MacBook :: Fan Running At High Speed / Making Superloud Constant Sound
Dec 13, 2009
I just bought the macbook 13" (white casing) today and the first thing I noticed when I turned it on was the fan, it was extremely loud!! I let it run for awhile and it was still constantly loud. Then I tried rebooting twice and still the same problem. My room is only around mid 60F. Is there some function I'm supposed to turn off? Or did I get a lemon macbook?
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Mar 22, 2010
Whenever i open an application both of the fans go to 6000+ rpm in a couple minutes give or take.Strangely web browsing doesn't cause this speed but if a youtube video is played it gets up there fast.Applications such as quicktime and logic gets up there no matter what is played.I have fan control and smcfancontrol, 40GB free, software updated, tried the reset thing (turn off, hold power button, boot), cleared printing operations.The only thing smcfancontrol does for me is it slows down the fans quicker whenever i close all my applications.
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Mar 11, 2010
I only started noticing my fan running a bit on the fast side this evening after installing the new Safari 4.0.5 update. I looked at iStat Menus for temp and CPU. And I was seeing about 190 degrees F for CPU temp with lid closed running ext display. Also there was a constant usage of the cpu (about 30% User and 20% System). There's not one particular process I can see in Activity Monitor that acting out of the ordinary and using a lot of CPU. Just stuff like coreservicesd, WindowServer, launchd that are shuffling around and using about 1-4% of CPU.I ran repair disk permissions and verify disk. Verify Disk found errors and said I need to repair my Macintosh HD, which I have now done successfully.
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Feb 13, 2010
Dual 2ghz Power PC G5 with Leopard 10.5.8Recently had it in for a repair, not with Apple (that expired a longggg time ago) because it would only turn on intermittently. They fixed this problem, citing bad components and also replaced the broken optical drive. However when they gave it back to me it was incredibly loud, they stated that they had to reconnect a fan and that was probably what caused the power problem in the first place. I'm pretty sure though that I had disconnected it unwittingly about a week after the power problem started when I opened it up to change the battery... believing that may be the problem at the time.
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May 4, 2012
After upgrading to Lion (10.7.3) it started this anoying beep sound that is almost unbearable. Also, I upgraded to Lion so that my Mac could run faster, but I am more disappointed now!
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 17, 2010
My family just recently upgraded from an old PC to this 27" iMac, during the early part of the summer. While using it over the last little while, I would notice a noise that sounded like a harddrive spinning or possibly some sort of a fan noise. The best way to describe it would probably be as digital noise. It's not incredibly loud, but it's a decent volume, and can get quite annoying. It has a little bit of a squeak to it.
Over the last little while, it's become more constant. When the computer is in use, it'll usually occur quite often. It's quite annoying and obtrusive when I'm watching videos and I'd like to know what it could be.I think our computer is still under warranty, so I'm hoping to find out if it is something wrong, so I can get it replaced.
I've also been wondering if it's a fan, or a regular noise. However, it's so constant that I'm starting to wonder. The other night, I was watching a video and it seemed like it was coming on every 30 seconds for a long span of time. We don't run any memory heavy programs on this computer. If anything, we're just using Firefox, iTunes and/or Messenger. Sometimes Office. There's little to nothing stored on this computer, as it's brand new, so most of its memory is free.
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Jun 17, 2012
My 2012 MacBook pro has a fan running on high from the moment I turn it on and my battery has an 'x' on it.
MacBook Pro
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Jun 2, 2014
The other night, my MacBook Pro's fans started running at high speed when the computer was asleep. Loud enough to wake me up. And this just kept on going until I finally decided to turn the computer off. Is this normal? Is this anything to worry about?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Jun 16, 2009
Does it hurt the computer... If the computer is doing something (watching flash, playing a game) that turns on the fan full speed;Does this hurt the computer? There are a few games I like to play and they turn on the fan at full speed (computer gets hot too, on the bottom.)
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Mar 17, 2012
My iMac (intel core duo) after a hard drive replacement seems to be running the fans at a high rate of speed. Usually just a few minuets after startup. Before the upgrade they were almost silent and now they are very noticeable. I need to get taken care of or just a result of installing a larget hard drive?
IMac Intel Core Duo, Mac OS X (10.4.10), Ipod 30 Gig, BMW IPod Integration, .mac
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Mar 4, 2009
I have a Blackbook, it's about 3 years old now and the fan speed has increased to a very high level. There aren't any programs running in the background, this just simply happens when I leave the computer on. I'm assuming it's because there is dust buildup on the internal parts, but it's odd that it progressed from being fine to the stat that it is in today in the matter of days. Is there a way to clean the inside? Apple technician to have a look at it?
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Feb 8, 2007
I have a MacPro 2.66 quad-core intel. 4gb ram. I have a hard-drive from my old Powermac that i upgraded to 10.5.5 for this computer. Everytime I put my computer to sleep, and then wake it back up. The fans spin up to maximum speed and all the fans are running really loud and then after about a minute all spin to normal speed.
I don't have any other flaws except for this. Why could this be?
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Mar 4, 2010
Have an Extreme base stations and express repeater connected to my DSL services. On my primary iMac connected via ethernet I get 5.25MBps speed. The speed on this computer is always constant. On the remote MacPro I get anywhere from 1.5MBps to 5MPps speed within a half hour of testing.
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Mar 16, 2008
I have had my MBA for almost a week, and I've had no issues so far. Until now. This is the case: The fan operates as it should. It stays on 2500 rpm at light use, and increases with heavier use. At 2500 rpm I was not able to hear it without putting my ear next to the keyboard. That was yesterday. Today the fan produces a new noise. It isn't very loud, but clearly audible at 2500 rpm in a quiet environment. It's a low, constant, buzzing kind of noise. It also increases with fan speed.
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Dec 20, 2007
I am interested in adding a webcam to my desktop Imac (power pc)- Isight is no longer available- an option that I found is the Ecamm Image- but apparently it is USB and not firewire and it will only run with high speed usb- how do I know which type is on my computer? I checked system profiler but quite frankly wasn't sure of the designations.. does anyone have any experience with this camera, by the way? is USB 2.0 by definition "High Speed"?
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Apr 7, 2009
I have been presented with an iMac G3 400Mhz. It has an annoying loud whine. The whine is constant and high pitched. I am thinking exhaust fan. Is my thinking correct? Is it hard to get to and replace?
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Aug 26, 2009
Last night my fan kicked into high gear all of a sudden. I shut it down overnight and when booting up this AM I find it still running on high...quire noisy, of course. Is there something overheating? How to make it run at normal speed?
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May 6, 2012
I purchased a 21" iMac a couple of months ago. Today it started making constant buzzing/humming noise. It's not really loud, but it is noticeable and annoying after a while. It stops if I put the computer in sleep mode or turn it off, but it starts back up the moment I turn it back on again. It sounds like it is coming from the bottom of the screen near the speakers. I have tried adjusting the brightness and volume, but to no avail. I also tried lifting the computer off the desk to see if it was just vibration, but that did not make a difference either.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 12, 2006
For some odd reason, I have been experiencing some creaking when I move the display of my Unibody 15.5" Macbook Pro. At all. It just is very annoying, as it has a distinct plastiky sound to it, and it was not there to begin with. I don't know if this matters, but I have a Speck clear case that I used, but then I took it off because it seemed to be twisting the display a bit. Is this creaking a known issue with the Unibodies, or is it just because of the Speck case? I have never dropped my computer, and it has never been mistreated. It just leads its life on my desk or in my laptop bag. Any ideas?
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Mar 3, 2010
Just purchased myself a magic mouse, adjusted the slow tracking speed MagicPrefs, a really nice tool over all but it doesn't allow me to get rid of the varying tracking speed. I could probably get used to it in the end but it is very annoying and would prefer not to use it. Does anybody know of a tool which allows for constant tracking speed?
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Jan 6, 2011
Since I updated to 10.6.6 earlier today I've noticed that the fan in my MBA (13" late-2010 model) is running constantly. This is rare -- I hardly ever hear it. I opened activity monitor and 'System' is using 45% CPU time, and it's pretty constant.
I have absolutely no clue why -- there's nothing in console to suggest it's doing some task, and I can't see any other hints. Apart from the noise and the heat (though don't get me wrong -- compared to my old MBP it's not really noisy or hot, but I liked it better when it was totally quiet and cold), it's also killing the battery -- 25% has gone in less than an hour.
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Jun 14, 2012
Lately my MacBook is making a lot of noise. I was at school working in Google Docs when suddenly a lot of noise came out of my MacBook and I think it's the fans.
When I for example watch a YouTube video the noise starts and I'v never had that before. Also when I run my Minecraft server and Minecraft at the same time it starts spinning at 6175 RPM. I know those are resource heavy tasks but I've never had that before.
I installed smcFan to monitor my fans and the degrees (C°) goes from 49° to 91° when I open Minecraft. Early 2011 MacBook 15" on Lion 10.7.3
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 22, 2009
I have a late 2007 macbook pro and recently the fans have been going at extremely high speeds without the MBP being hot at all. I have SMCFanControl and iStat Pro and both of them said my MBP's temperature was around 55C though the fans were going between 4000 and 6000 RPM, I also checked the activity monitor for high CPU usage but nothing high there. I turned my MBP off for 5 minutes with a fan blowing on it just incase it was hot but when I turned it back on the fans immediately jumped back up to 6000 RPM. They're back to normal now but I assume it will happen again. Anyone know what's wrong?
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May 16, 2010
I have had my MacBook for 3 years and it has run great. Recently I have noticed that my exhaust fan has been hovering around 6000 RPM for no apparent reason. When I took that screen shot I only had Safari Open
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Apr 14, 2012
From a cold startup my Macbook pro 13 fan runs continuously at high speed.
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Feb 17, 2010
Just had a new logic board installed in my MID 2009 MBP. Boot-up is very slow. provide suggestions on how to speed up.
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Jun 18, 2008
Hey guys, got a little issue here. I have had a MBA since about march of this year. Just recently I on two occasions the computer has all of a sudden had this loud high pitch whine. It has only happened twice and at both times (if I remember the 1st time correctly) I wasn't really doing anything on the computer. Today specifically it was just sitting idle on my desk. Not sure where its coming from maybe speakers? Any idea to what this is? Should I be setting up an appointment to see a Mac Genius?
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Jun 20, 2014
My Early 2008 MacBookPro 2.40 ghz 4 gb Ram OSX Mavericks machine's keyboard backlight off and fans run at high speed; it seems an exact smc resetting problem.
So i tried the 2 ways of SMC restting procedure; both battery you can move and not, but nothings changed on the situation..
On the way for removable battery; nothing changed but on the way for umremovable battery way; keyboard backlight flashes and gone, but fans are at high speed not changed. So nothing changed.
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Feb 9, 2009
I just bought an iMac 24" 2.8Ghz Dual Core, 2Gb RAM, 320 HDD. This nice iMac has been with me only 2 days and the problems already started. I don't know why when I play a song either in iTunes or in web(audio streaming) the audio suddenly changes. It's as if you applied an EQ and removed all the low frecuencies and after a few seconds the sounds returned just as normal. When this "auto EQ" happens, the sound becomes "brighter" (I hope you understand what I am trying to say) but just as I said, after a few seconds, the sound is played normaly. I am running Mac OS X v 10.5.2.
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May 1, 2008
I have a 24" aluminum iMac G5. I have never had a problem with sound before, and feel like this problem is isolated to a certain DVD but the DVD works on EVERY other player I own. Everything pretty much plays DVDs, so that's many!
So here's my problem: There's parts of this movie that have very high pitched sounds, like electronic sounds that are just sound effects in the movie. Whenever I get to those parts in this movie (maybe even other movies for all I know, I don't play many) and the sound goes quiet, like the speakers can't handle that high pitched sound.
I feel there must be something I can do about it, right? I just use the regular default DVD player application that pops up when I put a DVD in. I tried playing with that equalizer but nothing changed. Any ideas...?
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