ICloud :: Would Not Sync Any Event Added In ICal On MacBook With Lion
Mar 15, 2012
Addition of any event in ICal on my macbook (Lion OS) doesn't sync with ICloud, however, if I create any event on iPhone 4s it does get pushed to calendar on MacBook.
I have an IPad2..I run a Windows under XP for work..My Exchange account at work is synchronised with Mail, iCal and Contacts...So i receive Mail without any problems, and my work calendar appears on my iCal. It works fine both mays.The problem is when I create an event directly on iCal, it does not show on iCloud, as when I create it on iCloud, it shows on iCal without any problem.And even tough it appears on iCal, when created by iCloud, it does not show on my work PC (I understand that it does not come directly from iCal so it's normal, I think, that it does not show at work).The exact same thing happens with contacts.So despite the fact that everything is under IOS 5 or Lion, and everything is selected regarding iCloud, absolutly nothing shows on iCloud, except my own adress in Contacts.
My wife and I subscribe to each other's ical calendars via iCloud and it's been working fine since first set up months ago. Suddenly today, she got a ton of emails after I updated and added a bunch of events in my calendar. This hasn't happened before today. Neither of us changed anything and I know I made similar updates in my calendar earlier in the week that didn't generate emails to her.
I am running Lion OSX 10.7.3, and iCal version 5.0.2. When I try to create a new event in any day of the calendar, I get the message: You can't add or change events in the Birthdays calendar.
Events in the Birthdays calendar come from your contacts in Address Book. To change them or add birthdays, use Address Book. I do have birthday events in the calendar. They were created in the Address Book. But I can not add any new events.
when i add an event into my ical with a special character like a birthday cake for instance. it will show up on my mac and in icloud but icloud will not send that character to the phone, and vice versa.
I use my Mac at work (as well as at home). I have 2 calendars- 'Work' is connected to my Exchange account. 'Home' is synced through iCloud. For some inexplicable reason, when I get a repeating meeting invite from a customer (who is using Google calendar in their company) to my work Exchange mail account the invite goes a bit nuts. Basically the invite goes into my 'Home' calendar and sets me as the meeting organiser! So... now I have a meeting invite, that I cannot remove, in the wrong calendar.If I remove it it threatens to send out meeting cancellations to all (20!) of the attendees! Needless to say I will not be in a good place if that happens! So my challenge to you all- how on earth do I hack this meeting invite out of my iCloud calendar? From searching around there seems to have been an application, called iCalpone, that could do this, but it is no longer available.Â
I have Configured my MBA(OS X 10.7.3) mail with the Icloud, Exchange Server, and Gmail. In ICal I have made my Gmail Calender as the Subscription, Exchange Calender, shows as the Separate Calender in Ical. The Gmail Calender entries are Sync with Icloud. But I couldn't Sync the Exchange Server Calender entries from Ical to Icloud. All i need is "Sync my Exchange server calender with Icloud".Â
I think I have set it up as directed, but I get this message on the ical on my Mac. The server responded with "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized" to operation CalDAVAccountRefreshQueueableOperation.
When I put a new appointment on my iPhone ICal, it no longer appears in my Computer ICal. I have checked all the settings on my phone, and they are enabled, so I don't know what is going wrong. My computer is also connected to ICloud. It worked fine before I sent overseas, but has not worked since I have got home.
How do I sync a Google Calendar subscription on my iMac with iCloud Calendar and my associated iOS devices? I subscribe to my google calendar on my iMac (because my University forces me to use google calendar) but cannot see the events on my iCloud account, MacBook or iPhone4.
I have three main apple products I need to sync. Macbook Pro iPhone Mac Tower (Pre Intel) running os 10.5.8
The macbook pro and the phone seem to be all hooked up nicely through icloud now, so no problems there. However I run an old tower which I would love to keep in sync with everything else. The email still works though icloud, it appears. iCal and Address Book do not seem to sync up anymore, and I can't find a resolution anywhere.
After discussing the migration to iCloud with Apple Support I bought Lion today. Only later did I learn it won't run on my MacBook (Core Duo, not Core 2). Any fixes, workarounds' for syncing that calendar. My desktop, iphone, ipad and ipod touch will all work fine, of course, but my notebook appears left in the cold. Guess this means Mail is out of luck, too!
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 13" MacBook is Intel Core Duo
I'm new to using the Apple Calendar to list new events added. Previously, I used Microsoft Outlook 2010 for my business needs on my old PC and that worked perfectly for adding new jobs. Recently I made the change to a 27" iMac running Yosemite (which I love) and I purchased MS Office 365 for all of my business templates and approximately 1,000 customers. The MS Outlook program is having a lot of trouble syncing to the Apple Calendar which wasn't a problem on my old PC.
So, I thought that I could just use the suite of programs included with my new iMac instead of Outlook. Unfortunately, when adding a new event and add a customer as a location, it will only list their address and not their phone number which is something that I must have. I understand that I will have the contacts listed with me always, but I don't want to have to switch between programs to pull up the listed contacts #. If this is not available then I fear that I will have to revert back to MS Outlook and just figure out what is preventing it from properly syncing with Calendar. I use the Calendar app on both my iPhone 5 and my iPad Air religiously so in the end it all comes back to Calendar.
Info: iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I'm trying to fix an issue I had for a while with a automator script I want to use. I added several things it should do, test it, and it works fine. I use it usually as an workflow. But I tried to implement it through an iCal event! Which does not work. (and I checked already in preferences if the turn off all iCal alarms is unchecked) I the workflow basically to open when I first fire up the MacBook, but only once, not when I start it up again later n the day. So I thought about adding the workflow to the startup, but that would open it every time I start my MacBook. How can I get around that? By a iCal event? If yes, how can I fix it, that it starts not at a specific time (I don't start my computer at the same time every day) but when I first open it.
I have some meeting invitations on my iCal account and want to respond to all invitees on the event through a mail. how to do this. I broke my head a lot on this...
I just used the ical calibration tool to sync ical up with my google calendar and it works like a charm. I love how i can just click on dates in Mail and add them to my iCal which then pushes i to google calendar for my wife to see...that way i can sneak tennis or a round of golf in and she can't say she didn't know
At any rate-i would like to know if there's a way to pull her cal stuff to my ical. I can see all of her stuff on my google calendar, but i dont have the "right" to add her account to ical. I assume i could just have her enter in her login info - but i would like to know if that's the best way.
Trying to get them to talk to each other - I've input the Google account into iCal preferences, and it shows up fine. But I seem only able to sync one way - if I add an appointment in Google Calendar - then sync - it shows up fine in iCal. But if I add an event in iCal and then sync - it doesn't show up on the Google Calandar.
Any idea what might be going on? I try to double click a new event. No luck. I try to right click and "get info". No luck. I go to the main bar up top and click on edit, then edit event and nothing. Weird as heck. I did a search in this sub forum, but got no results.
My wife is having trouble deleteing a recurring iCal event. This is under Leopard. The calendar was published on .mac. I took that away. Tried to delete but that didn't work. I can't delete one instance or the entire series of events.
I have entered an event to ical, which repeats itself everymonth.
I want now to erase it.
I click on the event, then I click on Delete in my keyboard. I get a dialog box asking me If I want to delete all future event. I click to OK and the event is not erased. It continues to appear.
I created an everyday reoccurring event in my iphone for one of my summer classes. I unfortunately forget to add which day it ends. Then it was uploaded to ical and then to my google calendar via nemusync on the iphone.
I dont know how it worked out but now I have an event on both my ical and iphone that I cant simply "delete future events". Now I have to delete every single one for 80 something months or something like that.
The question I have is how do I remove a single recurring event. I have tried deleting the very first occurance of the event and it didnt work. I have tried deleting it from the iphone and ical. Nothing works other than deleting each one, one by one.