MacBook Pro :: Finding Who Is Sharing Internet Connection (via Airport Express)
Mar 4, 2007
I have an airport express, which I use as my main router in my secure (WEP2) network. Just out of curosity, how would I see who is logged on in my network (ie: using my airport express)? Is there a widget showing me who's logged on?
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Aug 8, 2010
I tried turning on internet sharing to see if it would make things easier, but it didn't. My iPhone found the network my computer created instantly, but the AirPort Express couldn't seem to see it.
Is there any way at all to share an ethernet connection wirelessly through the AirPort Express?
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Jul 20, 2009
I am sharing the wifi connection from my MBP to my desktop since I haven't run a wire or set up wireless yet. It works, but every minute or two the Limited or No Connectivity icon appears, and for a few seconds, the desktop is offline. After a few seconds, it works again. This has happened with the desktop running both XP and Linux, so I don't think it's an OS issue. The wifi connection on my MBP is rock solid, and it always works just fine whether or not the desktop can connect.
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Sep 22, 2010
My trouble is this:
i am currently connected to a wireless network.
i want to share this network with my ipod touch
is there a way using the computer's built-in internet sharing or a 3rd party app that i can have my ipod touch connect to my macbook, while my macbook is connected to a wireless network?
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Jul 4, 2012
I just updatet my 2010 MBP to the new retina model. For years, I have used my mobile phones (iPhone and lately several Android models) to connect to internet, which has always worked perfectly.Now, with latest OSX there is a problem. I get the connection, and it shows no signs of losing it, but still the browser claims I'm offline. Turning the WIFI off and on again will help, but only for few minutes until the same happens again, everytime.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 22, 2009
I have a PM G5, MBP and iPhone all sharing off an Airport Express. It's worked fine since I bought it a few years ago.Yesterday I opened up the G5 and blew all the dust out. I've done this several times before, without problems.I also zapped the PRAM and reset the SMU.Anyways, so I started up and all is well. Things are going smoothly. I open up a Safari window and the page doesn't load, or takes several minutes to load. Pages still load up quickly on my MBP and iPhone. It's not just the internet that is sluggish. It's very slow moving trying to access files from the G5 over the network on the MBP.Anyways, I've repaired the permission, reset the the Airport Extreme card and I'm now out of ideas on what to try next.
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Sep 30, 2010
I've recently moved into student accommodation, which only has wired internet access in the rooms. This is fine for my MacBook, but causes problems for the iPad! So I've been attempting to share the MacBook's internet connection through AirPort using the "Internet Sharing" option in System Prefs->Sharing. This works great, but after a while it disconnects for no apparent reason.
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Aug 23, 2009
I am trying to set up a file sharing network between two macs at my home using an Airport Express. I have successfully made a connection and even password protected the connection, but I noticed that the transfer rates are extremely slow (60kbs). I think that the problem is that when I am sharing, the data is traveling from Macbook Pro to Airport Express to craptacular roadrunner internet back to Airport Express and finally to iMac.
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Jun 27, 2008
My macpro for some reason doesnt have the signal catching strength of my macbook. I want to temporarily use my macbooks internet on my mac pro. I went to sharing and clicked share internet and plugged them into eachother via ethernet, but it didnt work...or i just did it wrong. Is there an easy way to do this?
One weird thing, I clicked on the wireless icon nd clicked create network. i created a network and enabled data sharing...i was able to access all the file on each computer respectively without plugging them into each does this work? If they can share data without being plugged in why cant they share internet!?
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Jan 25, 2010
After a surge fried my beloved HP LaserJet 1320, I purchased an HP LaserJet P2055dn. This has a built-in print server, to my understanding, with an Ethernet port that would be available for me to connect to a router. I would ideally like to share this printer between my MacBook and another computer (an HP notebook PC running Vista). What's the best idea here? Please bear in mind one thing: the HP notebook has flaky wireless, so it might have to use an Ethernet cable at some point--thus I'd like to explore all of the feasible options.
1. USB to my computer and set up printer sharing?
2. Ethernet to my computer and set up printer sharing? (Does that make any sense? Maybe not!)
3. Get a wired router and, while the computer is on my desk, connect it to the printer and to the connected computers.
4. Get an AirPort Express and connect the printer up to the USB port. Now, we're using WPA2 on our wireless network here, and I thought I read somewhere that one cannot extend a wireless network that's WPA2. Can I hook up a printer to an Express that's a client?
5. One idea that especially intrigued me: Get an AirPort Express and connect the printer up to the Ethernet port, then set up network printing on all connected computers, rather than Bonjour printing. Again, network-extending question still applies--I'm really clueless here.
Since I *have* a network printer, would network printing (i.e., option 5) be faster/better/more efficient than Bonjour printing? Less software or drivers to install? or more?
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Mar 3, 2010
i'm using an airport extreme as my primary router for internet and everything, and i have a airport express set up in my bedroom for wireless music. i've set it up that the express is joined with the extreme so internet (from the lounge room) and music (in my bedroom) all run through one network.
i just purchased a printer which i plugged into my airport express to enable wireless sharing, and in airport utility it shows the express is connected to the printer, but while im connected to the extreme it wont let me print to it, however it'll still let me stream music to it. And to make is very frustrating because the networks are joined, it wont even let me connect to just the express to do the occasional printing that i want.
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Jul 18, 2008
I understand that I cant fit a airport extreme card to my G5 as it was purchased after 2005. I have a airport extreme base station, is there anything else i can use to get my G5 wireless, can i get an airport express and connect the G5 to it with an Ethernet cable or are there PCI express wireless cards available.
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Apr 13, 2010
I have two wifi networks each using identical airport extreme router but different cable companies. The networks are separated by a substantial distance. To my knowledge both are set up identical and using the latest software revision and are accessed by the same MB and MBP.
The problem I am having is that in one location I drop a connection about 2 times a day. The TV signal remains. By turning off Airport Extreme for about 30 seconds and then powering it back up, the connection returns. When I go to reset the router, the indicator light on the AE router is always green.
This cable company claims it is my problem.
The other location (different cable company) has never dropped a signal.
Again, I use the same MBP and MBooks on both networks.
I cannot change the "bad" cable company as there is only one choice in this location.
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Nov 28, 2010
Since it's possible to use a Mac as a wireless access point. I want to share my Ethernet connection through WiFi (not vice-versa), can I connect my Xbox 360 easily with that network or I have to painfully change the settings?
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Dec 27, 2010
ive successfully done this before with 10.5 and xp and am trying to replicate with 10.6 and win7.
my imac connects to internet via airport. i want to share that internet with a win7 box via ethernet cable. i've turned on internet sharing in sys prefs but to no avail.
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Nov 7, 2008
I'm trying to setup my MacBook to allow internet connections to devices via Bluetooth PAN. In other words, getting a Palm Centro/Motorola Q9h to access the internet via the mac's internet connection over Bluetooth PAN.
I've enabled Internet sharing correctly, checked all the relevant boxes.
When the device connects to the Macbook, the Bluetooth PAN connection shows 'active', but it seems that the Macbook is not assigning an IP address, nor routing the packets.
Has anyone had any success with this?
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May 24, 2009
I want to share my connection over ethernet, but it is critical that it is passworded as its a large semi-public network and I dont want anyone else using my internet.
System preferences makes it easy to do this over wireless but it gives no password options for over ethernet.
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Jan 11, 2010
Here is my setup, and I have it all configured correctly, and everything works great. I am able to stream stuff off of the iMac with Connect360, and internet works great. I am not having any trouble configuring the ethernet port to share the airport connection. What I am trying to do now is have the 360 connect to the Media Center PC located downstairs hidden out of sight.
Because the 360 is getting it's connection from my iMac, would it still be able to connect to this MCE PC? (the only PC in the house, whose sole purpose is to be a DVR and eventually, serve the 360 up with cool MCE hacks such as a web browser for the 360, and Hulu). I am not about to buy a WiFi adapter from MS for $100, as that is overpriced and the iMac connection works fine.
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Jun 3, 2010
I use internet sharing on my Mac Mini so I can surf on my MBP. I notice that if I try to upload or download files for too long, my internet will completely disconnect for both computers. I have to reset my aircard on the Mini to get it working again. This also happens if you are watching YouTube vids, and the file size is relatively large.
What is weird is, if I turn airport off on my MBP, and try the same thing just on the Mac Mini, the internet can stay connected all day. Is this a flaw in OSX internet sharing? Or in one of the computer's Airport? Or possibly in my Aircard? (But why would it completely disconnect just because two computers are sharing the same connection?) By the way, I have Alltel wireless. The card is old, but if I upgrade to the Verizon card, they will limit my bandwidth.
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Feb 7, 2009
I know that if the vista, office itunes were to send straight to the airport express its bitperfect (not that I have lossless music, id just like to keep whatever fidelity i have throughout the chain). But I dont know if had another machine streaming music from the central itunes, out from the 2nd machine to airport express if it still would be bitperfect. I would think it would bc its still a digital signal all the way to the receiver in the living room, but i wanted to make sure.
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May 6, 2012
I have an airport connection but I cannot connect to the internet. I have lots of other devices that are connected and work fine.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 9, 2009
I recently got an iMac G4. It had no wireless, and since that's what I use I bought the (correct) Airport Express Card. I installed it without a hitch, and it seemed to be working fine, until I reinstalled Leopard. Now every 2-3 minutes Airport will simply drop the connection. I have no idea why. I have updated all the firmware, but it continues to drop the connection.
I should also note that I'm on a MacBook right now that hasn't dropped the connection to the same wireless network.
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Feb 18, 2007
I have a powerbook with an airport card currently connected to my belkin network with broadband! Is there anyway I can share this with my ibook via ethernet to update some things?
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Nov 5, 2007
I recently did a clean install of leopard and then migrated my account back on to my MBP non-santa rosa 2.33. Now, when I attempt to internet share from my ethernet to computers using airport, they are able to see the network, connect to it, and put in the password, but internet fails to connect. I'm on a college network, but this shouldn't really matter since I currently have a network of this type working perfectly on an iMac running Tiger. The signal reads at full strength and behaves just like it should, just it doesn't allow an internet connection. No firewall is on.
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Sep 27, 2009
I'm going to tether my Samsung Omnia phone with my laptop, but I want my iMac to connect to the laptop to use the tethering wirelessly. How do I do that?
Basically it will be set up like this:
Verizon 3G network > Omnia > Windows laptop [Vista] > iMac
I know how to get tethering set up and everything, but I don't know how to connect my iMac to my laptop through wireless.
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Jul 4, 2010
I wont to share may internet connection from may mac to may iPad and I'm using a USP modem from the carrier,
I'v tried all the methods that appears down in the picture but no good result.
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May 7, 2012
airport connected but has no IP address and no iternet connection
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 24, 2008
The case: I want to plug in the Ethernet LAN cable from my DSL cable modem to my Airport Express so that it provides me with W-LAN for my notebook (Sony VAIO, soon to be MacBook Pro owner). The problem: The Airport Express doesn't recognize the Ethernet Internet - it just tells me that there is nothing plugged into its WAN port. (But the cable is!) If I plug the same cable directly into my notbook WAN port, it works fine so I guess there's no defect in the cable ... Settings are PPPoE (needed to connect to my Internet). Any other information needed? Just let me know. If anybody out there has a hint for me, let me know. I wonder if this is a Windows thing? On the other hand - as the Airport Express doesn't recognize that the Ethernet cable is plugged in - it doesn't matter if MAC or Windows cause this is even a step before the computer itself comes in play.
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Jun 26, 2012
Everytime I turn on the computer, there is no wifi connection. The symbol is still at the top of the screen, but is gray rather than black. I can click on it and it gives me the choice of my network or a neighbor's. All I have to do is click on mine and it connects.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 30, 2009
I'm having issues with using Internet Sharing on my Mac mini. It works perfectly fine for a while, then the connection drops. Printer sharing seems to drop in the same intermittent way. If I turn off Internet Sharing and turn it back on, everything starts working again. I'm running 10.6 on both the mini and the laptop I'm trying to get wireless internet on.
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