OS X :: Connecting Macbook To Mac Pro Via Bluetooth?
Jan 14, 2010
I am trying to connect my macbook pro to my mac pro and transfer files such as updates on my iCal and other applications. I am trying to figure out how to do this. I can connect but i am unsure how to transfer the info over.
My Apple keyboard has worked fine. Last night I lost my connection for the mouse and the keyboard(not unusual for the mouse). Had to set up both again. Mouse connected easily, keyboard took forever. Bluetooth would recognize it, it was discoverable(blinking green light), batteries strong, but could not make the connection. I did this over and over, finally got it. Tonight, same thing. Lost the mouse and the keyboard. Set them up again and same thing, mouse easy and keyboard still isn';t connected.
I'm trying to connect my iPhone to my new mbp via bluetooth. The ultimate goal is being able to tether, using my different carrier profile that I have (4.0 maybe?). The thing I don't understand is that this worked legitimately like last week and then I got a new hdd and it now doesn't connect via bluetooth. If I go through the set up assistant, I can get the devices paired, but on both my computer and my iphone it says the devices are not "connected". If, on my iphone I click on MacBook Pro - Not Connected" I can see on my computer that it is connected for about 3 seconds and then it goes back to not being connected.
I bought my first MacBook Pro a couple of days ago. I am trying to learn everything, but the bluethooth is not working. I have a rocketfish bluethooth headset and when I pair the MacBook shows it's "Not Connected" but the headset is flashing like it has been paired. When I try to play audio to it, the audio comes from the computer.
Today my mouse ran out of batteries, so I went to get some new ones. I replaced them, the light on my mouse went on, and it seemed to be working. But, when I tried to move my clicker thing *on the computer* with my mouse, it didn't move. So, I looked at the bluetooth symbol on my computer, I'm on a MacBook, and it showed that my mouse wasn't connected. So I tried turning off the bluetooth, shutting off my mouse and turning it back on, taking out and putting the batteries back in the mouse, and none of these worked. So I went to "Browse Device" and my mouse was there, I clicked on it twice and it said "There was an error connecting to the device". I also deleted it from the bluetooth list, and I am now unable to get it back on the list!
I have a Dell Bluetooth keyboard RT7D40 and would like to use it with a MacBook Pro laptop. I tried the Bluetooth connect wizard on the Mac and it could not locate the Keyboard. Is there anything else I could try? Is there an USB adpater for the Mac so that it will locate the keyboard.
I own a brand new Macbook Pro (Retina, 13", mid 2014, 256 GB SSD) with OS X Yosemite. When at home, I have noticed that an unknown smartphone (seemingly a Nexus 4) sometimes connects to my Bluetooth - without me ever having given it permission to do so! (The Bluetooth icon on my menu bar tells me that the phone is connected.)
As you can imagine, the thought of other people getting access to my computer, with my computer itself carelessly accepting, worries me quite a bit. Of course I can temporarily eliminate the problem by turning off Bluetooth, but how do I prevent this phone - or any unknown bluetooth device - from connecting to Bluetooth without permission?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I am having trouble connecting my iPhone to my MBP via Bluetooth. Both devices are paired, I have entered the code that the MBP has asked me to input into the iPhone. Both devices are paired to each other yet they are not connected. For the most part I have never had any kind of luck using bluetooth on any device except for the Mighty Mouse I just bought.
I have a Nokia 6303 moby with bluetooth. When I try to connect to the internet with it (sitting in front of the mac with the phone), I get the message about 'subscribe to packet data first'. Followed by 'link not available'. I am with Vodaphone in the uk. I believe I have set the correct information up in the phone settings, and the iMac can see the phone and vice versa. Indeed, I can send files between the two devices, but no t'internet. Should I be paying a subscription to the phone company for the service, does anyone know? The help files at Vodaphone just loop me back to the help screens on their website which doesn't seem to answer the 'packet data' question.
I've ordered a Mac Mini and a Logitech Dinovo Mini bluetooth keyboard for a home theater setup. I've only ever owned laptops/Macbooks and have no USB keyboards. How do I do the initial setup between the Dinovo and the Mini without any USB keyboard? Can I use my Macbook Pro keyboard in some way?
I have a 3rd party bluetooth keyboard that works fine on m iphone, When I try to connect it to my Mac, the keyboard is discoverable as "Bluetooth Keyboard" where it always fails at the pairing process. "The pairing attempt was unsuccessful. This configuration of Mac OSX and bluetoot software could be invalid or unsupported." The bluetooth on my Mac connects fine to my trackpad. Is there any reason why this shouldnt work on my Mac and is there any way to get it working?
I've tried to run the wizard and it's not working for me. Either it fails right from the start or it says it connected but neither work. Anyone who has done it successfully please help. I'm using a new unibody MacBook.
I have a bluetooth mouse and keyboard that I want to share between a PC and MBP via a DVI/USB KVM switch. I think I can do this by plugging a USB Bluetooth dongle into the KVM's USB input.
If I use the MBP's built-in bluetooth then when I switch from one computer to the other via the KVM, the keyboard and mouse will stay paired with the MBP; but if I disable the built-in hardware then the dongle can provide the bluetooth capability and be switched between the computers.
This isn't directly related to macbooks but if I want to use the bluetooth built into my computer to connect to my non bluetooth printer can I buy any USB bluetooth dongle to plug into the printer ( Kodak all in one 5300) or do I need some specific kind? All the ones I look at don't mention anything about printers just connection between computers and phones.
I've shied away from wireless keyboards in the past because I do alot of online baking and investment activities from my computer. I also love a clean workspace and a wireless keyboard could remove yet another wire from my desk. Do you consider wireless and/or bluetooth keyboards safe?
I turned off the bluetooth function and my keyboard and mouse wont now work and I cant get back into the system - how do I reactivate without the use of the keyboard ?
Hey guys..>I'm trying to set up my jabra bt200 bluetooth headset to work with my mac (osx 10.4.2, 15" powerbook 1.67ghz)...and I can get it to pair, but it won't stay connected for more than a split second. this is a problem i've seen a few people have, looking around on various forums and stuff, and i was trying various solutions when i decided to try doing a firmware upgrade on the internal bluetooth module. I downloaded the firmware updater (1.2), tried to run it and it came up with the following error:
"This computer does not have an Apple Bluetooth module installed. It cannot be updated by this application."
Why would my Powerbook not have an Apple Bluetooth module?!?!?! It's got bluetooth installed, it's internal, but looking at the system profile, it says it's the manufacturer is Cambridge Silicon Radio. So is this normal or what? Is the firmware upgrade even going to help me out in the end? Just to clarify...the powerbook came with bt installed factory...it's not something added by me!
So I finally install the latest updates from Apple, and reboot, and now my Bluetooth icon says "Bluetooth Unavailable". I have a 1.5Ghz PowerBook G4 with internal Bluetooth. I've been using BT since I got this thing in late 2004. Now the icon doesn't even show up in the control panel.
Has anyone else had this problem? I kind of need the BT to use my current setup. And I'm out of AppleCare time. (It's an OLD laptop.)
About half the time the bluetooth works fine, but the other half of the time the mouse jumps all over the screen like the bluetooth signal is bad or something.
I tried both an Apple bluetooth mouse, and a logitech DiNovo mouse and had the same problem with both of them so the mouse isn't the problem.
?Are there known issues with the MacBook Pro bluetooth?
Suddenly my bluetooth appeared with this icon and doesn't appear on System information and Preferences. I tried to reset vram, smc, shutdown, restart, etc with any success.
I am looking for some quality bluetooth speakers for my new 13'' pro these will be used at home and don't have to be portable ,I think wall Plug in would work best for me.