OS X :: Creating Blank IMG File For VirtualBox
Jul 25, 2010I want to create a blank .img floppy image for virtualbox, but I can't find a program to create one. Is there a way to create one?
View 9 RepliesI want to create a blank .img floppy image for virtualbox, but I can't find a program to create one. Is there a way to create one?
View 9 RepliesI created a bootable usb drive on a windows pc using windows 7 to install windows 8 preview and want to make a copy to install in virtualbox on my imac and burn to a dvd that will work on pc.Â
I've tried using disk utility to create an image and get a file ESD-USB.dmg, but virtualbox won't boot a dmg file.Â
I tried converting it in the terminal with:Â
hdiutil convert -format UDRO -o windows8.iso ESD-USB.dmgÂ
but the resulting file was windows8.iso.dmg. I changed the name to windows8.iso, but even so, virtualbox complains it's unbootable.Â
I tried the terminal command:Â
dd if=/dev/disk4 of=windows8.isoÂ
but virtualbox complained that it's not bootable.Â
I tried the terminal command:Â
cat /dev/disk4 > windows8.isoÂ
but virtualbox complained that it's not bootable.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
give me a name of a program for creating a help files. I haven't found any with Google. Only for Windows. So typical.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi have a lot of older photos that i wanted to archive, so i created an archive but all of the original photos are still in the folder.
can i delete the originals now or would that permanently delete them from my computer?
I'm trying to make a little automator script that will upload an image and comment file to a little gallery.
View 1 Replies View Relatedis there a way of creating a new file in ITunes (movies) that i can put several smaller movies into, to save them being all over the place?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIve noticed today, when i went to torrent some movies that when i add them, its not creating the file on my desktop, or anywhere on my mac But it still says its downloading? at the moment ive downloaded 62mb of a torrent and still no file has been created for it?
View 17 Replies View RelatedI'm looking to take multiple documents and create one PDF file. Like scanning multiple pages of something and instead of having each page be a file, creating one file. In Preview, you can open multiple PDFs in the same window, but if you print (or Save to PDF from the print dialogue, it will only do each document as is. I would like to avoid loading multiple pages into Word and then exporting to PDF and I would also like to avoid having to buy Acrobat. Is this PDF function limited in OS X or am I missing something?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI am using iTunes 10.6.1 (7) on Lion 10.7.4 and I have (yet again) noticed that iTunes has started creating multiple copies of Temp File.tmp in the iTunes folder. It creates a copy every single time I do anything inside iTunes, including skipping a track or checking the iTune store. I thought that maybe my ClamXav Sentry scanner was causing issues so I removed the iTune directory from the scan and even shut it down alltogether. I have not shared my iTunes library either so I can se no reason that anything else is holding onto this file and causing iTunes to create a copy of the iTunes Music Library.xml file. Its simple starts at some random time and they stops just as randomly. However this time is particularly bad as EVERYTHING I do inside iTunes caused the problem.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
i created a virtual machine from an iso file on my hard drive. after its been created do i have to keep the iso file or can i delete it?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI reinstalled OS X Leopard, restored from my Time Capsule, and now when it's backing up it wants to create a new file when I have a 200GB+ file already saved. How can I get it to start using that 200GB+ file and only saving the edits like before? (Please don't make me delete the 200GB file and backup everything again. )
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have some files on my desktop right now that I would like to secure from wondering eyes. Other people use my Macbook Pro from time to time and I don't want anyone to read these documents. Is there a way to create a folder/file that requires a password to gain entry to view the contents of this folder/file?
View 17 Replies View RelatedWhile I was creating a multiple .rar file I accidentally shut down the power, after restarting the imac it won't respond and the only thing I can do is move the mouse cursor, but nothing reacts.
I got my Mac Pro about 1 week ago. I got the BTO of 2 super drives. Well, I just tried burning an ISO and when I put in a blank dvd it won't pick it up to burn the file. I have tried with Memorex DVD+R's and Sony DVD-R's. Neither will work. Now the weird thing is regular dvd's work, games, and even Windows 7. Also I have toast 10 and it will pick it up but when I choose ISO and drop the ISO in it, it then says it can't burn audio tracks or some warning.
View 6 Replies View RelatedGo to a pdf irs file complete it preview it all info correct  Print it, it comes out as a blank form none of the info input is on the form
iMac, iOS 4.3.3
All of a sudden when I am trying to open a pdf all I get is a black screen. What is going on?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am being driven to distraction by this. It is a difficulty that has been mentioned again and again in MacRumors and elsewhere, but I cannot find any definitive answer to it.Â
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My Safari homepage is blank. Bookmarks and toolbar are there but my Earthlink page and address bar are blank. The Safari version is 3.1.2 and the OSX is 10.4.11 My Internet Explorer (which I rarely use) and Firefox are working fine.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am a library grad student with OSX 10.4. Our class is working with OCLC's ContentDM where we are creating metadata for a digital libraries project. My problem is that I have a Mac, and need to run a Windows exe file. The first step is to "Install the CONTENTdm 4.2 JPEG2000 Acquisition Station" and this calls for the "InstallAcquisitionJP2.exe" file to launch the installer on my computer. I have already downloaded VB. My question is this: Being that I have VB, what is the next step for me to be able to download InstallAcquisitionJP2.exe? Or is this just not possible? I saw that some research libraries in Illinois are working on a similar project so I would like to know how to do this with a Mac and not a PC of course. Here is the url at their consortium website: [URL]
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just ordered the MBA and windows 7. There's some (but not a lot) of somewhat intensive programs I need to run in windows for school. Is there any noticeable difference between loading windows in bootcamp or virtualbox? My thinking is bootcamp would allocate more of the computers resources to windows. Am I wrong about this and theres no major difference?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if it is possible to run a few old pc games in virtualbox. Old games, such as, Star Trek: Armada 2, Bridge Commander, and Elite Force. Would I be able to get the performance needed from this (I think the newest game is from 2003, maybe) or do i need to go boot camp?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am wondering whether to install win7 via bootcamp or virtual box. My macmini has 2GB memory so if I do a virtualbox install the max I will allocate for win7 is 1GB. I will not be using win7 a lot, I am installing it because my univ gives it for free and just wanted to test it out and play with it. Also, one more problem, the MSDNAA download for win 7 is in EXE format. If I do decide to install as a VM using virtualbox how can I install the EXE, I might have to convert it into a ISO right?
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI am getting ready to finally "make the switch" to Mac and I need a Virtualization solution to ease the transition for my wife and let me run my work environments as well. I have been considering VirtualBox [URL] which is free for personal use, as well as VMWare Fusion 3, and Parallels. The satisfaction rating seems to be lower with the Parallels users (maybe disgruntled on charging folks for 2 upgraded within 2 months of each other) so I have almost ruled it out, but I still need to decide.
The big thing here is that I need this software from day one to make sure my wife doesn't have to miss a beat during the transition. I'd rather not be reinstalling Windows _again_ in 2 weeks to switch solutions. Anybody have any experience with VirtualBox on Mac and can maybe share some of the shortcomings versus VMWare Fusion or Parallels? Is there good reason fork over the cash and go with Fusion or Parallels?
I'm a MBA Rev. A user (first day 1.8/SSD). I recently upgraded the stock SSD with a Photofast 128GB model for more space. Both before the SSD upgrade, and more noticeably after, my Windows XP virtual machine seemed to run poorly: fequent "pauses" and generally really slowly. At that time I was using Fusion; I decided to give Parallels a try. Slightly lower RAM footprint, but still slow. I found that disabling the shared folder feature helped somewhat; adding the NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate registry key also helped somewhat.
Still frustrated, I tried Fusion 3; that didn't help. Then Parallels 5 came out, and I had missed the free upgrade cutoff by 3 weeks. Even more frustrated, I decided to try VirtualBox. Oh, my. It installs easily. It does everything I need. It runs smoothly (no pauses, good speed in the VM). It's FREE. Bonuses: the RAM footprint is even smaller; the hard drive container file seems smaller (even with exactly the same contents inside the VM). The only downside is a lack of "coherence" or "unity" mode, which I never liked anyway.
I am a rock-solid convert to VirtualBox, and highly recommend it over the commercial products for running a Windows XP virtual environment (I have not tried Windows 7, nor will I; with only 2GB of real RAM in an MBA I cannot imagine that will go over well).
I downloaded Win 7 ISO, because I thought I was supposed to download that instead of the other, to install on VirtualBox. With the ISO version I need a previous version of windows to upgrade from. Is there a way around this? I've read some things and tried it, but couldn't get it to work.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm looking to create a virtual machine on my i5 MBP because I need to run some specific Windows software (Tacx Training Software, I'm into cycling). Which one of the 3 virtual machine programs is better from a performance/stability perspective? Has anybody seen a comparison test yet? I understand that VirtualBox is free for personal use, is it really worth paying for the other two?
View 10 Replies View Relatedi have a macbook pro 13in with lion os. i also have windows 7 as a virtual machine ,my question is if is posible that my virtual machine WIN7 sees my mac partitions from mac
When I want to finish a session of using Vista in VirtualBox. If I "x" out the application, "it says "save in state" or something like that and "power off machine" is power off machine different than shutting down windows? What's best to do and what does what? I'm assuming also that I can't just close virtualbox and come back to it later without windows being shut down or affected?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI know the issue of what virtualization package is best on the mac has been debated endlessly, but the only thing I have been able to conclude is that some people have great experiences with each package and some people have horrible experiences with each package. I'm interested in some numbers and figure this place is a better forum for collecting this data than, say, the apple store.
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