MacBook :: Why Does It Shut Off Every Time It Is Unplugged

Feb 2, 2012

Every time that I unplug my MacBook it immediately shuts off. I have read similar stories but there is no black or red "x" on my battery icon. I have tried to take the battery out and put it back in but it didn't work. The light on the plug in is green and I'm not sure what is wrong.


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Hardware :: How Much Time On MacBook Pro Unplugged?

May 9, 2007

I am getting about 2 hours on my MacBook Pro using Airport running on the battery with the Conservation option set in Energy Savings. Is this normal? How much time are you getting? Can we do a poll?

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OS X :: Macbook Pro Keeps Restarting Half The Time When Shut Down?

Oct 2, 2010

This started after i installed boot camp. I partitioned the computer but didn't restart through the program, i left it for a few days and over those few days when i shut down it booted up again. After those few days, i installed windows 7 but It still keeps restarting quite often on shutting down and I don't know how to stop it.

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MacBook Pro :: Takes Lot Of Time To Start And Shut Down?

Jun 25, 2014

After update my macbook takes lot of time to start and shut down , and suddenly it also changed the system date n time .

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MacBook Air :: Background Changes To Default Image Every Time After Shut Down

Sep 10, 2014

my background changes to the default image every time i shut down. what should i do to keep the background image i chose from iPhotos ?

MacBook Air, iOS 7.1.2, i just bought it two days ago

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MacBook Pro :: Force Quit Mail Almost Every Time Shut Down Computer?

May 7, 2012

I am running Mac OSX 10.7.3 and I recently been having issues shutting down my computer with mail running. Sometimes it takes 2-3 mins for it to shut mail down and other times it says it couldn't shut down because of the mail app. Is there anything I can do short of reinstalling Lion?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), mid 2009 Macbook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Every Time Turn On (Early 2011), Getting Error Saying To Shut Down?

May 11, 2012

I get this error nearly enough every time i turn on my MacBook Pro (Early 2011 Model), i says it needs to shut down because an error occured and when it comes back on i get this error below, which i copied and pasted.... Please can anyone help, as i dont understand what this means.(By the way, just so you know, i dropped my Macbook Pro a month ago). 


MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Late 2011 Now Takes A Longer Time To Shut Down

Jun 22, 2012

My new macbook pro of late 2011 was working perfectly! But i know i shouldnt complain but iv only had it for 5months! Nyways, all of a sudden instead of an instant shut down which it was doing it now takes 5-10 seconds to shut down! And my preference is to shut it down! I dnt like just letting it sleep constantly!?!

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac :: Time Keeps Changing Every Time And Shut Down?

Apr 19, 2009

My iMac's time keeps changing everytime it shuts down. Sometime only an hour ahead, but then it was like 21 hours ahead, 1 o'clock Monday.

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Mac Pro :: Wants To Shut Down All The Time?

Dec 15, 2008

For some reason, my Mac Pro wants to shut down all the time. Every 10 mins or so the message, "Do you want to shut down etc. etc." comes up with the usual options of Restart/Sleep//ShutDown or Cancel. I click on cancel and it goes away for 10 mins, sometimes less, sometimes more.

No idea what's causing this at all. I normally keep it turned on all the time but I went away for the weekend so I shut everything down in the office - I know it got pretty cold in there (maybe even freezing) so I'm worried I've done some damage due to the cold?

Nothing has been installed but I have no idea where to check or what to do now. It's my main computer - I use it for work all the time and would be at a loss if I needed to send it away so I'm hoping someone will have heard of this and have a solution

I;ve searched around a lot and all I can see is people having trouble to get their macbook's to shut down - this is the other way around!

Oh, Mac Pro, 4 quad intel, 4gb ram I think and 750gb hard drive. The power is connected to a UPS but that doesn't seem at fault.


It seems to be only doing it when I'm away for a while - maybe when it's trying to sleep or shut down the hard drive? I did have it set to Never for going to sleep and I have changed that last night so it's not the Sleep side of things. I will try unticking the Put the hard disk to sleep now and see if that makes a difference. I also see the option "Allow power button to sleep the computer" so if the previous attempt doesn't work I'll try that - I suppose that will identify whether it's the power button or not

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Desktops :: What Is Best Start Up And Shut Down Time...

Nov 27, 2009

I am using Mac 0S X Leopard, mac mini and facing the following problem:

1) System is taking too long time(10 - 15 min ) for start up and shut down.
2) It is asking every time to set up the current time as and when the system starts every time.
3) When accesing the system preferences , it gets crashed when using index Spotlight.
4) Finder gets relaunched itself for every 60-90 seconds when accessing folder Applications or Utilities etc..
5) The Spotlight is indexing itself, When i tried to stop the indexing of the spotlight using system preference, it gets crashed.

My system got its logic board replaced by the apple once.

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OS X :: Apple Loading Screen Then It Shut Down And It Does This Every Time Try To Go On To Mac?

Jul 8, 2009

Ok i just put boot camp on my Mac about 2 weeks ago. I put Windows Xp Prof on and have been only useing that... about 4 days ago i started useing Mac then just the other day i went to go on to mac and it was at the Apple loading screen then it shut down and it does this every time i try to go on to mac... it has done this with Windows also and i just reboot camp it but this time i dont know what to do.... can any one help?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Completely Shut Down

Dec 31, 2009

My TC has been working flawlessly for some 2 years now, but last night it was all too much. It is completely shut down, and unplugging the power and reconnecting doesn't make a difference. There is no orange or green light, and no sound from the unit. Luckily enough I purchased it at the same time as I picked up my MacBook Air, to which I did buy the AppleCare package, and my questions are: What can/should I try regrading my TC? Is my TC covered by the AppleCare agreement for my MBA?

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Windows On Mac :: Parallel 5 Slows OS Shut Down Time?

Mar 30, 2010

I just installed Parallel 5 and realized that my Mac OS shut down time is slower. Do you guys have this problem? I am using 10.6.2.

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MacBook Pro ::Won't Fix / Unplugged But Icon Saying Plugged In

Nov 24, 2010

When you unplug power from your MBP, the battery icon is supposed to show the battery level. Right now, mine shows the plug icon and if I click it it says power source is the power adapter. It's sitting in my lap not plugged in.

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Work With Battery / After Being Unplugged From AC

Dec 20, 2010

I usually use my laptop at a desk plugged into an AC outlet. Well I was going to be away for a week, so I unplugged it, when I came back, the battery went from 97%, not charging to 12% when I booted the laptop up again.

Also, can one continue using a macbook laptop if the battery is dead, but run it through or plugged into an ac outlet all the time?

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Work / Goes To Sleep When Unplugged

Apr 26, 2008

MBP plugged in, lid closed, using external monitor only. But when I unplug it, it immediately goes into sleep mode and doesn't wake until I open the lid.

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Use Wifi / Computer Is Unplugged

Aug 6, 2009

last night I installed firmware 10.5.8 on my 2.4GHz Penryn MBP and ever since then, I am unable to use Wi-Fi when my computer is unplugged. When my computer is plugged in I am able to use Wi-Fi, but the second I pull out my power cord, it immediately stops.

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MacBook :: Won't Work With Unplugged / Shuts Off

Feb 16, 2010

My Macbook shuts off immediately when unplugged and will not start up unless it's plugged in. This just started last night...I was using it while it was charging and then unplugged it when it got to 100%, and it immediately shut off. Prior to this, it seemed to be charging and running fine. It also runs fine plugged in.

I did some searching and tried some of the suggestions I found...shutting down, taking the battery out, holding down the power button for 5 secs, and replacing the battery...making sure the connectors were clean, downloading battery update, etc. Nothing helped. I also read an article about how the lithium polymer batteries will just quit suddenly like that instead of running down gradually. So I'm hoping all I need is to buy a new battery. But my question is this: Since the system profiler shows the battery health is "good," does this indicate something else is the problem? Or will it still show it's good after it completely dies?

Here are the stats according to System Profiler:
Charge Information:
Charge remaining (mAh):3955
Fully charged:Yes
Full charge capacity (mAh):3956
Health Information:

I am just now learning about these things, so apparently 1047 cycles is a good life for the battery. I just want to know that this is the only problem so I can order a battery and be done with it. Wish I could run it over to the Apple store and have them check it, but it's an hour and a half away, so if I do that, it'll have to be later in the week or next week. Naturally, I don't want to be patient and wait.

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MacBook Pro :: Trackpad Keeps Jumping Around Even When Is Unplugged?

Mar 17, 2012

my trackpad keeps jumping around even when is unplugged.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac Pro :: HD Spinning While Sleep - Shut Down Taking Long Time?

Mar 24, 2008

I recently did a clean install of Leopard on a brand new hard drive for my Late '06 Mac Pro. I currently have all updates installed, and the system is running very fast and very stable. But! I've been experiencing two problems over the week I've had Leopard installed, and I would just like to know if other MP users are sharing these as well...

1. Half the time I wake the computer from sleep, the fans blast off for about 10 seconds before the desktop is shown. Sometimes when the computer goes to sleep, via Energy Saver, my hard drives keep spinning.
2. Shut down takes an excruciatingly long time. My typical shut down lasts around a minute to a minute and a half.

I've read around and have seen a few problems like this, but I want to know if there are a larger majority of people with a Mac Pro who are experiencing either of these in Leopard. It's not such a nuisance, being I don't have to wait for shut down and I can wait around a few seconds when waking up the computer. Though, here's to hoping 10.5.3 or a firmware update can fix these two issues!

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Just Shut Down And Refuses To Power On

Jun 28, 2008

So I came home today and found my TC sitting silently coolly in the dark. I tried another plug on my UPS and reseated the power cable. No luck it won't power on. When I have it replaced at the apple store am I SOL with the backed up data? Will they swap the drive? I guess since its just a backup it doesn't matter so much, but backing up two macs from scratch will sure take ages. Anyone else had a working TC just shut down and refuse to power on?

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OS X :: Feed Pass Each Time - Shut Down Or Close Machine

Dec 23, 2008

I think this happened just after I did something with my Keychain app: My default mail app - Entourage from MS Office 2004 - remembers my password for entering my mail as long as it's open and active, but when I close it or shut down my machine - I have to feed in my pass each time. It started right after I changed something in my keychain app, but don't really remember what where.

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OS X :: Snow Leopard - Shut Down Takes Long Time

Sep 12, 2009

I upgraded to Snow Leopard I noticed that my shut down was very fast, about 2 seconds. Now all of a sudden it takes 10-15 seconds to shut down.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Shut Down Mac When Time Capsule Is Processing A Backup?

Mar 18, 2012

If I shut down my mac when time capsule is processing a backup, will it cause any problems?

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Showing Its Plugged In And (Not Charging) / While Unplugged

Oct 11, 2010

I'm not sure if this is should be in hardware or software, so I apologize if this is in the wrong catagory.
I have a "5,1" Late 2008 Aluminum MacBook
2.0 Ghz
2 gb RAm

I just replaced the stock 160gb hard drive with a 500 gb Seagate. Everything is working perfectly except for one odd issue:
While plugged in, the MacBook says it is charging normally and appears to actually be doing so. However, when I unplug it, it shows the plug icon on the battery as it does at 100% charge and says "(Not Charging)". Power management wise it also behaves as if it is plugged in. So, as you can imagine that is quite annoying as it doesn't dim / sleep when it should if left sitting and I can't see my battery % when it is unplugged. I have looked EVERYWHERE on the net to no avail. The MacBook is no longer under warranty so no dice there. I have also checked my energy settings as well as reset the SMC.

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MacBook Pro :: Magsafe Light Staying On After Its Unplugged

Jul 11, 2009

My Magsafe charger started acting really odd today. It started with the light not working when I was charging the computer. Even tough the light didn't come on the computer still said it was charging. I unplugged it for a bit & plunged it back in. This time the light came on & it was green even though it wasn't fully charged. But now when i unplug it, the light stays on as long as its plugged into the wall. The only thing I've changed lately is I replaced the hard drive, but its been about a week and this just started happening tonight.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Calibration / Unplugged While Recharging

Jul 19, 2009

I was sick of the battery life I was getting on my 15" Macbook Pro 3,1 (early 2008 model), so I went to the apple store yesterday to get a new one. I was over 400 cycles, so I had to just buy it, they wouldn't replace it for me. I expected that, so no big deal. But I wanted to treat this battery right. I got home, charged it up to 100%, let it sit at that for a few hours, and then let it drain overnight and rest at empty for a few hours. This afternoon, I plugged it back in with the intention of letting it fully charge and thus complete my battery calibration, but at around 40% charged, the cat yanked the charger cable out from my laptop. And then a little bit later, my girlfriend did it again. So, has my time been wasted here? Battery calibration is such a pain in my rear. i hate it. I use my laptop often and expect it to be available to me whenever I need it, regardless of how many other computers i own. I really don't want to deal with it again in the near future. And I may not.

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MacBook :: Shuts Down When Unplugged - Battery Is Good

Jan 10, 2010

I have a 3 1/2 year old Macbook, my Applecare has ran out. About six months ago my computer began shutting off immediately when unplugged. (Was letting my roomates use the computer, came home one day and it started doing this.) I believe that my battery is OK, it performs between 97% and 99% consistently. When I do the battery test, all of the lights light up.

I've read through the forums and it seems a lot of people are having this problem, but their batteries are bad. What are some options/solutions to this problem? I am willing to invest money wisely into the computer to keep it running smoothly for a while.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Sometimes Won't Charge After Being Unplugged For A Few Hours?

Mar 19, 2012

I've tried two brand new adapters and neither work after my MBP is unplugged for a few hours and then plugged back in. Eventually it'll work again, but occasionally it doesn't acknowledge the power source. Will AppleCare cover this?

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