MacBook :: Upgrading To 4GB - Running Two Virtual Machines
Jul 12, 2010I'm thinking to run two virtual machines, and wonder if upgrading from 2GB to 4GB is any useful?
View 4 RepliesI'm thinking to run two virtual machines, and wonder if upgrading from 2GB to 4GB is any useful?
View 4 RepliesHas any one experienced how the MBA Rev A (1.6, 80 GB HD model) handles virtual machines? I need Windows sometimes due to my work (damn you Windows networks) and would love to be able to use my MBA.
I was thinking of using VMWare or VirtualBox from Sun.
I would like some input on the current Rev. B/SSD owners.
How does virtual machines run, specifically Windows XP Professional SP3?
My cousin is thinking about purchasing the Rev B SSD model but he requires Windows XP for work purposes. He won't be running much, just some basic software. I run a Vista virtual machine on my current 17" and it tends to studder a little sometimes.
I am interested to see if any MR users out there use their Mac Pro for running multiple virtual machines concurrently? Plenty of folks run one or two even on a MBP with little problems at all. I am considering running 4 at the same time. Is this going to work? I plan on running Vmware Fusion 3 with 4 virtual machines with Windows 2003 Server Enterprise. This will hopefully work as my all-in-one virtual lab for my security research and development.
I was thinking of an 8 core 2.66 (2009) MP with 24GB of RAM to start with.
Looking to get a new desktop and I've decided an iMac fits the bill perfectly as I believe it's the best value on the market by far. Anyway, I plan to get Fusion 3.0 here fairly soon, and will likely use Windoze7, and a distro or two or linux with it. Do you think that having 8GB of RAM would benefit enough to go for it? (It'd just order it afterward I'm sure, and install myself) I would be using both MS and Linux OS's for work, and hopefully some play if VM's will allow some decent gaming.
View 2 Replies View Related'd like to run Win 7 on virtualization software, but not sure of the best way to back up, as I've been reading a lot about how Time Machine (unless you configure it not to) will save the VM folder as one large file, which of course could make the back up tens of GBs and bloat a drive quickly. I'm planning to connect an external HDD partitioned for both Time Machine (for incremental backups) and Superduper(for more easily bootable restore).
VMware Fusion (for instance) recommends backing up within the VM itself. But this alone doesn't seem like a good strategy for catastrophic failure of a HDD.
is it possible to network 2x virtual machines (on the same box; a Mac Pro) using any of the available VM suites out there (vmware or parallels, etc)? I'm developing/QAing client/server apps, and it would suck if i have to purchase more machines when I have 8x cores and 16GB of RAM available at my disposal on my MP.
View 2 Replies View Relatedare there any free virtual machines to run windows xp/vista on os x?
something similar to vmware fusion or parallels, except free.
i am looking at VirtualBox and Bochs but i was wondering if any one here had suggestions.
I've got Win7 pro and XP Pro as virtual machines. No bootcamp. I'd love to copy certain chunks of large data straight across when both virtual machines are running but don't see a way to do it without using a USB drive, etc.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi have running some Virtual Machines on my Mac Mini Server that i want to start and stop dynamicly. I thought i can do that with CGI-Scripts. If i know the correct URL the VM will start or stop. The problem is that the script must be started with my user-id. The _www user cannot start the VM's. Is it possible that i run a CGI-Script with a different user-id? Or do you have an other idea how can i realise my requirement.
Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I'd like to create a better disaster recovery plan. My thought was to create a virtual machine of Lion OSx 10.7 server on my MacBook Pro running 10.7.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
so i've been trying to use my 360 as a htpc to view media from around my network. I've run into some problems with it playing certain media formats as well as it not being able to see certain machines (those not running media center). Does a macmini running xbmc (or some other software) fare better in this regard than the 360? is the mac remote compatible with xbmc?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have my original white macbook from august 2006 with its original 512mb of ram. I am upgrading to 2 gigs (because thats all it can take). Will I notice a big difference in performance?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am an IT student who is studying Vmware, Oracle11g, MCITP, Linux ,CCNA, and etc.. Is it good to have a "Built To Order MacBook Air 13"" (256GB SSD 4GBram 2.1GHz C2D ) to run a windows server 2008 virtual machine with oracle 11gR1 installed on it? Or is it better to run that VM on a mac book pro 17" (Core i7 2.66CPU, 4GB ram ,500GB 5400rpm harddrive)? or 7200rpm HD? Air got a faster Storage drive (SSD) but slower CPU. Pro got a faster Cpu but slower storage drive (HD drive). I am so confused>< Pro or air which one has a better performance for running that vm? which one's battery life last longer for running that vm?
View 20 Replies View RelatedMy Safari browser has been running slow since upgrading to Mavericks last fall. Some webpages (Facebook, USAA) won't even fully load, while others load fine. I've read a lot of the other posts about slow Safari and I've tried the other tricks that people have posted (Changing DNS to the Google one, using "Reset" on Safari, turning off extensions and plug-ins) I finally downloaded Chrome and it's just as fast as my safari "used" to be. So it can't be the internet connection because both my phone/iPad browsers are super fast and my MacBook Pro's Chrome is super fast. I just want to go back to using Safari!
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I haven't posted in a while, but now I have a question for you all.
I just started a new job, that requires the use of my macbook, and I would like to keep my home and work systems completely separate. My first thought was to install Snow Leopard in a virtual machine on my mac. I already have Parallels 5 for a bootcamp installation, so I tried using Parallels to install SL. No dice, it only works with SL Server. I have two separate SL discs, both standard versions.
I've searched the forums and haven't come across any results for running SL in a virtual machine that is installed in SL.
This is child's play on Windows machines, but seems pretty difficult for OSX. Does anyone have suggestions or recommendations for VMs that will work for this application?
I installed Vitural PC on a G5 machine running Tiger 10.4 OS. It works fine as I installed WINDOWS XP and Microsoft Outlook2003. Outlook works great when it connects to Exchange 5.5. However, The user who I am supporting wants to attached files stored in his Mac. to send in Outlook. Under Vitural PC menu, there is a way to transfer files from PC to Mac. (basicly drag and drop works!). The problem is I can not fine a way to tranfer files from Mac to the Vitural PC. What do I have to do to make this work?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am thinking about purchasing an iMac for Christmas (I already have a couple of laptops). I have a couple questions: I'd like to run Mac OSX Server in a Virtual Machine on the iMac. Can this be done? What software do you recommend? I'm thinking about using an Xserve at work, but I have nowhere to test the software before purchasing. How good are the internal speakers on the iMac? Do I need external ones?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI use Parallels to create a virtual PC running Windows 7. I have installed Office 2010 on the PC side and Office 2011 on the Mac. All VBA works fine on the PC side, but bombs on the Mac. It was my understanding (directly from Apple) that with the release of Office 2011 for the Mac that all code was now conforming with the PC version. This is probably true for new code written under Office 2010 (PC), however, most all of my applications have been developed over time through many versions of Windows based software (probably the last 10 years)…to date I have never had an issue with compatibility (on the Windows side). I have done some online research into the errors that I receive, however I am really an novice/intermediate programmer and am unable to find adequate solutions to the initial problems (as shown below).
Once I receive the run-time error 1004 I use the debug feature, etc. and end with "Can't find project or library. The initial error is probably just the beginning, but I am unable to go forward from this point.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
How do I delete macbook pro osx 10.7 virtual partition on virtual box? I already deleted the virtual machine and the app but the partition is still there.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a 2007 Mac Pro running 10.7.4. Will I be able to upgrade to mountain Lion? I have a 2007 Mac Pro running 10.7.4. Will I be able to upgrade to Mountain Lion? I have a 2007 Mac Pro running 10.7.4. Will I be able to upgrade to Mountain Lion?
View 3 Replies View RelatedA friend of mine gave me her old iBook G4 so I can fix it. Something was wrong with it (half the applications are missing, spotlight reindexes every time it restarts etc). So I'm just gonna reinstall everything from the ground up. My question is though, should I install Tiger again or would Leopard be better? The only thing I am afraid of is that Leopard would slow down the iBook since it's an older Laptop. Here are the specs:
iBook G4 (PowerBook6,7)
CPU: 1.33GHz - PowerPC G4 (1.5)
512MB Ram
ATI Mobility Radeon 9550
do I delete virtual partition on virtualbox? I'm using Mac OS X v10.7 Lion and installed Window7 through virtualbox. I decided to use boot camp instead so I deleted the virtual machine and the the app. However, the partition is still there. How can I remove/delete the virtual partition.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
How fast are the airs, I need to get a new labtop for college and was pretty much focusing on the pros...i have a 1.83 cd, would a 1.6 c2d be all that faster??? in a way it seems very illogical
View 14 Replies View RelatedGranted I have no clue if the previous generation MBAs had a lock slot, but I've noticed the new ones don't seem to have a lock slot any where on them, is this true ? or is it well hidden that it doesn't show up on all the pics I've seen. I'm specifically talking about the 13" Air.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI just can't get over how all the macs are the dull grey/silver color when as proven with the iPods, they can in fact make aluminum in multiple colors very easily. So why not haul in a new black Macbook pro? Or other colors? I would just like to know why they wouldn't as it would be a great marketing tactic to release the "New Macbook Air Black" just after the new release about a month ago. And there's supposedly new releases approaching for January (strictly a rumor), and this would be very cool to everybody else and would bring in a lot more potential people over to macs, because as I know from experience, those with no knowledge of what a processor is want to go for the "shiny" one. And now its the "shiny" one in more than one color.
View 24 Replies View Relatedhow the majority of MBA users are using their machines, do you have it plugged into the Mag Safe power adapter all the time while using it ? Or do you use it on battery then charge it over night ?
I have done the full calibration, and now im just using it off the mag safe power adapter...Will that cause any problems by doing this ?
Is there a site where I can see Benchmark results between certain machines. I wanna see if the results between the iMac 1.84 Core Duo vs the new Aluminium Macbook 2ghz.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi have two exact same 17 inch MBPs i am thinking on selling one , one has a lot of stickers and marks on it and the data on that is not at all important (i can format the hard drive no problem). the other one body has very clean and data on that is important lots and lots of photos and videos. i want to sell the one which has clean body so i can get better $ for it. it is possible to just swap hard drives between these two identical MBPs and sell ? would that make any different in performance and also the serial number on ABOUT THIS MAC is that written on hard drive or some place else?
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