MacBook Air :: Someone Spilled Coke On Surface Of The Top?
Feb 18, 2008
I showed no emotion and people were asking me why lol. I really had it bottled up. The guy smacked his soft drink with his hand and it spilled onto my closed MBA. Thankfully it only made a puddle on top (like 30% of the surface of the top) of the MBA near the apple logo. Couple drops spilled off to the front right of the MBA, so just along the edges did the coke touch. Nothing inside on the screen, keys, or trackpad.
I went straight to the closest bathroom and found this foam soap and paper towel. I wanted to get any remnants of the coke off, so it wouldn't get sticky or do something to the aluminum.
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Nov 23, 2009
I have a mid '09 macbook pro unibody and just managed to spill a coke on the keyboard. I immediately grabbed the closest thing, a throw, and mopped up the coke before grabbing a tshirt and trying to blot the rest. As of the first 5 minutes of the spill, no problems. What should I do? The left control, option, and command key's backlight now has a yellowish tint, I assume from coke.
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Nov 16, 2010
This may sound silly, but the sticky surface of the new MacBook really bothers me. I'm wondering if anyone else feels this way, and whether using something like wax might make it just slippery enough to be closer to the MacBook Pro. Any suggestions?
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Jul 1, 2012
I have a retina mac book pro (I think model doesn't matter). My question is how to clean the surface when it gets dirty. Like to use what kind of cloth and maybe some special cleaners and etc.
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Nov 5, 2010
A couple days ago I accidentally spilled lemonade all over my room. I didn't think I had gotten any on my keyboard, but apparently I did, as some of my keys are now sticky and really hard to press. Is there any way that I can 'unstick' these myself, or do I have to take it to my nearest tech store? (fyi my keys are most sticky under the keyboard and not on top of them). The computer is a 2010 MacBook Pro. Also, is there a way to clean the surface of your keys? I'm not too thrilled about the way they look right now and I would like to try and get them back to what they looked like when I bought it.
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Apr 28, 2008
Today I discovered that my MBA wobbles while on a perfectly flat surface. Has anyone had this problem? I bought it in early March. It is driving me nutz while typing! I keep it in pristine condition. It doesn't even have a scratch on it and is always in it's WaterField sleeve in my messenger bag.
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May 20, 2009
My Macbook is just over a week old and when I put it down onto a surface it makes a click noise which sounds to come from either the superdrive or somewhere around there! It sounds like a mechanical noise not something from the speakers! Is this normal or should I get it looked at?
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Jun 30, 2009
I just noticed after a few weeks of using it it has these perfectly evened scratchings over the top casing even though i primarily use a wireless keyboard. im not sure if its from anything specific. i dont wear sweaters, have any bracelets, or wipe it with wool. i just had n iKlear cloth on it thats about it. i doubt im going to complain about it to apple but i was wondering since it looks like it was ingrained into the actual aluminum perhaps its in the design or fabrication of it? i just noticed it in bright natural light but otherwise cant even tell its there. this is the only other discrepancy with the umbp17 i have aside form the oily key wearing.
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Sep 13, 2009
I got my 13" macbook pro about a month ago and have some concerns. Because my palms perspire excessively sometimes, my keyboard gets too sticky for comfort and the trackpad loses its smoothness and traction. To get around this problem, I have been using wet wipes/wet tissues to clean the surface of my macbook, particularly the keyboard and the touchpad. I sometimes use a damp cloth too. I never thought about this until I realize that there are crevices beneath every key on the keyboard and water can theoretically seep through. I have been wiping my macbook about once every day. 1. Will this have any adverse effect on the keyboard or the touchpad? 2. Even if water does seep into the thin crevices, would this corrode the interior or create rust? Will the water reach the other parts of the macbook interior, like the processor, graphics processing, DVD, RAM, etc.? 3. Yesterday I ran out of the standard wet wipes that I usually use and in place of those, I used a Dettol wipe. To my horror, it produced quite a substantial amount of foam, and I quickly wiped the blotches of foam away using tissue paper. Will my keyboard and the interior be affected in any way? I am typing this new thread on the same macbook and there are no noticeable problems, yet. I may be paranoid, but I wish to be sure. 4. Will accidental wet wipe contact with any of the periphery sockets, like the USB and firewire, lead them to malfunction in any way?
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May 29, 2010
i bought a brand new mbp yesterday, and i just realized that the touchpad's surface is not smooth. when i touch there is a tiny sharp barrow. it's very tiny but since it's on the touchpad surface, it's really bothering me. do i have i chance to change the computer?
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Jul 21, 2010
I realised the lid dosent align well with the base then i went to put my macbook pro on my desk and noticed that the computer dosent even lay flat! it rocks from the bottom left to the top right very noticeably this isnt a picky problem, the laptop should lay flat anyone else have this problem?
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Sep 24, 2009
. A few weeks ago I spilled coffee on my rev A MBA and fried it. Apple wanted $750 to repair it, so I
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May 19, 2012
Last night i spilled 7up on my Macbook White. I wiped it off and let it dry during the night.
I started it this morning and it booted nice and all keys were working (i think). The problem is that when i type in my password which i know is perfectly correct, it wont log me in. All of the keys are pressable and will leave a dot or * in the passwordbox, but it just wont let me in. The Enter-button leaves a dot aswell i dont think it should but anyways...Dont know what to do! Since i only see dots im not sure if some keys have swapped place or something but arrghhh i dont know what to do?
I dont have a Mac-disc and i have tried the Single User-option but when i try to type the commands there nothing shows up?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Sep 10, 2010
As you can probably guess, it happens while playing a game (Starcraft 2). It's only happened when playing on a soft surface (in bed, on a pillow, etc.). The simple answer would be to simply not use it on these surfaces, but it seems illogical that you WOULDN'T be able to use a laptop. . . . on your lap.
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Feb 4, 2009
I'm looking for a keyboard protector that will cover the entire surface area of the keyboard, not just the keys. I've seen them before, I just can't remember where. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
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Jul 7, 2009
So thanks to the info on this forum, I think I'm going to take the plunge with a new internal HD. My question: what do you use for a static free surface when you actually open the thing up and do the upgrade? I'd hate to zap my machine in the process of improving it. I've upgraded the RAM with no problem just on a table top and I've also upgraded the hell out of an old G5, but this is the first time I'm really going inside the notebook.
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Jan 10, 2010
I have a 15" unibody pro, and when it's all cleaned and polished it looks absolutely stunning but quickly it becomes covered in smudges, fingerprints etc. It shows every little spec of dirt. It drives me insane, I'm constantly trying to clean it. It's so bad I'm considering selling it and buying a white one unless the white one is just as bad. From what I remember owning an older white macbook, it's wasn't as bad.
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Apr 18, 2010
Anyone noticed that the new MBPs have a rougher surface compared to the 2009 ones?
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Apr 6, 2012
Having an issue with my MacBook shutting off when I pick it up off my desk and use it on my lap or some other non-flat surface. On some occasions, when I take it off a flat surface and shake it a little, the screen shuts off and goes into standby mode. When I can wake up the MacBook, there is a low battery indicator even though it has a full charge. On other occassions, it does not wake up and I have to press the power button to restart or reboot. My MacBook is about 1.5 years old and works fine on a desk.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 18, 2010
I spilled a little water on my macbook screen and I just got a paper towl and wiped it off at first but then I realizewd a little later than it had a spot and if you tilt it you can see like a scratch on the screen.Right now I have it turned off and titled upside down. Should I do this? If yes, how long should I keep it like this? PLEASE HELP ME! I am a nervous wreck and on the verge of tears because my mom will KILL ME if she finds out and I dont want it to be messed up.
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Dec 1, 2008
Almost had a heart attack. I was in the other room and she screamed that she spilled water on it. I ran over, grabbed it, flipped it upside down, turned it off, used an air compressor and paper towels to get whatever water out. Let it off an open overnight and everything appears fine.
She can go back to using her 5 yr old hp brick of a laptop. My MBA is off limits.
And 2 months ago she broke her ipod (gift from me) running on a treadmill.
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Sep 23, 2009
Well it wasn't actually spilled. My friend was crying on it. Its hasn't been a good today, but anyways I got a fan on it and a hot halogen lamp on it. So far its doing well. Should I leave the fan and light on the night? I have a 3 year warranty. And I would pry out the battery but I don't have a screwdriver in my dorm!
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Jan 23, 2010
I brought a new pc and external hard drive and i want to get the contents of the hard drive and push then to my external.
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Apr 4, 2010
Title says it all. lol Spilled coffee on my late 2008 Unibody MacBook. Thankfully, I had a keyboard cover. Some coffee still got underneath it though, and a few keys are sticky.
However, it still works. But I'm just wondering if I should still disassemble it to clean. I'm scared the sugar and coffee will start rotting at some point...
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May 4, 2010
i didn't spill the tea exactly on my macbook pro. I spilled it in a bag, where the macbook was in its case.The case got all wet on one side and so did the mac. Non of the liquid got anywhere near the keyboard, mostly it was on the cover and a bit on the side where the CD-rom is. I opened the mac - it worked (and still works) fine. However, somehow the liquid got into the screen - under the glass. I now see stains over my screen. About half of them dried really quickly, but the rest a still there (about two hours have passed). I wait for it to go away? Do I blow-dry it? Or am I forever stuck with a stained screen?I checked the "i-spilled-stuff-on-mac" guide, but it doesn't mention any screen problems.
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Feb 20, 2010
So after buying my 15" MBP to replace my 13" Unibody Aluminium MacBook, I noticed that the aluminium arm rest - trackpad/keyboard enclosure section feels much rougher on the 15" than the 13". It's not an issue, I'm just interested to see if anyone knows why this is.
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Jun 8, 2010
Has anyone else out there ordered and received the MacBook Pro with HD Matte finish? Today I received my new MacBook Pro (the brand new 15" with 8Gigs RAM) with the HD display matte option. I was surprised by the silver bezel but have discovered that is normal. What I am not as sure about is there is no longer a smooth surface glass enclosure. (The silver bezel sits deeper in the enclosure and the screen a bit deeper still - there is room for a glass overlay.) This likely makes sense because of the antiglare, but I wanted to make sure. I guess I'm used to the old MacBook Pro 2.8 with the continuous monitor surface. Can anyone out there verify that I am not 'missing' the glass enclosure?
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Jun 21, 2010
My Macbook pro's trackpad isn't parallel to the body of the laptop. that is, one end of the trackpad (left) is higher than the other (right). This creates the interesting effect of being able to slide ones finger off of the left side of the trackpad and onto the area below the keyboard with almost no resistence. while on the right side you feel a ledge if you try the same motion.
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Jan 15, 2009
I was cleaning my wireless mighty mouse with a lil' bit of rubbing alcohol when like a dumb ass i spilled the bottle and it splashed on my screen. I dried it up right away and i didn't see any damage but a few minutes later i saw this:When i tilt it back it sorta dissapears:What do i do now? I searched and i couldn't find any rubbing alcohol damage threads. Damn, i am so bummed i don't want it to be permanently damaged. I worked my ass off to save to get this and it's only about a year old.
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Jun 4, 2009
My son spilled a diet coke on my macbook. It mostly got on the keyboard and monitor. I removed the power chord, turned it off, and wiped off the soda immediately. But of course it's liquid so it is probably moved under the keys right? I turned it back on a few hours later and there doesn't seem to be any problems. Is it possible there was no damage?
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