MacBook :: Unable To Use Auto-Detect Display
Dec 15, 2009
I have a macbook with leopard osx and use it frequently for presentations and so on. I have connected it to several monitors and projectors a hundred times and it has worked fine since last night.
Last night, I have connected my mac to a monitor with vga cable but it did not detect it and instead a constantly flickering blue screen came up and never went. I am sure the cables are fine.
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Feb 4, 2012
I'm using a mini display-port to hdmi lead and it worked once. I unplugged the hdmi cable when it was still connected to the mac and now it wont find it.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 13, 2009
I just got a new mac pro dual quad core to replace my single dual core for work. Im trying to pull my Nividi Quadro 4500 out of my old machine that i had installed by apple in to my new machine. i get it all hoked in right but when i turn on my new machine it dosnt detect the display. Any suggestions?
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Dec 20, 2008
New MacBook rocks and in cables to hook it up to my Sanyo HDTV 1080p. I plug in the HDMI cable and the picture comes on.
However, every once in awhile the screen goes black and it says "Signal Not Found." Also, every time I turn on the MacBook I have to unplug the HDMI cable, wait a few seconds, and then plug it back in before it will detect the external display.
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Jun 12, 2012
Bought a Mac pro last month. It can directly detect the printer and print. Suddenly it can't print and show the message driver can't find. From that day identify and issue was the spotlight didn't work. Immediately send the hardware to the nearest store. Store helper advise to format the machine. No choice I have to allow them do it. Before format I do raise out the printing matter, they are so confident and tell apple mac is auto detect. Unfortunatelly the printer matter wasn't resolve. Need advise on this matter. On the other hand, how to made an complaint about store bad service at the store. The outlets :- Switch outlet located at taiping branch. Perak . MAlaysia.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), iOS 5.1, Canon laser printer 6000
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Mar 13, 2012
My MacBook Pro (15-inch i7 Early 2011) won't detect an external display using an apple mini displayport -> VGA connector using 10.7.3.All cables and the monitor are fine because my white macbook detects the LG monitor without any problem.I have read and tried every 'sollution' suggested on the internet, but all fail. Since my MBPro can't even detect my Sony LCD TV (my white macbook does) i suspect it's a firmware/hardware issue.I want to buy a thunderbolt display, but am not sure if i can spend all this money when even this simple VGA connection won't work.
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Apr 24, 2012
I have a 2011 MBP (thunderbolt) that I've had for about a year now. I use it daily at work, with an external LCD monitor connected with a mini-dvi -> DVI, no problem, except for the occasional need to restart when first connected.
However, at home I have an AOC Razor 24" monitor that until recently was connected to my home PC via HDMI, working just fine. However, my PC died and now I would very much like to be able to use this monitor at home until such a time when I get around to finding a desktop replacement. My MacBook Pro, however, has completely different ideas it seems... It completely refuses to recognise the monitor. I don't get the blue "flash" and it doesn't show up int eh display panel at all, not "sleeping" or otherwise, it simply looks as if it's not there.
Having trawled the forums, I've done the Jan/Feb firmware update, I've tried two different HDMI converters (One the Moshi from my local Apple retailer, the other a no-name brand converter, which works fine elsewhere), I've even tried a mini-dvi -> DVI -> HDMI converter (I know, I didn't expect it to work, but when you're at then end of your wits, you're at the end of your wits ). I've gone through three HDMI cables and tried an assortment of "black magic" solutions found on the net, with the adapter half-way plugged in, resetting the PROM, closing/opening the lid, running gfxCardStatus ( just in case it did something ) and checking the monitor elsewhere.
The only thing I haven't done (that I can think of) is swap the actual MBP,however, as mentioned, I use an external DVI monitor every day, so it doesn't seem likely that that's where the problem is... I'm guessing it's got to do with how the monitor handles HDMI or some such thing but I don't seem to be able to find much of a comment from anyone else on the net, so here I am... I considered sacrificing a goat at full moon, but I'm not entirely convinced that'll do much either and I upgraded to Lion as I saw a throwaway comment somewhere from someone, indicating that that might or might not have helped them with a slightly similar problem... So this problem now spans 10.6 AND 10.7...
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 25, 2014
I have a Macbook Pro mid 2009 running Mavericks. I have an old 23" Cinema Display that uses a big chunky adaptor (ADC?) with a dual USB and Thunderbolt cable and it works well with it, however, I just bought a new Thunderbolt 27" display and it just won't detect it. I also notice that a lacie drive in the same Thunderbolt slot won't show up either. The old Cinema Display does still work however using that same slot so it's not actually dead. Puzzled!
I know this MBP is probably one of the first generation to have Thunderbolt but I've never used it for anything other than the old Cinema Display adaptor.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 18, 2009
I have a Macbook and I just bought an iPhone 3G and it seems my mac is totally not responding to my iPhone.I have the latest updates but to no avail.I also have also just loaded intego virusbarrier 5. I heard that it is interfering with the sync of both devices. So how do resolve this problem without having to erase and re-install my harddisk
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Jun 5, 2014
recently the harddisk of my macbook pro crashed and I had it replaced with a SSD thinking I could use the old harddisk as an external but now it seems like the crashed harddisk cannot be detected by my macbook. What should I do?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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May 27, 2010
I have two extra buttons on my logitech mouse: a button on the side and the scroll wheel button. I set up the logitech control center and set commands for those buttons, but nothing happens when i press them. Anyone know how to fix this?
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May 21, 2012
The macbook 2008 model is unable to detect iPod or iPad of 4th Generation.I am unable to upgrade the OS software and unable to install any new software. (.dmg)
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.5), Unable to recongise the ipod
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Sep 8, 2014
I bought a MBA 13" last month and now I'm trying to connect an external monitor through a Mini Display Port-to-HDMI adapter and most of the times the display shows a message "No signal detected"...
I've tried all the possible combinations between the MAC and the Monitor but it would seem a random matter.
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2012), Mavericks 10.9.4
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Dec 31, 2010
I just purchased my new macbook pro and I wanted to know if it was possible to use the laptop as a router so that my PS3 could connect through it. I followed the steps someone else mentioned:
(1) Open System Preferences on your MacBook Pro, and open "Sharing"
(2) On the left column, click Internet Sharing and check the box
(3) Use the drop-down menu to select Ethernet in "Share your connection from..."
(4) Check the box next to Airport in the section "To computers using..."
(5) Close System Preferences and open the Airport menu from your Toolbar (top)
(6) Click "Create Network", add a name to your Computer-to-Computer network
(7) Leave the Channel as Automatic, add a password if you require (make sure your PS3 is compatible with your chosen level of security), click Ok.
(8) Connect an ethernet cable between your broadband modem and MacBook Pro
(9) Turn on your PS3 and perform your usual setup when connecting to a wireless network
I have an Ipod, and it did detect the new connection that was setup; however, my PS3 and my Windows Mobile phone did not detect it. Is there a reason for this? Do only Apple devices identify this connection?
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Jan 18, 2009
^^ Basically says it. I just installed Leopard today and plugged my touch in for the first time since then. Itunes won't detect my iPod though. iPhoto tries to import pictures from it and it charges but iTunes won't detect it.
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May 6, 2006
a hotkey to detect new displays? I plug my Powerbook into my TV often and don't want the little Detect Display icon in my menu bar. It would be much easier just to use a hotkey, or even if I could set up a shortcut to do it.
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Aug 29, 2009
I use two monitors: an Apple Cinema display and a Dell, which is display number 2. I installed SL and it was normal until I rebooted the first time. Now every time I boot up, the only display that is found is the Dell and I have to go into preferences and select "detect displays" to make the main one show up. It loads as if the Dell is the only display, and since it is smaller it messes up my desktop, lumping all my icons on top of each other. When I click "detect displays," it moves everything back to the Apple monitor, making it the main display as it should be, but it is all out of whack.
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Jan 26, 2010
After about a day of use my Unibody MBP 13" running 10.6.2 forgets how to auto-dim its display. The "automatically adjust brightness" checkbox is still checked, but the display doesn't change brightness even if I put my thumb over the sensor. Checking & unchecking the box makes no difference. Trashing ~ System Preferences .plist makes no difference.
If I switch to another user that user still has auto-dimming working OK. If I log out and in again auto-dim works again for a day or two. So it seems like software and not hardware. I've also reset the SMC, no difference.
- have the same problem?
- know what bit of software handles auto-dim:- is there a process I can quit and relaunch?
- useful suggestions eg about .plist trashing?
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Aug 23, 2009
a mini display port. I purchased the mini display port to DVI adapter to hook my computer up to a Viewsonic vx2235wm 22" screen. I plug it in and get nothing. I've read on the apple support site that some people with older mac mini's and MacBook Pro's can hook it up no problem. But for me, my monitor is getting no signal and my MacBook Pro doesn't detect the monitor in the Display Preferences.
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Mar 22, 2012
watch Tv on my New Imac 21.5 (2012) with thunderbolt port.My set top box has HDMi out. I need to connect HDMI ( from Cable Box) to thunderbolt ( On Imac)I have learned that this can be done by single coverter cable = HDMI to Mini display cable (Thunderbolt port will accept Mini diplay Input, they say) will it work > how about the audio?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Aug 6, 2010
I have a 27" imac and have been using an apple led cinema display with it. I have had no problems with the display until today. Yesterday I installed windows 7 via bootcamp and had some trouble with the second display being detected but after downloading all of the bootcamp updates it worked fine. Today I restart my computer back into OSX and the display does not work. I tried resetting the PRam or whatever but that didnt do anything. When I go to system preferences > display there is no longer an option to detect display and there are no longer options to change the screen resolution.
I spoke with an apple tech who has me installing an update but I dont think she really knew what was going on and I doubt this will work. When I reboot back into the windows partition the display works during start up and I see the windows logo. So I dont think its a hardware issue (also the display still works fine with my macbook pro). But as soon as startup finishes I get a black screen. Under the control panel windows still recognizes that there is a 2nd display attached and you can still drag items over to the other screen, I just cant see anything. All black.
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May 14, 2008
I recently bought two 2GB sticks of OWC 800 MHz ram for my Mac Pro.
My Mac Pro originally had two 1GB sticks, which worked fine, I just wanted more.
It seems that they don't work together. I've tried every possibly configuration. Is it the case that they just aren't going to work together because they are different sizes?
Right now, I have the two 2GB sticks in A1 and A2. And the stock 1GB sticks in B1 and B2. A1 and A2 gets detected, but B1 and B2 doesn't.
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May 7, 2012
My pro only sees my Airport and does not detect other wireless networks even there are some around- my other macs detect 7 n all-- note I have win7 with bootcamp and does the same thing?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), my laptop and sisters Imac see 7
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May 29, 2012
I have just upgraded to OS X 10.7.4. When I connect my camera to download photos it says that it dosn't detect a camera. Have i missed a step ?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 29, 2010
I m new to Mac application. The most headache part is i m unable to import my photos from iPhone 3Gs into iPhoto. Why does this happen? Is the setting of Mac itself or problem with my iPhone?
I have went to Mac shop for assistant, i have spent 2 hours there but the assistant was unable to solve the problem as well.
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Apr 24, 2012
unable to detect usb stick in w7.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 11, 2012
Created vuescan for my scanner, since microtek stopped making drivers. Can't figure out the problem. I can't find answers anywhere online, and I need this scanner working yesterday. I got it to work on my laptop since that's still running 10.7.3, but that's no practical. Did 10.7.4 upgrade do that screwed this all up?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 30, 2012
I installed 2 ne w Optical drives in a 2008 3,1 MacPro Quadcore.After installation and booting up, the system profiler failed to show ANY optical drives and I was unabel to open/eject the drives naturally. I then unplugged the bottom one and rebooted and the top drive (still plugged in ) worked. I then shut down and unplugged the top drive and plugged in the bottom drive - rebooted and now the BOTTOM drive is recognized. When BOTH drives are plugged in , the system fails to show either of them.So when individually plugged in it's fine but when bith are plugged in neither of the drives are detected or operate.
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May 21, 2010
I hooked up my macbook pro to a mini display port to a dvi -> hdmi to my tv no problem. However, when I hooked up the mini display -> dell monitor, I get nothing. The screen is black. The weird thing is that my macbook pro recognizes that a second monitor is plugged in... it just won't display anything
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Jan 13, 2010
Installed windows 7 today (geniune copy) to play the Star Trek Online open beta, managed to download and install it, but when I go to play it, it crashes. Went to performance information and tools and under graphics it says: Total Memory Not Detected and everything is 0MB apart from display adapter which says 6.1.7600.16385 and monitor resolution.
I have a 24" iMac 3.06Ghz with 8800 graphic card. Few weeks ago I had windows 7 installed for dragon age, ran like a charm, but I got rid of partition (dont ask why)
yes I have installed the bootcamp drivers!
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