MacBook :: Can't Be Fixed By Factory Authorized Service Center
Apr 13, 2012
It all started with QuickBooks 2012 for Mac. The program hangs and was displaying incorrect dates, etc.. Spoke to QuickBooks and they assured me that it wasn't their software, then spoke to Mac and they said it wasn't their hardware. Took computer into shop, because my bookkeeper's Mac worked fine with my company file. Shop cannot figure out what is wrong. They said that it might have needed to be upgraded to the latest operating system (Lion from Snow Leopard). This did not do the trick. They said that they tested the processor and it didn't show any problems.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7), Was 10.6.7 and was upgraded to Lion
My late 2008 MBP has been running very hot (with a virtual machine running the other night, it got up to 175F/80C) so I took it in to an Apple Authorized Service Provider today about an hour ago. After reading some of the threads on here about the thermal paste, I figured I'd at least have an AASP look at it first since it's still under warranty. The gentleman there told me it'd be middle of next week before he'd have a diagnosis. Is this a normal timeframe? I guess I assumed that they'd just take a look at it right away or at the latest I'd have to stop back in later today to pick it up, but that's almost a week away just for the diagnosis!
I work in Fort Wayne, IN, so I'm 3 hours from the nearest retail store in Indy, or closer to 4 for Chicago, so this is my only option.
My trackpad chooses when it wants to work. The multi-touch works fine , but t sometimes takes like 5+ clicks for anything to register. This is in Windows and Mac osx.
My Macbook Pro CD drive is not functioning properly. What do I bring when I go to drop it off at the Apple Store to get fixed. Also, how long would you estimate this fix to take? If it cannot be repaired would Apple replace the computer? I have had this computer for under a year and I have purchased the Apple Protection Plan.
My Mac Book Pro screen has these two white blobs on it and they wont clean off so they have to be premanate, I think i recall placing my foot on it while it was closed on the ground. Did really step on it hard but has to be the only reason why this is happening.Â
Previously the problem was only restarting Airport itself, but now it's not just a reset or a logout, but a full and total restart. My wife's MB connects just fine, and my phone detects the wifi as well. It's just mine that's having problems.
I don't know if it started when I DLed Facetime or when I updated Little Snitch or when I updated Java this week w/ that update.
I thought it only happened when waking from sleep, but it happened just now while actually using Safari.
On every 13" aluminium MacBook I have ever come across there is a very sensitive audio output port that cuts back to the internal speakers if you move the jack to much. Is this fixed with the new 13" MBP audio out/in port?
I am not able to cut, copy and paste files on my mac air. I have version 10.8.5. This is a new issue and I now keep on receiving the error message, "The operation can’t be completed because you don’t have permission to access some of the items." I have checked permissions on my files and folders and I (the administrator) have read and write access.
Can anyone confirm any online authorized reseller with no sales tax for NY resident?? I want to buy the MBP 15" i7 I am a graduate student on budget with a baby on the way, so the $175 in sales tax will mean much for me...
Running Leopard 10.5.8, 15" MacBook Pro with an additional Apple Display. Plugged into projector � the resolution/display went bonkers/everything was thrown off-center The resolutions are accurate for both screen and display Software is kept updated/Repaired permissions The screen and display are off-center by about 2 inches in width and and 1 inch in height I can move about the screens to bring my dock and/or menu bars into view, but they are no longer fitting into the confines of the screen/display
I have a quick question for all of you with two Apple notebooks (I've seen in many peoples signatures that they have two or more notebooks). I brought a 15" MacBook Pro last week and finally set it up on Monday, the idea was for it to replace my 2007 13" White MacBook! But now i've had a change of heart and don't really want to get rid! I'd like to keep it of I can find a use to justify doing so! Just wondering what everyone else uses a second notebook for?! I was considering using it as a media center and for around the house/coffee shop browsing (My new MacBook Pro's base gets to 40 degrees so can't see myself using it on my lap unfortunately)!
how you can add apps to the notification centre? I know if you visit a website for the first time it gives you a choice to add it or not but what if you said no but now you want to add the app. How do I do that?Â
I turned on my macbook today and found these colored lines down the center of my screen: (sorry for the bad quality, but you get the idea) Is this from a crack in the LCD screen, and would it be possible to replace this myself so I don't have to spend a few hundred dollars on it at the Apple store?
My screen has a strange brightness inconsistency in the center of the screen where the Apple logo is. It is as if the pixels surrounding it are not the same brightness as those of the remainder of the screen. It was purchased on 4/11/11 so warranty is not an issue (I have Apple Care).
Info: Mac OS X (10.6.8), 8GB RAM, 2.2 QuadCore i7, 15.4
I think I speak for a lot of people when I ask all users of Keynote '09:
In other words: has any one using the latest version of iWork and Mac OS X experienced a sudden reboot when pressing the play button?
The horrible sight of an unlit black screen and the dreadful noise of your drive spinning up, quickly followed by a hollow chime letting you know that everything you were busy with and hadn't saved is now Verschwunden?
I recently dropped my Machine at an angle and it seemed to knock my screen off center. When closed, part of the machines body is exposed where it used to be covered by the screen. It's only off by a hairline or two. It sticks out the same distance on the back of the machine. When I open or close it, the machine catches on the body and makes a slight scratching sound. How can this be repaired ? How will the Apple store treat this ?The machine did power itself off as well. I'm hoping I wont have to pay an arm and a leg for a bent piece of plastic
How do I re-center an application that displays itself too far to the left on my screen? Both my contacts and Safari are showing up too far left -- so that I can't exit/minimize/maximize because those little buttons are off my screen.Â
I used the air print instructions posted in the ipad forum to get airprint working with my iPad and iOS4.2 and I found one nice little side effect.I have never been able to get printing to work between my win7 pc and macbook. I tried a bunch of things and just gave up to using a dropbox folder that was being monitored on the win7 desktop called print queue (instructions somewhere). There was never anyway for me to easily find my shared printer until now. I fired up earlier today and was totally surprised to see this. I just thought I'd share.
I just installed vista 64bit on my Early 2008 macbook pro, and the scrolling is TERRIBLE. Yes I installed the drivers, and yes I installed the boot camp update.Does anyone know how I fix the scrolling?
I'm looking to buy Snow Leopard for my early 2007 intel 24" white imac before the end of the year. It currently has Tiger on it. So are SL's glitches being fixed and will all the issues be cleared up before the end of the year?
I recently bought a G5 2 x 2.7 for a real cheap price (70 euros, yes its true) as the owner told me that the motherboard was bad and had the three lights problem and won´t boot Then I started reading about this problem (micro-fracture) and tried to find a solution for it. First I tried was the "hair-dryer", it worked but as soon as the motherboard got colder then it hanged as the ram problem came back. I was considering the "oven trick" but seemed too risky and also a lot of work to unassembly it, etc...Â
I bougth a heat gun for 16 euros (Leroy Merlin). It is able to heat up to 500 Celsius and had two modes. I assumed the low mode may be around 200 celsius or so. Then opened the powermac, and started heating the rectangle area between the two memory banks. Slowly, moving it around, heating (not over the ram, just in the middle area). A few times I turned the max power for the heat gun as my intention was to "melt' the micro-fracture.Â
Info: powermac G5, Mac OS X (10.5.8), G5 back from death
We have access to two wi-fi networks. One of them is slightly more powerful (closer) so our computers always choose that network by default.But this network doesn´t support wireless exchange of files or anything. Trying to set up an iPod Touch as a remote for iTunes on one computer.I does work if I manually set wi-fi to the right network. Not very family friendly. So back to my headline.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Logic Pro 9.1.67 PT 9, LIve, Reason
I am trying to enable home sharing and I get an error message you already have 5 computers you need to de-authorize 1. How cna I tell what 5 are authorize. I suspect that some computers I know longer have are on the authorize list.
I noticed that iTunes wasn't updating my purchases on my MBP so checked and it's not listed as an authorized computer in my iTunes account. But when I click "Authorize Computer" it's telling me it's already authorized. You can see from the screenshots that nnone of the the 3 computers listed are MacBook Pros. It's an old MBP running 10.6.8, don't know if that has any bearing.Â
I have two devices I no longer own that are still listed as devices that can be used to authorize iCloud. How do I deauthorize them and get them off the list?
Anyone think this is a good deal? I bought the Rev B, but had to return it because of 5 dead pixels in the center and the horizontal line issue. I am thinking of saving over $1,000 by getting the above. It is new/in box and from amazon. This is the best deal I have seen. It is even cheaper than the refurb models at
The thing is that recently at random times throughout my day when I'm, using my finger will be on the glass trackpad and i'll be doing something like say surfing the web or using w/e application...Well, randomly the mouse on the screen will disappear from its current location, say for example on Firefox's toolbar, immediately to the bottom of the screen. It's never the top of the screen, or the sides since it normally just causes the dock to rise up...
I'm really concerned to see what's going on here. I rarely had this problem with my old Whitebook, though admittedely did happen a few times.
Perhaps a water spill/damage? Though consider to have been very careful with my new Mac. I'm sure the glass trackpad on these new Macbook Pro's has water damage sensors right? Anyway I can see it/observe it myself.
I used to love taking apart my old whitebook but these new MBP's seem impossible; that or i'm just too scared since I do love how the machine was built.