Motion 5 :: Why Text Not Show Up All The Way When Rendering
Jun 5, 2014I am new to Motion 5 so I could be doing something wrong.
Motion 5, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I am new to Motion 5 so I could be doing something wrong.
Motion 5, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I have a project that is 1280 x 720p I am doing continuous work with hours of footage. Initally i was compositing on my macbookpro i5 8gb of ram and it took 7 hours to render a 1 hr timeline. to remedy the situation, i bought a 8 core 2x 2.4 quad core macpro installed 26 gb of ram and am currently using the 5770 radeon gpu. it say it will take 2 hrs to render which is awesome but........ it always hangs. i check my activity monitor and it uses about 19gb of ram, but when i check the file (rendering to prores 4444 without alpha 1280 x 720p) it only goes up to 3gb and the render status says 35% complete but the timing doesnt change , it doesnt count down or up or nothing. i checked my ram and its all installed correctly so i have no idea what is goin on. when i had my original 6 gb of ram on the 8 core was rendering the same footage it would take 4 hours.Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I would like to know which renders text better. In other words, where does text look better, on Safari or on Firefox 3.xx?
I am now using Firefox as my main browser and the things that bother me are the lack of Mac OS X integration (drop down menus, text boxes, no bouncing download icons, etc) but I can live without them because for me Firefox is technically superior...
I still have the impression though that the text renders best on Safari. Am I wrong? It seems to me that the character spacing works better on Safari than Firefox, not that the latter isn't any good. This thing could make me return to Safari again, so now I am trying Firefox out for the next couple of days.
I am using Motion 3.I am making a text (not even animated) with Alpha (transparent BG) to be used in Final cut 6.Project in FCP is 1080 30p (ProRes). what the best project settings are for this project? I did try these for far, and the exported text looks very bad:
- Custom preset: 1920x1080, 8bit, Square, Field order NONE,
- Broadcast HD 1080i60
- XDCam HD 1080p 30Â
I am exporting it as QT movie, current project and canvas settings, Animation, 8-bit color + alphaÂ
MacPro, Mac OS X (10.5.3)
In Motion 5, I'll be working and everything will look fine, and then I'll export the project to find some of the text looks like this: [URL] .....
It seems to happen completely randomly, and sometimes I can go back and retype it and that'll fix it, but a lot of the time it doesn't fix the problem.
So I found the lost project in FCPX. It has a music tract, text and video. When I pulled the project down for editing, I am able to separate the music from the video, but the text bubbles do not appear above the video allowing me to change the misspelled words that need editing.I've searched all of my backup drives for the original footage in case I have to re-edit the whole thing, but I'm unable to find the original footage. Every event in my libraries appears as a finished project.
Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)
I can't find where Motion is saving text styles in 10.9.3Â
Don't say Library/Application Support/Motion/Library/Text Styles because it isn't true. I've checked over and over. Everyone that answered this question was a year ago.Â
Oh yeah. Motion is FUBAR when saving styles. I will save the first one. Create another style and try to save that and it saves my previous style over and over and over. I just blew off hours saving styles for a project and only the first one work, every other style is a duplicate of the first one I set. You should have an exact preview or something like that before it is saved. This entire process should be like Photoshop. I should be able to save a style palette for a customer in a file and reuse that rather than cluttering my styles folder with legacy information. You have this feature on the color palette, why not Motion and all other apps?Â
And Apple, it would be so cool if the finder had a mode that allowed searching under the hood, as it were. When files are saved in Libraries and you can't search there it is a huge time waster. Jobs used to brag about plug-and-play. This is more like hunt-and-peck. Don't give me some crap about the command line interface, I want an easy way to find files.
When I try to watch a already aired tv show thru my computer. It seems to be in slow motion. Am I doing something wrong. I have a g5 MAC OS X Version 10.4.11. I need help fast. I wasn't sure which forum to go to.
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow can I zoom in iTunes text? Everything else on my multiple macs is fine. But iTunes will never enlarge it's tiny text! (Men have size issues, but iTunes is happy with its insignificant size!) Help? Or Hey! Apple! Get with the program! (no pun)I just want that little text to grow! What good is a huge monitor if I have to be 3 inches from it to use it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am working for my eagle scout rank and in order to do my service project, a form must be filled out on the computer as a pdf. I started the PDF on my old dell, and i downloaded Adobe reader for my mac to finish it. For preview, it takes the lines of the paragraph and overlaps the words, rendering it unreadable, and for adobe reader, the words are invisible unless editing those words. when the text box isn't selected the words disappear.
MacBook Pro
I just purchased a MBA 11.6''. When I turn it on and off, it always seems to show code, like bios code.
Does anyone elses do this? Is it normal? Can you get rid of it?
I have a Japanese font that I was using in Pages on my iMac (uses Mac OS X v10.6.8). I installed it onto my new MacBook Pro (Mac OS X 10.7). But when using Microsoft Word, the font won't work. It's listed in the Latin Text Font list, but it doesn't show up in the Asian Text Font list. Is there a way to add the font so it'll be available in the Asian Text Font list?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7), using Microsoft Office 2011
I have several PDF docs with several annotations in them. When I show the sidebar in Preview it lists page, type, date, and author, but does not display the words in the annotations!With a long of annotations that only identify themselves by "Text", it's laborious to find the note one is looking for. (One has to manually step through each one at a time!)
Info:MacBook Pro early 2008, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Time for a new computer!
I just picked up a Macbook Pro with 10.6 and notice some fonts in Firefox appear too strong or bold. I've run a search here but not getting this corrected.
I went to system prefs and turned off font smoothing in appearance.
I opened terminal and put in "defaults -currentHost write -g AppleFontSmoothing -int 1" but not seeing any change there either.
I'm a noob with terminal. When I enter the above, I get nothing but a prompt again. Am I missing something?
I have another gripe about FCP 6 (6.0.3) and it's ability to utilize the full power of my system. I'm rendering some clips in my timeline that have multiple FX (mostly 3rd party filters), the footage is native DVCPRO HD as is the sequence. But when I render, FCP is only utilizing 110% CPU. I've seen FCP use more - up to almost 400% but never higher, but I don't remember what it was doing then - maybe rendering while also converting non-native clips in the timeline, or maybe exporting. But, this is astoundingly frustrating to be sitting on an Octo Penryn and having my bread and butter app only utilizing 1/8 of my CPU power, and running out of memory when it's used it's 4GB RAM limit on a system with 20 GB of RAM. I just had the system rebuild it's optimization on startup yesterday. Is there any way to force Final Cut to utilize more of the other 7 cores (like you can do with the Q Admin for Compressor)?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have been asked to recommend a MBPro for a friend that edits HD 1080i video but does not want the hassel of a tower/iMac.
CPU power is one thing on a MBPro when it comes to rendering is not that great from what i see on mine but I have a 2.4Corei5 April2010 15"
Anyone using a Corei7 to render in imovie or FCP that can tell us if its worth it vs a tower or iMac?
Aghh, i am so annoyed that i have to render everytime i make little changes i have to render the whole video project. I know there is a way i can render it once and just once. I heard of a program called MPEG StreamClip, but it did not work for me. The instructions i fallowed where: Open video, and drag it to MPEG STREAMCLIP. Export to Quicktime these are the settings i used....
screen shot here
According to the person who provided the instructions, i was only suppose to mess with the settings highlighted in the screen shot. Sadly, this did not help, i still have to render. Does anyone else do it differently?
What do you think? My design company is all PC-based, but recently our file server has been spreading viruses, so I'm looking into switching our server to Mac Mini running OSX. But, on a second thought, I was wondering if I'm better off just to get the new Mac Pro, so my staffs can use it for the occasional AE and Maya rendering; that way they can go on with other business while rendering stuff.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI've got Maya and two Mac's. I was just curious how can i set rendering the same task in mentalray on both Mac's so it can go twice faster?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIm getting an error thats stopping the Burn process in iDVD ...
it says Error during rendering/encoding
I'm new to Xcode but I'm trying to learn it as fast as I can. I'm attempting to render in OpenGL but I have no clue how to render or link anything. Where are some good tutorials to get going Fast?
In my macbook pro 15 inch mid 2012 model, my cpu and gpu will get very hot, when gaming or rendering sometimes over 200F. The fans only spin at max about 2900 rpm, when their max is 6400. I downloaded a fan control app, but how can i fix it?
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
Mac screen resolution is getting higher and higher, which is nice, but the downside is that we seem to have lost "what you see is what you get." I have set the default document size of Text-Edit to about the size of an 8 1/2 x 11 document, which fits easily on the screen. I have what appears to be a single page of text. It all easily fits in the document window. The headline fits across the width of the page. But when I choose Print, the print preview shows that the text is going to spill out onto two sheets of paper.  I exit out of the print document and reduce the text size so that it all prints out on one sheet of paper. The problem is, the size of the text onscreen is now TINY! It looks like it's about 6 point while the printed text looks like it's about 12 point! No WYSIWYG!  When I revert the document to the way it was originally, where it was going to print out on two sheets of paper, and then hold my printed document up next to the screen, the printed size matches the onscreen size almost perfectly, even though, if printed out at this size, the text would spill out onto two pages and be huge. In other words, 18 point size text prints out at about 12 points and 12 pt text prints out at about 6pts, so there's about a 6pt difference in how text looks onscreen and how it prints out. Again, No WYSIWYG! My older Macs had much lower-resolution screens, but text printed out at about the same apparent size on screen. I know the original Macs had 72dpi screens so that they would closely match the printed size of text, and I like the fact that monitors keep getting better, but is there a way around this problem of printed text not matching the size of onscreen text?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I've been using Safari, but suddenly it started displaying pages like this: [URL] I don't know why it's doing this or what caused it. And really, it's not the same as disabling styles because some things are still controlled by the styles while the whole structure seems off. I tried reinstalling, which did nothing. Not every page renders incorrectly ( is fine), but most do (youtube, hulu,, etc).
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I export a QT video in Final Cut Pro, I look at iStat and my CPU usage is total around 25%, with that usage being spread evenly through the cores. Is there a way to get it to take absolute full advantage of the processors, or is it doing its best job?
I have the new octo 2.8 MP.
today I updated my system to 10.6.0 which is Snow Leopard. I post videos over on and wanted to post an unboxing of Snow Leopard and a couple of other related videos about Snow Leopard. I have one problem, when ever I go to the Youtube upload page the video page just loads and never finishes rendering the web page, It isn't the web browser because I have tried Safari, Firefox and Omniweb and still no luck. I did have Glims for Safari and thought that could have been interfering but all traces of Glims are gone from my computer. Also the cache on all the web browsers have been reset so I really don't know what the problem could me. I really want to upload these videos on to the web and would greatly appreciate any help I could get.
View 10 Replies View RelatedIs it normal for the display not to go to sleep when idvd is rendering? I also tried putting the display to sleep using control+****+eject and then it just comes right back on, is this suppose to be like this?
View 2 Replies View Related07/03/12 13:00:35,579 [0x0-0x9009] CoreAnimation: rendering error 506Â my mac is High Temperature
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have been happily using Safari for a long time as a photographer because it was great at properly rendering images online with embedded color profiles.With the latest update, it appears to have stopped. Firefox 10 renders the image properly, but I would like to know if this is an issue with my systems o if other people are running into this with the latest update.
I have attached an example screenshot with FF 10 on the right and Safari 5.1.4 on the left. The rendition on the right is correct, with more red saturation in the glass and logo and less muting of colors overall.I have reset Safari and dumped the entire prefs folder but having the same issue.
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Some problems with iTunes, that appeared currently. When playing music suddenly the rendering stops for several seconds and then it continues without any action from my side. Maybe the problem only shows up when my MacBook comes to the standby mode, but nevertheless, I never had this problem before and it really restricts the possibilities of enjoying music played by iTunes.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009)