I began hearing a sound about every minute that I assume is some kind of alert or notification that something needs attention but I can't determine what it is. It sounds like a single pick of a guitar string. I recently downloaded an upgrade to microsoft office but can't recall if it began right after that or not.
I'm currently using a macbook pro 17" 10.5.8 / Unlike windows os, it alerts you in many occasion, for example: low battery, usb device inserted, etc. and you can change the alert sound for everyting in the control panel, sound, option.
so basically, how do I do the same thing on mac? do i need to install additional software? if yes.. any suggestion?
The "new mail sound" in Mail.app is still very sporadic. When new e-mails arrive in the inbox, the sound signaling that a new message has arrived only works less than half of the time. This was the same problem in 10.5.1. (White 17" iMac C2D 2.0, 3 gb ram) [URL]
I know it's a dumb question, but I've recently noticed that my mac has been making the most annoying sound quite frequently (i.e. basso). Just wondering what the default was as I'm fairly sure it hasn't always made this sound.
I just noticed that my ichat sound when I am in a video chat has disappeared. Its been missing for like 4 days during video chatting. If I am iming someone I don't get an sound alert to know they have sent me a message I get the number but I don't get the popping sound that you get when your iming and also in video chat and it all of a sudden stopped working. Its not the regular sound when iming its like a "pop".
When I plug in my headphones or speakers to my macbook mac mail makes new mail, sent mail sounds for about a min. This only started happening the past couple weeks.
My new MacBook Pro runs perfectly. However, it makes the "funk" alert sound effect on a random basis and it is getting pretty annoying. Why is this happening? I am apparently not the only user experiencing this issue, but they did not identify the sound as being one of the built-in sounds.
I have an IMac. When I am in mail and type a word incorrect I get an alert sound. I do not get the red dashed line. I have looked all over Preferences. What am I missing? This is annoying. If I do a manual spell check of a document then it still does not underline misspelled words. I tested it in Textedit as well. No red line under the words.
I want to find the sound files because I want to convert them to wav to use as mail alert sounds for Thunderbird which I use instead of Mail, and don't know where to find the files. Â
Info: MBA v 3.2, 256GB SSD, 2.13GHz, 4GB, Other OS, 10.6.8
The 1tb HD that came with my iMac is shown in System Profiler as ST31000342ASQ. I've done some searches on this and can't find a match anywhere, does anyone know what model Seagate would refer to it on their site as?
I bought a 20" iMac G5 (PPC) in September 2005 for my husband. Looking on internet sites for information on how to repair the power supply, it seems we need to find the EMC number. The iMac certainly does not have it printed on the label under the stand, only the serial and the ethernet numbers.
I'm wondering if someone identify the accessory in this picture. It's the little silver tower at the left of his MacBook Pro. Also the screen appears to picture something related to this item. It looks really cool but I haven't been able to find out what it is!
Process:Â Â Â Â Safari [230]Path:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/SafariIdentifier:Â com.apple.SafariVersion:Â Â Â Â 5.0.6 (5533.22.3)Build Info:Â WebBrowser-75332203~3Code Type:Â Â X86 (Native) Parent Process:Â launchd [66]Â Interval Since Last Report:Â Â Â Â Â 194103 secCrashes Since Last Report:Â Â Â Â Â Â 3 Per-App Interval Since Last Report:Â 188528 sec Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:Â Â 3Â Date/Time:Â Â 2012-04-01 17:54:01.413 -0400OS Version:Â Mac OS X 10.5.8 (9L31a)
I'm trying to figure out which Model of Mac I have so I can install more RAM, but the chart given is conflicting. I have a 17" Macbook Pro that I bought from BestBuy with Model Identifier "MacBookPro6,2" but I look on this chart here, and the only 6,2 is a 15" Model. I don't get it.For the most part, the "MacBook Pro6,1" defines my hardware I guess, but I'm concerned as to why there is no 6,2 17" on the chart when clearly I own one.
My iMac will not boot up after a software update. the screen is all whute will show a grey apple in the middle and will look like it is working but nothing happens; this can go on forever.
I usually leave my iMac turned on with just the monitor switched off. That was also the case when I left yesterday for a day trip. Coming back today, I noticed that it was shutdown. Pressing the power button, I can hear the familiar "ding" of boot up, the fans running, the usual dvd drive sound and after that it just shuts down. Not even the monitor will power on. Before I start panicking since various thoughts are crossing my mind, is there anything that I can try to possible identify what's wrong?
My Mac Mini cannot identify USB drives (flash drive) when starting / restarting, I have to unplug and then replug the flash USB drive to make my Mac to identify itSame USB drive from same Mac machine from the same USB port is properly identified by Ubuntu (12.04 LTS) installed in a didderent partition!I have all software updated to the latest available version.I have another problem (with widescreed, Ubuntu does well here as well) which may be in the same nature is in a seperate thread: url...
Mail identifies some good mail as junk and treats it as such. How can I tell it that it is not junk so that future mail from that sender goes to my In box.Â
Info: OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), 250G, 500G, 1T Ext HDs; CS 5
I am trying to troubleshoot a bluetooth speaker on my Mac and I was wondering if there is a way to identify which Bluetooth profile the speaker is using (2.0, 3.0, 4.0, etc.)? Is there a way to find out this information - either in System Information or by using an app?