OS X :: Adding Home Folder To New HDD
Nov 13, 2008
I got an HDD from a friend and its pretty faster than the one my Mac Pro has. What I want to do is, put all the system files, apps etc in that new HDD, but have my home folder on my old HDD which is bigger. How can I do that from software side? I am guessing it would cause problems to just move my home folder to another HDD.
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Apr 13, 2009
Do you think I may have a "potential" problem with the following home network configuration? http://images.macrumors.com/vb/image...s/confused.gif
I currently have a Motorola SBG900 for my all-in-one solution wireless cable modem gateway for my MS XP desktop & laptop home network.
I will be buying a MBP and the TC for my existing home network. I will be connecting the time capsule/WAN point to the the SBG900 Ethernet connection and disabling the SBG900 wireless component to benefit of the 802n/g. The TC will be my router/firewall and the SBG900 firewall will disabled. The SBG900 will still be my dhcp server.
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May 23, 2012
On my Mac Mini, I have set up a new user because of problems with the OS. So far, it is working fine. I also have a G5 running OS 10.4.11. There is an account on both machines with the same name. However, the new account on the Mini is a different name. The G5 does not offer the "login as" (at least that I can see, so my access to the new account on the Mini is limited to a dropbox. To simplify: A is the account on both the Mini and the G5, B is the account only on the Mini. I tried extending the permissions on B's home directory, but that did not work. Using get info, I unlocked the file then tried to add A to the list of users. For some reason, nothing happened.
How can I give user A permission to access user B's home directory on the Mini?
Mac Mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Apr 1, 2012
How do I locate my wep key in order to add more devices to my home network?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011)
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May 31, 2012
I want to add a category of Home Movies to go along with the movies and TV Shows categories on iTunes. Can this be done? I want it to show up on Apple TV as a option also.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010)
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Apr 8, 2005
Need a "Home Page" button in Safari? This used to be the only reason I never really used Safari. Go to "View > Home" this will add a Home Page button to the address toolbar.
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Aug 29, 2014
I'm using MacBook Pro Early 2011 model with Mountain Lion (10.8.5).
I recently noticed that there was an application folder in my home folder (the folder with your username), but that application folder had been empty. I remember I used to be able to access to my applications from that folder, but not anymore.
Since the folder was empty, I deleted it before doing further research.
After deleting the empty application folder from the home folder, I looked up and some said the application folder in the home folder and the application folder in Macintosh HD are two different folders. I don't know what it means, but I would like to have an application folder with applications in my home folder. Is this possible? or should I just make an Alias folder and put it in my home folder?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
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Apr 2, 2009
I know the Home Folder short name changing issue has been discussed already on here, and most people seem to advise either against it or to backup before proceeding. I just obtained my first MacBook Pro second hand, and it still has the previous owner's Home Folder and Short Name, even though he has deleted all his files from it, and there's only pretty much standard folders within it (Library, Applications), but nothing in them. I've been saving my own stuff elsewhere in another folder I created on the Mac HD drive. Is it fairly safe then to change his name over to my own following the steps on the Apple website, or would his home still be attached to certain important components? I'd rather not create a brand new account where I have to fiddle with settings again for everything, though I'm not sure if I may have to do that anyway. I'm using Leopard, by the way. The login he passed on at start-up still says administrator as a user name, though, not his shortname. Will that change also?
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Mar 12, 2010
Anyway, one of my home folders for a user account has gone missing. when you are logged into the account it belongs to you can navigate to it via finder. However you cannot see the folder via finder from any other account. This account is NOT an admin. I had this problem when I was running tiger and it still remains now that I have leopard. 2Ghz INtel core 2 duo Aluminum iMac.
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Jun 9, 2012
It appears that the Library folder that is in the Home Folder (e.g./Users/Home/Liberary)has been made invisible in OS 10.7.x. However I have seen it because after converting samples Logic showed me the folder and its contents. I would very much like to move the samples from their present location in this folder on the startup disk to the EXS 24 samples folder on the external RAID array that is dedicated to this purpose - - but I don't know how to make the Library folder visible.
Mac Pro (Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 24GB RAM/MOTU 2408 mk3 audio interface
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Sep 5, 2014
My home folder appears to have gone missing from the Users folder in finder. See screenshot - I can see the test account I created and the shared folder but not my home folder.
I can still access my home folder via the sidebar but this causes problems with some software not being able to see my home folder in their browsers (Nikon Capture NX2 being an example).
OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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May 17, 2010
Can anyone tell me how to make the applications folder reappear in my home folder without it looking like an alias? My steam install somehow messed it up so I had to delete it, and now I am trying to figure out how to get it back.
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Dec 21, 2010
i would like to move some of the media folders in the home folder to another partition, for example the Movies, Pictures, Music, maybe even Documents and also keep the folder icons.Just recreating them in the other partition I lose the folder icons/designs so is there a good way to do this?I have already recreated a downloads folder and pointed all relevant programs to download anything into that folder/partition but I dont have the nifty icon...I cant delete any of the existing ones in the home folder even if I recreate them and I wonder what the repercussions are if I do it to my music folder i.e itunes etc
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May 25, 2010
I am working in Finder list view (Snow Leopard) and want to add subfolders to another subfolder in documents. When a execute a cmd+shift+N, the folder is added to my root directory in documents. I then have to go back, find it, and drag the folder into my subfolder. It is a real pain. Does anyone have a way to add a folder into a sub-folder without having to drag it from the root?
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Feb 22, 2012
If you click on your mac HD icon and go into the 'users' folder. Ther eis an icon with a house. This is what I think is called the 'home' folder. Usually, there is a folder in the 'Home' folder called 'Library' and I cant seem to locate it. Where did it go?
iMac, iOS 5.0.1
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Nov 25, 2009
I am trying to find out how to add a new smart folder onto my dock, u know those two folder next to the trash bin. I saw in youtube that u can add more of it. e.g. application, document, download etc.
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Jul 25, 2010
Upon adding new songs to my library, iTunes creates a new folder, gives it the same name as the folder "above" and adds the songs I want to add in this new folder. I deleted the whole library. I have a folder "Greatest hits" with about 20 subfolders for each artist. I added the folder "Greatest hits" to the iTunes library, Itunes creates a new folder for every individual artists in the root directory, copies the songs as well but the cover jpg remains in the "old" folder...
What to do?
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Aug 1, 2009
I've googled this and it was dicussed a year ago here but I was wondering anybody has figured it out.
I've copied some desktop image folders into library/desktop pictures but when I open System Preferences my new folders cannot be seen.
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May 27, 2012
I just updated my MacBook to Lion, and I used to have a folder when using Leopard called "Library." I can't find it anymore. The only way to get to it is to open Xcode 4, make a Cocoa application, build it, then right-click the target, then click "Show in finder. This is what the library folder looks like after I do that:
I can still click the folder and it will show me its contents, but once I leave the home folder, the folder dissappears, and I can't find it:
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Model of 2008
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Apr 28, 2012
I want to add a folder to my desktop, went to file, no folder, New Window, New Tab, Open File but no Folder always been there in the past.
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May 31, 2009
I was under the impression that you could just put new songs right into this folder and they would show up in iTunes. I added a bunch of music files (correct format of course) to this folder and they don't show up. I still have to use "Add to library" and browse to the actual folder and song for it to show up. What gives?
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Sep 19, 2010
I have Root - but can't seem to rename my home folder.
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Sep 21, 2010
I am aware that there are plenty of other threads asking this question, and that there is even a page in Apple Support regarding the solution to this. The reason I've come here is because nothing I've come across has worked so far. Apple Support, and various replies to threads, have all told me that I must enable the root user, log in as the root user, and then navigate to the Users folder, at which point I could then re-name my home folder as I would normally do with any other folder, and then create a new account with the same name as the folder.
What I did was enable the root, log in as the root, and then go to the Users folder. That's where I was forced to stop, as I was still unable to edit the Home folder's name. I normally change folder names by right-clicking on the folder, selecting Get Info, and then just editing name in the little window that pops up. I know that you can also click on the folder and press enter, which is much faster. Neither of these methods worked; I'm still unable to edit the Home folder. My account is the first and only account to have been made on the computer, obviously making me an administrator, so there shouldn't be a problem there. I have a Mac OS X 10.6.4 Snow Leopard.
I recently tried to edit it after reading another thread on this forum by going to the Account Preferences and right-clicking my user to access the Advanced Options. I changed my user's name to what I'd wanted it to be known as, and it did nothing to the Home folder. So I went back to change it back to what it was, and I'm unable to unlock the Lock button. I haven't logged out, and am unsure as to whether or not I'll be able to log back in again. I tried unlocking it with my account name, the name I'd changed when I was last able to access that area (which is the same as my account name), and the name it used to be, and none of them are working. This worries me greatly, as I'm now unable to log out, in case I'd be restricted from logging back in.
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Oct 30, 2010
I am having problems with my user account, and I need to start fresh with a new account. My plan is to create a new user account and transfer my documents and images (but not my preferences) from my current account to that one. However, once I've migrated the data, I'd like to rename the new home folder with the same name as the old one to prevent any broken links from applications that will be looking for files in my old account.
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Aug 29, 2009
i have my home folder named something but it is not exactly what i want. my co woorker set it up but it is just numbers and it isen't exactly what i want. how can i change my the name with out needing a new user account made up.
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Jul 14, 2010
On my old MBP, my home folder (/Users/username) was just my first name, with a capital first letter. On my new MBP, it is firstnamelastname, all one word, all lower case. How can I change it?
I tried this, but I still can't edit the name.
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Jan 15, 2009
Okay here's the thing: I (not so long ago) copied my entire itunes library to my external hard drive. Now I have updated my itunes library on my powerbook, and want to make sure that I back up the new songs/albums I have. The problem with this is that I have always found that when I drag the itunes folder from my powerbook to the itunes folder on my external drive, it asks to 'replace the itunes music folder'. I don't want this as there are some albums that I have stored in my folder but not on my itunes library and still want to keep them stored.
Is there any way that I could just keep adding to the 'existing' itunes folder on my external drive?
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Dec 8, 2014
Folder Actions Alert:
One new item has been placed in folder “Documents”.
Would you like to view the added items?
Above pop up window pops up three time every time I enter a document into Documents folder. How to stop It?
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Jun 11, 2012
I am creating 2 AppleScripts to automate mounting Windows shared drives on Lion Macbook Airs. The first creates an alias on the user's desktop to the user's shared drive. This is functional and doing what I want it to do. The 2nd script attempts to create a favorite to the alias in Finder's sidebar. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get this script to work.
I am attempting to create an alias on a user's desktop to a folder in a Windows network share.Here is my applescript: set user_name to (short user name of (system info))tell application "Finder" activate set myFolder to ((home as text) & "Desktop:" & user_name)select myFolder tell application "System Events" keystroke "t" using command down end tellend tell The script runs, Finder opens to the user's folder, but nothing is added to the side.
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Apr 2, 2010
I am using a Mac PowerBook running Leopard 10.5.8. Somewhere along the way my Home Folder (Little House) changed to just a folder on the dock. It has all the correct stuff in it but how can I change the icon back to the house? I am not permitted to drag the Home Folder (House) icon on to the dock. No big deal but wonder how it happened and how to correct this. I do notice sometimes for a split second the House Icon will appear but immediately switch back to a folder.
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