OS X :: Airport Keeps Turning Off On My MBP And Can't Turn It Back On?
Oct 31, 2010
I have a Macbook Pro 17" 2.6 GHZ. Model A1261.
The Airport keeps turning off and I can't turn it back on only after a restart, then it will work for another few minutes and then the same problem happens again.
Once it turns off when I click on "turn Airport On" nothing happens.
Will buying a new airport card help for my problem? and if yes what exactly do I need to buy.
I already tried a few other things like resetting etc. but no luck.
screen goes black, laptop seems to have not turned off but nothing can turn the screen on. seems fine after a reboot but problem recurs at some random future inconvenient point in time. problem is annoyingly inconsistent - it will occur at random (no discoverable software or hardware conjunctions), sometimes around once weekly, sometimes less frequently. have already had it in a mac repair, said they fixed it, something to do with graphics card firmware.Â
I have a problem where anything I'm downloading stalls and the only way to start transferring anything again is to turn Airport off and then back on. This happens about once a day on my brand new MP.
I swapped out the wireless router to no effect. Anyone else seen this problem?
I use AirPort wireless connection to access Internet. I don't know what was happened. I lost network connection. The AirPort was turned off. I could not turned it back on. It shows "No AirPort Card Installed". I
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Since Reminders was released, I have had them synced fine between my phone and computer. However, in the past week this is no longer happening. I'd like to turn on my reminders on both my iPhone and MacBook without turning on my iCloud calendar sync. However, it seems that on the iPhone end of things, I can choose to turn on just reminders, while on my computer they are lumped together in the same checkbox (see images.)Â
I would be okay with syncing them via my gmail, but again there is a discrepancy in the options I have. On my phone, no reminders option exists, but on my accounts tab on my laptop, there it is: reminder sync with gmail! I have also posted images of this. I found out that if you turn on calendars AND reminders on both ends, then the reminders work. Which is not what I want.Â
So my question: how can I sync reminders with my computer from my phone, without having to sync my iCloud calendar? Note that i use google calendar exclusively, for work/personal use. I have NEVER used iCloud calendar, never had it synced, and my reminders have worked fine until now. Â
UPDATE: before, i could get reminders to work by turning reminders+calendars on and off on both devices in iCloud. now it doesn't work at all, no matter what!Â
Every few hours, without my touching the comp, the airport extreme on my MacBook (OS v 10.6.8)Â just turns itself off. Under Network Preferences, it just won't allow me to turn it on, and neither does the diagnostic work. the only way i have found to get it on again is to restrart the comp.
When I update my software (using system update), the computer updates perfectly. However, when the update is completed, the computer turns itself off, instead of restarting like it used to.Â
After this, when I hit the power button to turn it back on, the power light comes on, but then it turns itself back off again. I usually have to hold the power button in for about 5-10 seconds, and repeat this a couple of times to actually get it to turn on.Â
I have also noticed that a file in the recycle bin called "recovered files" is being created after the process.Â
A while back, I made the huge mistake of hitting the power button in the middle of an update (eeeek!) and I think this may have caused the issue.
This started very suddenly today. I was in finder looking through some pictures when my screen suddenly turned blue. After a second, it faded back to normally, so I continued what I was doing. After about 5 minutes, it happened again, but faded back. It's be less than a half-hour, I haven't touched the computer but the screen is turning blue than fading back every half a minute or so. Every now and then, the screen stays blue for about 20 seconds.
I have my iMac connected to my wireless router via ethernet, but also airport is on. At the top right I can see I am connected to my network. How can I chose the faster ethernet to connect without turning of airport? How can I be sure the connection is with ethernet and not wireless?
I have previously time machine backups for two macbook pros on same drive. However, I connect the drive to the airport extreme and although I see the drives and the backups, I can not access the files over Airport Extreme.
I've searched and found a couple solutions to force a Time Capsule to use an ethernet connection for data transfer. Those are 1) turn my Mac's Airport off or 2) turn off the Time Capsule's wireless network.My question is: since those solutions, has anyone found a better alternative to force a Time Capsule to use ethernet that doesn't involve turning off the Mac's Airport or changing its settings each time?My need for this is: I have a first gen Time Capsule, and despite outliving the statistics for a long time, it's finally starting to fail. It's not actually dead yet, though ? the wireless still works, but it's much, much slower than it used to be. The hard drive is fine. I've since switched our primary wireless network over to the Airport Express I was using for Airplay, and I'm having the Time Capsule "join" its new network.
I want to have a torrentclient running 24/7 and still be capable of having my MacBook with me. Still I don't want my old PowerMac running all the time, using a lot of power. So I considered buying an external harddive with a built-in torrentclient. Like the AirLive WMU-6500FS [URL]. I wondered if I could, somehow, turn my Airport Extreme and my external harddrive into something similar. Maybe by installing some software on the disk?
My Mac Mini loses connection with my Onkyo receiver NR-609 after turning off the receiver then back on. The only way to reistablish the connection is to unplug then replug the HDMI cable to the Mac Mini. There's no effect if I unplug then replug the HDMI to the receiver.
Info: Mac mini, I don't know my OS number it's Lion
Remove quicktime from my mackbook Mac OS X version 10.5.8 and and now can't use my itunes. say some like that... itunes need Quictime 7.5.5 or later to run.
i don't have the original cd for put back my mac in original factory.
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), i don't have restore cd.
A few weeks ago the display on my 2008 Macbook started going black randomly. I wouldn't call it a flicker, because when it goes black, it does not come back on unless I turn the brightness all the way down, and then back on again.
Sometimes it will go black, I turn the brightness all the way down, then back on again, and it will stay lit for a few minutes. Other times, the screen flashes when I turn the brightness up to 1 but then goes to black immediately. There are times where it won't stay on for more than a split second for almost half an hour, and I can't do anything but keep trying to turn it on in the meantime. Eventually it will start to work for either a few minutes, or half an hour, or longer, but if I turn it up too bright, it goes to black again. I keep it at 2/16 brightness once it starts working. If I'm feeling lucky I'll go up to 4/16.
So after doing some research I decided to try and replace the inverter. I just did this successfully, and after a few minutes the problem returned. So now I'm at a crossroads. I can take it apart again and replace one of the inverter cables, but I'm not too hopeful about that. I'm out of warranty and will not pay hundreds of dollars for Apple to repair it. My long term plan-B is to buy an LCD monitor and wireless keyboard to use it in clamshell mode.
So my question is if anyone has any other ideas about what may be wrong, and what I can do to fix it. The display itself appears to be fine. My dad thinks it may be a motherboard issue. Any thoughts?
Afrer finishing a 15 page paper my computer crashed. The charger would not light up when I plugged it in and now the light is very faint. The computer will not turn on at all it has made no noise and there is no light coming from it.
My airport/wireless works fine most of the time, but sometimes when I close the lid, and reopen it, my airport will not turn back on. It turns on neither automatically nor through the preference pane. The button to turn airport on is clickable, but nothing happens.
I'm new to Macs, and I like them so far. But this is getting really annoying as the only way I've found to fix it is to restart the computer.
So I went to my in-laws house and for some reason I couldn't connect to their Airport/Router. I was on it once before and none of the settings were changed because I was on the router with my iPhone at that point. So I tried to turn off my Airport on my Mac just to see if that would work, and it won't turn off. I restarted my computer and nothing, still stays on. I turned off my Time Machine just to see if that was the issue and it wasn't. I will probably make an appointment with Apple and maybe call Applecare, but just wanted to see if anyone had any ideas here 1st.
I am now back at home and stuff can't turn it off. If it helps I am running Snow Leopard on my Mac.
I have a Mac mini (intel) which was running happily running a fully updated leopard os, then for no aparent reason the airport would not turn on rendering wifi conections impossible. after hours of hunting for help and finding none i bought snow leopard and did a full install in the hope of retifying the problem. unfortunate the problem is still there, sometimes it says airport card not installed sometimes its there, but whatever it says nothing happens when i try to turn it on i press the turn on button but nothing happens. for fear of the card itsself being faulty i bought a usb wifi dongle, istalled it as per the instructions yet still i cannot get wirelessly on the internet?
Keyboard back-lighting will not turn off - I press the f5 key and it will only let me turn it down to no-bars, however the led lights are still on. How can I turn them off completely and keep them from turning on automatically?
Basically, for login pages (such as facebook) my mac used to auto complete my login name, much like it auto completes a url i have previously visited when i go to type it in. It started doing this spontaneously a couple of days ago. How do i turn it back on?
My back light won't turn off when i shut the lid of my mac book pro is there a setting to change this?, My back light won't turn off when i shut the lid of my mac book pro is there a setting to change this?
Whenever I shut the lid and reopen later, airport does not turn on. I cannot get it to turn on manually. Twice, it has said "Airport Card Not Installed" when I right clicked it.
Additionally, the whole mac froze up twice yesterday. Any ideas on how to refresh or clean up things?
I tried to find a utility or update, but none were found. I looked manually, and couldn't find anything. I tried the disk utility, but it came back saying nothing was wrong.
Sometimes when I open the MBP after it's been in sleep mode, the screen won't turn back on. I hear the disc drive power up, but nothing on the monitor. I have to turn the computer off and restart it.
if this kind topic has been discussed before, i just have no time to check. So i need your help ASAP.So yes i have bootcamp'ed my macbook to windows 7 34bit. And i think i made a mistake during installing it.Well when given the partition, it was 4 partitions , i chose bootcamp partition, but unfortunately it cant be installed on it, so i tried to format the bootcamp partition, and it's ok, so i have done it.But the problem is, i couldn't get into the mac whenever i restart or shutdown and turn on back.
This is something that has happened since my initial installation of XP on my bootcamp partition. Whenever the light sensor detects low light, the backlight turns on at full blast. This is normal. However, when I go to turn the backlight off completely (as to save battery or if I'm watching a movie in windows and I don't want to see the keyboard lit up) it turns it down, but not completely off. Even though the backlight indicator claims that it is down the whole way, it never completely turns off. In OSX when I do this, it turns it completely off whenever I set it to the same setting.
has anyone had something similar in their MBP or any ideas of what is wrong? Is it just something with the drivers?
A while ago I opened the console.app. I was trying to empty out some logs. It now turns out that in the process I turned off logging. I normally use geektool to monitor the computer logs console.log and system.log but they are now both empty. Can anyone tell me how to turn them back on?
I accidentally deleted my local user account shortcut/alias from the sidebar. I have not been able to see my deleted files through Finder, but can access the files through an application i.e., launching Word and opening a "Recent file." The path that allows me to open the file is (found it under File, Save As):Computer name/Macintosh HD/Users/susan.muehlfelder/.trash/susan local/Desktop1108
1. How can I restore the files in the above path 2. How can I restore the local account to the sidebar allowing me to get back to these files for the future? 3. Will I be able to log back in after I turn off the computer under my local account?
I will leave my MAC logged on until I hear I can turn it off. Thanks in advance for an expedited response as I'm truly afraid to to anything at the moment!
For some reason when i turned my imac on tonight my bluetooth is turned off and my wireless mouse is not recognized so i can't use it to turn my bluetooth back on. Not what do I do?