? I've read that simply renaming that one and reimporting it brings everything back to normal, but I have no damaged file to do this with. Where does it typically go when something like this happens?

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