Granted I have no clue if the previous generation MBAs had a lock slot, but I've noticed the new ones don't seem to have a lock slot any where on them, is this true ? or is it well hidden that it doesn't show up on all the pics I've seen. I'm specifically talking about the 13" Air.
I would like to set up a mac pro using Slots 1 & 2 for RME ADAT digital audio cards and move the graphics card (geforce GT 120 512mb) to slot 3 or 4 so that I can maximize slot speeds for multiple audio playback via logic. Is this possible?
I have a belgian azerty keyboard and OS X in english on my white macbook. Is it possible to change the caps lock key's function to shift lock so that it affects the whole keyboard rather than just the letters? I'd like to be able to type numbers without holding shift.
I recently bought a replacement keyboard on ebay for my MBP and just installed it. It's been about a week, and just today, I noticed the capslock key doesn't work.. I'm not sure if it has been this way, or if it recently just stopped. The light doesn't come on at all.
I was curious if this was a common problem? If not, is their anything I can do as a substitute for caps lock? Another key perhaps? Or, a button on the task bar or something?
How fast are the airs, I need to get a new labtop for college and was pretty much focusing on the pros...i have a 1.83 cd, would a 1.6 c2d be all that faster??? in a way it seems very illogical
Has any one experienced how the MBA Rev A (1.6, 80 GB HD model) handles virtual machines? I need Windows sometimes due to my work (damn you Windows networks) and would love to be able to use my MBA.
I was thinking of using VMWare or VirtualBox from Sun.
I would like some input on the current Rev. B/SSD owners.
How does virtual machines run, specifically Windows XP Professional SP3?
My cousin is thinking about purchasing the Rev B SSD model but he requires Windows XP for work purposes. He won't be running much, just some basic software. I run a Vista virtual machine on my current 17" and it tends to studder a little sometimes.
I just can't get over how all the macs are the dull grey/silver color when as proven with the iPods, they can in fact make aluminum in multiple colors very easily. So why not haul in a new black Macbook pro? Or other colors? I would just like to know why they wouldn't as it would be a great marketing tactic to release the "New Macbook Air Black" just after the new release about a month ago. And there's supposedly new releases approaching for January (strictly a rumor), and this would be very cool to everybody else and would bring in a lot more potential people over to macs, because as I know from experience, those with no knowledge of what a processor is want to go for the "shiny" one. And now its the "shiny" one in more than one color.
how the majority of MBA users are using their machines, do you have it plugged into the Mag Safe power adapter all the time while using it ? Or do you use it on battery then charge it over night ?
I have done the full calibration, and now im just using it off the mag safe power adapter...Will that cause any problems by doing this ?
Is there a site where I can see Benchmark results between certain machines. I wanna see if the results between the iMac 1.84 Core Duo vs the new Aluminium Macbook 2ghz.
i have two exact same 17 inch MBPs i am thinking on selling one , one has a lot of stickers and marks on it and the data on that is not at all important (i can format the hard drive no problem). the other one body has very clean and data on that is important lots and lots of photos and videos. i want to sell the one which has clean body so i can get better $ for it. it is possible to just swap hard drives between these two identical MBPs and sell ? would that make any different in performance and also the serial number on ABOUT THIS MAC is that written on hard drive or some place else?
I own a 24" iMac, as well as my newly purchased MacBook Pro. How can I keep my contacts, files, music, pictures, etc. up to date and the same between the two?
i purchased two systems, both A1181 machines. one had a functional logic board but screen and clam shell were toast. the other only had the outer case with functional screen. i tried taking the clam shell from the one machine and attaching it to the one with the functional logic board. everything went well until the end when i tried to connect the three wires on the left side of the screen to the logic board. there is a gray and black single wire that connect to the video card i am guessing, and the last connection, which is comprised of 4 small black wires doesn't seem to match the connection on the logic board.
i am wondering if there are logic boards specific to different macbooks. having the same model number is a little confusing. i also found the keyboard connection didn't fit as well as most keyboard connections i have made in the past. i was able to turn the machine on with the power button, but without connecting the last 4-wire connection i didn't get anything on the screen. just a chime.
I purchased a Macbook Air 11-inch in March. I previously had owned a first-generation MacBook Pro 15-inch, and was just curious as to whether it is safe to use the charger from my Macbook Pro 15-inch to charge my new Macbook Air.
The following is what appear on the chargers:
Macbook Pro (First generation): Apply 85W Portable Power Adapter
Macbook Air (Latest model): Apple 45W MagSafe Power Adapter
Is the older charger safe to use and will it not damage the battery on my new Macbook Air?
if anyone has written anything to make it work with other Macs yet? Anyone figure out what restricts it from working with other machines? I would love to replace the beast of an external drive I have with this beautiful piece of work. I don't use the external a lot but enough I want one around. At the same time anyone figure out how to make the GUI interface of remote disk work with other machines? I know there is way to remote disk anything and have done it before but the GUI they added to this service is beatiful for the MBA. I would love to be able to use either of these things with out the MBA.
I need to import my movies via firewire, but can only do it through my brother's macbook, as my new macbook does not have firewire. Therefore, I imported 100 GB worth of movies onto his computer, then transferred the iMovie Events and iMovie Projects folders onto a hard drive, then transferred them from the hard drive to MY macbook. Now they are sitting on the desk top. How do I get them into iMovie on my macbook, now that I have transferred the files from my brother's macbook onto my macbook's desktop?
I am getting a new Macbook Pro in a week, with exactly the same specs of my current one. Can I swap out my old HD and put it in the NEW one? Will everything be exactly the same?
The SD card slot is only available on the 13 inch MBA. I'm just wondering if anyone has used it yet?I have an SD card in my digital camera but I'm not a huge picture taker so I haven't used it. I'm thinking of getting a 32GB SD card for extra storage to slide in there.
No security slot is standing between me and an mba. Is there a solution short of a bicycle lock? Will they rectify this next version? I always cable lock my pro in a coffee shop. As Kissinger said, even paranoids have real thieves waiting to snatch their laptops.
I called apple today to ask about upgrade to 8GB RAM. They told me that the MBP i7 has 4 slots and since I already have 4 GB I only need to buy 2x2Gb only. I don't know if this is correct??
So i finally figured out what has been causing all of my kernel panics. Either the brackets or the notches that are holding the second ram stick in place have become faulty. The second ram stick permanently stays in the upright position, and if i do manage to get it parallel to everything, it can jump up at a moments notice if I do something with my computer. This is clearly a manufacturer's defect, but i dont have any warranty left. So i was wondering if any of you guys know where i can get a new ram slot since it doesnt seem to be like it is soldered to the logic board. I had 4gb, now im running on one 2gb stick, and basically the computer is nearly unusable in its current state.
Info: Unibody MacBook Pro '08, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.4 Core 2 Duo, 4gb ram, 250gb