Intel Mac :: Can A Mac Detect A MINI Display Input From A Cable Box
Mar 22, 2012
watch Tv on my New Imac 21.5 (2012) with thunderbolt port.My set top box has HDMi out. I need to connect HDMI ( from Cable Box) to thunderbolt ( On Imac)I have learned that this can be done by single coverter cable = HDMI to Mini display cable (Thunderbolt port will accept Mini diplay Input, they say) will it work > how about the audio?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Mar 5, 2012
I want to buy the 27" iMac - but only if I can use it as external monitor for my Lenovo laptop when working from home. A the Apple store in London they said that this is possible with a Belkin converter from hdmi to mini display port (with a USB power caple to turn it into an active signal). The laptop also has a displayport.
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Oct 21, 2010
I'm asking myself if it's possible to connect two 27" iMacs with the "Mini-Display-Port to Mini-Display-Port" Cable. I wonna use oneof the iMacs as the primary computer and on the second one just the display to extend my screen.
MacBook Pro 17"
Mac OS X (10.6.1)
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Dec 16, 2009
I know about the 27 inch and how it can is can use its mini display port as a video input. But I was wondering if you could use the 21.5 inch to do the same. From what I am reading its seems though that it can't, is there a hack of some sort that could do this. This would be a great 1080p screen to use instead of buying a brand new TV.
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Nov 6, 2009
I am a current PC user and I am planing my purchase for my i-7 27" iMac but I have a question regarding the Mini Displayport. I frequently repair PC's and use my display as a second input to connect to the PC that I need to repair. I have been reading the spec on the iMac and noticed that the Mini Displayport can be used as an input. Can someone tell me which adapter that I need to purchase to make this happen?
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Sep 8, 2014
I bought a MBA 13" last month and now I'm trying to connect an external monitor through a Mini Display Port-to-HDMI adapter and most of the times the display shows a message "No signal detected"...
I've tried all the possible combinations between the MAC and the Monitor but it would seem a random matter.
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2012), Mavericks 10.9.4
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Feb 4, 2012
I'm using a mini display-port to hdmi lead and it worked once. I unplugged the hdmi cable when it was still connected to the mac and now it wont find it.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 10, 2010
I was wondering if there is an adapter or cable of some sort where you can plug in the minidisplay port from the ACD to dvi from the video card of a pc?
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Mar 14, 2012
I now have video but no audio when connecting my macbook pro to my digital TV. TV is Teac HDMI and using moshi mini-display and HDMI cable.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 2, 2010
I just got the mini display to hdmi cable for my macbook pro. So far it works with the tv. It displays everything but there is one probably safari doest work.
Airport shows that I am connected but safari doesnt connect.
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Mar 10, 2009
a way to extend the mini display port cable on the 24" monitor? I'm using it with a 2009 mac mini and want to put the mini in a cabinet which is too far for the standard connection. The USB easy, but I can't seem to find a solution for the display port.
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Oct 7, 2009
I have a presentation tomorrow and need to hook up my MBP to the projector in class. I bought an Apple Mini Displayport to DVI cable, and a DVI to DVI cable. I thought this would be the case, but come to find out the system does not support DVI. So I had to run to Best buy to get a DVI to VGA cable. I tried out the MDP > DVI > VGA rig on my external monitor and got nothing. The screen on my MBP responded by turning blue for a second and then back to normal...but the monitor said "No Signal". Is this some jargon with DVI-D and DVI-I? I need to know by tomorrow morning if I have to run back to the Apple Store and get a Mini Displayport to VGA cable.
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Nov 2, 2009
I bought a Mini DisplayPort to DVI adaptor with the intent of connecting my TV (with DVI-in) to my MacBook in order to use front row (and plex) for films.
However when I got home, I found that the DVI female of the adaptor does not match up (or successfully connect) to the DVI male of the cable. Have I done something foolish, but it seems that there are pins on the male that do not have a corresponding socket?
I have attached an image to try and help out...
Should I just give up and seek out a VGA instead?
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Sep 11, 2010
I receive cable TV at home and I am told that instead of using a TV I can hook my MacBook via a HDMI cable and watch TV that way on my laptop screen. I'd like to do that. Is the information correct? How do I go about it? Can my MacBook do that?
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Dec 24, 2010
I have a new Macbook Air 13", 4GB RAM, 2.13Ghz, 256GB SSD.
I'm connecting the Macbook with the Apple Mini Displayport to DVI connector to a DVI cable to a Dell 2407 monitor with a resolution of 1920x1200. The resulting image is blurry. The fonts are blurry and drop shadows on the screen flicker quite badly. The resolution on my Macbook is indeed set to 1920x1200 to match my Dell 2407.
Does anyone know what the problem could be? Is the problem with the Mini Displayport to DVI adapter?
I know for a fact that the Dell LCD and the DVI cable work fine with my Windows 7 box. I have tried two different DVI cables as well.
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Dec 22, 2010
I have an Intel Mac mini (purchased in 2005 or 2006) with a fresh install of OS X Leopard on it. I recently changed the Startup Disk in the OS X system preferences to be the CD/DVD drive, and everything has gone downhill since there.
I inserted a CD and attempted to boot from it right after changing this setting. I noticed the CD drive spun up the disk, but after waiting several seconds a black screen appeared, saying "No bootable device — insert boot disk and press any key".
There were two problems here: first, the CD never ejected from the computer, and second, there was no response to any key press.
After restarting and shutting down a few times I got the Mac to spit out the CD somehow. I restarted, inserted the same OS X Leopard disk used to install the operating system earlier that day, and got the same "No bootable device" error.
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Jul 2, 2012
I want to hook up a second display to my new intel imac--what cable do i need to use?? I have bought 4 now and they are not the right ones. I am trying to connect a 17 inch apple LCD display as a secondary screen for my imac. my goal is to use the imac for vocal recordings ( already set) and the 17 inch for script reading in my vocal booth.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 13, 2010
I have a early 2010 27" iMac with a mac mini port. Is there any way I can use it to watch cable tv, inputting it from a cable box. I have heard both yes and no.
I was told at the apple store that the Mac Mini port only exports and that the only way to watch TV on the iMac is through the Internet. Does anyone know for sure?
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Dec 27, 2009
Would a standard 3.5mm audio input cable work? Would it fit in the port on my MacBook Pro? These are the cables I am looking at: [URL]. Port Image. I am looking at recording music from my Record Player to my computer with this Tutorial: [URL].
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Jan 26, 2009
if i buy the mini display port to dvi adapter, could i use it with a dvi to hdmi cable for my monitor. This is because the dvi and vga ports are already taken up.
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Apr 12, 2012
I just bought a second 27" monitor (not a Thunder Display) with HDMI connectivity, but I have to buy an off-brand cable to connect to my iMac. What gives?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 25, 2012
Is there an adapter that connects a mini DVI to a mini Display port so I can use one computer as an external monitor?
iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 6, 2006
a hotkey to detect new displays? I plug my Powerbook into my TV often and don't want the little Detect Display icon in my menu bar. It would be much easier just to use a hotkey, or even if I could set up a shortcut to do it.
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Aug 29, 2009
I use two monitors: an Apple Cinema display and a Dell, which is display number 2. I installed SL and it was normal until I rebooted the first time. Now every time I boot up, the only display that is found is the Dell and I have to go into preferences and select "detect displays" to make the main one show up. It loads as if the Dell is the only display, and since it is smaller it messes up my desktop, lumping all my icons on top of each other. When I click "detect displays," it moves everything back to the Apple monitor, making it the main display as it should be, but it is all out of whack.
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Mar 13, 2012
My MacBook Pro (15-inch i7 Early 2011) won't detect an external display using an apple mini displayport -> VGA connector using 10.7.3.All cables and the monitor are fine because my white macbook detects the LG monitor without any problem.I have read and tried every 'sollution' suggested on the internet, but all fail. Since my MBPro can't even detect my Sony LCD TV (my white macbook does) i suspect it's a firmware/hardware issue.I want to buy a thunderbolt display, but am not sure if i can spend all this money when even this simple VGA connection won't work.
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Apr 24, 2012
I have a 2011 MBP (thunderbolt) that I've had for about a year now. I use it daily at work, with an external LCD monitor connected with a mini-dvi -> DVI, no problem, except for the occasional need to restart when first connected.
However, at home I have an AOC Razor 24" monitor that until recently was connected to my home PC via HDMI, working just fine. However, my PC died and now I would very much like to be able to use this monitor at home until such a time when I get around to finding a desktop replacement. My MacBook Pro, however, has completely different ideas it seems... It completely refuses to recognise the monitor. I don't get the blue "flash" and it doesn't show up int eh display panel at all, not "sleeping" or otherwise, it simply looks as if it's not there.
Having trawled the forums, I've done the Jan/Feb firmware update, I've tried two different HDMI converters (One the Moshi from my local Apple retailer, the other a no-name brand converter, which works fine elsewhere), I've even tried a mini-dvi -> DVI -> HDMI converter (I know, I didn't expect it to work, but when you're at then end of your wits, you're at the end of your wits ). I've gone through three HDMI cables and tried an assortment of "black magic" solutions found on the net, with the adapter half-way plugged in, resetting the PROM, closing/opening the lid, running gfxCardStatus ( just in case it did something ) and checking the monitor elsewhere.
The only thing I haven't done (that I can think of) is swap the actual MBP,however, as mentioned, I use an external DVI monitor every day, so it doesn't seem likely that that's where the problem is... I'm guessing it's got to do with how the monitor handles HDMI or some such thing but I don't seem to be able to find much of a comment from anyone else on the net, so here I am... I considered sacrificing a goat at full moon, but I'm not entirely convinced that'll do much either and I upgraded to Lion as I saw a throwaway comment somewhere from someone, indicating that that might or might not have helped them with a slightly similar problem... So this problem now spans 10.6 AND 10.7...
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 15, 2009
I have just read a ton of forum posts and want to make sure I am going to buy the right accessories to make my new Mac Mini all it needs to be to run my home theater.1. For 5.1 audio, do I need to buy this product and then just use a standard Optical audio cable to plug into my receiver?2. The new Mac Mini comes with a mini DVI to DVI connector correct? So all I will have to buy is a DVI to HDMI cable?3. Is OWC (other world computing) the best place to buy upgrades for the mac mini? I have looked at the videos on youtube and it seems like something I should be able to do no problem.
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Jun 6, 2010
With a sharp fingernail I seem to have damages the internal ribbon cable that connects the audio card in my 2009 Mac Mini, and am looking to source a replacement, preferably in the EU. I'm currently in the UK.The part number is 922-8809.
A Google search reveals a few parts suppliers in Europeland, but they are all charging silly prices for the cable, and US suppliers impose ridiculously high postage charges.
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Dec 15, 2009
I have a macbook with leopard osx and use it frequently for presentations and so on. I have connected it to several monitors and projectors a hundred times and it has worked fine since last night.
Last night, I have connected my mac to a monitor with vga cable but it did not detect it and instead a constantly flickering blue screen came up and never went. I am sure the cables are fine.
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Aug 25, 2014
I have a Macbook Pro mid 2009 running Mavericks. I have an old 23" Cinema Display that uses a big chunky adaptor (ADC?) with a dual USB and Thunderbolt cable and it works well with it, however, I just bought a new Thunderbolt 27" display and it just won't detect it. I also notice that a lacie drive in the same Thunderbolt slot won't show up either. The old Cinema Display does still work however using that same slot so it's not actually dead. Puzzled!
I know this MBP is probably one of the first generation to have Thunderbolt but I've never used it for anything other than the old Cinema Display adaptor.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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