MacBook :: Unable To Sync Special Characters In Ical With ICloud?
May 5, 2012
when i add an event into my ical with a special character like a birthday cake for instance. it will show up on my mac and in icloud but icloud will not send that character to the phone, and vice versa.
I have Configured my MBA(OS X 10.7.3) mail with the Icloud, Exchange Server, and Gmail. In ICal I have made my Gmail Calender as the Subscription, Exchange Calender, shows as the Separate Calender in Ical. The Gmail Calender entries are Sync with Icloud. But I couldn't Sync the Exchange Server Calender entries from Ical to Icloud. All i need is "Sync my Exchange server calender with Icloud".Â
Trying to get them to talk to each other - I've input the Google account into iCal preferences, and it shows up fine. But I seem only able to sync one way - if I add an appointment in Google Calendar - then sync - it shows up fine in iCal. But if I add an event in iCal and then sync - it doesn't show up on the Google Calandar.
Is it possible to add Special Characters into a document that I'm editing under 'Preview'? - I'm dragging and dropping the selected symbols onto the pdf from the Special Characters dialog box but they don't actually seem to appear on the document? - Do I need to set up some sort of layer to be able to do this?
I have a problem writing documents in Spanish and it is that I don't know how to use Spanish special characters and symbols used in MS Word, Text Edit or any other text editor in a Mac computer. I have to send status reports in Spanish to my Hispanic customers and I need to learn this before my work accumulates up to a point where I won't be able to catch up.
On a Windows PC it is relatively easy by using a combination of the ALT key and a three digits number that correspond to the letter and then it appears. How do I do it in a Mac?
When I go up to Edit > Special characters, the usual screen with all the special characters does not show up. Is there another way to bring up the special characters menu? And is there a chance that I accidentally disabled it somehow?
On my father's iMac for some reason in any app when you try to type something in it only types in special characters and I'm not sure how to fix it, I'm also not sure how it even got in that mode in the first place.
I'm having a problem with special characters. I've downloaded some text files containing special characters from my country (Portugal), but these characters doesn't appear. I thought the problem were the files, but I opened the same files on Windows and the characters were there.I already went to system preferences, changed the keyboard inputs, changed the language, etc, but it didn't work.Â
When replacing pre-populated (untitled folder) or selected text in Finder, Safari, etc. a special character is added about 1/3 of the time. You can't see it in Finder, but it does show in file names viewed in Terminal, in URLs (only after you hit enter and Safari gets confused) in the file name at the top of certain apps, or on PCs.
How can I add characters to the list of special characters that come up when holding a key? For example, I used to be able to hold the 's' key and when the menu came up I could press 1 for the Turkish 'Åž' character. Now that I have updated to Yosemite, it seems that it has disappeared.
Have been trying to get in a special character [the tick mark] onto a text title on my current project. Had gone to the special character option under EDIT menu, and added the desired special character to the 'favourite' list, but after that I do not know how to move ahead.
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9), garage band, FCPX:10.0.9 version
Addition of any event in ICal on my macbook (Lion OS) doesn't sync with ICloud, however, if I create any event on iPhone 4s it does get pushed to calendar on MacBook.
I am trying to hunt down a mystery for a friend using her macbook air (Lion). Â
She is trying to add special characters (accents, etc.) to words in a MIcrosoft Word 2008 document. Â
Sometimes she can hold the key, and the special characters menu will pop up. Sometimes she will get the "old" repeating letter (eeeeeeeeeeeee). I tried to look at everything I could think of, but there seems to be no earthly reason why it does it sometimes but not all the time.Â
The only explanation I could guess at was that it was Word 2008 and Lion (and not Word 2011).Â
I think I have set it up as directed, but I get this message on the ical on my Mac. The server responded with "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized" to operation CalDAVAccountRefreshQueueableOperation.
When I put a new appointment on my iPhone ICal, it no longer appears in my Computer ICal. I have checked all the settings on my phone, and they are enabled, so I don't know what is going wrong. My computer is also connected to ICloud. It worked fine before I sent overseas, but has not worked since I have got home.
How do I sync a Google Calendar subscription on my iMac with iCloud Calendar and my associated iOS devices? I subscribe to my google calendar on my iMac (because my University forces me to use google calendar) but cannot see the events on my iCloud account, MacBook or iPhone4.
I have three main apple products I need to sync. Macbook Pro iPhone Mac Tower (Pre Intel) running os 10.5.8
The macbook pro and the phone seem to be all hooked up nicely through icloud now, so no problems there. However I run an old tower which I would love to keep in sync with everything else. The email still works though icloud, it appears. iCal and Address Book do not seem to sync up anymore, and I can't find a resolution anywhere.
I use iCal together with MobileMe and I have noticed that none of my subscribed calendars sync with MobileMe/iPhone. I installed Delicious Library a couple of weeks ago (which places a subscribed calendar in iCal) and that syncs but not my others, such as "Birthdays" (through AddressBook) or my RememberTheMilk ones
am having trouble trying to get my iCal to sync with my Google calendar. I want it so when i make changes to either ical or google calendar it automatically updates the other one. Anyone have any ideas on how to do this?
i had looked at the option to publish my iCal calendar but when i click on calendar in iCal to choose "send publish email" it is greyed out.
Mac iCal not going to iCloud. updates from iPhone do. Mobileme updated to iCloud. iCloud is updating from phone but not going to Mac. no iCloud icon in Mac system preferences