MacBook :: Come Back On Unless I Turn The Brightness All The Way Down?
Mar 18, 2010
A few weeks ago the display on my 2008 Macbook started going black randomly. I wouldn't call it a flicker, because when it goes black, it does not come back on unless I turn the brightness all the way down, and then back on again.
Sometimes it will go black, I turn the brightness all the way down, then back on again, and it will stay lit for a few minutes. Other times, the screen flashes when I turn the brightness up to 1 but then goes to black immediately. There are times where it won't stay on for more than a split second for almost half an hour, and I can't do anything but keep trying to turn it on in the meantime. Eventually it will start to work for either a few minutes, or half an hour, or longer, but if I turn it up too bright, it goes to black again. I keep it at 2/16 brightness once it starts working. If I'm feeling lucky I'll go up to 4/16.
So after doing some research I decided to try and replace the inverter. I just did this successfully, and after a few minutes the problem returned. So now I'm at a crossroads. I can take it apart again and replace one of the inverter cables, but I'm not too hopeful about that. I'm out of warranty and will not pay hundreds of dollars for Apple to repair it. My long term plan-B is to buy an LCD monitor and wireless keyboard to use it in clamshell mode.
So my question is if anyone has any other ideas about what may be wrong, and what I can do to fix it. The display itself appears to be fine. My dad thinks it may be a motherboard issue. Any thoughts?
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May 19, 2012
This is a strange issue I have had with my Macbook Pro for a while now. Whenever I am in a situation where I am only using my computer for say, listening to music purposes, I like to turn the brightness all the way down. Whenever I turn the brightness all the way down, however, after a few minutes it will go back up 1 pip of brightness on its own. Once I come into contact with the trackpad, however, it goes back down. Then it will go back up 1 pip on it's own again, and go back down when I touch the trackpad. It continues to do this and it's quite annoying.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 13, 2010
I am seriously considering purchasing one of the new unibody MBP's with the new "7 hour" battery. Just a couple quick questions for you all: Do you get 7 hours when you turn wifi off, the screen down to 1/3 brightness, don't use the CD drive/etc, or does it actually last 6-7 hours in normal use (surfing web, screen really bright, backlit keyboard on)? Has anyone experienced a degradation in battery life after a bunch of cycles? I notice apple claims that the new battery will last 5 years, yet they don't warranty it for more than a year. That does not sound good to me. Opinions?
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May 24, 2012
Remove quicktime from my mackbook Mac OS X version 10.5.8 and and now can't use my itunes. say some like that... itunes need Quictime 7.5.5 or later to run.
i don't have the original cd for put back my mac in original factory.
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), i don't have restore cd.
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May 17, 2012
I use AirPort wireless connection to access Internet. I don't know what was happened. I lost network connection. The AirPort was turned off. I could not turned it back on. It shows "No AirPort Card Installed". I
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 8, 2014
Afrer finishing a 15 page paper my computer crashed. The charger would not light up when I plugged it in and now the light is very faint. The computer will not turn on at all it has made no noise and there is no light coming from it.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 8.1
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Nov 15, 2010
The brightness goes up when you plug in your MBA, but then over time it just goes up and up. I honestly like my brightness pretty low (rarely more than half, typically at 3-5 notches), but it just keeps on going up and up. I almost never set it above half, but multiple times a day, I notice that it looks pretty high and it's at like 3/4 so I put it it down to about 1/3, but after a while, it's just up again.
Anyone else notice this? What is it, why does it do this? How can I fix it? I don't mind not having auto-brightness (even though I loved it), as long as my screen doesn't keep going up.
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Jun 20, 2010
Basically, for login pages (such as facebook) my mac used to auto complete my login name, much like it auto completes a url i have previously visited when i go to type it in. It started doing this spontaneously a couple of days ago. How do i turn it back on?
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Apr 4, 2012
My back light won't turn off when i shut the lid of my mac book pro is there a setting to change this?, My back light won't turn off when i shut the lid of my mac book pro is there a setting to change this?
MacBook Pro
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Aug 29, 2010
Sometimes when I open the MBP after it's been in sleep mode, the screen won't turn back on. I hear the disc drive power up, but nothing on the monitor. I have to turn the computer off and restart it.
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Apr 9, 2012
screen goes black, laptop seems to have not turned off but nothing can turn the screen on. seems fine after a reboot but problem recurs at some random future inconvenient point in time. problem is annoyingly inconsistent - it will occur at random (no discoverable software or hardware conjunctions), sometimes around once weekly, sometimes less frequently. have already had it in a mac repair, said they fixed it, something to do with graphics card firmware.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 21, 2012
I have a late-2010 Macbook Pro 15" and have been having issues with gaming. Specifically, the games will freeze the system requiring a reboot. After reading further, I learned about the "Automatic Graphics Switching" mode under "Energy Saver" in the System Preferences screen. Upon disabling this setting, and locking the preferences, the games are still freezing.
I have not re-enabled this setting but when I check the settings again it is enabled. Seemingly, the OS is changing the "Automatic Graphics Switching" on its own.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 14, 2012
I keep having the screen turn blue and then suddenly go back to normal. It's a quick flash, totally random, repetitive during operation, no noises, and nothing else is interrupted. It does not restart, log off, or try to. Is it about to die?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 1, 2014
I was launching my sims game when I plugged in my portable charger in my MacBook Pro. As soon as I plugged it in, I heard a tiny poof and next thing I know the screen turned black. I held down the power button like I normally would and it wouldn't work. when I plug in the charger, there is a faint green light.
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Sep 12, 2014
I have a macbook pro 15" retina. I am a photographer and have to upload images at the end of every day. I noticed that the internet speed was flucuating a lot. From like 3 mbps to 30 mbps. I thought it was the internet service at first, but then noticed if I turned off the wifi on my macbook, then turned it back on, I would get a full strong signal. It would then start to slow down again to a crawl. Is it the macbook or maybe a Apple Express Airport update?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3)
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Sep 24, 2010
I have a problem where anything I'm downloading stalls and the only way to start transferring anything again is to turn Airport off and then back on. This happens about once a day on my brand new MP.
I swapped out the wireless router to no effect. Anyone else seen this problem?
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Oct 31, 2010
I have a Macbook Pro 17" 2.6 GHZ. Model A1261.
The Airport keeps turning off and I can't turn it back on only after a restart, then it will work for another few minutes and then the same problem happens again.
Once it turns off when I click on "turn Airport On" nothing happens.
Will buying a new airport card help for my problem? and if yes what exactly do I need to buy.
I already tried a few other things like resetting etc. but no luck.
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Mar 12, 2010
Keyboard back-lighting will not turn off - I press the f5 key and it will only let me turn it down to no-bars, however the led lights are still on. How can I turn them off completely and keep them from turning on automatically?
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Sep 18, 2010
if this kind topic has been discussed before, i just have no time to check.
So i need your help ASAP.So yes i have bootcamp'ed my macbook to windows 7 34bit.
And i think i made a mistake during installing it.Well when given the partition, it was 4 partitions , i chose bootcamp partition, but unfortunately it cant be installed on it, so i tried to format the bootcamp partition, and it's ok, so i have done it.But the problem is, i couldn't get into the mac whenever i restart or shutdown and turn on back.
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May 3, 2008
This is something that has happened since my initial installation of XP on my bootcamp partition. Whenever the light sensor detects low light, the backlight turns on at full blast. This is normal. However, when I go to turn the backlight off completely (as to save battery or if I'm watching a movie in windows and I don't want to see the keyboard lit up) it turns it down, but not completely off. Even though the backlight indicator claims that it is down the whole way, it never completely turns off. In OSX when I do this, it turns it completely off whenever I set it to the same setting.
has anyone had something similar in their MBP or any ideas of what is wrong? Is it just something with the drivers?
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Feb 12, 2009
A while ago I opened the I was trying to empty out some logs. It now turns out that in the process I turned off logging. I normally use geektool to monitor the computer logs console.log and system.log but they are now both empty. Can anyone tell me how to turn them back on?
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Nov 21, 2008
I accidentally deleted my local user account shortcut/alias from the sidebar. I have not been able to see my deleted files through Finder, but can access the files through an application i.e., launching Word and opening a "Recent file." The path that allows me to open the file is (found it under File, Save As):Computer name/Macintosh HD/Users/susan.muehlfelder/.trash/susan local/Desktop1108
1. How can I restore the files in the above path
2. How can I restore the local account to the sidebar allowing me to get back to these files for the future?
3. Will I be able to log back in after I turn off the computer under my local account?
I will leave my MAC logged on until I hear I can turn it off. Thanks in advance for an expedited response as I'm truly afraid to to anything at the moment!
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Apr 18, 2012
For some reason when i turned my imac on tonight my bluetooth is turned off and my wireless mouse is not recognized so i can't use it to turn my bluetooth back on. Not what do I do?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 3, 2009
I have a lot of movies encoded with handbrake at the apple tv settings, and a few people have asked how to take one of those and re-convert it back into dvd files.
can this be done? I need to put a few backed up dvd's back onto dvd's cause i already got rid of them and i cannot watch the appletv handbrake version over at certain friends houses.
I tried doing the video files as data but they still show up with the .mp4 at the end and the dvd player will not recognize them.
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Apr 17, 2012
I was using it like any other day and it just turned off. Now it wont turn back on even with switching outlets!
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), iMac G5 w/iSight
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Sep 9, 2009
is it okay to turn the monitors on/off via the switch on the back of the left speaker each time im not using them or should i leave them on 24/7
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Apr 4, 2012
I accidentally turn off bluetooth so my wireless mouse and keyboard didn't work, how to bring it back.
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Jun 19, 2008
I have a 20" intel-based dual core Mac which i have had for about since early 2006, i haven't had any big issues with it until a few days ago when it suddenly shut itself down and refused to power back up. I ran through the checklist that Apple Support provides, including resetting the SMC by unplugging everything and waiting 15 seconds or so but none of it worked. Eventually I just left the power cord unplugged overnight and in the morning I plugged it back in.
After having the power cord plugged in for a few hours and the machine turned off, i tried pressing the power button again and to my amazement it powered back on! Immediately i ran the TechTool Deluxe software that came with my extended protection plan (now expired) and everything was fine. Later that night however, I had left my computer on for a few hours before returning to it and realizing it had shut itself off again. Now I am back to where I started, going through the checklist provided by Apple and am really starting to get concerned. Does anyone know of anything else I can do, short of taking it in to an Apple store? Or is something needed to be replaced?
IMAC-Intel (Early 2006)
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jun 20, 2009
So I installed Vista 64 bit on my Macbook Pro (Santa Rosa), I installed most of the drivers I can find, but I cant get the screen brightness buttons to work (F1 and F2)
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Feb 17, 2008
I have dual ACD's. How do I make it so that both screens have the same brightness? If I adjust the brightness in the display settings it adjusts the main screen, but then not the other one. How do I make them the same?
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