OS X :: Airport Not Automatically Activating - Clock Messed Up
Mar 8, 2010
every time I turn on my Macbook airport has stopped turning on. I get a notice that my clock is set to 2008, and I have to select my network from the dropdown, and re-enter my password for it to work again.
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Feb 25, 2009
I have a 3 year old Powerbook G4. I just recently replaced the battery (with an Apple one).
Starting last week I keep getting the "the system clock is set before March 21, 2001" message every time I start the computer up.
I am also having a problem where...when I close my computer (still on) it'll shut down completely (after a bit of time). If the computer is open and the battery runs out, it'll also shut down.
What's going on?
Is this all related to the PRAM?
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Mar 2, 2009
After installing OSX 10.4 on my wifes' Clamshell iBook 466 Firewire, and accepting several software upgrades to 10.4.11, I was annoyed to find that the AirPort Card would not connect automatically on start-up. This seems to be as a result of the AirPort software upgrade to version 4.2.
There seems to be no way of reverting back to the previous version, leaving us with the problem of having to connect manually. This involves several steps, starting with choosing "Other" from the AirPort drop-down menu, selecting the network from a drop-down list, then selecting the WEP option from the next drop-down, entering the Password and clicking 'OK' to complete the connection process.
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Mar 4, 2009
Airport automatically on when logging in...
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Feb 26, 2012
my airport is not connecting automatically to the internet although i checked the automatic connection box.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 11, 2008
My mac laptops always bring up that annoying wireless network selection window upon opening, even when I'm connected through a physical cable. Is there any way to automatically turn the airport off when physically connected? This seems like something that should be easy...
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Jun 22, 2009
I really like my new MacBook Air, but one thing bothers the crap out of me which is that my airport doesn't automatically connect at home. I did nothing to my network out of the box and connect via WPA2 settings. My wife's late 2008 MacBook always connects to our home network (which is an Apple Extreme N router). Even my Dell Mini with OSX connects perfectly every time. What's causing the MacBook Air not to automatically connect and how do I fix it? BTW, I have tried turning off the Airport and turning back on. Also I used "assist me" to reconnect my DHCP settings and clicked to automatically connect me to my network. The only way I can connect is to click down on the wireless icon and actually choose the network.
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Feb 21, 2012
Airport does not connect automatically after iMac waking from sleep
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 21, 2012
Using a MBP 15 with latest Lion and Airport utility versions. When I start up my computer, the utility loads each time which is annoying. I went down the menu choices on the utility but can't find a way to stop this.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jul 7, 2010
I have two Airport Expresses running at my house. Both are connected to different types of speakers. Neither speaker set has its own equalizer, and both require a different EQ setting to sound just right. Does anyone know of a way to have iTunes automatically change its EQ setting based on which Airport Express it is streaming to?
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Aug 24, 2010
So I just got an Express SD reader, but it the SD cards don't show up. I guess I need to activate the Expresscard reader then?
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Jun 8, 2009
I�m new member here, I really found a lot of things that I missed. Recently I owned �MacBookPro�
2.4 core 2 due, 2 GB Ram, 250 GB Hard Drive, Nivada 256 MB Video Card, with Windows XP Pro. In parallels. So is there any way to activate my I sight cam to work on XP, I tried on control panel in scanner and cameras, but nothing there. In the OS X working fine, but when I switch it windows no cam has been connected.
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Jul 14, 2009
This is really annoying me. What could cause my screen saver to not activate?I've got it set to activate after 3 minutes. I just can't think of a reason why it's not working. I've just reinstalled Leopard (not because of this) and I had the same problem before.I did wonder if the iStat menu's were keeping the screen saver from kicking in (it monitors my CPU and memory uses so is changing constantly) but I tried uninstalling it and it continues to 'diss me'!
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May 1, 2009
All of a sudden my iMac has just started not sleeping after the time its supposed to and the screensaver wont turn on when its supposed to. I havent installed any new software, its just happened out of the blue, I can still use hot corners to activate sleep and the screensaver but id rather have them activate by themselves. But they're not, and all of my System Preference's sleep and screensaver options are fine. Why wont my Mac sleep and/or turn on the screensaver after set times?
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Jun 26, 2012
Can you operate two different iCloud accounts on the same iMac? Does the sync work?
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Apr 30, 2012
I am trying to activate my account itunes and not I did not obtain therefore my code of security not this not being accepted.
MacBook Air
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Jun 19, 2012
I am updated currently to 10.7.4. Basically the computer freezes up and becomes unresponsive. The last two times it has happened, I noticed (Possibly a time or two before) it was right as I was activating Mission Control. I use Mission Control as a hot corner and right as the mouse hits the corner to activate it, the computer screen shuts off and I have to do a hard reset holding the power button down to get it back. If the keyboard was lit up at the time the computer goes down it stays lit up, and the fans continue to run, but I cannot get it to do anything. I thought maybe the screen was the only thing off, but the volume buttons do no make the sound associated with raising and lowering the volume.
I shut the lid and open it, but the keyboard stays lit up even when it is down. I should also add that I upgraded the RAM to 8g in April and I had absolutely no problems before. The RAM tested out fine according to Apple even after a deep lengthy scan. I bought the RAM from Crucial and I am sure it is the correct RAM for my computer. One would think even Apple should have told me if it was not the correct RAM, or the computer just plain would not work. So I am at a loss as to what the problem is. As a last thing, both of most recent times this happened, the computer had not just been woke up, but maybe 5-10 minutes after being brought out of a lengthy sleep maybe 3-4 hours or so. Or it seemed like this was the case.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Oct 14, 2010
Just updated to 10.6 from 10.4, and one of the first things I notice is that it keeps spinning up my three external harddrives at actions that should not set them in use, like starting an application or opening the trash. It seems pretty random, though I'm suspecting it has something to do with mdworker, quicklookd or both. If anyone knows of a solution that doesn't involve unmounting the harddrives, do tell.
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Nov 18, 2009
Newbie post - os x 10.5.8. Every time I activate my dashboard widgets, a new safari window pops up with an old webpage I visited 6 months ago ??Any way to rectify this annoying thing?
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Jun 7, 2012
When I try to activate my personal file sharing in system 10.4.11 it's not able to start this service so my network computers can't access my computer?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Nov 23, 2008
my mighty mouse activating the side buttons when i touch the main button constantly.
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Mar 20, 2010
I purchased a lovely 27" iMac yesterday. I have installed Windows 7 64bit on it and apart from a few quirks everything is running very well.
One thing that is bothering me is the Windows7 screensavers and power-management... they never activate. The power-saving features of Windows 7 don't seem to work at all. I did an install using the new "late 2009" drivers on a USB thumb drive during installation of Windows 7 so I think I've done everything properly.Is there something else I need to do in order to access Win7's power management features ?
Also, I've noticed that the Mac drivers for the ATI 4850 onboard graphics do not offer me the full range of resolutions (there are only a few options at the moment, the full native res, 1280x720, 1920x1080 and 800x600). How do I get access to the full range of resolutions ? Can I install ATI Radeon drivers and use those instead of the Apple supplied drivers ?
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Nov 18, 2010
The AFP and SMB shares provided by my machine (OSX 10.6.5) seem to be messed up. Specifically:
1) There are shares which are visible from other machines which do not exist in System Preferences -> Sharing -> File Sharing
2) There are share listed in System Preferences -> Sharing -> File Sharing which cannot be deleted
How can this be cleaned up? What drives the set of shares? /var/db/samba/smb.shares is clearly a generated file. What generates it?
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Dec 28, 2010
I tried a few terminal commands I searched online and one of it screw up my dock. How do I fix it? I need the dock to be in the middle again.
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Apr 10, 2006
Any clue how to fix this? I've tried cleaning up the font cache but with no help / Irritating as hell too. I can read it. but man! it hurts. edit: notice how it only applies for some sites. Google being the most used of mine.
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May 10, 2009
I feel kind of stupid for not being able to figure this out but I figured someone else has maybe had this issue and knows how to fix it. My BF was messing around on my computer yesterday and somehow the top set of keys on my Apple wireless keyboard got all messed up. None of them are doing what they are supposed to do. Volume, brightness, escape, eject, etc. Nothing works. When I press the F12 button I'm getting my dashboard instead the volume going up. I tried restoring everything to default but nothing seems to be working.
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Feb 21, 2009
So I recently upgraded my PBG4 1Ghz TiBook from 10.3 to 10.5, and I've had a bunch of problems crop up.
1. Network issues. As part of the upgrade, my Airport Extreme and Airport Express were updated too. Now Airport Utility doesn't see my AEBS or my AEX half the time (or will see one but not the other) unless I plug in using the ethernet port. Also, signal strength seems to have degraded considerably. I'm typing this with about 6 feet between my computer and my base station, and I only have three of four bars. At my couch, I used to receive four bars, but now only two. Previously, I was able to roam my house without dropping below the full four in any location.
2. Embedded videos. Gone. Can no longer see video streams on news sites, youtube videos embedded in web pages, and the like.
3. iPhoto. Dead. Do I need to purchase iLife separately? I thought this was included with previous versions of OS X?
4. Laptop speakers. Dead. iTunes plays music, but only the occasional crackle emerges from the speakers.
5. Time Machine. Doesn't work with my external HD.
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Feb 25, 2009
Last night I re installed Leopard (archive and install) in order that I could partition my disk and run boot camp. Everything seemed to work well but now a lot of my text and the names of documents have letters that appear jumbled and out of order. For example spotlight doesn't work as you cant read any of the options and the menu bar is hard to decipher as well. I have attached a few pictures of the problem.
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Apr 26, 2009
I was very 'cleverly' trying out all the function keys as I had read that one of them was supposed to be a desktop shortcut i.e when its pressed you see the desktop immediately!
Somehow all the keys have now all messed up - i.e the volume keys no longer work and instead they produce the dashboard key etc - all very weird for me!
I've read a similar post by a user who had the same issue last year and have tried to use the reply that was given to him - but its not worked i.e
System Preferences > Keyboard & Mouse > Keyboard > Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys.... (that's checked!)
I don't know what else to try - why isn't the RESTORE TO FACTORY DEFAULT working!
I know i managed to get the right click mouse button option working for my macbook yesterday (and the F keys seemed to have stopped working since then).
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Aug 6, 2009
For the past week or two my internet browsers (safari and firefox) have been acting very strange. They are both constantly freezing (spinning wheel), which I can live with, but the worst part is that they both seem to be losing their internet connection all the time. I don't use safari a lot, but I use firefox every day. If I completely close the program (so, Quit Firefox) and then open it again it works fine for a couple of pages but then it starts just loading forever without something actually happening. If I close it, again it's fine for a couple of pages. This all started happening after I downloaded Hotspot Shield and Freedur, both of which I uninstalled within an hour of installing. I can't find any residuals of these program. In Firefox my search history has also been almost completely deleted and for some reason the suggestions in Google and Youtube have been turned off. I don't have any extra add-ons or plug-ins.
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