So I have the 2010 White Unibody 2.4Ghz Macbook and the airport works perfectly fine whether I am at home, the library, school, etc. The problem I am having with it is when I am at home and using the airport, and my iPhone is also connected to the same network, the wifi will work on my iPhone but will stop working on my Macbook. It still shows I am connected but it will not connect to any webpages. As soon as I turn off the Wifi on my iPhone and refresh the page on my Macbook, it will load. Is there anything I can do to fix this. By the way, My Toshiba laptop has no problem with using Wifi the same time my iPhone is connected to it, my Macbook is the only one having problems.
i'm trying to setup a mini wifi hotspot in my shoe box of a bedroom. I have a mac pro, iBook and iPhone and i can't seem to get either the iBook or iPhone to connect to an "Airport Internet sharing" connection.
I thought it might be the thick aluminium box hampering the signal but i'm literally about 6ft from the MP tower and really shouldn't have problems from that range should i?
I have a PM G5, MBP and iPhone all sharing off an Airport Express. It's worked fine since I bought it a few years ago.Yesterday I opened up the G5 and blew all the dust out. I've done this several times before, without problems.I also zapped the PRAM and reset the SMU.Anyways, so I started up and all is well. Things are going smoothly. I open up a Safari window and the page doesn't load, or takes several minutes to load. Pages still load up quickly on my MBP and iPhone. It's not just the internet that is sluggish. It's very slow moving trying to access files from the G5 over the network on the MBP.Anyways, I've repaired the permission, reset the the Airport Extreme card and I'm now out of ideas on what to try next.
Just recently, my iPhone and the kid's iPod Touch keep getting dropped from the network. The wi-fi icon disappears, and my 3G icon comes up. I'm standing right next to the Airport !!
Sometimes i can reset my wireless and it stays stable for a couple days, but then it happens again.
I've been trying to connect over internet sharing from my Macbook pro to my i-pad 2 and am having some issues I hope someone can adress. I go to Settings>Sharing from ethernet then to wifi. I name the network choose a channel then add a password from there I get this error message.
Are you sure you want to turn on Internet sharing?
If your computer is connected to a network, turning on Internet sharing may affect the network settings of other computers and disrupt the network. Contact your system administrator before turning on Internet sharing.
So i've had my iPhone 2G for a few years now and recently the WiFi has stopped working. Im getting it replaced on the 9th of July so thats not the problem. The problem is I would like to use the internet from my MBP through my USB cable to my iPhone. Its on 3.0 and I added the ethernet port in Network Prefs and used sharing prefs to share that port.
Ever since updating to OS X 10.7.3 I can't get my Internet Sharing to function for wifi. I enable this to use my iPod at home. The computer 'says' Internet Sharing is on but my iPod searches and doesn't find a signal. Plus, the four bars at the top right of the screan do not change to a solid color with the arrow pointing up like it used to when enabled and working.
Just purchased my first Macbook ever! I'm catching on quickly however I've run into a snag with file sharing between my other Apple devices. How can I pair and send files between my MBA and iPhone 5s? I've made the change in system preferences to allow file sharing, yet still pops up on my iPhone that my MBA doesn't support this.
Also I've enabled Airdrop on both devices yet I can't seem to get that to work as well. I would love to be able to easily send pictures or documents from my MBA to my iPhone 5s via Airdrop and vice versa.
is there a way using the computer's built-in internet sharing or a 3rd party app that i can have my ipod touch connect to my macbook, while my macbook is connected to a wireless network?
I've recently moved into student accommodation, which only has wired internet access in the rooms. This is fine for my MacBook, but causes problems for the iPad! So I've been attempting to share the MacBook's internet connection through AirPort using the "Internet Sharing" option in System Prefs->Sharing. This works great, but after a while it disconnects for no apparent reason.
Ok so we've all heard about the issues with airport on the MacBook. Well I've had mine for about 3 yrs now and this problem with airport wifi connection has progressively been getting worse over the last yr. I took the MacBook in last week and they wanted �170 to put in a new network card and antena. Bit much I think.! So they told me I could buy a �35 USB wifi dongle thing.
I've got a bit of a strange problem with my RevA - there is a network at work which is protected by WEP, I have the key and my iPhone connects perfectly, however my MBA can't even see it, it can see other networks fine and even if i try to add it manually still not joy...
I tried turning on internet sharing to see if it would make things easier, but it didn't. My iPhone found the network my computer created instantly, but the AirPort Express couldn't seem to see it.
Is there any way at all to share an ethernet connection wirelessly through the AirPort Express?
I am using my computer as a router to get wifi on my iPhone, it sees the network but still can’t get connected, the mac docent send IP address or subnet mask numbers ..etc to the phone, although the same phone is able to get connected to other macs/routers fine, what can i do to my mac?
I have an airport express, which I use as my main router in my secure (WEP2) network. Just out of curosity, how would I see who is logged on in my network (ie: using my airport express)? Is there a widget showing me who's logged on?
I've got a macbook pro which was working fine via wifi …. We had a power-cut last week and things have now gone rather mental. When trying to connect to the internet via wireless, it kept coming up with “Wi-Fi does not have an IP address and cannot connect to the Internet.”
So I ran a search on google on how to try and sort it. I followed the following instructions : Add a New Network Location & Renew DHCP LeaseLaunch “System Preferences” from the Apple menuSelect the “Network” panelClick on the “Location” pull down menu and choose “Edit Locations…”Click on the + plus icon to add a new network location, give it a unique name, and click “Done”Back at the Network panel with the newly created location selected, click on “Advanced” in the bottom right cornerClick on the “TCP/IP” tabClick on “Renew DHCP Lease” and wait for the numbers on the left to repopulate, then click “OK”
I was absolutely thrilled as it worked!!! … and continues to work ... The only problem now is that my Macbook is the only one in the house that can connect to the internet wirelessly. When I try and connect my iPhone 4 it asks me for the Password then says “Unable to join network” and also my mums laptop refuses to join wifi …. She’s not happy with me as she now has to run it via ethernet. I tried to set up my iPhone manually, but with no joy as I'm not sure what I'm doing
I have a NetGear Router, locked to a Cable Modem from my ISP, I use a WPA setup with Tkip. I have had this enabled since last November. Now for some reason today, the MacBook will NOT CONNECT, it asks for a WPA code, even when I enter the code it comes up "connection timeout"
I have rebooted the entire network, and while everything else connects the MacBook refuses point blank to even attempt, with the connection timeout message showing within seconds of an attempt.
I cannot restore due to GB's of Data being on the HD and no Mac compatible external available.
My MBP 3,1 (early 2008?) normally just connects to my WLAN when I start it up but very occasionally it connects to a nearby WiFi Hotspot. When it does, turning Airport off then on again sometimes gets it to connect to my WLAN but sometimes it just keeps re-connecting the the hotspot. The only solution - and it works every time - is to reboot. But rebooting seems such a Windows thing to have to do.
Does Airport "prioritize" its choice of connection, e.g. first tries to connect to the last WLAN it was connected to? One other thing. If I go into Network Prefs and click the Advanced button, I see my WLAN there but there seems to be no way to tell it to connect to that particular WLAN - the equivalent dialogue in Windows for example has a Connect button so you can select a WLAN and hit connect to force it to (try to) connect to that one, but there's no Connect button in OS X. In case it's important, I don't broadcast the SSID on my WLAN.
i am traveling to my parents and want to use my aiport to get wifi. my fathers computer is not running on wifi. what do i need to do to get my airport to work with his router
I'm wondering how would it be possible to make my MacMini (last generation) as an access point 802.11n.I have setup an internet share between Ethernet and WiFi, but the bandwith looks to be more 802.11g than 802.11n.
I just bought a new mbp and my old 17" MacBook pro 2006 2007 models screen was not really working so I decided to take the screen off and use it as a kitchen computer with an external monitor. The problem is that my airport extreme is in a room right next to the kitchen and the old mbp is not picking up any wifi signals not even the neighbors wifi but, my new mbp can pick up the signals where is the wifi antenna located?
I'm sharing my Mac's internet connection over wifi to my iPad when I'm at work. Is there a way to reduce the output power of my wifi? I don't really need a signal beyond my cubicle. How would I reduce the wifi power settings to as low as possible on my Mac when it's in ad hoc mode?
I have a Late 2013 MBP Retnia. I have WiFi access via a captured portal. I have other WiFi and Wired (Ethernet) devices that can not authenticate to a captured portal.
1) On the single MBP mentioned can I connect to the captured portal WiFi via one band (say 2.4) and then become a WiFI hotspot with the other band (say 5)?
2) On the single MBP mentioned can I connect to the captured portal WiFi via one band (say 2.4) and then share the Internet connection to the Thunderbolt Ethernet connector?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)