OS X :: "Desktop" Folder Appears On All External Drives?
Jan 8, 2008
An empty folder called "Desktop" spontaneously appears on most of my external drives. This happens with both Firewire drives and USB sticks. So I start up or plug in the drive and, as if by magic, there it is amongst the other folders.
It's no problem to delete it, but it's an annoying thing.
This happens on my Dual 2.0 G5 running 10.4 (did it on 10.3, too).
I've got OSX on a MacBook Pro and a bunch of programs like Photoshop, After Effects, Illustrator etc. and I'd like them to be accessible in my dock like iPhoto or iMovie.
How do I do this?
BTW, currently, I have Firefox in the dock but when I click on it a box pops up and I have to again click on the Firefox logo for the app to actually open. Then something that looks like an external hard drive with the Firefox logo appears on my Desktop. Why is this happening?
When I boot up, my external drives are not on the desktop. I discovered that if the Finder is relaunched, they show up and all is well. Another issue that may be related: When powering down, the computer needs a force-quit most of the time. It hangs on the spinning gear
i have tried going to the disk utilities and remounting my external drives and checked for an option in system prefs, but my external drives (both flash drive and hard drive) just won't show up on my desktop. My computer isn't even a week old!
I am a photographer. My Mac Tower and Macbook Pros display my external hard drives on the desktop. That makes workflow so much easier. I just purchased an I-Mac and have to access the external HDs through the menu. how I can display the icons for the external HDs on my desktop?
I have three external harddrives all of which are connected through different ports, all show up in finder, all show up in disk utility, but none of them will show up on my desktop. I looked at a few other posts similar to mine but the answers given to other problems have not worked. There is no way all three of my cords are causing a connection problem and I have repaired and verifyd all the drives and still nothing.
I have 160.5MB on my HD, an I have done everything I know how to do to free it up but still nothing!I'm wondering, can I move the home folders to my external hardrives?
My external hard drive suddenly broke on me - the dreaded click of death - and now i am trying to gather as much information as possible about what i had on the drive. I have a slight idea, but i can't really remember everything. So basically what i am wondering, does Mac os x (SL in my case) store some kind of log file (text or similar) with information about what has been moved to external hard drives the past, say, 12 months?
I have a 24" iMac and it was running fine the other week and now I get this annoying error=36 whenever I try to transfer large files from desktop to my external drives. It goes about 1/4 way with the transfers then stops with the error=36 message. I've tried to reset the pram but it won't let me. It just keeps on restarting to the same gray screen with the single short beep tone over and over until I let go of the option, command, P & R buttons and restarts normally but does not reset the pram.
It's not an issue as such, more of an annoyance (when trying to keep things tidy and organised) but on all 3 of my external HDD's a folder 'Desktop' keeps appearing. It's empty on all drives.
I went to startup here at work this morning, and only my desktop has appeared. There is what appears to be a search icon in the top right hand corner of the screen and the pointer turns to the color wheel when I move across it. I have seen it do other things, but not this one.
I accidentally removed my "Downloads" stack earlier today. I thought getting it back should be easy -- just drag and drop the folder back in next to my trash icon. But now it only appears as a folder, not a stack (i.e., when I right click on it, I only have the "Options" and "Open" links, not all the stack options). Is there something obvious I'm doing wrong here? My user and applications folders that I added to my dock as stacks are still working properly.
I just burned 3-4 dvds and when trying to burn the last one my Macbook wouldn't recognize it- when inserted the blank DVD no icon appears on desktop- and after a few minutes, it ejects.
I tried a few different dvds to be sure it wasn't one faulty one. Also restarted the computer and also reset the System preferences for CD/DVD.
While dragging a folder from one Finder window to another, I accidentally released the mouse button when the folder was over the Toolbar. The folder now appears in the Toolbar and I can't remove it.
Here's my setup: Mac Pro (early 2009), 8 core Bay 1: OS X drive - 10.6.2 Bay 2: Boot Camp drive (Windows XP SP3, running Boot Camp drivers v3.0) Bay 3: Storage drive (HFS+ formatted)
When I boot into Windows, my OS X drive is perfectly viewable, except that the /Users/username folder appears to be completely empty, if I manually type a path (such as D:UsersusernameDesktop or D:UsersusernameDownloads) then the contents will show up perfectly, but when navagating to the D:Usersusername, Windows shows that folder as empty. I'm running just the Boot Camp 3.0 drivers (i.e. no Macdrive), but I also have VMWare Fusion 3.0 installed on my OS X drive, with my Boot Camp partition set up as a virtual machine. Could this be masking the folder contents from Windows?
I purchased a new optical drive from a reputable mac seller in my area and installed it due to the old one not reading disks anymore. I was very careful and followed the instructions according to an article I found on [URL]I found on xlr8your macHowever, now when I start the computer up, I get the question mark folder. I've done a little research but thought I' check the Macrumors forum before I spent all day on this. The store where I bought the new optical drive from doesn't open for another few hours so, here I am.
I woke up to my MacBook fan going nuts. Had an error message on the screen that said something about a disk error. The machine wouldn't do anything (force quit, launch app) so I hard powered down. Now.....NOTHING. All I get is the white screen, followed by the flashing folder. Here is what I have tried so far.
I already booted from the restore cd that came with it and opened disk utility. The hard drive shows up as something like disk1 but not "Macintosh HD."Tried to repair permissions and got an error message. Thought then to do an archive and install......and the HDD isn't even a viable option to install the OS on.
I had the original (but smaller) HDD that came with my MacBook, so I put it back in and everything booted up just fine and is back up and running. (Thank God for MobleMe that had all my contacts, etc on it). But I still have some info on that other HDD that I need. I ordered a usb enclosure for the drive to maybe try some recovery, but it seems to me that the HDD failed or something. Is there anything else I can do?
I have a macbook intel(black) it originally came with tiger, i installed leopard on it a while ago. How ever i dont like leopard i want tiger back. I lost the original grey cds that came with my macbook so i hooked it up to my imac with target disk mode. I erased the disk using disk utility. Then i installed tiger with an original copy of tiger bought in a mac store. My imac rebooted i follow the installation menu and it installed. the internal drive of my macbook booted on my imac asif it were an external drive.
I rebooted into the internal drive of the imac and ejected the macbook drive. I disconnected the firewire cable and rebooted my macbook. The problem is that it wont boot properly it just goes to the white screen make the startup sound and starts flashing a folder with a questionmark in it. ive tried resetting the pram etc but it doesnt seem to work. i tried holding alt at boot up all i get is the cursor and nothing happens. i can still connect it to my imac but that it. how can i get my macbook to reboot properly again?"
This doesn't happen all the time, but frequently enough to create a thread about it to find out what's going on.
I usually keep my desktop empty and use it to store stuff I'm going to process in the next hour anyway. Sometimes my desktop is absolutely empty, but when I navigate to the following path: UserDesktop, the files do show up.
I'm using SL, and these do appear to be hidden files. But they are drives (shared apparently, blue with the people on the drive as the logo) and if I click get info it says under server: file//localhost/home. The "net" drive appears as file//localhost/net. Sharing and permissions says - you can only read. I definitely don't run any servers, just browsing for the most part. I haven't noticed this drive until today.
Permissions Problem in Lion: Drives Do Not Show on Desktop I created a new Administrator account in Lion. When I log into this, neither my internal hard drive, nor the two external hard drives, show up on the desktop. I clicked on "Documents" in the dock when logged into this new account to get a window. Here, again the internal HD does not show up.
1) The two external FW drives did show up this way
2) When I click on the various folders in the sidebar (Desktop, Downloads, Movie, Music, Pictures) I get a "the x folder cannot be opened cuz you do not have permissions" type error message.
3) Only "Applications" folder opens in the usual way from this approach.
This problem occurs on both my work and my MBP computers, both of which were just upgraded to Lion.Disk Utility's "Repair Disk Permissions" command successfully completes, but the problem still persists.I'm having several weird program issues (e.g., Photoshop CS3 and FolderSynch do not run) that I think MIGHT be related to this.How did this happen with the upgrade to Lion? Most importantly, how do I fix it and get my permissions back to a normal state?
I've just bought a second mac - little cheapie to use as a second machine. The guy had it set up with three drives showing on the desktop: OSX, CLASSIC and FILES. I don't need OS9/Classic, or the FILES folder, so I threw them in the trash & emptied it. However, it's showing that I only have 4gig of space on the hard drive. I went into system prefs/disc utility, and it's still showing the drives I deleted - although greyed out. Its seems to still be allocating them 5.9gb each of space. In the column on the left in disc utility, it shows the following drive icons:
19.1 GB MAXTOR 92049U3 OSX CLASSIC FILES I tried deleting them through utility, but I must have done something wrong, as they just popped up on my desktop again. Looks like I need to remove partitions.
So I just received my Nehalem Mac Pro today, and I successfully installed three new hard drives in it, and I can access all four of my drives in Finder, but NONE of them (including the Boot Drive that came with the computer) are showing up on the desktop! I can't figure out why so I thought I'd ask here.
Oddly enough, my Firewire 800 Drive shows up on the desktop. Anyone have any ideas why this would happen? And how to fix it?
I have a 24 inch imac and i am connecting the viewsonic VG921m (19'') monitor using the mini-dvi port. The external monitor appears dull (whites have a yellow tint) Is there a way to match up the display to look like mac? I am using the monitor next to my iMac and its currently distracting as its displaying same colors in different tone.
My intel super drive died.Before I can get it repaired..I've got some work that needs to be done.Mac's External Superdrive appears to work only with Mini & Air.
I have a 20 gig folder that I access quite often. I want the folder visually on my desktop, but I want the files themselves on my external drive nis there a way to do this, similar to shortcuts with window?