When typing text it often skips the first character typed. This happens in URL address bars, searches, web forms etc. which can be really annoying.
The only 3rd party software installed is Firefox 3, which is the application that has this problem the most, but then it is also by far the most used software.
I use the Apple character in Twitter to distinguish myself as an Apple computer user. When someone asked me how I got that in my profile I went through the steps and found that the character was missing from the keyboard and character viewer. Did Apple remove it in Snow leopard or did I do something to lose it? If I can get it back how do I do that?
I was using Safari browser and lost my entire long letter. I tried viewing history & reloading the page.... no luck.
There must be a way of retrieving all the history on one's computer. Maybe not in Safari, but other software loaded in my comp. Syst tools or sys preferences maybe. I just need to know where to look because i'm pretty clueless.
Because it happened to me a few times where the cursor will skip or one time the cursor wont even move or be responsive with my finger. The weird part is that once I exit safari the trackpad seems to work again perfectly. Also not sure if its because I have sweaty hands and my fingers are too wet? But its not something excessively sweaty or nasty just a lil moisture I guess on my finger tips at times. Update: Never mind, found out the culprit istat pro.
The forum has been having issues all day and I didn't think about copying the reply before I clicked submit. Well the website came up with an error and when I hit back the reply was gone.
I just lost a whole hours worth of research. I was typing in text edit and then it started making me duplicate the file at every save and then I had to replace the orginal, and I did this several times until I finally decided to close it down (as it's done this before) and when I opened it up again a whole hours worth of research was missing. I clicked on the Restore button but it hadn't saved any of my research for over an hour.
Is there an ap out there that will alphabetize items typed into a text doc? I see reference to a devons freeware and that they have an ap for that but i cant seem to get there.
I am attempting to acces a website that uses the Java application. I am running the latest version of Java on FireFox and certain fields within the Java application cannot be typed into.
I reported the problem to Apple Support via email. but their responses were unhelpful and had no new information.The suggestion for a fee based call to Apple technical support is insulting. Why would I pay for a call to fix a problem in your portal to sell me software? Also, it is in Apple's best interest to address this; as it stands I can not upgrade to OSX Lion because it is only delivered via the App Store!Am I to throw my Mac Pro out of the window? Is this how Apple provides support to their loyal customers?How long are Apple products supported these days?When I started to use Macs (1991), they had a great reputation, because everything was backward compatible.
The life cycle of Macs has become very short indeed for a very expensive product.After 21 years I may switch to PC (can't believe I am writing this). IF I can not get a Mac that can run processor and graphics intensive tasks anymore, then I have really no choice. I am not buying a two year old Mac Pro at exorbitant prices to run Autodesk Maya (for complex and very high res rendering) when I can run the software on a PC faster and at less than half the cost.Is Apple really abandoning the professional in favor of becoming a consumer electronics company?
I'm working on a MacBook Air (late 2011 model), along with the Apple Wireless keyboard. The keyboard is a physical AZERTY (French) layout, but I change the mapping to US using the system preferences. I work in the Terminal a lot, and I can't find the tilde (~) key. When I type where it would be on a US QWERTY layout, the output is the plus-minus (±) sign. When I type Option+N, I get the tilde accent character (˜). Terminal does not interpret the ~ and ˜characters the same. My question: How can I enter the ~ character from the wireless keyboard? Currently, I reach up to the Air's integrated keyboard and type it there.
Running on a Late 2008 MBP 15" with 2.53 GHZ C2D, 320 GB HD, and 9400+9600m GT. I've been having a recent issue where when I've been playing a song, and I click in the middle to get to a part that I like, iTunes skips to the next song. If I look at it closely, what happens is the cursor-thing that shows where you are in the song jumps to the point that I clicked on for about 1/4 of a second before jumping to the end and playing the next song. Yet when I let it play through all the way, the problem does not exist. It only happens when I'm around the beginning of the song and I click around to somewhere around the middle/after that.
Occasionally when I import a CD to my iTunes library via the File menu/Import CD on Snow Leopard; iTunes 10, iTunes appears to skip a song and no information appears when I enter the search terms in the search box. This happens even though all title information appears before I click "Import CD" and all the boxes are checked.I've found that if the CD is still inserted, I can import the songs to a single playlist by dragging the titles to it. So apparently the song did import, but for some reason doesn't appear in the library list.This isn't usually a problem, but I'd like to know why it happens and how to prevent it, since I'd rather have the complete information in my library.
Info: 15, Mac OS X (10.5.5), OS 10.3.9; OS 10.4.11; OS 10.6.8
After upgrading to Itunes 10 my music skips. It appears to be the older items. All music is either downloaded from iTunes or from old cd's. Old iTunes purchases also skips.
So I haven't used Pandora in a while, and just started again last week. I figured I would grab one of the third party apps, so I didn't have to use Safari to listen. I tried PandoraJam, PandoraBoy, and PandoraMan, and none of them work right. I can listen to stations that I have already created, but I can not create a new station. Every time I try to type an artist or song in the box, it doubles every letter. For example say I wanted to search for "Train" If I try to type that in the search box it comes out "Ttrraaiinn." I know Pandora recently released their own App, so did they break 3rd Party apps, to promote Pandora ONE?
Following an online video to learn the proper directory structure, I saw that the author was not running it through MAMP but the local Sites Directory.
I wanted to use the Keyboard & Character Viewer, but it just wouldn't get displayed in the menu bar. I went to system preference, and the box Show Keyboard&Character Viewer in the menu bar is chacked, but nothing is actually displayed.
How can I get Preview to only initiate a search after I have fully typed in the word or phrase.It immediately jumps into a search when I have not fully typed in the word I am searching on. This bogs down the search and stalls my ability to type the phrase into the search box.
I can no longer hold down a key and get the character to repeat as say, aaaaa. Instead I get a menu of accented a's, such as àáâäæãåā. I can't find any thing in the System Preferences that allows my to turn this function off.
My recently bought Logitech G5 'Gaming' mouse is no doubt a fantastic mouse. But everytime the CPU (Late 06 MBP) is doing something intensive, even if it's just one of the cores. When the mouse is moved, the pointer will skip to a random spot a few inches away on the screen. This happens over random intervals (from 2+ seconds).
Sure it's not so bad when I'm firing up VMWare and it skips around because response time isn't vital. But i'm playing games with it, and well, in WoW that means you run off cliffs and miss the potion, and becomes a major PITA.
I know the first version of the G5 (the rust coloured one) had similar problems. But apparently the new blue one (the one in question) is fine. The surface I'm using it on is a heavy sheet of cardboard (backside of a notebook).
Anyone else have this problem? And what does logitech do in these cases? I rang up tech support and got hung up on. Or do I need to go to the guy I bought it from?
EDIT: after running 'yes > /dev/null', it might not be totally CPU related, maybe the GPU has something to do with it. In any case, I'll be playing in another account to see if the problem arises there.
With the modem I am currently using, I connect it VA bluetooth to my macbook pro. Now, when I try to listen to music with my bluetooth headphones at the same time I am using my modem the music from my headphones skips quite a bit. If I shut off my modem, I can play music 100% fine to my headphones - without skips. Is it possible to be using my modem and playing music to my bluetooth headphones without my headphones skipping the music?
Downloaded an E.P. and all of the songs play fine except one which skips itself. The play count goes up and if I click later in the song it will play, but it doesn't play automatically, how do i fix this?
I recently moved my itunes library from my IMac to new MacBook Pro. Now when I playback in itunes (v10.6.1) random artists only play back like 5 seconds of a song before going to the next track.
I have been importing my large music CD collection and midway through, I have noticed that the first track of EVERY disc has NOT been copied to my library. The remaining tracks (Track 2 and up) were imported fine. When each CD was importing, everything looked normal and I got a green checkmark next to the first track. What's even more bizarre is that now, I cannot recreate this problem because iTunes imports the first track of every CD as normal. What the heck?! I'm going to have to re-import the first track of every disc now... Did a Google search and got nothing. I'm running the latest, up-to-date iTunes (v9.2) and Mac OS X (v10.6.4).