IMac :: How To Set To Open File Type With Specific Software
Dec 24, 2009
Is there any way we can set a file type (ex: .phtml) to open with a software forever? Like until death do us part? I'm very sick of having to chose "Choose a software" blabla. I want my .phtml files to automatically open with Dreamweaver. I did check the "always open this file with this application" and it doesn't work.
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Feb 24, 2009
How do I get my mac to always open all Microsoft word documents in Pages?
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Jun 2, 2014
Whenever I attempt to change the default program to open a file, it automatically reverts to whatever was selected previously. I work with a lot of .ai files and my default Illustrator version is set to Creative Cloud. CC crashes constantly on my machine, however CS6 runs smooth as silk. I'd like to be able to double click an .ai file and have it open in CS6, not CC. When I right click > Get Info > Open with and change it, it reverts as soon as I click "Change all..."
Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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May 18, 2010
this is driving me insane. On Tiger I was always able to select the default application to open a given file type, but I can't do this in SL. I want the XLD app to always open my .flac files. So, I click on a .flack file, select "get info" and select "Open with - XLD", and then I click CHANGE ALL. Fine. Next time, I just click "open" on a .flac and it's back to some other application being the default for opening the file, and not XLD! It keeps doing that, no matter how I keep trying to get XLD to be the default... what am I doing wrong, and what can I do to get it to work?
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Dec 11, 2014
Cannot open Preview on my MacBook Pro. I can't open any type of image file. It will preview for a second and then the report Don't Reopen/Reopen screen comes up.
A window pops up and says "Cannot open Preview. States "The last time you opened Preview, it unexpectedly quit while reopening windows." when I try."
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Sep 8, 2009
I use Comic Book Lover to read digital comics - these are .cbr and .cbz files, which are comic rar and zip archives, respectively. Pre-Snow Leopard, these were recognised by Comic Book Lover as Comic Book Lover files, complete with custom icons, icon previews, etc. I also use .rar and .zip files for archiving. When I installed Snow Leopard, it read all .cbr files as .rar files for Stuffit Expander, and .cbz as .zip files. I actually use UnRarX for rar file management, so using the Get Info box I changed all .rar files to use UnRarX, .cbr and .cbz to use Comic Book Lover, and .zip to use the standard Archive Utility.
Problem is Snow Leopard is not distinguishing between .rar and .zip and .cbr and .cbz. Once I've changed all .cbr and .cbz files to open with Comic Book Lover, all .rar and .zip files also get changed! Likewise if I set all .rar files to be opened with UnRarX, this changes all .cbr files! Clearly Snow Leopard is handling file types in a new way. Is there anyway around this, or am I going to have to pick one file type affiliation that would be most useful (say .cbr and .cbz opened with Comic Book Lover), and live with having to right-click on a .rar or .zip file to say "Open with..." UnRarX or Archive Utility?
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Aug 29, 2009
I was wondering if I have the ability to set my download preferences for my Mac (I'm running Snow Leopard -- just installed it yesterday!) to send certain file types to specific destinations. For example, I want to set up several folders so that when I download a .gif or .jpeg file, it will go into my "Pictures" folder. Also, as I download .pdf files religiously for my academic pursuits (which just so happens to be in the field of religion...), I'd like to make a specific "Articles" folder to have all .pdf files download into it. I hope this makes sense.
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Jul 7, 2010
Just put together a CV using Open Office, it's currently saved as a .odt. I'll be sending this out to a few companies and I'd like to know what the best file type is to select that will be readable by everyone? When I go to 'save as' I see a long list of options and I'm not sure which one to pick so that PC users can view.
Or can they load the .odt file just fine?
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Apr 27, 2012
I cannot open a .Jar file on my iMac It keeps saying "Check player console for possible error messages"
This has been happening for a while, is there a way to fix that?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 25, 2014
How do I open a .bin file?
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Jun 6, 2014
I have an important e-mail with an attached zip file. Is there any way to open it?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.1)
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Jun 17, 2014
But I have another problem with a large important file that has gone missing. About a fortnight ago I went to open a personal file of which I call Favorites, I could not find it, I looked in my backup, Time Machine and it had disappeared there as well. Then a funny thing happened while I was trying to save a file, the lost file appeared in the file selection box. I clicked on it and it opened all the to the folders inside, but of course I could not open the folders in the save file. I then went looking again for the file but to no avail. how I might get this file back, it must be dodgeing around somewhere.
OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4), Imac
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Sep 11, 2014
I work all day on my MAC 27" and am constantly opening files....
But how do I customise the 'open file' window. Every time I open a file I have to increase the size of the window, change the view and then look for my files.... is there a way to set the default view to what I would wish it to be?
I have enclosed a screen shot of the default open file window.... I would like a bigger window...... and be able to see 'list view' as opposed to icons each time.
iMAC 27, iPhone OS 3.1.2
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Aug 29, 2014
I'm using an external hard drive for mac backup and also to store photo files. I copied some photo files to the drive about two weeks ago and their icon appears, but when I want to open them, I get an error message: "The alias “...” can’t be opened because the original item can’t be found." There is also a small arrow on the icon. My other files can be opened okay.
What's also strange is that I found the icon of the external drive in the folder with the picture files, even though I did not drag it there (the main icon is till on my computer's desktop, where it should be.) That icon also has a small arrow on it. When I click on it, it opens and I can see my folders, but the photo folders with the arrow on it will still not open.
I tried ejecting the drive and reconnecting it, but it didn't work. Is there anything I can do to recover the missing photo files, or are they most likely gone? I have deleted these pictures from my computer hard drive. What should I do about the mysterious second external drive icon? Delete it or keep it? Can I somehow use it to restore the photo files?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.4 GHZ Intel Core Duo 6GB RAM
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Nov 29, 2010
How do I go about print specific pages from a file/PDF? Say I want to print random pages like page 5, 9, 14 that do not go in order so the print X to X pages doesn't work for me. Any way to do that without having to send the pages for printing individually?
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Mar 26, 2009
Here is what I need to know:
1- What log file type are available in Mac OS X computers?
2- How do I access those files?
3- What info (detailed) is actually storred in those files?
I require quite a bit of detail to resolve my problems. I realize this is a fairly lengthy answer.
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Nov 24, 2009
when I open pages, numbers, etc. that when they open they open big? In other words whenever I open a file it always opens small and they I have to drag the lower corner to make it cover the scree,.
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Sep 2, 2009
recently bought a macbook pro and slowly getting the hang of it. spaces is really great but i often forget to make the best of it because i'm too quick to open the applications before switching to the right space. so, as the title says, is there a way to make sure programs always use a specified space when starting up? i know you can always move the programs afterwards but not unless you use the mouse and even after moving they still consider the startup space thier "main" space (for error messages and the like). also, i'd like to use my mouse as little as possible
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Jun 6, 2010
I have a brand new macbook pro that I bought about 4 months ago. I am running snow leopard and out of the blue one day my computer gave me the spinning wheel and it went on for so long I had to power off my notebook by holding down the power. When I turned it back on I was stuck on the apple screen and I couldn't get passed it. So, I did a clean install and just moved all of my personal files and folders that my computer backed up to their original location.
After doing all of this and being up and running again I noticed when I try to access a personal folder on my system that contains images (jpegs, pngs) and some videos and psd files that my computer starts freezing up again and spinning and I have to power it off to get it to stop. I have resorted my permissions and ran Onyx once a week since this has happened and the folder is still giving me issues. I need to access this folder asap.
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Aug 17, 2010
Is it possible to AUTO PRINT when opening a PDF with a specific file name?
I ask this as I always have to print invoices that are PDF's for my business that are saved as file name
Is it possible to automate the system so whenever I open a PDF file titled orders.pdf that it prints everything on the pdf without me having to click print?
Just thought it might shave of a little bit of time each day and teach me something new on my iMac.
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Aug 3, 2009
I have a file that I don't know how to open. It's 2GB and from what I remember it was either a .zip or .dmg file. However some time ago when I made it I also removed the last 3 characters from the name and renamed it .mov. This changed the way that finder dealt with it. Now I would like to open it but when I change the suffix to either of the above they aren't recognised making me wonder if either the file is corrupt or maybe it's not a zip or dmg.
How can I tell what the file is? I've gone into terminal and queried it with the "file" command but it just tells me that it's data.
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Aug 3, 2009
I have a file that I don't know how to open. It's 2GB and from what I remember it was either a .zip or .dmg file. However some time ago when I made it I also removed the last 3 characters from the name and renamed it .mov. This changed the way that finder dealt with it. Now I would like to open it but when I change the suffix to either of the above they aren't recognised making me wonder if either the file is corrupt or maybe it's not a zip or dmg.
How can I tell what the file is? I've gone into terminal and queried it with the "file" command but it just tells me that it's data.
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May 12, 2010
I was using KeyXing on my "old" G5. This was the best keyboard shortcuts generator I ever used. It was simply perfect to open some specific folders and put the window on the foreground using the keyboard only.
Sadly, KeyXing is no longer supported and doesn't work on Snow Leopard.
What is the best way to open specific folders using keyboard shortcuts ?
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May 19, 2009
For some reason my mac always resets my 'open with' preferences if I restart my computer.
So for instance, even if I go through the usual route of selecting a program as the default player (select file/get info/open with/change all), as soon as I restart my mac it will always revert back to the default players and not the newly selected one.
Is there a work around? A setting in OSX which im missing? Or perhaps a third party app which can handle this?
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Jun 4, 2009
I'm currently running the latest version of Leopard, all up to date. Recently, I started to collect some old footage (videos) in my Movie folder, I even added some silly covers to them like Joe's birthday - 2009 etc., The thing is that even with the ICON set to 128x128 I still think it's a bit small, so whenever in this folder I like to use the CoverFlow view and all it's glory.
Now, here comes the tricky part, is there a way to force this folder to ALWAYS open in the CoverFlow view? I just want this particular folder to do this, the rest should open normally in the default view with their 48x48 icons.
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Mar 19, 2010
I am trying to access a website [URL] and in Safari I receive "Safari can't find the server" error message. In mozilla I am able to goto the home page but if I click on any of the links I receive "server not found" error message. I have not run into this problem with any other sites and was wondering why this is happening.
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Jun 2, 2010
I have a website that I need to open with Safari as it won't display properly in Firefox 3.6.3. From the Address Bar in Safari, I dragged a link to my desktop, right-clicked and checked it to always open with Safari. The name of the link is something like "PITA.webloc"
When it opens that first time, it dose open in Safari, but subsequently, always opens in FF. I also right-clicked to "Get Info" and indicated it to always open with Safari. While "Get Info" shows that correctly, it still always opens in FF.
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May 16, 2012
I'm trying to write a script that will open a specific folder. The only problem is that it needs to be run on multiple machines with different Hard Drive names. Here is a sample of the script that will work on my machine.
tell application "Finder" activate open folder "HDD:Volumes:USERData:Users:Staff:Name" end tell
Is there anyway to change "HDD" to whatever the current users Hard Drive is named?
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Jul 4, 2012
I usually have several desktops open, and want to have a separate Finder window open in whichever desktop I happen to be working in. But it always opens in a desktop where it's always running. Then I have to go get it and put it where I want it.
Is there a key combination that lets me override that default (if that's what it is) and let's me open it where I want it?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 31, 2010
ok, say i download a jpeg or mp3 or whatever. is there a way so that when i download the file, it goes straight to a specific folder that i determine beforehand? i've seen chrome do this
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