MacBook :: Spilled Coffee On The Crack And Trackpad Wont Respond
Oct 8, 2009
My turn for this situation. I spilled coffee on myself the other day. I was using my MacBook at the time. About 15mL got on the trackpad and I think it fell in the crack. The trackpad still clicks down, it just doesn't respond. is there anything I can do? it's a Unibody MacBook 2GHz.
Title says it all. lol Spilled coffee on my late 2008 Unibody MacBook. Thankfully, I had a keyboard cover. Some coffee still got underneath it though, and a few keys are sticky.
However, it still works. But I'm just wondering if I should still disassemble it to clean. I'm scared the sugar and coffee will start rotting at some point...
So all of a sudden, my Macbook Pro's down arrow stopped working. This appears to be the only key that is broken. I might have spilled a splash of coffee in the area several weeks ago, but it only recently stopped working. I took the key off and wiped it with a q-tip and water, but that doesn't seem to do anything. I also used compressed air, also with no positive results.
I run: Model Name:MacBook Pro Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo Processor Speed:2.4 GHz Memory:4 GB
Yesterday at around 3 PM i spilled a small amount of slightly sweetened coffee onto the upper left corner of my new 15 " Macbook Pro. The coffee barely got onto the keys and the speaker, but pretty much drenched all of the ports on the left side. The notebook immediately turned off, and in panic mode i tried switching it back on to see if any serious damage had been done. The notebook turned on, but the screen was blank. While i was wiping off the excess on the outer case, i realized this was a dumb move to make (because it probably shorted something) so i turned it off after a minute or so. I took it home and unscrewed the back case, there was very little coffee on what i think is the upper right hand side (when overturned) of the logic board, so i soaked it up as best i could, blew on it for around an hour, and set it on its side with a pretty hot lamp shining on it overnight. I put it back together this morning more than half expecting for it to just not work, but to my surprise it seems to be working fine. No keys are sticking, the battery is charging well, and on the internet with it right now.
The problem is that there was a what looked to be a little bit of a singe on one of the black rectangular transistor prongs. The melted metal easily blew away and most of the prongs are still attached. also, i haven't taken out the logic board to see what kind of damage (if any) has been done to the hidden side (not the side that shows when you take off the back case). I'm planning on doing this as soon as i can get a torx driver. I guess what I want to know is if i should take my chances with bringing it in to the apple store to see what the real damage is even though it still works, or if i should just hold out and use it till it breaks.
Immediately shut it off and cleaned what I could up, but some coffee got in the keys on the right hand side.
So now, when booting, there is no 'BONG' start up. It asks for a password to login, but it won't accept the right password (like the keys are pressing the wrong buttons) - pressing the 'enter' key during this process puts a character up in the password screen like a different key is being pressed.
Can't log into it. Haven't disassembled it yet to see what I can see, but looking for advice. My wife just bought this for her business (first nice thing she's ever bought herself) and is mortified to have spilled coffee in it after only 4 days.
I guess that a thread titled like this is never good news. I spilled coffee onto my 12' Powerbook a couple of days ago. Immediately turned it off, and let it sit for two days. When I turned it on, there was a large bright splotch on the LCD. The LCD worked, just a whole lot brighter. I turned it off again, and let it sit for another day, and now the splotch has disappeared, but there are in its place a bunch of small bright points. I quickly turned it off again.
Is this just liquid behind the LCD? Is it drying, and is it safe to use the computer while is has these spots?
Incidentally, the only other difference is that the "I" key is a bit sticky. Could have been much worse, I guess.
I just spillt my coffee on my macbook keyboard. The spill was localized to my keyboard, fortunately, and no other components were affectes, which is great. All my letters and numbers are 100% there. Some of my punctuation is a bit off - my apostrophes become semicolons, for example, I don:t know what to do. I:ve also got a bunch of other odd problems going on but only when holding down shift. I removed my ram and reinstalled it as part of my clean. Because a lot of my punctuation issues only occur with modifier keys, I think I might have broken something during the deep clean )I was messing with RAM, etc...0 but I:m not to experiences with hardware repair.
What should i do??? Do you think it really is software and updating my keyboard firmware will do good? should I go to iFixIt and pick up a new keyboard? given a guide, I could do the repair myself if it comes to it.My backup plan is to do a full heart transplant - pull the HD and put it in another computer. I love my alumium macbook though, and I hope it doesn:t come to that.
I had a bit of an accident and dropped some coffee on my Macbook Pro 13" Unibody. It's been about a week, I didn't touch anything because I wanted it to dry but it seems something went wrong and the keyboard just won't work anymore. The backlight still works and the trackpad still works too, although it has gotten a bit sticky (like the keyboard). I didn't have AppleCare for this computer, and am still in my first year of warranty.
Is there any chance that I could work out a deal with Apple about buying AppleCare and them fixing this? Considering AppleCare would be 219.99 since I am a full-time student, this would be a way better deal for me then having to pay for the Uppercase (which, as it seems, is the only way to fix my keyboard) which starts at around 280$, plus labour (which I would do myself). Otherwise, does anyone know a good website for refurbished parts for Macbook Pro (in my case, the Upper case with keyboard and trackpad)?
Well it wasn't actually spilled. My friend was crying on it. Its hasn't been a good today, but anyways I got a fan on it and a hot halogen lamp on it. So far its doing well. Should I leave the fan and light on the night? I have a 3 year warranty. And I would pry out the battery but I don't have a screwdriver in my dorm!
I just spilled literally about four drops of water on my trackpad. However it was in the bottom left corner and some may have got through. When I rebooted (I know I panicked should not have turned it on 10 minutes later) It worked briefly and then I could not scroll or click. I have applecare, but I don't think it covers this.
I have a new late 2011 MBP purchased about a week ago. Everything was smooth until my trackpad stopped responding to the first tap. Have to tap it two times to click on some thing. Everything else including the gestures with the trackpad seems fine.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I searched the forum about this and found nothing. The bottom edge (a few mm) of the trackpad doesn't respond to touches. Is that normal and how it's supposed to be?
When I login, I see the following screen. I can't click on any of the 3 users - the track-pad doesn't respond. I have tried with an external mouse, the cursor moves around but wouldn't click, so this is not a trackpad issue. Holding down the SHIFT key doesn't work - the Safe Mode won't start.
I've spilled a tiny amount of water on my trackpad (drops of sweat from a glass, so not much at all) and now the trackpad isn't working. The cursor is delayed and inaccurate and reminds me of windshield wipers on a dry windshield in that it bounces across the screen. Also, the menu of a right click keeps popping up but I haven't right clicked. Is there any way that I can dry under the trackpad? Can I take the trackpad off? I have a 13" unibody. I did fold paper towels in half and stuck them in the cracks between the trackpad and the wrist rest and that did get some water up, but there is either still water under there or permanent damage. I'm not very tech-savy, so I'd rather not take the whole thing apart on my own, but it is work issued and I'd have to take it to them before I can take it to an Apple store.
i have a macbook from 2008 around august and im annoyed i went to turn my mac on and every thing went like it suppose to but when it comes to the start up when i have to login and type my password in i cant, because the bloody trackpad and keyboard wont respond. before i throw
so for the last 10 minutes I noticed my trackpad doesn't respond to a 4 finger touch. And I use Expose a lot so its annoying. It does 2 and 3 finger but not 4. What should I do?
My 3 yo MacBookPro5,2 has worked great until now. Today, tho, the trackpad does not respond to clicks, but it works fine at moving the mouse around. The clicking physically feels the same, id est, I get a nice "thunk" when I depress the rectangle, but nothing happens in response. Neither single nor double clicks work. But puzzling since the cursor moves appropriately in response to the trackpad. An external USB mouse works perfectly.
As far as I know, nothing has changed recently software-wise on the system. We're running OS 10.6.8.
So on my Macbook C2D 2.16, 2 gig ram ,7200 rpm hd, superdrive GMA950 (not that it matters but I know how we all like specs round here ^^) I have developed a lovely little crack in the palmrest
Now I don't mind looking at it one bit but in the long term will I have any problems by not getting it fixed? (eg catches having nothing to sit on so keyboard scratches screen).
My sister owns a white macbook (late 2007) and she has gotten cracks both on the bottom case and the display bezel, i know apple will cover and replace the bottom case but will they cover the replacement of the display bezel? the cracks on it are exactly the same as the ones people have been getting on the bottom case.
My Macbook has the infamous crack on the palm rest, I've made a reservation at a genius bar. Could anyone tell me what has happened with their macbook when going to get this sorted? Will they have to take it away and if so how will i get back? I've heard that sometimes people have got their macs back with blank drives, I'm guessing it would be best to make a back up. Its quite an inconvenience for me not to have my Macbook during the week, is there anyway they can do this in one day?
I already made an appointment at my local Apple Store. The screen still works fine (im using my laptop right now), so I think it's just the glass outter part of the screen. Am I out of luck here?
At the airport I managed to drop my computer bag and the screen on my unibody 15" MBP is cracked (2.4 GHz Core 2). It seems it is only the glass lens that is cracked, the screen works fine.
My questions are:
1. How much would Apple charge to repair (UK)? The MBP is less than one year old and I have Applecare but I know accidental damage is not covered
2. If I go with a third party repair, would that void my warranty?
3. Is this something I could do myself if I bought a glass screen on eBay? I am fairly good with this stuff but again would I void my warranty?
Can it be real, that on my new MacBook Pro Retina display I have a little scratch/crack in the glass out of the box?You can only see it if you have light (e.g withe) background on the display.
I spilled coffee on my macbook about a month ago and put it into a bag of rice for a week to try and get the moisture out.. but it had been turned on for a while after it was spilled, so had already done some damage. Basically, the hard drive seems to be completely in tact: all of my files are still there, unharmed, and the screen works perfectly.Only a few of the keys on the keyboard, however, work... basically just the top row, space bar, and enter keys. Also, the mouse pad stll works to move your finger around on, but every time i click with it it acts as if the CONTROL key is being pressed down, and therefore uses a "right-click" function rather than a normal click! this is ok for opening some things?I sm a broke student and am trying to work out how to fix this with the least money possible.. have seen online that you can buy an entire top case for the mac and replace that (my house mates are fairly computer savvy and would be able to d that for me)... but how do i know if this will fix it? could it be something with the logic board instead?
The lack of a security slot to cable down the airbook is drving me nuts. I like to putter around in my local coffee house and leave my mb pro cabled to the table when I go to the head or wander off in a fog. I'm thinking of inventing my own security system -- or maybe having a machine shop drill a hole. or calling Steve and asking him why he created this problem in the first place.
I recently spilled a little bit of coffee on the corner of my MacBook. It didn't get past the F key and only was about three rows of keys. Less than 1/8 cup.
I immediately pulled the power plug and turned it off.
I left it to dry for a day upside down and turned it on. Everything seemed fine, except that after a little while the mouse started to right click on its own and when I typed, it was a combination of letters and numbers.