MacBook Pro :: What Parts Are Compatible With A1150 A1226
Mar 21, 2012I had a liquid spill on my a1226 and I have a working a1150. Are any of the parts compatible?
View 3 RepliesI had a liquid spill on my a1226 and I have a working a1150. Are any of the parts compatible?
View 3 RepliesI currently have a MacBook Pro 15'': model A1150. I bought it off a friend without the install/restore discs and a blinking question mark inside a folder appears when I turn it on. Which OS should I install on my Macbook Pro: Leopard or SnowLeopard?
MacBook Pro
It recently died on me.And after doing some googling I found its a $800 fix...I am currently using a newer macbook pro and wanted to get my old files off of the A1150.A1150- Would not power on, would attempt to...but then the light at the front of it would flicker and then the unit would completely cut off.
It was not the power supply. I know this.
Either way, I need all my old files back off of it...and I've taken it apart and the hard drive doesnt seem to be compadible with the USB 2.0 IDE or SATA Drive Adapter I purchased...
Info:MacBookPro, iOS 5.1.1
Does anyone know if these parts can be switched out? I know the battery and dc in board cannot be (I don't think) but can the logic board, memory, hard drive, etc be switched? I can't get power in my powerbook and would like to test it with the logic board from my macbook pro.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've been contemplating recently (as most mac users do) about switching my 2 year old MBP (2.2 ghz, 2gb ram, 8600m) to the new MBP (15" 2.8, newer gfx, touchpad and a few minor details).
I've been eying the ebay prices for some time and my particular model (with charger, snow leopard, original accessories but w/o box) is valued at about 700gbp. Perhaps people might disagree with me here - how much is it really worth ?
My main point / question is really at what point should I ditch the existing MBP in favor of the new mbp - does it really offer me that much of a benefit at this time to upgrade? I'd sure like the new graphics card in there (is it really that much better?) but I'm not sure there's a significant enough difference there.
On the other hand if I wait much longer the MBP will become pretty devalued and not get me much back for the new and improved MBP - maybe apple's going to improve them soon anyway?
I already have my MacHD drive, the recovery drive, and a boot camp drive running windows. I want to partition a small amount and run centos linux on it. Is it possible? can i use bootcamp? Also, does anyone know if i need linux support drivers much like when doing boot camp and needing windows support drivers?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I need a CD drive #661-4287 around $90 new. So many water damaged macbook parts out there. How much does this affect this part?
View 2 Replies View Relatedlast Blackbook model - has a bunch of problems now including busted touchpad, crazy noisy fan etc... where's the best to start looking at replacement parts?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI love the options Quicktime offers me in screen recording. Before I went over to the "Mac-Side" I played around with different Windows-based screen recording software but couldnt find any that offered seamless recording. Quicktime gives me just that. My problem, however, is this. Whenever I try to record a movie or video clip with screen recording, all I can see of the video is a bunch of white and grey blocks. Is there an option I need to click or a specific resolution I need to record in so I can clip parts of videos?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I got my MBA about 2 weeks ago, and in 3 different occasions some windows and parts of the desktop would show display artifacts. I am attaching snapshots. I didn't recognize any specific pattern that could cause this, and the CPU was not overheating when the fact happened. Every time it was sufficient to reboot the system, and the problem disappeared. I am worried it might be a hardware issue, maybe related to the integrated graphics. Should I have the MBA replaced?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have had this macbook pro now for about 3-4 months and last week it started showing weird yellow/white stripes on places where it should be completely white. It comes and goes from time to time and it seems to be effected by the hardware itself, since when I move my screen it comes and goes. But when I make a screenshot of an opened window, like iCal, with lots of white space, it does not show the yellow-like stripes. I tried adjusting the contrast at universal access but it didn't work.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo, I screwed up a couple months ago and stuck my MBP in my backpack's padded laptop compartment within a SECOND case, only to pull it out at my destination and immediately notice this:
The way out of line upper case was like that before, but the bent optical slot was new. I guess I had too much in my bag, even though it was all clothing and, again, the laptop was inside TWO cases. Anyways, for about a month I got by getting discs in and out only when I really needed to, with various techniques to get the gap open just enough to let it slip out. More recently I opened the computer up to see what I could do. I removed the optical drive, but absolutely could not find a way to bend the aluminum back into shape. I thought it would be easy enough with some care, but there's a piece of steel, probably to support that very part of the case, glued to the case there - and it won't budge.
The situation right now is that I have a disc in the drive that I can't get out (it's gone past the point of tricking it into just barely making it), which would be okay except for a few points: (1) I can't use optical media any more, and while I don't usually do a lot of that, I do need to once or twice a month minimum. (2) The computer has to spin up the optical drive every few minutes while moving around the operating system, which takes a few annoying and unnecessary seconds. (3) I'll never be able to sell this machine in a year or so for what it's worth without this damage.
I've done about all the communication I can with Apple, including trying the sjobs@apple(..) route, which has worked in the past for other issues. I am covered by Apple Care, I'm about 6 months into the two years, the laptop is about 18 months old. I was told at the Genius Bar twice that it would not be covered, but I forgot both times to get an approximate cost, but I'm thinking expensive.
So I'm looking for a few tips...How much is the repair cost typically for a bottom case?
Where is the best place to find either a new bottom case (i.e. not used), or a used one that is in good cosmetic condition (i.e. not scratched and dented)?
If I do choose to do the repair myself (likely the plan if Apple is going to charge over $400), it seems like a very extensive and somewhat risky job. I know there are iFixIt guides to get me through it, but I have had big problems in the past with messing up screws (guess I just need a better set of small screwdrivers). I also can't seem to get a decent Torx T6/4 that can handle some of the more serious case screws - I've twisted the head right off one and malformed another pretty badly. Is doing the repair myself realistic? How would you rate the risk, and any suggestions for a kit that will let me do the job as best as possible?
Anyone having trouble with Hardware replacement due to stop of manufacturing?I went to the one and only Apple Store in Hong Kong today and after they have checked my Macbook Pro which I bought in 2007. They said my logic board is malfunctioning and there are no spare parts anymore, also there will be no parts manufactured of the Logic board for my Macbook Pro.So due to Apple's policy I am doomed to buy a new lap top as there is simply no parts to fix this Hardware problem What can I do? I expect to have bought a good product but eventually due to a Hardware problem I am stuck and FORCED to buy a new lap top. I really feel up set as I don't have any options offered besides a Apple Care plan!! But that's useless when I don't have a good running Apple Macbook right ?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
How would I use the SCSI PCI card from my older Powermac G3 Server in my Powermac G4? System profiler says that it is connected, but no drivers are installed for it. Also, it doens't appear in the "Parallel SCSI" menu.
*Dual 450mhz Gigabit Ethernet, OSX 10.5.8
Power Mac G4 (Gigabit), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I have a dual 2.5ghz PM G5 that works fine except that the heat exchanger leaked. Everything else is fine. My question is, I found someone on CL who was selling a quad G5 system for $375 because of a damaged mainboard. Could I take the Mobo from the dual G5 and put it in the case for the quad? The processor sockets are same but I'm unsure as to mounting issues.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy PM G5 Quad is in need of a new logic board and processor. I am waiting until after WWDC to see if there will be an update to the Mac Pro line - as I will be buying a new one to replace my old one. What's useful to keep from my old G5? I feel like I'm parting out an old Camaro or something. I'm planning to at minimum keep the HD and just pop it into the new machine (hope I can do that). I'm fairly certain the RAM is not going to be compatible, but I'm wondering if there's anything else I can scavenge off the old machine.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have 2 G4 powerbooks (one mine and one my wife's). One is a 1GHz 17" and the other is a 1.67GHz 17". now on the 1 Ghz i have a row of keys that randomly does not work. on the other the screen is shot. my question is, will the screen on the 1GHz fit on the 1.67 without any problems?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a 3 gig file that I want to send to someone by burning it on a few cds (no dvd burner T.T). What is the best way to compress the 3 gig file and burn it over a few cds so my recipient can take the files off the cd's and recombine them? I've seen rar files like this, and I guess that would be good but I don't know how I would do it.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI originally have a MBP (see specs below)...
But my PC is ancient by todays standards. I used to know which components are the top of the line for that particular item (ie. CPU, motherboard, ram, etc.) Which product is the best for gaming:
1. Graphics card (PCI Express or AGP? Nvidia or ATI)
2. Sound Card
3. CPU (No extreme - too expensive)
4. Power supply (1000 watt?)
5. Motherboards
6. RAM (speed)
I'm interested in running a Darwin OS, basically just the open source parts of Mac OS X. There isn't a whole lot of recent information that I've been able to find on my own. Seems like most sources top out at Darwin 8.
View 7 Replies View RelatedAre any of the parts from an old G4 useable in an Intel-based MacPro? HD, Super-Drive, RAM, RAM, Power Supply, NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Looking for replacment parts for an isight webcam. I have all the attachments accept for the part that the firewire cable goes thru and holds the camera on firmly. otherwise the firewire connects and is flimsy. Hard to explain, let me know if you need more explination.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThere was some application that I used a while ago when "activity monitor" mysteriously disappeared from my system that let me reinstall it from the OS X install disc without having to do a complete reinstall of the OS. Does anyone know what i am talking about, I cannot remember what it is called. It is a third party utility.
View 2 Replies View RelatedOk so I am making a presentation using Keynote '09. I have one slide that has a huge table of different appliances and their cost. Here is what I would like to do: the first row is entitled "refrigerator". I would like there to be one slide that just has the table title and this first row. Then I would like to show the next slide, which has pictures and descriptions of the specific refrigerator on it. Then, the next slide would be the table again, except this time another row would appear, in this case entitled "heating", then I could show the next slide which has info about the heating system, etc., etc. I have used Magic Move (and love it btw), but that can only be used on the slide right after the target slide, so that would not work for this since they have a slide in between them. I have no idea if this is possible, and maybe the only way to do this is to make a different slide every time, but if there is an easy way to do this that would be awesome!!
View 1 Replies View Relatedlately ive been working on a school project. im planing on presenting it through a video. however, i need some assistance as to how to achieve this trick: [URL] /watch?v=N-mIM4-3v1g hopefully a lot of you guys have seen nat's vids and has seen scenes in her videos in which there are 2 nats. I was wondering how would I go about doing that? I mean, i understand that I would have to film 2 separate parts, but the part i don't get is the how to combine them into one scene. what software should i do this with? imovie?
View 3 Replies View RelatedOn a mac freeware or opensource how is that done?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI've tried to partition my drive so I can have some scratch disks etc on my mac. I create them in disk utility, then I create a BC partition -the drives disappear! I try creating the BC partition first then the other partitions - they disappear!!
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iPod shuffle
After installing the latest updates for Java to both 10.7.3 and 10.6.8 the MRTAgent or other files ( /System/Library/LaunchAgents/ and /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ did not seem to install. I have installed both through Software Update and also through the stand alone downloads. Various sites have said the above should have installed and there is no evidence on my machine.
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