Mac Mini :: Xbox 360 - Unable To See Certain Machines (not Running Media Center)
May 9, 2009
so i've been trying to use my 360 as a htpc to view media from around my network. I've run into some problems with it playing certain media formats as well as it not being able to see certain machines (those not running media center). Does a macmini running xbmc (or some other software) fare better in this regard than the 360? is the mac remote compatible with xbmc?
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Jan 8, 2008
I have a Mini Media center that I installed Front Row onto. When I updated to 10.4.11 I found that Front Row was broken and I finally figured out how to get it going again. I'm posting this simply for the spreading of knowledge. What you'll need:
Enabler [URL]
Front Row 1.3.0 [URL]
Front Row 1.3.1 [URL]
Pacifist [URL]
Installing: Put Front Row 1.3 package on desktop. (don't open) Open Enabler and Install Front Row. Enable Front Row (if you get an error you probably already have it enabled). <Restart> Use Pacifist to open FrontRow 1.3.1 package. Find Front Row App (System>Library>Core Services) Install the app and Replace when prompted.
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Mar 29, 2009
I'm considering using a Mac Mini as a media centre computer and supporting it with a eyetv dongle. Does anyone have an opinion on it's ability to do so. eg. Noise, speed, Graphics power? If it's not going to cut it, is there an alternative? I'm not keen on the Apple TV given it's limitations out of the box.
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Sep 21, 2010
Just wondering how many of you guys here have been using the new Mac Mini as a Media Centre mac, and what your general opinions of it are? I'm fairly sure there is HDMI, but is the media playback up to par, and how easy is it to use from the couch?
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Jul 26, 2010
this is my first post in here, I hope I've come to the right place I'm in the market for THE media center and though the Mini is very expensive I think it has a lot of potential. Well, this is what I need is there any way on the earth that I can have a media player application - namely Plex, Boxee, XBMC - to play 2 audio tracks simultaneously when watching a film? Thing is, I really like learning languages but my girlfriend doesn't, and man this seems to be the only way that I can imagine to keep my relationship while enjoying the original language films were shot. May I ask what the major drawbacks of this device are?
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Jul 7, 2008
I'm trying to stream media from my macbook over my local network to an xbox running XBMC. I believe I need to do it through smb but I haven't had much luck up to this point.
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Jun 10, 2010
I have a quick question for all of you with two Apple notebooks (I've seen in many peoples signatures that they have two or more notebooks). I brought a 15" MacBook Pro last week and finally set it up on Monday, the idea was for it to replace my 2007 13" White MacBook! But now i've had a change of heart and don't really want to get rid! I'd like to keep it of I can find a use to justify doing so! Just wondering what everyone else uses a second notebook for?! I was considering using it as a media center and for around the house/coffee shop browsing (My new MacBook Pro's base gets to 40 degrees so can't see myself using it on my lap unfortunately)!
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Oct 25, 2007
Are there any programs out there that I could send media to my Xbox 360 from the mac without having to go into boot camp and windows. I remember reading about something like this before but don't remember why or what it was called.
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Oct 24, 2008
I've an xbox 360 and have my external HD connected directly via it's usb port for playing movies on the TV. I'm thinking about getting a time capsule and I'd probably attach my HD to it's usb port. What I'd like to know - Is it possible to stream media from time capsule directly to xbox360 yet. Does the Time Capsule support uPnP. Do people on here think that Apple will support uPnP on the time capsule any time soon?
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Jun 22, 2010
Here's my idea on a setup when I move into my garage. Xbox 360 connected to iMac 27" with a Kanex XD HDMI to Mini DisplayPort adaptor. A FreeView box also connected via HDMI though the Kanex XD adaptor using a HDMI switch. Or instead of the FreeView box I might get an EyeTV TV Tuner so I can use the new app to watch live tv on my iPhone.
Here's my other idea...
Mac Mini connected to my 42" Samsung HD monitor via HDMI
Xbox 360 also connected to the monitor with HDMI
A FreeView box also connected via HDMI to the monitor with a HDMI switch to change between the three.
I suppose it depends on screen size at the end of the day.
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Jul 12, 2010
I'm thinking to run two virtual machines, and wonder if upgrading from 2GB to 4GB is any useful?
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Sep 20, 2006
I just bought an eMac from an appliance recycing center. It works great except for the lines running down the screen well it's kind of more like shaky. It's a G4 800 mhz I took it through the rain to my truck to get it home. But even then it didn't get too wet.
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Mar 27, 2012
I would like to keep the documents and pictures folders of my MacMini and my MBA in synch. How can I do this?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 18, 2009
For some reason my iTunes keeps snapping back to the center of my screen whenever I switch to mini-player. It used to snap the location wherever I had it before. For example, lets say I place the mini-player to the bottom right of my screen. If I were to switch to the full-size player to change something real quick, then swap it right back to mini-player mode, it would snap back to the bottom right of my screen. Now, whenever I switch from mini-player to full-size player, back to mini-player, it defaults back to the center of my screen...
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Nov 10, 2009
Having a bit of trouble getting Modern Warfare 2 running on Xbox live. My setup is: BT Home Hub 2.0 wirelessly supplying my iMac with connection. I then have a ethernet cable running from the iMac feeding the internet connection to power Xbox Live. Previously this has worked flawlessly until. I try and play Modern Warfare 2. Currently when in the game screen it tells me that my 'NAT type is STRICT'. This isn't the case on my PS3 which is wireless where my NAT type is OPEN.
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May 31, 2012
My Mac mini won't move past a white screen with apple logo in the center. What should I do?
Mac mini
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Apr 1, 2012
Has anyone successfully set up a D-Link DNS320 NAS on their network? The DLink manuals provide minimal to nil instruction for Mac setups.I have setup the NAS with 2 3TB WD Caviar Green drives, but everytime I drag files to folders on the NAS, the Finder either asks for a password or tells me outright I don't have permission to read/write files on the NAS. Other times when I try to dismount the NAS, I need to reboot the Finder to release the NAS so it can be unmounted.None of my folder settings (vies, location, view options) stick from one view/setting to the next. I can't see how the drives were formatted (I am assuming Windows-specific formatting, over which there is no control or access to options).
I have set up the read/write access using the DLINK web interface ( and all appears to be normal until I try to use the NAS.I have tried to fix ACLs and permissions etc with individual folders and with the volumes themselves using Terminal command "sudo chown -R `id -un`:`id -gn` " but this hasn't worked.Various other sites have been visited (eg url...) but no help there. The DLINK web pages are near-totally useless. Unless someone else has gotten theirs to work, its going into the bin and I will have wasted $$ in buying the box
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Aug 25, 2008
I have been searching around the forum for this answer and I haven't found anything specific. Here is my network setup.
Modem --ethernet-- Airport Extreme --ethernet-- iMac
Living Room:
Airport Express (Wirelessly Connected to Airport Extreme) currently setup for AirTunes using a bridged connection.
What I want to know are the specifics of running an ethernet cable from my XBOX 360 to the Airport EXPRESS and using that as my internet hook up to get on Xbox Live.
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Dec 15, 2008
I have an Airport Extreme network with an XBox 360 hooked up to it via ethernet. I would like to be able to use the XBox 360 as a media extender using the Windows Media Center running in Vista on my MacBook Pro. Vista Ultimate is running under VMware's Fusion and not as a bootcamp partition (not sure if this matters, but thought I'd mention it just in case). The MacBook Pro is using Wi-Fi (N) to connect to the Airport Extreme.
I followed the directions on the [URL] page, and all four things below that are required to be checked (given permission to run) or running as directed, yet I still get the message stating the Xbox could not be found. UPNP is indeed running.
What am I missing? Do I have to open ports on the Airport Extreme, even if the computer and xbox are on the same network? Do I have to open anything on the MacBook Pro on the Mac OS side?
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Aug 27, 2010
Basically I have a g4 mac mini running 10.5 and I am trying to share from wireless to ethernet. I have that all set up in the internet sharing setup. I've tried many different tutorials online and I just keep running into an error saying it cant resolve the dns servers or whatever.
My router IP is
My macs IP is
I have the DNS numbers from my ISP
On the xbox I enter the ip of the xbox as
Gateway: (router)
Then my DNS numbers manually set, I've also tried using my macs and routers IP's as DNS and no dice. I just keep getting the same DNS error. i have a bunch of ports for xbox live opened to my xbox IP. It worked for me at one point when i was using tiger but now it wont on leopard.
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Jul 4, 2012
I have the cinema hd display that comes with the mac mini 2009 and i want to connect my xbox 360 (newest version) to it.
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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May 27, 2010
I'm looking to centralize the media storage in our home and would love some feedback on which Mac Mini would best suit my needs, which are pretty modest. The goal is a machine that will:House all our media (iTunes, movies/tv) for streaming to two MBPs & one TV
Be the central location for Time Machine backups on all 3 computers
Run Air Video Server live conversion for streaming media to iPad
Run Plex for viewing media on attached HDTV
Ability to simultaneously stream media to TV in one room while live encoding HD source material for playback on iPad
Regardless of which Mini I end up with, my plan is to remove the Superdrive and install two 500GB Momentus XT hybrid hard drives (Raid 0?) with Time Machine backups for all the computers on external FW800 drives that I have. That said, will an early '09 Mini with the 2.0 C2D have enough horsepower, or do I need a current gen model?
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Aug 2, 2009
I am a new convert to mac and want to set up a mac media server - does anyone know if I can stream movies stored on a time capsule through the mac mini to an xbox. I know how and can stream from my mac to xbox - so that part is not problem - however the new capsule has 2 tb and would be perfect for storing movies, etc -
But the question is can you stream from it - if not directly at least through a connection from the capsule to the mini?
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May 1, 2009
I usually have no problems hooking my Xbox up to XBL wirelessly to the interent, but I recently moved and now it wont connect to XBL. It shows the SSID but when put the passphrase in it begins to connect and then it says there is a problem. it says it is "connected" but there is no IP. All the setting as are put to Automatic.
I have tried shutting the router off and my Xbox and I even tried connecting an ethernet cable to my MBP and Xbox. I got an IP when I did this but it still didnt connect. so that's one problem. Another problem is that I dont know how to share my MBP with my Xbox...Like I said, I have the wireless adapter thing but maybe I have been going about all of this wrong.
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Sep 6, 2010
I'm considering getting the base Mini and using it as a media hub to replace my AppleTV. I've hacked my AppleTV to run Netflix, Boxee, etc., but playback in Firefox can be slow. The only issue is the lack of Blu-Ray in the mini which would mean getting a Blu-Ray drive and cracking the mini open. Seems like a lot of work but it could replace my Sony Blu-Ray DVD player leaving only my Denon receiver, Cable box and Mac Mini.
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Mar 26, 2012
We just bought a mac mini with 2.5 GHz to act as our media server. We wanted to be able to stream, which it handles nicely. But now our desktop has fallen to disrepair and I am tempted to take the 2.5 Ghz mac mini as our desktop and buy a cheaper mac mini for our server. Will this work?
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Jun 27, 2009
I bought my MacBook Pro and a brand new Airport Extreme to go with it about 4 months ago. I have the MacBook and my wife's iMac hooked up wirelessly to the Airport Extreme with no problems. My son't Wii also hooks up with no problems wirelessly. My Xbox 360 hooks up sometimes, and sometimes it doesn't. It's not wireless, it's hooked directly to the Airport Extreme via Ethernet cable. When I first got the Airport Extreme, the Xbox had no problem hooking up to it and the internet. But lately it sometimes hooks up, and sometimes it doesn't...with no explanation as to why other than maybe the position of the planets or something. Restarting the Airport Extreme helps sometimes, sometimes it doesn't. I'll just leave it be for a few days...change nothing...and then try the Xbox again and automagically it seems to work...for a few days. Then for no reason will just stop again. It can't connect through anything then, not even hook up to one of the Mac's using Connect360. It's as if the 360 is not even hooked to any network then. Also, the Xbox 360 had zero network problems when I was using a DLink router, which was the set-up to hook to the internet and the hub of the home network for the past year. The 360 could hook to the Macs and access the Internet. But the Dlink wasn't wireless, which is why I went with the Airport Extreme when I got my Macbook Pro.
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Jan 1, 2011
I just got a new 2010 mini to use for some web development, as well as a media streamer for my TV. I want to be able to stream standard and HD mkv/h.264 video from either the internal HD, external HD, or my server. Obviously, the internal HD should work well. My question is, would it be faster to stream from an external HD or my server? The server and mini are wired into the network via Gbit ethernet, and the external would be USB (or it could be FW800 if that would make a difference).
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Jul 31, 2009
I've just bought a mac mini to run as a media centre. I want to connect it to my 40 inch LCD Samsung TV. I've tried all the preset resolutions and sizes but none of them seem to properly fit the TV, I loose about 2 inches on the top bottom and both sides. Any ideas how to get the Mac Mini to use all of the screen but keeping the resolution at 1080p (which the TV supports).
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Jul 2, 2008
I recently had Fios installed and they provide a router/modem Actiontec M1424. I have it set up so I am still able to get wifi off my airport express since it provides faster wifi speeds. I am having a problem with xbox live.
I keep getting NAT moderate instead of open. I opened ports 3074 and 88 in airport utility but no luck. Is it because it is going through two routers?
Anyone have a similar setup and have an open nat? The reason I choose not to use the actiontec is because on live the connection is terrible but I have an open nat.
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