Just about set to migrate 4 remaining family accounts over. All 4 are currently set up under Mail on iPhone. Anything in particular to watch out for? Do the accounts migrate automatically or do I need to add them as new iCloud accounts rather than MobileMe ones?Also I've migrated one family account already - was going to add it to the iPhone but choosing iCloud account appeared to make it want to use that for Photostream etc by default and it wasn't clerar i could stop it - it is not the account I would want to use.Â
Presumably I can actually have 5 iCloud accounts in iOS mail and just choose one as the default for app/Photo cloud syncing?Wasted too much time on this - think I must have some OCD as I'm making copies of copies of copies of things just in case it all goes wrong.
I'll be moving to iCloud on a new iMac running 10.7 soon. My main email is a mac.com address and my wife and daughter each have an 'email only' account associated with that. We need all those to continue to work. Does it matter which account we move first? I am worried something might get lost if we move the wrong one first. They are both running older macs so won't be able to get full icloud, but only need access to email at the moment.
Also, I currenty use use entourage and collect email using POP - I gather this will no longer be possible and I'll have to use IMAP, which I'm not familiar with - anything I need to bear in mind making that change? I'm currently in two minds whether to move to Mail or Outlook
I work in an office that is all mac based and have mac computers at home. I have an apple ID and iTunes account for personal use where I purchase books and music and I have an office apple ID and iTunes account to share calendars with colleagues using iCloud and purchase work related apps like upgrades to operating systems, etc.
I have an iPhone that is set up with my personal apple ID so that my music is on my phone and so that the photo streaming is attached to personal photos, etc. Is there a way to sync my personal contacts with my contacts that are registered with my professional apple ID? Ideally, I would like to have my iOS devices syncing my calendar and contacts with my work apple ID and my music and photos with my personal ID.
My wife and I both have a .mac/.me account. She runs iphone 4s & ipad 2 whilst I run iphone 3gs, macbook and imac. All now run IOS5/Lion and I transferred last week from mobile me to icloud. However, with mobileme we used to share contacts and calendars. I've worked out how we can continue to see a 'joint' calendar' [by adding my account to her iphone for calendar only] but cannot seem to do the same in respect of shared contacts.Â
We both have our own contacts which must stay on our own devices but I had assumed that the sharing of mutual data that was submitted by either of us via any our devices would be easier via icloud. Instead it seems harder since icloud has to attach to one or other of our identities, unlike mobile me. Obviously I can go through Clare's contacts in icloud and manually delete each individual of my contacts, but how do I add my contacts that she wants also on an ongoing basis?Â
I am not sure how it happened but after upgrading the gmail account, the user accounts were changed from standard users to Mobile Me users. None of the users has ever had that type of account, and I am trying to figure out how to get it back to a standard user account. When the user attempts to log in, it asks for the user name, but also the Mobile Me user name (which they do not have). to make it worse, Mobile Me is no longer accpting new users, so I annot just add an account and log in using the new info.
I have an old pre-Intel G5 Mac desktop and want to keep using Mobile me Mail and Entourage because they work so well and I have been using them for 10 years. I cannot get the mail system to work having moved everything else to iCloud. Followed the instructions but it just does not work and the mail.mac.com server will not accept my password. Any ideas?
Have .mac accounts become mobileme accounts? Also I was under the impression that with said account I would be able to upload files which could be downloaded later by myself or whomever I gave the password to? Am I correct or simply severely misguided?
I have an Apple laptop and an Apple desktop. Both are running 10.5.4 and have the MobileMe 1.1 s/w update.
On the laptop, I've set up my Mail accounts, contacts, keychains, bookmarks, etc. as I want them.
I access MobileMe in System Preferences and indicate I want all data on MobileMe replaced by the data on my laptop.
As soon as the sync has completed, I access MobileMe in System Preferences on my Desktop and indicate I want all data on my desktop replaced by the data on MobileMe. Unless I'm missing something, the laptop, MobileMe, and the desktop should all by in sync at this point.
Without touching either computer or accessing MobileMe, I'll get a message on my laptop and/or desktop within an hour telling me that more than 5% of my Mail accounts have changed and asking me what I want to do. If I look at the details of the change, the before and after views of the account are absolutely identical. I've tried resetting the sync history via iSync but that doesn't help. I really don't want to alter the changed percentage that triggers the message because it could be useful for Contacts, etc.
I have Imac.When we moved from mobile me to icloud, the calendar no longer pushes to icloud.Message in calendar is: The calendar url... was not found on the server. Make sure the URL is correct.
The way I understand it, is that it is possible to set difference languages for different accounts. I set up an account for my girl and set her language, Slovenian to the top of the list, with English next. However, only the calendar showing dayname is in Slovenian, rest remains in English. Do I need to download some xtra language packages? Slovenian keyboard setup is working fine...
I have my MBP (running SL) with two user accounts, mine and my fiance's. I watch movies on my ACD and would like to be able to just pick up my remote, open front row and select any movie, regardless of which account is actually signed in at the time.
Can I do this?
To be clear, we have separate accounts and separate iTunes libraries within our respective accounts, each containing some movies.
I've read several threads that say "turn on sharing in iTunes" so I did that, but it isn't working. I can see the content in iTunes itself, but nothing is showing up in Front Row. Does anyone know A) if this is possible and B) how to do it?
I need to be able to access several different email accounts at any particular moment in the day. I need to know when new mail comes in, I need to be able to reply from each account separately. Fairly straightforward really eh?
I dont particularly get on with Apple Mail. I find it crashes fairly frequently and really struggles when I am out and about using the mobile dongle.
I currently have itunes on two accounts set to access a library at /Users/shared/iTunes/. The problem is if iTunes is running on one account and I try to launch it on the other, it gives an error saying it doesn't have write access. It needs to stay running on one for my appletv. Is there a way to start it and have all accounts have access to it as a single process? Run it as root?
I have One Single External HHD for Time Machine. Will this Drive do time Machine Back ups for each user. The Time Machine Prefrences are kept at the factory set up, in other words nothing added + and nothing deleted - from time machine Scheme?Â
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2011 imac i5, 16GB RAM
I transferred my old mac to a new mac using migration assistant and it created another user account on the new machine. Is there a way to merge the two accounts into one on the new machine?
I have 3 mail accounts (POP), and very often I receive mail that has been sent to the wrong accountI have therefore implemented one rule that has multiple conditions (based on sender, or subject, etc) and basically instructs mail to move said message(s) to account #3 however after I set up the rule, selected my all my messages in acct #1 and ran the rule I noticed that some messages were sent 20 times (I kid you not) to acct #3. How can I isolate a rule so that it only applies to a specific account? Else said, how can I be sure that the rule does not trigger a giant feedback loop?Â
Does anyonme know if when you have multiple mac products (i.e. I have an iPad, iPhone, Macbook and an iMac) and you have the same mail accounts set up on all of them if can set it that when you read an eamil on one device it appears as read on all the other devices? Annoying having to go through all 4 devices to "read" the emails.
My wife and me have separate Apple ID's and one lap top at home. We have synced our data on the lap top and now face a situation where in her contacts are on my contact list on the phone and vice versa.
Im having trouble getting 2 exchange accounts working using osx`s Mail app. When I install one account, it works fine. When i install 2, they both stop working.
They will both send but not recieve mail. Both accounts are on the same Exchange 2007 server.
I find it strange that Mail under iOS 4 works better than under OSX (10.6.4)
I'm new mac fan who has bought a macbook pro and thrown BG & MS out of my life, almost. The transition has been a little tough. I am finding some Mac things so easy. And other so hard. Apple Mail is giving me fits. In outlook express, I have 3 email accounts for various levels of privacy. All using verizon's outgoing mail server to send email. So, same username, pw & settings & outgoing Pop are the same on all 3 accounts. No problem in Outlook Express.
Mail says you cannot have the same username & pw& pop in 2 separate accounts whether it is outgoing or incoming pops/servers. On 2 accounts I have started using their own pop to send mail out. I still cannot get 1 account to email out. For 2 accounts I use onlymyemail to filter spam and then I download it from their incoming pop. So, these 2 accounts must have the same username and password and pop to download the filtered email. It seems like this whole thing is reversed. This should be a MS problem, and Mail should allow the same usname & pw on all accounts.
I love Apple Mail, but it simply can't handle the bulk of mail I have/receive/need readily available. I thought it was just the number of accounts I was using, but on my new machine I currently only have my personal one and it is DREADFULLY slow (I can't even delete messages in bulk, I have to break them up by scores; which may not seem that big a deal until you're deleting a sent box with 40,000 messages in it). Any suggestions for a Pro grade replacement? Something that can handle multiple accounts, moving large amounts of messages at once, bulk forwards, mail lists, etc.? Freeware preferred but shareware or payware is fine.
I have four user accounts on the same iMac and I'd like to be able to view the files within each account. When I try access one of the other three accounts through Finder, the folders have red minus signs on them. If I try to open one, I get an error message about not have the right authorities. However, I've given all four user accounts administrator access.
My issue was that my wife and I both have separate Gmail accounts, but when she would use the Mac Mail program on our MBP, when she would send emails, it showed her name, but came from my Gmail account, and when people would respond to her emails, they would come to my email address. The issue is that according to MacMail, you are using the same outgoing Gmail smtp server, so you need to differentiate the two.
Go to Mail > Preferences
In your accounts, click the drop down that has Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP), and click "Edit SMTP Server List...". When that window comes up, you'll see two different entries for Gmail, with the same outbound SMTP. Click on them individually, and you'll see the different Gmail account credentials.
Change the description of each (I changed mine to my and my wife's names, to easily identify which SMTP went with which mail account) and ensure that your Gmail credentials are accurate. Click Ok. Now, under each of the Gmail accounts, change the Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) drop down to match each of your Gmail accounts, and click the "Use only this server" box.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)