OS X :: Clicking Noise Heard And Hard Drive Crashed
Jan 2, 2010
Background Info: Earlier today, I experienced a what I am 99.9% sure was a hard drive crash on my white MacBook (about 36 months old). Everything stopped responding, and I heard a clicking noise coming from where the the hard drive is located. I forced a shutdown by holding down the power button, and tried to reboot, only to be greeted by the little question mark folder and the clicking sound. Fortunately, I had just backed it up the previous night, so I knew I hadn't lost anything of value. Then, about an hour ago, a made another attempted to start it up again, and to my surprise, was greeted by no clicking and an logo.
Actual Questions:
I am guessing this is not a one time occurrence, and that the noise and another crash will be back, am I correct? If so, does anyone have any guess on how long until it does return, and ultimately, how long can I put off my trip to the genius bar?
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Apr 13, 2010
Basically, I have noticed that sometimes if I put pressure (not really hard or anything just like if I lean my wrist on it when typing) on the bottom right corner of the macbook, it makes a clicking sound when I press it. It sounds to me like something is bending when I press down there. It doesn't always click consistently, and sometimes I have to press in different places to get it to click.
I only noticed it when I applied a gelaskin to the top and was rubbing it to get the bubbles out and noticed when I rubbed over that corner it would make a clicking sound. Its really weird and I don't want my macbook to die as I'm already on my second one this year! I have backed up the hard drive as I have been told that the hard drive is in that corner but I have no idea if thats the problem or not. It seems to be that something is loose but I don't know what or how!!
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Jun 23, 2010
I am the proud new owner of a core i5 MBP! I am loving it a lot so far, but I have noticed something a bit odd, every once in a while I hear a little clicking noise inside the computer, when I'm moving it and when it is sitting still. The sound is for sure coming from inside the computer. Could this be something wrong with the inside It's not a gigantic problem, just a minor annoyance and I want to make sure that nothing is wrong!
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Aug 30, 2010
I just bought a brand new MacBook Pro about 2 weeks ago. I'd say about a week ago I notice a clicking noise when I pick up the macbook or move it at all coming from the hard drive.
I finally took to the internet to find out what was going on, and got mixed results. Some said that it was normal for a Macbook Pro and that it was securing the hard drive so it didn't break while I moved it, and a vast majority said that the hard drive's failure was imminent. So what is it?
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Jan 16, 2010
I bought a 13" macbook pro only weeks ago and since the day I bought it I noticed any sudden movement causes a "clicking" noise from the hard drive. At first I assumed that apple have included some sort of safety anti shock casing built around the hard drive in case of acidentally dropping the macbook.
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Nov 7, 2007
I've recently been getting a clicking noise from my hard drive, and when it happens 90% of the time my mac crashes for about 10 seconds. First thing I did was verify my disk in disk utility and I got a response I'm not entirely clear of the meaning so I've attached a screenshot of what my response is. I'm going to try some other 3rd party app to see whats up with my hard drive such as techtool pro...I'm on a 2.33 ghz 15" macbook pro with leopard.
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Aug 16, 2009
Got a new MBP 17" 500GB 7200rpm about 2 months ago. Recently It's starting to make this weird clicking and beeping noise more and more. It used to do it every once in a while and I didn't think too much of it, but recently it's started doing it more, quite a bit actually. Is this something I need to be worried about? I'm thinking it is the Hard Drive, is that true? if so, then what? I am also getting the spinning beach ball a lot more often, for a good minute at a time. I am currently on the latest build of SL, the one right before release.
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Jun 8, 2010
So my macbook pro makes semi-constant clicking noise from the hard drive when web surfing or anything.. is this normal? they are very slight, but noticable. base 13" 2010 model
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Sep 26, 2010
I am so upset right now, this is my 2nd macbook with this problem. I just got this macbook yesterday and the hard drive is making a clicking noise, but it isn't a click....click...click... like a lot of people have had, it's actually more of a quick series of clicks every few seconds, almost like the hard drive is shaking. It goes away for a bit when I am typing, like right now, but after I stop it comes right back.
Also the fan is pretty loud, considering I haven't put anything on the computer yet.. I've already been to the genius bar and all they did was give me a new, worse macbook, so there is no way I'm going back. Are there any fixes for a noisy hard drive aside from voiding my warranty and putting my own in? If it is normal, I might just invest in a good pair on noise cancelling head phones... Thanks!
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Jan 7, 2010
I managed to get a CD, possibly 2 if my niece stuck one in too, in my Macbook. I have no idea if there was one in there when I put my blank CD in but I know its possible to have 2 stuck in there, and with the problems I'm having I wouldn't be surprised. My mac doesn't recognize that their is a CD in the drive, no icon, itunes doesn't recognize its there, nothing. I can hold down eject button and nothing happens. The only time I get a response is every time I turn my computer on or awake it from sleep it tries to, at least this is what I assume its doing, to eject the CD.
When it does this is makes the most horrible noise you've ever heard for about 10 seconds then stops. It's almost like a tune, different horrible notes being screeched from my poor computer. I have tried absolutely everything. The cardboard, the business card, pressing spacebar at start up, tilting it, every trick I have googled has not worked. Any experts out there with new ideas? I would love to be able to turn my computer on without it screaming at me every time...and a functional CD drive would be a plus too.
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Oct 6, 2009
I just got my MacBook pro last month and sometimes I hear this sound for like a second. I don't know how to describe it. It's like a little clicking sound. It can happen when I'm online or sometimes when I close the macbook.
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Nov 8, 2010
I've been using this MBP since 2007, and, it's starting to fail me. I was using an external hdd on it since the internal one crashed, and, then the external one crashed. I just purchased a 250gig hdd which fits perfectly in my Macbook, but, now I have another issue that's been pressing me for some time that didn't bother me at all until now when I need to install Snow Leopard;
My Super Drive isn't reading discs at all, and, it's making this scary crackling noise. I uploaded a video on youtube of me putting 2 discs in it, 1 with content (World of Warcraft: The Frozen Throne) and the other without content (Just a blank CD).
Before I link the video, I'd like to note that I am apparently amazed by the laser seeing as how I point to it and make a note of it ._. URL
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Aug 13, 2008
The last two days I have woken up and started my G4, and I hear an odd noise. I hear my drives spin up, but it takes probably 15 seconds for the Apple to show up on the grey bootscreen, after the first Chime I hear a 2nd noise from the internal speaker that I can't really describe? I can also hear a weird noise that sounds like rubbing or something if I listen very closely. Maybe this is a dust build up on the fan. Disk Utility says both of my drives are fine, and my computer is running fine. I'm just kind of confused here.. Should I pick up some canned air and clean out the computer a bit?
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May 23, 2009
So the first time it did it was I think two days ago and I was doing something in Mail, when all of a sudden 'Beep', it's not really high pitched, and lasts about a second or less, and then it did it again about 30 seconds later. Now it's doing it frequently. Is it bad? A sign of impending doom? Used the Applecare TechTool Deluxe and everything passed. Also, it isn't always beeping, sometimes it's silent, for ages, then it'll beep and beep for a while, then quiet again.
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Dec 6, 2009
So essentially the title says it all. My Macbook has been making the "eject-a-cd" noise at random times since about yesterday. As of yet I have not attempted a restart.
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Jan 6, 2010
My girlfriend recently bought a 17" Unibody MacBook Pro (the one with the built-in battery). Yesterday, we noticed that the computer was making a noise from the left-hand side. It sounds like the hard-disk accessing information. Pretty much the sound all PC's make, however, we had never heard the machine make the noise before. She has had the computer for about 2 months. Our concern is primarily because my older 15" MBP Unibody is virtually silent and never makes a similar noise.
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Mar 29, 2010
MacBook Pro 15" Unibody Mid 2009. I got my new MBP 15" one month ago, I noticed a noise coming from underneath the touch-pad. The noise sounds like a loose small piece of metal cracking there. When I hear this noise:
- when the laptop is on my legs/bed/couch and I move it a little bit.
- when I tab on the aluminum around the touchpad.
I hear the noise more frequently day after day. I noticed that when I shake the laptop (shuted down) with the lid opened I hear the noise way more than with the lid closed. My laptop is new, its case never opened. I thought of the following:
- Something wrong with the thing that adjust the touchpad click (if it exists)
- There is a free screw moving there (maybe while assembling the laptop they accidentally dropped the screw).
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Jul 29, 2010
Just got my new i7 in the mail today after waiting for the refresh for 5 months and it has that stupid high pitched noise that you get when you adjust the brightness. I returned four of these things at the beginning of the year (2 HD failures, 1 power source failure, 1 DOA), one that had the hd failure also had this same high pitched noise.
I love these computers (minus the complete lack of quality control), so I don't want to switch back to PC, but I am at my wits end here. Apple already gave me $150 off this computer for me trouble, but I just don't know if its worth the hassle anymore. I am returning it for sure, but would you ask for more compensation, maybe a ram upgrade or something? I don't like to be the guy who asks for free crap, but the way I see it, they can give me another hundred $, or I can go back to pc and they lose a customer for life.
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Sep 6, 2010
I may have found a solution for all the people out there who upgraded their hd's to a 7200rpm and have the clicking noise. Apple released a firmware update for the 7200rpm drives that shipped with the uMBP. You can get the file from here.I don't know if this will fix only the hd's shipped with the MBP or any 7200rpm drive but its worth a try.PS: Also i ask that anyone who tries this please report back on your results.
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Oct 25, 2008
I just got my macbook pro yesterday and ran it all yesterday not hearing anything. Today when I woke it from sleep I could clearly hear the fan or hard drive going. I was in a quiet room and it's quite annoying.
istat says its at 2000 rpm so thats when I started thinking it may be the hard disk. It does pulse every now and then but thats even while it's just sitting idle.
I guess I could live with it but its just annoying. Anyone else having this?
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Jan 7, 2010
I just had my first Hard Drive crash on me . When I turn it on it makes a clicking sound for a few and then nothing happens. Its a Western Digital 500gb HD. I was wondering two things. 1) How can I get my stuff off the HD and 2) What's the best HD to get that wont give me any problems. I want to get a 1tb or 2tb HD.
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Sep 10, 2009
I swapped out my stock 160GB HDD for a 500GB WD HDD a year ago and put the old HDD into an enclosure. I guess I didn't screw it in tight enough and after jostling around a move or two, I just plugged it in to clear the clicking sound of a crashed drive. I can't even mount it onto my computer, so I pretty sure it's gone. My question is: I was about to take it to Best Buy to put in their electronic recycling bin, when I wondered if whatever data that was on there is secure, and if there's another step I should be taking before disposing of it properly.
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Apr 24, 2012
My hard drive crashed.
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Dec 21, 2009
My 500GB external hard drive (Hitachi DeskStar) crashed! The blue light comes on, and I can hear the hard drive spinning, then sounds like it's stuck, or clicking ...
Same thing happens to the internal HD on my iBook G4. Sometimes the internal HD works, sometimes not.
I desparately need to find someway to attempt to either fix the external 500GB HD, or recover the files. The 500GB was my main HD, and I have so much very important data that I need to recover (no backups!).
I have years of research (lots of family history), thousands of pictures (many very old), my personal journals that I've been keeping for years, personal information, letters, documents, family videos, and all of my e-mail.
Somebody was telling me that there is special software that will recognize the HD, and allow you to recover the files.
What would you recommend? At the present I have no money to do anything, but will save up for the recovery software. My uncle is getting me a new hard drive, so I'll have that to back up the files when I have the recovery software ...
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Sep 26, 2010
Luckily, this is not my primary Aperture library, but another one that I started a few weeks ago as I thought my first was getting a bit large. I am unable to open Aperture at all, nor can I copy to or from the drive. Because the drive is (I believe) bad, I can't repair the library, plus, as I mentioned, I can't open Aperture anyways. I can pull the drive, but then how do I get Aperture to redirect itself so that it opens my original library, instead of trying to open this new one? Pulled the suspicious drive from my Mac Pro. On restarting, Aperture asked which Library I wanted, adding that one was no longer available. So, I'm back on the original library and things look to be running fine. Unfortunately, I hadn't vaulted yet, so the last month is probably gone. Luckily, I think I already exported the few keepers I had during that time.
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Dec 30, 2009
I have a 2007/2008 MBP 2.4Ghz running 10.6.2. I was having repeated hard crashes
due, I think, to some stupid firefox mods I made a few days ago. Every 1-3 hours, the system would freeze, make that crackly thinking really hard noise, spin the beach ball, and wait for me to hard restart. This happens 3 or 4 times today, and on the last crash, the system hangs on restart. Grey screen, spinning grey circle of circles for 10 or so minutes. I can't wait any longer, so I hard restart again, and again the system hangs indefinitely. Now I start to get a bit worried. I boot from the Snow Leopard install disk and open disk utility. From there, I attempted to verify permissions, but the process hangs with one minute remaining for at least 20 minutes. A crash while trying to repair a crash. Great.
So I hard restart AGAIN, and open disk utility, this time selecting repair disk. The utility detects a few errors, supposedly corrects them, then hangs for about 2 minutes, finally culminating in the hard drive disappearing act. The bar looks complete, but the hard drive is gone from the list! GONE! I can't select it from the sidebar in Disk Utility. It doesn't show up in the Startup Disk menu. The only drive I can access is the dvd drive with the Leopard disk. I opened System Profiler and looked under Serial-ATA, and found the only entry was for an Intel ICH8-M ACHI. I don't remember that being there. It used to be a Matsushita drive. Can't find anything on google, and I want to do whatever I can before giving up hope on all my data. Haven't made a backup in a while.
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Apr 23, 2012
My hard drive crashed and i ended up replacing it. I had downloaded LION OS from the app store and know i would like to re-install on my new hard drive.
Info:iMac (24-inch Mid 2007), LION OS
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May 18, 2012
hard drive crashed after loading lion
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Dec 28, 2010
My hard drive crashed so before I sell the laptop, I heard I should do a "7 pass sweep". I'm not sure how to do this from the OS install disk though
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Aug 30, 2008
Just want to know the proper type to replace it with. Is there a size (gigabyte, not physical!) limit I need to be concerned with?
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