OS X :: Apple Character Is Missing In Character Viewer
Jan 29, 2010
I use the Apple character in Twitter to distinguish myself as an Apple computer user. When someone asked me how I got that in my profile I went through the steps and found that the character was missing from the keyboard and character viewer. Did Apple remove it in Snow leopard or did I do something to lose it? If I can get it back how do I do that?
When I try to start the Character Viewer from the menu bar it flashes on for a second but is empty and then disappears again. This repeats every 10 seconds or so. I've done a fsck and repaired permissions to no avail.
Does anybody know how i can get the "Keyboard viewer and character palette" option in menu bar back with the country flag and not the ugly "character palette" icon? sounds ridiculous but under Leopard that was difference.
I wanted to use the Keyboard & Character Viewer, but it just wouldn't get displayed in the menu bar. I went to system preference, and the box Show Keyboard&Character Viewer in the menu bar is chacked, but nothing is actually displayed.
With Character Viewer open, the "Pictographs" and the "Emoji" characters appear too small to see their details on my 13" MacBook Pro. Is there a way to make them look bigger so I can see their differences better without having to click on each one?
When I try to start "Special Characters" to get the Character Palette I get nothing. Yesterday I installed "Monolingual" and got rid of all other languages except English. Did this create the problem? If not, or even if it did, how do I get the Character Palette back?
System Preferences>International>Character Palette is checked,script UnicodeCharacter Palette comes up blank and goes off. EDIT>Special CharactersCharacter Palette comes up blank and goes off. American Flag U.S.>Show Character PaletteCharacter Palette comes up blank and goes off. Any ideas? Power Mac G4 (AGP graphics), 400 MHz, Memory 1.38GB SDRAM, OS 10.4.11 Machine Model: PowerMac3,1
Im after the equivalent of Character map from Windows in OSX, I'm after certain characters for a project and cannot find anything in my applications folder.
yes im still new to mac after 3months of daily use...
I'm using xcode. There is a shortcut character for "Edit Active Target" under Project. I have seen this character in other places. But it is not on my keyboard. I have a MacBook Pro. The character looks like a with a " next to it followed by the curly character next to the apple symbol. (looks like "%) Does anyone know what the key sequence is to get this shortcut?
I am new to MAC os. It's pretty awesome, except the character limitation on the desktop annoys me and I am scared I'll delete a file by mistake one of these days.
Anyways to increase the number of characters on the desktop?
Can anyone explain to me why this is happening and how to fix it (see screenshot)? It's supremely irritating when I happen to be in a directory where a parent folder ends with "o", because then it does this crap with the slash and it shifts all the text back one space but leaves the cursor out in front. This happens on both my Leopard machines.
On a related note, what's with the fancy quotes in Terminal now? How unnecessary...is there a way to turn those off too?
When typing text it often skips the first character typed. This happens in URL address bars, searches, web forms etc. which can be really annoying.
The only 3rd party software installed is Firefox 3, which is the application that has this problem the most, but then it is also by far the most used software.
Have recently started using 10.5.5 on new machine. Found Character Palette OK, but cannot work out how to add characters to favorites. I must be overlooking something ???? Didn't have this problem before.
I just tried to save a file with a rather long name. I got an error message that said I could not use filenames longer than 31 characters, I seem to remember that before I got this computer (iMac 21.5"), I used to have longer filenames than 31 characters! Is my memory faulty or is the operating system, "Mavericks" 10.9.3 deficient in this area, also?
I got some problem which annoyed me few weeks til now. That's when I press arrow key (like UP, DOWN,...) at end of line, it ends up with special character, just like this , sometimes it comes up and sometimes it doesn't. And it really piss me off!
I'm trying to copy over a specific cross (✚) character from the Character Palette to Photoshop, but when I double-click the cross it imports as another character and changes the font type to Myriad Pro. I try to change the font back to Lucida Grande but it just stays on Myriad Pro. I've noticed this happens with a few characters. I've had prior success with characters like command (⌘) which initially shows up as another character, and then I just change the font to Lucida Grande and it shows up correctly. I'm used to being able to just do a regular copy and paste in Windows but can't seem to figure it out on a Mac. (For example, you can copy and paste those characters I included above.) Edit: I just noticed the layer name actually comes up as ✚ so I'm not sure why it's not showig up in the actual layer. Here's a screenshot of the contextual layer menu.
I turned on the aforementioned feature and I've been trying to use it. I can do it on my multitouch mac and the character recognition works fine (even the suggested ones) but how do I select it? I'm getting so frustrated with this.
I just set up a RAID 0 with two Velociraptors in my G5. I cloned my main drive onto the new RAID drive but it would not boot so I reinstalled OS X from the recovery DVD and it fixed the problem. However, now I am getting these really weird character issues in certain programs. Characters in my Mail e-mails are kerned WAY too close and the text is abnormally small (see photos below). I also noticed the same problem on one of my Yahoo widgets. Haven't found the problem in any other applications yet. Does anyone know what the source of the problem is and how I can fix it? It's obviously pretty important that I am able to read my e-mails.
i just figured out that i cant type in the integral extension character, | , i got it there cuz i went thru the character list thing and found it bu thats a pain to do for wen i need to use it. to my knowledge, and according to my keyboard, it is typed by pressing shift+ but for some reason i get nothing. i have looked around for other shorcuts, shift+alt+7, shift+*, alt+i, etc etc but none of them actually work. im on a macbook pro, with the basic us keyboard setup. maybe im just being my normal self and doing something silly or missing something, or maybe its a real problem, idk, lol. if there is no way to make it work, maybe i should change to a different keyboard layout?
I'm working on a MacBook Air (late 2011 model), along with the Apple Wireless keyboard. The keyboard is a physical AZERTY (French) layout, but I change the mapping to US using the system preferences. I work in the Terminal a lot, and I can't find the tilde (~) key. When I type where it would be on a US QWERTY layout, the output is the plus-minus (±) sign. When I type Option+N, I get the tilde accent character (˜). Terminal does not interpret the ~ and ˜characters the same. My question: How can I enter the ~ character from the wireless keyboard? Currently, I reach up to the Air's integrated keyboard and type it there.
I cannot open PDF's. Error message appears saying, Safari cannot open the specified webpage because the first character is unrecognizable". What do I need to do to fix it?
How do I get “character count" in my Mac’s Yosemite message application? My iPhone & Mac are connected so I can send text messages using the Mac. I need character count when I’m sending an SMS to a phone that can’t handle more than 160 characters per message.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I am trying to change to a new password but first I must type exactly the password the site has given me. and one of the keyboard characters I do not recognize. It looks like a little crown. where I will find it on the keyboard?
I tried to pass a text (containing a URL) to "Display Web Pages" action. It gets the text but adds %0D at the end of the text, so of course the "Not Found" error comes up in Safari. For example: [URL] Then after passing it to the "Display Web Pages" action, it becomes [URL] Is there a workaround for this?