OS X :: Speakers Unable To Handle High Pitched Sound / Sound Gets Quite
May 1, 2008
I have a 24" aluminum iMac G5. I have never had a problem with sound before, and feel like this problem is isolated to a certain DVD but the DVD works on EVERY other player I own. Everything pretty much plays DVDs, so that's many!
So here's my problem: There's parts of this movie that have very high pitched sounds, like electronic sounds that are just sound effects in the movie. Whenever I get to those parts in this movie (maybe even other movies for all I know, I don't play many) and the sound goes quiet, like the speakers can't handle that high pitched sound.
I feel there must be something I can do about it, right? I just use the regular default DVD player application that pops up when I put a DVD in. I tried playing with that equalizer but nothing changed. Any ideas...?
I have a 24" aluminum iMac G5. I have never had a problem with sound before, and feel like this problem is isolated to a certain DVD but the DVD works on EVERY other player I own. Everything pretty much plays DVDs, so that's many!
So here's my problem: There's parts of this movie that have very high pitched sounds, like electronic sounds that are just sound effects in the movie. Whenever I get to those parts in this movie (maybe even other movies for all I know, I don't play many) and the sound goes quiet, like the speakers can't handle that high pitched sound.
I feel there must be something I can do about it, right? I just use the regular default DVD player application that pops up when I put a DVD in. I tried playing with that equalizer but nothing changed.
When I connect to an HD TV using the Mini DisplayPort (via a Monoprice Mini DP-DVI dongle and a Monoprice DVI-HDMI cable) and to a Hi-Fi system using the headphone out, the Hi-Fi speakers emit a loud and persistent high-pitched whine.The whine disappears when I disconnect the Mini DP dongle, and also when I disconnect the audio cable so that the sound is playing through the internal speakers. There's no whine when I connect earphones to the MBA instead of the Hi-Fi. I don't have another external display with which to test the issue, so I'm not sure if this sound exists when the computer's connected to, say, an ACD.I'm surprised that this problem doesn't seem to have been mentioned on this board, but it's well documented on the Apple boards (1, 2, 3, 4). The consensus over there is that it's a fundamental design flaw in the MBA and that the only solution is to get a ground loop isolator. Has anyone here had the problem and been successful in getting it fixed by Apple?
If you're having this problem, try adjusting your brightness. I was experiencing this issue today, and depending on where my brightness slider was... it got worse, better, to non-existant.
I searched the archives and I can't believe no one has mentioned this yet! This is a huge problem on both my Rev A and my new Rev B. When you connect an external monitor and external speakers using the headphone output, there is a high frequency ringing sound coming out of the speakers. I've managed to live with it by turning the treble to minimum and keeping the volume low enough but at the expense of sound quality. The strange part is, if you disconnect the monitor, the ringing sound stops. The problem only occurs if you have speakers and monitor plugged in at the same time. I've tried this on my Samsung monitor, my SONY TV, and my Panasonic audio receiver. The problem occurs with both Rev A and Rev B while my white MacBook and 2007 MacBook Pro all sound fine.
I hope I'm not double posting. Have any of the other new iMac owners experienced weird frequencies coming from external speakers that are connected to their iMacs?
For example: I have a set of studio monitors that are hooked up to my iMac using a firewire audio interface. Whenever I'm copying data I get an extremely high-pitched frequency coming from my speakers that sounds like my hard drive spinning. Also, whenever I'm scrolling or moving the magic mouse I get a loud buzzing coming from the speakers (especially when scrolling). None of this stuff happened with my previous 20" iMac C2D. I have experienced this issue with all three of the 27" iMacs that I have gone through thus far (due to the yellow tint issue). Does this sound like something I'm just going to have to live with. All of these high pitched frequencies are driving me batty!
I just bought an iMac 24" 2.8Ghz Dual Core, 2Gb RAM, 320 HDD. This nice iMac has been with me only 2 days and the problems already started. I don't know why when I play a song either in iTunes or in web(audio streaming) the audio suddenly changes. It's as if you applied an EQ and removed all the low frecuencies and after a few seconds the sounds returned just as normal. When this "auto EQ" happens, the sound becomes "brighter" (I hope you understand what I am trying to say) but just as I said, after a few seconds, the sound is played normaly. I am running Mac OS X v 10.5.2.
I'm pretty new here, though I posted over a year ago here with a few questions as a beginning switcher. My switch completed in Christmas of 2005 with a late '05 Power Mac G5 Dual-Core 2.3GHz with 1GB RAM and 250GB HDD. I decided to get another monitor and it is a Sony 19" LCD one. I also didn't get any speakers since I used headphones a lot at the time. I recently decided to start using speakers. So temporarily, I am using the Altec Lansing BX1120 2.0 Stereo speakers from Walmart for only $15. They sound great but I would like 5.1 surround sound to watch my DVDs (and to soon upgrade to BluRay & SACD/DVD-A; but that's for another thread later on). Before I go on, I would like to ask questions and provide facts with what my 'puter has. My specific products I'm looking for is at the bottom of this message.
For reasons unknown the internal sound option has disappeared from my MBA. The little speaker icon on the menu bar is grayed out and nothing comes from the jack. Internal speakers don't even show up as an option under sound output. I do use an Airport Express for external speakers but it's been playing happily with the internal speakers for months.
I've been unable to get sound from internal speakers of headphones on MacBookPro. Did updates, restarted several times, it's not muted, I can adjust volume control, settings are set for internal speakers, can't even hear an itunes song
after installing an update I am no longer able to hear sound out of my speakers. A red light comes on where the headphone jack is. I have already attempted to trip to switch with a wooden toothpick in the headphone jack but have not had luck.
My internal speakers sound broken, but according to Genius Bar it is apparently a software issue and they recommend an OS reinstall. I am hoping to hear some alternative suggestions. A few days ago while playing iTunes, my MBP (unibody, late 2008 and in use since December 2008) began sounding bad. It sounded as if the internal speakers had blown. Not all songs produce ugly sounds, but within a certain sound range even classical piano music and relatively quiet songs with strong vocals now tend to become unclean ounding/reverberate.The Genius Bar employee rans some tests and concluded it probably is due to some kind of corruption of software, and he advised me to reinstall Mac OS.He tested
1) if the mp3 file was damaged. Negative, a copy of it sounded fine on another MBP. 2) if the sound was bad when listening to my MBP with headphones. Negative, sounded fine on the headset. 3) if my MBP would sound bad when booted from another hard drive that played the same sound file. Negative, my MBP speakers now played that song just fine.
He also used disk utility and found no hard disk issues. He ran another test with disk utility, looking at a long list (that I don't know what is) but could not see any particular problem there, it seems. I have subsequently tried to reinstall iTunes, but that has not helped, and am now hoping for a suggestion other than an OS install which I imagine can cause a lot of trouble (not so much the installation as such, but more the subsequent tweaking of various applications that I have had a great deal of trouble setting up).
When I am watching shows in high definition, I am not getting high definition sound out of my Mac mini. I have my Mac mini connected using an HDMI cable. I would think that I should at least be able to get Dolby 5.1, but right now, I'm not getting any high definition sound at all.
I want to hook up my Macbook Pro to our TV, a HD tv, so that the audio from the macbook pro comes through the TV speakers. So that I can use the macbook as a DVD player. I have the proper cables to get the macbook display onto the TV, and that works fine. It's the audio thats giving me trouble.
I have a "monster cable" for the audio. It comes into the headphone jack on the mac, and ends in a blue and red split thing.
It seems that no matter where I plug those things into the back of my TV, I don't get the sound from my Mac thru the TV speakers.
Sound from the USB ports on my Mac Pro (Early 2009) fail after a couple of seconds. Sound can still be heard from the Internal Speakers. I have replaced the USB speakers with several types and brands. Problem remains. I can get sound for several second then it quits and can not be restarted.
Is there a simple way to play the sound coming into audio input over my speakers (headphone jack)? I have two macs running side by side and I would like my new mac to act like a receiver for the old one.
in the days of Boot Camp Beta (using XP and Vista back then), I'm getting NO SOUND through my external speakers, connected to line out. Sound does come through the internal speaker.
Now using XP SP2. All of Apple's drivers are installed and reinstalled.
does anyone who has the 24in iMac have any problem with the sound from the speakers? Sometimes when I listen to music on iTunes I will then get a screeching sound for a few seconds then it will go off.
I was watching a movie on the bus using my headphones earlier today, and when I got home just now, the internal speakers aren't working. There is a red light coming from the headphone port and the volume can not be adjusted. Is there a software fix, or do I have to take this thing to the genius bar? I restarted the computer, still no dice.
I bought a 5.1 set (a basic one without optical out) and I also bought the Muse pocket lt (usb soundcard) to plug in all my speakers at once. The soundcard is working perfectly but I want audio trough every speaker and not just the 2 front speakers. I wonder if there is a plugin for iTunes or OSX in general that makes the audio goes trough every speaker. It may sound stupit but the main reason I bought 5.1 is because I wanted speakers playing all around my room
I was wondering if it's possible to play sound through the speakers and headphones of a computer simultaneously.
The reason I was wondering if it would work, is because I'm recording a song for school, and I can't hear the backing track through my speakers, but my computer still picks it up. However if i we're to use headphones and my speakers could be playing the same thing at the same time, everything would be fine.
I have bought a set of external wireless speakers to listen to iTunes while outside. If I plug my iPod into the wireless transmitter jack they work great. The problem is getting the speakers to work using iTunes on my iMac. If I plug the wireless transmitter jack into the headphones socket of the iMac I get no sound.
the ONLY output device listed in my system preferences is Digital Output with Optical Digital-Out Port. I NEVER used headphones or any external speakers. I don't know what turned the Internal Speakers OFF But I would like to turn them back on. I can't find any thing any where in the OS that would do that. Any one has ANY Clue to why this would happen?
After upgrading to Lion, there seems to be very little sound coming from my external speakers. Speakers work with other devices but not so much with MacBook Pro. In iTunes, the volumn slider is maxed out with the speaker volumn on the keyboard maxed out too. Used to blast out the house, but not now.
Don't know if it's as a result of the upgrade or not. I did a PRAM reset but still nothing.
Info: Mac OS X (10.7.3), external speakers are harmon/kardon
My iMac 27" 2.7 GHz Inter Core i5 has just stopped producing sound. The speakers seem to work fine, because I can hear the startup sound, but nothing comes out of iTunes, Youtube, Quicktime, DVDs or any other medium.