OS X :: Airprint Fixed My Mac To PC Print Issues
Nov 15, 2010
I used the air print instructions posted in the ipad forum to get airprint working with my iPad and iOS4.2 and I found one nice little side effect.I have never been able to get printing to work between my win7 pc and macbook. I tried a bunch of things and just gave up to using a dropbox folder that was being monitored on the win7 desktop called print queue (instructions somewhere). There was never anyway for me to easily find my shared printer until now. I fired up settings.app earlier today and was totally surprised to see this. I just thought I'd share.
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Jun 2, 2014
I have a MFC-J430W Brother printer set up for Airprint. When I use Airprint on my ipads or iphones it always comes out in color.Â
Is there a way to adjust my print settings when using my mobile devices?
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), iPhoto 9.5.1
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Nov 28, 2010
Since AirPrint is only working for select printers right now, it doesn't work for many people. I have heard of ways to workaround this.
First I have heard of adding certain files into the Mac's file system, I hear this is tricky and doesn't work for everyone. Another way I have heard is through applications such as Printopia. I know there are other applications that are free but I have heard some bad things, also I don't want to pay $10 for Printopia.
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Feb 4, 2012
Saw the promotion of the AirPrint feature in an HP training video at work but am not finding it as I have both the printer and Mac that should make it work.
iMac, iOS 5.0.1
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May 6, 2012
it is possible to activate Air-print on a Mac running Lion 10.7.2 so that an iPad can recognize the printer connected to it?Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), HP F4180 attached to it
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Jun 10, 2012
Just got the Air but I'm stumpted. How do I add an HP 7515 wireless printer that is airprint supported to the Air?
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 28, 2014
I have recently upgraded from Snow Leopard to Mavericks and am now having problem with my hp 4500 office jet printer. The print icon tends to stay on the dock after the print job is done and then mess up the print queue. Even worse if I forget to cancel it manually then when I put the computer on 'sleep' the printer starts up again and the whole job is rerun unless I get to cancel it quickly on the printer! Â
It does not always do this (the print icon disappearing as it should do), but for 90% of the time it does.Â
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Jun 11, 2012
I'm new to MAC and have a problem connecting my network printer to my MacMini:Â
1) Intel Mac Mini
2) Printer: HP laserjet pro 100 color mfp m175nw, WLAN switched off, connected via Ethernet to the same network as 1) and 3)
3) Windows PC Â
I can't discover the printer from my MAC Mini. However, I can connect indirectly via the Windows PC which is sharing the printer resource in the network.Â
Is there a way to directly connect to the printer via Ethernet, so that I can print with my Windows PC switched off? Â
P.S: I can print with my iPAD connected via an AirPort extreme to the same Ethernet network.
Mac mini
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Mar 2, 2012
I'm running Lion OS X server and I have set up a printer on my server (the printer is not AirPrint friendly). What I want to do is set it up the printer so that I can get iPads and iPhones to be able to see that printer and print to it. I tried a program called Printopia 2 but it did not work, now I am not sure if it is becasue I have to set up something in system preferences or something similar. I have enbaled the printer to be shared.
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Sep 10, 2014
Can I toggle between Air Print and an Epson printer driver? The only way I can print directly on CDs with my Epson XP-810 is to use Epson's driver. Normally, I'd prefer to use Air Print.I'm running OSX 10.9.4.
2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac, 4 GB SDRAM, 931.19 GB drive
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Jul 1, 2014
i have two iMacs, one 2009 and another 2014 and a network printer, these are in a home office and the iMacs connect individually to my by home hub. My network/usb printer is connected to one of the iMacs. whats the best way to setup a network to connect the two iMacs and allow AirPrint from iPhone/iPads without having to run a network cable to my home hub.Â
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Jan 28, 2009
I think I speak for a lot of people when I ask all users of Keynote '09:
In other words: has any one using the latest version of iWork and Mac OS X experienced a sudden reboot when pressing the play button?
The horrible sight of an unlit black screen and the dreadful noise of your drive spinning up, quickly followed by a hollow chime letting you know that everything you were busy with and hadn't saved is now Verschwunden?
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Oct 8, 2009
My trackpad chooses when it wants to work. The multi-touch works fine , but t sometimes takes like 5+ clicks for anything to register. This is in Windows and Mac osx.
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Mar 7, 2009
I just installed vista 64bit on my Early 2008 macbook pro, and the scrolling is TERRIBLE. Yes I installed the drivers, and yes I installed the boot camp update.Does anyone know how I fix the scrolling?
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Oct 28, 2009
I'm looking to buy Snow Leopard for my early 2007 intel 24" white imac before the end of the year. It currently has Tiger on it. So are SL's glitches being fixed and will all the issues be cleared up before the end of the year?
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Apr 30, 2012
I recently bought a G5 2 x 2.7 for a real cheap price (70 euros, yes its true) as the owner told me that the motherboard was bad and had the three lights problem and won´t boot Then I started reading about this problem (micro-fracture) and tried to find a solution for it. First I tried was the "hair-dryer", it worked but as soon as the motherboard got colder then it hanged as the ram problem came back. I was considering the "oven trick" but seemed too risky and also a lot of work to unassembly it, etc...Â
I bougth a heat gun for 16 euros (Leroy Merlin). It is able to heat up to 500 Celsius and had two modes. I assumed the low mode may be around 200 celsius or so. Then opened the powermac, and started heating the rectangle area between the two memory banks. Slowly, moving it around, heating (not over the ram, just in the middle area). A few times I turned the max power for the heat gun as my intention was to "melt' the micro-fracture.Â
powermac G5, Mac OS X (10.5.8), G5 back from death
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Jun 16, 2012
We have access to two wi-fi networks. One of them is slightly more powerful (closer) so our computers always choose that network by default.But this network doesn´t support wireless exchange of files or anything. Trying to set up an iPod Touch as a remote for iTunes on one computer.I does work if I manually set wi-fi to the right network. Not very family friendly. So back to my headline.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Logic Pro 9.1.67 PT 9, LIve, Reason
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Aug 1, 2006
Over the past few weeks, I've noticed problems with my PowerBook's headphone jack. The headphone plugs don't stay seated in the jack, resulting in loss of audio in either one ear or both until I adjust the plug, at which point it will almost always happen again. I usually end up having to hold the plug in place to get consistent sound from both ears.
At first, I thought it was just my headphones, so I borrowed a couple pairs from friends and ordered a backup pair from Amazon, all with the same results. I've peeked inside the jack once or twice and everything looks fine...but what do I know? I'll be in downtown Chicago tomorrow and Thursday, so I plan on making a trip to the Apple Store, but is there anything else I should try beforehand? As I recall, the PB headphone jack is part of the logic board, correct?
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Aug 26, 2009
Can anyone running Snow Leopard tell me whether or not the iTunes widget has finally been fixed? In Leopard (and maybe even before, I dunno) it's broken in the following ways:
Shuffle button doesn't respond
Dropdown list of playlists on the flip side is empty
No flip animation, only a pause (not a big deal, I know, but still)
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Feb 20, 2010
I remember it would cause Firefox to disappear. Now it works and immediately goes to the top and bottom of the page.
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Aug 14, 2010
So a few months back my old mac mini decided to crap out on me and I was computer-less for those few months. Since my money situation isnt too good right now (unemployed, live at my grandmas and my dad supports me. Im 21 btw) I didnt bother getting it fixed until recently. Keep in mind the computer is out of warranty and I dont have Apple Care. So I eventually took it to the apple store and they said the logic board was fried and possibly the ram. They quoted me at $317 for a new logic board. I told them I'll give it a wait because I cant afford it. So a few weeks later I decide to go back and ask if I can get it done for a cheaper price. They told me they can do it for $217 with just the logic board replaced and if it needs ram they will tell me. They end up calling me telling me to pic it up and that the price is $377. I told them no, they told me they'll do it for 217. She tells me they had to replace the ram as well and thats why the price was higher. So I told her that as long as the computer still works with the old ram just put back the old ram and Ill pay the $217....
So I get a call back today saying I can pick it up. I ask them just to make sure how much the price was. She says no charge. So im of course confused and ask to speak to the person who repaired it. She tells me that since mac mini's are hard to open and shouldnt be opened a bunch of times that they just left it with the new logic board and ram and decided to do it for free given the small hassle I had with them. I couldnt believe it! It was a $377 dollar job and they just let it slide.
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Feb 2, 2012
First of all, everything works after updating to 10.7.3, I never really had issues with WiFi dropping after wake up, maybe once in 6 months. After 10.7.3, I saw WiFi reconnect after my iMac woke up the first time, but after that, it doesn't happen any more, and WiFi is disconnected everytime it wakes up, without automatic attempt to reconnect, just the grey WiFi icon. Although reconnecting is easier, I can select my WiFi from the available WiFi signal list, in the past I had to turn off WiFi and then back on before I could select my WiFi. I'm on mid 2011 iMac 21.5".
Mac OS X (10.7)
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Apr 20, 2012
My Macbook Pro CD drive is not functioning properly. What do I bring when I go to drop it off at the Apple Store to get fixed. Also, how long would you estimate this fix to take? If it cannot be repaired would Apple replace the computer? I have had this computer for under a year and I have purchased the Apple Protection Plan.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 26, 2012
My Mac Book Pro screen has these two white blobs on it and they wont clean off so they have to be premanate, I think i recall placing my foot on it while it was closed on the ground. Did really step on it hard but has to be the only reason why this is happening.Â
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Oct 23, 2010
Previously the problem was only restarting Airport itself, but now it's not just a reset or a logout, but a full and total restart. My wife's MB connects just fine, and my phone detects the wifi as well. It's just mine that's having problems.
I don't know if it started when I DLed Facetime or when I updated Little Snitch or when I updated Java this week w/ that update.
I thought it only happened when waking from sleep, but it happened just now while actually using Safari.
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Feb 18, 2008
Has anyone who's gotten one of these tried watching a DVD or playing a game in full screen on a 30" monitor w. no scaling chip (ie the HP LP3065)??? Just curious as to whether the quality is good, I hear the scaling on some cards kindof sucks.
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Jul 7, 2009
On every 13" aluminium MacBook I have ever come across there is a very sensitive audio output port that cuts back to the internal speakers if you move the jack to much. Is this fixed with the new 13" MBP audio out/in port?
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Apr 13, 2012
It all started with QuickBooks 2012 for Mac. The program hangs and was displaying incorrect dates, etc.. Spoke to QuickBooks and they assured me that it wasn't their software, then spoke to Mac and they said it wasn't their hardware. Took computer into shop, because my bookkeeper's Mac worked fine with my company file. Shop cannot figure out what is wrong. They said that it might have needed to be upgraded to the latest operating system (Lion from Snow Leopard). This did not do the trick. They said that they tested the processor and it didn't show any problems.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7), Was 10.6.7 and was upgraded to Lion
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Jun 16, 2012
I have a late 2010 iMac - Lion 10.7.4 - Safari 5.1.7.Sure my eyes are crook (not good) these days, but my glasses work a treat.I run my screen at 2560x1440 which gives a beautiful picture, however some items appear small, this problem is amplified in Safari.In Safari preferences
Under "Appearance".What are the correct settings for standard and fixed-width font? I have the "Default encoding" set as Western (ISO Latin 1)Under "Advanced".In Universal Acess I have selected "Never use a font sizes smaller than - 18 What should it be? I often have to reduce that to 12 to make the fonts in many web pages unscramble and align correctly.
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Mar 20, 2008
Apple released a time machine/airport update yesterday. Since then it hasn't dropped my Wifi connection to my 2WIRE access point once!
Has anyone had similar results?
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