MacBook Pro :: Late 2011 Now Takes A Longer Time To Shut Down
Jun 22, 2012
My new macbook pro of late 2011 was working perfectly! But i know i shouldnt complain but iv only had it for 5months! Nyways, all of a sudden instead of an instant shut down which it was doing it now takes 5-10 seconds to shut down! And my preference is to shut it down! I dnt like just letting it sleep constantly!?!
i just spent 1800 dollor on a brand new mbp and well when i shut down sometimes the screen compeltly blank but the cpu is still going. i only noticed it after i shut if down closed lid and heard the fan going and **** it was hot...i just wanna know wth is going on and if i should make an appointment with a genius?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My late 2011 MBP (lion 10.7.3) used to connect to external displays through a VGA cable. It has stopped doing so since recently and I am trying to find out why, and how to fix it. The only changes I've applied to the system are (1) connect to a Thunderbolt display and (2) installed gfxCardStatus. The MBP and Thunderbolt display work flawlessly together, with network, USB, and firewire connections operating. gfxCardStatus has noticably increased my battery life (so I recommend it) and I'm aware that it needs to be in dynamic or dedicated GPU mode for external displays. The VGA external displays do not work when gfxCardStatus is running in either dynamic or dedicated mode, or when I disable gfxCardStatus completely so that it does not show on the process list.Â
My MBP late 2013 version takes longer to boot Yosemite and safari keeps crashing frequently. The system also takes longer time to switch applications. Ive never had this problem with my system while running on Mavericks.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
It takes really longer time to boot up. Eventually it gets boot, but i am unable to access Mail app. Sometimes the booting is faster. In this case, i can use the Mail app. I tried to shut down, restart many times, but the boot up takes longer time or even lesser.
why my MS Office takes longer time to start up after I have upgreaded my MacBook Air to OS Lion ? Why my MacBook Air takes much longer time to shut down after upgraded to OS Lion ? Â
I get this error nearly enough every time i turn on my MacBook Pro (Early 2011 Model), i says it needs to shut down because an error occured and when it comes back on i get this error below, which i copied and pasted.... Please can anyone help, as i dont understand what this means.(By the way, just so you know, i dropped my Macbook Pro a month ago).Â
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Man, what's up with this? Shut down on my early 2008 MacPro (10.5.7) takes forever! I've tried resetting the PRAM and it did this with earlier versions of Leopard as well. I've reinstalled the OS twice, changed hard drives and wish I could fix this.
Two days ago i installed Mavericks on my MacBook Pro and since i did it, my mac runs very slowly. The pointer goes slowly and it takes a lot of time to load the programs (safari, word, etc.). It takes also longer time to start up my mac. I've checked on the activity monitor and the system activity amount is so high, around 80%. But what i've discovered is that when i plug in the charger, my mac suddenly runs faster and i've checked again the system activity is only around 1-2%. How can i make my mac runs faster even when i don't plug in the charger?Â
MacBook Specification:
MacBook Pro 13-inch, Late 2011 Processor    2.4 GHz Intel Core i5 Memory       4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 Graphics     Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB Software     OS X 10.9.2
I have a macbook pro mid 2012 non-retina (2.6 GHz Intel core I7 processor, 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3) . I installed mavericks 10.9.4 and windows 7 through bootcamp. Almost every time I have to restart the computer, in order to use Windows, it just takes forever to do so. It is permanently stuck in the grey screen with the loading icon and eventually I have to shut it down manually.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
My 3 month old macbook pro yesterday failed to load up and I have been unable to get it working since. I have tried all the suggested routes however as I have no backups due to a failing drive I am unable to restore osx lion.   Â
Up until about two weeks ago my MBP was idling around 35-40 c. NOW all of a sudden is is idling areound 65 c!!! I can boot my machine after being off for hours and in a matter of minutes the temperature will rise. I do not play games, and the most video card strain I put on it is an occasional you tube video. I had smcfan control installed but deleted it because seeing the temperatures up there on the monitor started freaking me out. It wouldn't matter if I ran the fan at 5000+ rpm, it would not cool it down. Should I schedule an appt with the Apple store? It is less than 5 months old.
I have a late 2011 macbook pro running OSX Lion, and it wont update the firmware to 2.7, it downloads the update then says its installing it but when i go back to software update it keeps coming up saying it needs to be updated. Im wondering what can i do to stop this or get it to update.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am wondering how much memory I can upgrade with my MacBook Pro Late 2011. I went on and they only offer up to 8GB of Ram for my model when I looked around and saw that on OWC ( which is a very excellent reliable source for all your Apple Products. But, I was able to find a 16GB of Ram for my MacBook Pro Late 2011 and it said it can be used for my MacBook Pro.Basically Apple says its only up to 8GB of Ram while I see other people have 16GB of Ram for the same year as mine but the only difference is the the size of the computer. Anybody could give me a answer with this question as I dont want to buy the 16GB of Ram and it not working for my computer. url...
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
In january 2012 i received MacBook Pro as gift from my brother. MacBook works fine, untill yesterday, when turned off automatically. When i tried to turn it on again, nothing happened. I tried with resetting SMC, PRAM, NVRAM, but that doesn't help at all. Â
I thought it was battery, so i opened it, disconnected battery, and when i plugged in MagSafe, MBP automatically switched on. When i shutdown MBP via shutdown button inside OSX, everything went fine, but when i pushed Power On button on MBP, it won't turn on again. So, i tried to replug again MagSafe, and MBP powered on again automatically. When i plugged back battery again, it won't power on, even with MagSafe "trick". Â
I live in Serbia, and in my country, there is no AppleStore :/ To make it worse, since my brother moved to another city, he lost warranty, so we don't have it What should i do? MBP is old only 6 months
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), MacBook Pro won't power on
I just bought a late 2011 17" MBP with 4GB RAM (standard).Having upgraded to Adobe CS6 I am finding the machine impossibly slow, so I figure I need more RAM. Apple says max = 8GB (2x4), but Crucial Memory recommend 16GB "guaranteed compatible". I'm now quite unsure: can I really put 16GB in? Are Apple wrong? If Crucial have sold loads of 16GB kits that can't be used, surely they'd have taken it off their website? Can anyone confirm whether I can put 16GB (i.e. you've actually done it successfully).I'm running Lion 10.7.4
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I'm an amateur photographer, and numerous blogs suggest it's necessary to calibrate computer monitors. My old macbook probably needs it - 2007 - but an art director friend of mine says recent macbooks no longer need it. Any thoughts on this board which is the case?
I have the 750 GB HD and am getting down to 300Gb I would like to ad the 750 hybrid to my mac book pro. But didn't know if there was a place to mount it because I havent taken it apart.
So i have a 13" late 2011 MPB with lion 10.7.4. I have been using a mini display port to dvi adapter connected to a dvi to hdmi cable into my tv. It worked fine for the first few months i connected, but out of nowhere, now absolutely nothing happens when i connect the adapter to my MBP. i have tried using all the different hdmi ports on the tv and am at a loss.
see the following video I have posted on youtube. The problem is happening on the late 2011 13"inch Macbook Pro with intel 3000 HD graphics. The problem is limited to iPhoto window. Is it a faulty GPU? or a Software problem? [URL]
I am trying to boot into the Apple Hardware Test by holding down the "D" key right before the gray startup screen appears. My mac will stay on the gray screen but will never boot into the hardware tests. If I let go of the "D" key the mac will boot as normal.Â
These instructions are per Apple's support article. My mac did not ship with any discs or recovery mediaÂ
Info: MacBook (13-inch Late 2006), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Recently purchased a MBP and find the memory of 4 GB fairly small. Â How would it affect the MBP if I were to change the memory to 8 GB...Ie. will it run faster ?
I know - or think I recall - that there was a user's tips article on maximizing battery life. When I'm outdoors with my MBP, I always have Photoshop CS6, InDesign CS6, Illustrator CS6, Acrobat Pro X, Parallels Desktop, MS Word and maybe a few 'little' apps running. I need these to get my projects done. I can usually get about 3 1/2 hours out of my battery but if I could get 5, I'd be happy.Â
Can anyone point me in the right direction for the most current (at least 2011) user tip on the topic?
Is there anyway i can connect my iphone4 to my macbook so that i can send sms etc using my macbook , as i have my iphone connected to a music dock and its a right pest having to remove it for every message i receive.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), iphone is also on latest version