OS X :: File Sharing Wirelessly Over Airport Extreme?

Aug 10, 2010

I am trying to move files between one Mac and another wirelessly. They are both connected wirelessly to the Internet with an Airport Extreme Base Station (newest version).

It seems to me that the files are transferring slowly, as if they are transferring at Internet connection speeds rather than computer to computer speeds.

The way I am connecting them is by clicking on the other Mac's name from the Finder and then connecting to it. I have file sharing turned on on both computers. I then am dragging the files from a local folder to a folder on the other Mac.

The computer I'm using is a 13" MBP with wireless N, and the other computer is a 17" iMac Intel Core 2 Duo, which I believe has a slower wifi version (maybe g), which I could upgrade to N if I pay Apple $1.99 (I never did, but I remember reading about that a long time ago). Anyhow, even with the slower connection, I still should be getting faster speeds I believe.

Right now, I am trying to transfer a folder with 209 GB of files and the estimated time to complete was at first 45 hours and varied a lot until it stabilized at 30 hours. I canceled the copy until I can find if there's a way to make a faster connection?

I may end up just going about this a different way as I realize there would be faster ways, but I'm curious for future reference, as well�is there a way to tell the computer to route the data through the router rather than the Internet, or is that what it was already doing?

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Hardware :: Can Print But Can't Scan Wirelessly With Airport Extreme

May 4, 2010

I've got a dual-ethernet Airport Extreme base station. I've connected my AIO HP c309a to it by every possible means; ethernet, wireless and USB.

No matter what I do, I can NOT scan from my computer or to my computer, wirelessly.

I used to get an error to the effect of, "failed to create a session" when trying to scan. Now, I'm unable to locate the scanner in Preview at all!

It prints just fine. I've installed the latest Snow Leopard printer drivers, and they're working fine and are the correct drivers. Airport Extreme's firmware is up to date.

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Hardware :: Use USB Speakers To Play Audio Wirelessly Through Airport Extreme?

Dec 27, 2009

I have an Airport Extreme with a USB hub plugged into it and two hard drives plugged into that. I was wondering if there would be a way to add a pair of USB speakers to it and play music through them wirelessly (like AirTunes).

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Hardware :: Printer Sharing Using Airport Express And Extreme?

Mar 3, 2010

i'm using an airport extreme as my primary router for internet and everything, and i have a airport express set up in my bedroom for wireless music. i've set it up that the express is joined with the extreme so internet (from the lounge room) and music (in my bedroom) all run through one network.

i just purchased a printer which i plugged into my airport express to enable wireless sharing, and in airport utility it shows the express is connected to the printer, but while im connected to the extreme it wont let me print to it, however it'll still let me stream music to it. And to make is very frustrating because the networks are joined, it wont even let me connect to just the express to do the occasional printing that i want.

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Hardware :: Using Airport Extreme -- Secure Printer Sharing?

Mar 4, 2010

I want to buy an Airport Express to connect to my university's wired network so I can have a wireless connection, use my speakers wirelessly, and print wirelessly. However, as far as I can tell, there is no way to password-protect the printer sharing feature, meaning that my printer would be free to take print jobs from anyone on my building's network. Can anyone confirm this or set me straight?

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Hardware :: Airport Extreme Not Sharing Hard Drive

May 26, 2010

I just bought a new 15" MBP and Airport Extreme Base Station. I blugged a USB hub into it and 3 external hard drives into that. It will recognize 2 of them but not the 3rd. The only difference I can see is that the 3rd is a 2 bay enclose with 2 500GB's JBODed into 1 drive. The other 2 are single drive enclosures.

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OS X :: USB Dell Printer Sharing On An AirPort Extreme (dome) - Windows 7?

Mar 19, 2010

I am attempting to connect my Dell AIO Photo 926 printer to my wireless network (WPA2). I use an old Apple AirPort Extreme (hereinafter "AAE") as my router (it's the old "dome shaped" one). I believe that heoretically I could plug the printer into the USB port on the back of the AAE and any computer connected to that network can print to the Dell printer. I have installed the drivers for the Dell AIO Printer and it prints fine when connected to my laptop (Windows 7). However, I am having NO luck doing this when I go to Control Panel and run the "add a printer wizard." Is there anyone who might be able to point me in the right direction to a tutorial or something? Is what I'm trying to do even possible with an AAE and an "older" Dell printer?

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Hardware :: Using AirPort Extreme Dual Band/router Allows Sharing Between Both Bands?

Oct 4, 2010

I am looking to get a AirPort Extreme base station and use the dual radio modes. However, there are some peripherals like printers and game consoles that will not run on the 5 GHz band. Could anybody please tell me if the router allows sharing between both bands or just in each individual band?

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Hardware :: AirPort Extreme Base Station Sharing To External Hard Drive

Mar 21, 2009

Have an external hard drive formatted OSX format. If I hooked external hard drive to AEBS to use as AirPort Disk, would a Windows computer be able to read this external?

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Hardware :: File Sharing With Airport Express?

Aug 23, 2009

I am trying to set up a file sharing network between two macs at my home using an Airport Express. I have successfully made a connection and even password protected the connection, but I noticed that the transfer rates are extremely slow (60kbs). I think that the problem is that when I am sharing, the data is traveling from Macbook Pro to Airport Express to craptacular roadrunner internet back to Airport Express and finally to iMac.

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Hardware :: New Time Machine / AirPort Extreme And MobileMe Feature: Personal File Server

Mar 3, 2009

It appears there is a new Time Machine feature that isn't getting a lot of attention just yet. From Apple:

Access your drive over the Internet.

Say you�re traveling and you need a file on your Time Capsule back at home. If you�re a MobileMe member using a Mac with Mac OS X Leopard, no problem. You can now access all the files on your Time Capsule drive over the Internet. Simply register your Time Capsule with your MobileMe account, and its drive appears in the Finder sidebar of your Mac just like any other attached drive. It�s like having your own personal file server wherever you go.

I wasn't able to find any reference to this new feature in the updated Time Capsule Setup Guide.

I hope this feature is compatible with the previous generation Time Machine via update.


This feature is also supported by the new AirPort Extreme. From Apple:

Access your drive over the Internet.

Say you�re traveling and you need a file on the hard drive connected to your AirPort Extreme back at home. If you�re a MobileMe member using Mac OS X Leopard, no problem. You can now access all the files on your shared drive over the Internet. Simply register your AirPort Extreme with your MobileMe account, and your drive appears in your Finder sidebar just like any other attached drive. It�s like having your own personal file server wherever you go.


I found instructions for setting up Back to My Mac on an AirPort network in AirPort Utility 5.4.1 (See attached image.)


The following updates should also be available in Software Update:

AirPort Utility 5.4.1 for Mac OS X 10.4 or later

AirPort Utility 5.4.1 for Windows

AirPort Client Update 2009-001 for Mac OS X 10.5.6

About AirPort Client Update 2009-001 This update is recommended for all Intel-based Macintosh computers running Mac OS X 10.5.6.

It addresses issues with roaming and network selection in dual-band environments.


The Time Capsule and AirPort Base Station Firmware Update 7.4.1 is now available via the AirPort Utility application.

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OS X :: Unable To Connect Wirelessly With Airport

Mar 21, 2009

So I used the internet this morning no problem. I come home this evening and can't connect wirelessly with my airport. Every time I open Safari and type in an address I get this message:

IP Configuration

192..... in use by 00:1f:a......, DHCP
Server 192....

My brother has wireless internet for his house which is wha I connect to.

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Hardware :: New AirPort Extreme Vs Old AirPort Extreme

Mar 3, 2009

Simple question: Of the new features in the new AirPort Extreme Base Station, which of these could become available to the old AirPort Extreme Base Station via a software/firmware update? I have to think that at least some of the new features don't actually require new hardware. Just trying to figure out if I want to shell out $179 for a new AEBS when my current AEBS works pretty well as it is.

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Hardware :: Airport Won't Connect To The Internet Wirelessly?

Mar 8, 2010

I've read about a thousand threads and can't seem to find a solution to my problem: my computer is able to recognize my Airport network and it has the green signal next to it with the full signal strength, but when I select it, the internet doesn't work. I'm using a Macbook OSX with an Airport Extreme.

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Mac Pro :: Connect Wirelessly To Router Too - Airport Card?

Nov 14, 2008

I was already informed for my Mac Pro that I need an Airport Card. I do have a Wireless USB adapter from my PC that I used by Netgear. Would that connect me wirelessly to my router too?

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Hardware :: AirPort Extreme/Time Capsule/2 AirPort Expresses - Slow Connection?

Feb 23, 2010

I just got a time capsule and replaced my extreme with it then added my 2 expresses to the network. Was getting 28-33mbps download speeds using speedtest.net to test now i'm getting only 4-6mbps. WTH!!! Also the transfer rate for backing up my macbook to the tc drive is ridiculous!!!

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Hardware :: Airport Extreme Not Forwarding Airdisk To Connected Airport Express Network?

Apr 25, 2010

I have an Airport Extreme, with two USB hard drives connected to it. The Airport Extreme shares these disks to my wireless network via Airport Disks.

Upstairs I have an Airport Express, that wirelessly connects to my Airport Extreme downstairs, and extends the wireless network so I get a good wireless reception upstairs.

My problem is, that it does not seem like me Airport Express does a good job of forwarding my 2 USB Airport Disks to the extended wireless network upstairs.

For example, when I use the AirVideo iPhone app to stream video from my USB Airport Disks I get a server connection error when I go upstairs and the iPad/iPhone switches to the Airport Express networks. I cannot reconnect as long as it is on the Airport Express network. If I turn the airport Express off, and thus switch to the poor wireless reception from the Airport Extreme, I can connect to the USB Airport disks again.

The Airport Express is connected to the Airport Extreme in bridged mode.

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OS X Technologies :: Time Machine Doesn't Back Up To AirPort Extreme AirPort Disks

Feb 12, 2012

I have previously time machine backups for two macbook pros on same drive. However, I connect the drive to the airport extreme and although I see the drives and the backups, I can not access the files over Airport Extreme. 

Info:MAC Book Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)

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OS X :: File Sharing Connection Failed - How To Configure Sharing

Mar 18, 2008

I have just purchased a new iMac with Leopard. I already own a MBP with Tiger and I am trying to shares files between the two. The MBP connects to iMac and shows files easy as...however I have enabled sharing on iMac when I choose Network it recognises the MBP but always says connecting and after a few minutes shows connection failed.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: File Sharing Turned Off But Still Sharing?

Feb 27, 2012

I have two users defined on my macbook (one is New, and the other one, the Old one, is what I've always had).I was re-configuring File Sharing on the Old user.I turned files sahring off in the Old User, but when I log into the New, I can still acess to some folders that I have never set to be shared; only few folders have the red restricted access on it. The New User does have file sharing disabled, and non of its folder can be accessed; so, it's working Ok for this New User. 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Hardware :: Can Airport Express/Airport Extreme Host More Than One USB Device?

Jan 29, 2009

Just a question for those who have used the Airports. Can a USB hub be used to expand the number of devices the Airport can use? i.e., an external hd, a laserjet, and an inkjet.

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Hardware :: New Airport Extreme, Do I Need To Unistall Previous Airport Utility

Mar 14, 2009

This might seem an odd question but I had to replace my last Airport Extreme base station as it was faulty....I've now got the newer "Dual Band Extreme Base Station". I want to avoid any conflicts with my old settings for my wireless network with my MBP. Should I uninstall the last version of Airport Utility?Is there anything else anyone would recommend before i install or connect the new hardware/software?

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Hardware :: Can An Airport Express Extend Range Of Airport Extreme?

Oct 11, 2009

Can it? If it can, would Airtunes still work like normal.

In other words, can I be connected to my Airport EXTREME and Airtunes would still work since the Airport EXTREME and EXPRESS are using the same network wifi-name (the Express is just extending the Extreme's range).

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Airport Utility 6 Doesn't Work With Airport Extreme?

Jun 15, 2012

The latest upgrade of AIrport Utility doesn't support my Airport extreme, but the old version 5.6.1 says it doesn't work in Lion. How was I managing my Airport before th 6 update? What do I do now? Will I have to get a new Airport?

I have DSL service. I have an iPod Touch and an iPad 1 that I'm trying to connect. I just upgraded both iDevices to iOS5. I've been having trouble keeping an internet connection live for them, but now I can't even get the wi-fi to connect.

AirPort Extreme, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook :: Extending Airport Extreme From Airport Time Capsule

Sep 11, 2014

Just bought a new Airport Time Capsule 3TB for backup purposes and to use as the main router in my home (model number A1470 the latest tall one). I was originally using an AirPort Extreme (model number 1408 approx 6" square and 1' tall) for my main router.  

I got the TC setup and putting out good wifi signal, but would like to take my Extreme and extend it off the TC to boost signal in other parts of my house, but having some difficulty.  I searched the forums and found setup instructions to do this, but I get a message saying, "unexpected error.  Try again."  Well, tried again and still no luck. 

Airport Extreme

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Hardware :: Wirelessly Printing - Airport Express And IBM Laptop?

Nov 4, 2009

macbook wirelessly connected online using airport express. Also print wirelessly from the airport express. but i have this ibm laptop that connects wirelessly to the airport express. How do i make it print wirelessly? Cant seem to get it working. Do i need to install the printer on the computer first to make sure it works?

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Hardware :: MBP Audio Play Wirelessly Via Airport Express

Jul 11, 2010

Is there a way to have my MacBook Pro's audio play wirelessly through my stereo via airport Express. Not only while using iTunes, but when watching movies or music on the internet.

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Hardware :: Setup For Airport Extreme 802.11a/b/g/n With Two Airport Expresses (802.11b/g)

Sep 5, 2010

I just purchased an Airport Extreme 802.11a/b/g/n to use as my home wifi router. I have two Airport Expresses 802.11b/g. I want to use one for Airtunes to my stereo and another for wireless printing.

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Hardware :: Setting Up Airport Express Through Airport Extreme?

Mar 9, 2010

I currently have the apple extreme as my wireless router. It works great. I absolutely love it. I have two macbook pro's (wife and I both have one) and use it for my PS3 and Xbox 360. I started a new job and was given a free HP desktop (not my choice, but hey, it's free, so what can I say). The desktop is not wireless and I am not able to put my computer near the airport extreme because my TV already owns that territory. Today I bought the Airport express to use as a bridge (and other things in the future). I have plugged it in. I opened the airport utility using my macbook. It finds my extreme and my express. I select that I want to set up the express. I select that I want to set it up using an existing wireless network. I select my airport extreme. It tells me that it has to restart the express. I wait approximately 3 minutes. It then tells me that the settings to the express have been changed but it's not able to find it.

My main goal is to use the express as a bridge. I have the express plugged in beside the desktop and want to run an ethernet cable from the express to the desktop to allow for wireless capability.

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Hardware :: Airport Utilities Can't Find My Airport Extreme

Jul 9, 2010

I have a Macbook (white unibody) running Snow Leopard. I have a personal wireless network using an Airport Extreme and I have an external hard drive (WD) connected to the Airport Extreme. I use this hard drive for my Time Machine Back ups.

I just got back from a trip and tried to back up my time machine. I got the error that the back up disk is not available. I then tried to open the airport utilities.

It tells me that "Airport Utilities is unable to find any Airport Wireless devices". I find this doubly strange because I have no problem connecting to the internet on this wireless network which supposedly does not exist.

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