macbook pro blue screen with spinning disk, won't start up. my macbook was really sluggish so i ran a hardware test. it said NO PROBLEMS. i did restart. my current login and password were REJECTED. then the macbook went into blue screen and it just sits there and flashes to gray and back to blue and the white lines that make up the circle icon just spin and spin.
OS: Snow Leopard Bootcamp Win 7, Ubuntu 9.10.Problem: I felt I would be nice to the iMac and shut it down after a hard days work. I woke up the next morning, turned it on, and it loads up past the gray screen, then goes to the dark blue snow leopard screen. From there I DO NOT get a mouse pointer. I get zip, zilch, nothing.I have let it sit over night just to make sure it wouldn't surprise me. Remedies tried:Booting to safe mode. Boots fine but when it gets to the blue screen it doesn't do anything else.Booting to single user mode. From there I renamed the and the file. Didn't do anything.Resetting PRAM, VRAM, ram, jingle bell, any key, * key, I've tried resetting everything possible and not possible. WHY computer gods? WHY?
I had permission problems (locked time machine drive) so I did a full time machine restore.
Did the restart after the restore. Machine won't reboot. I get 'bong', apple logo on grey screen as per normal.
Then blue screen and spinning wheel for approx 7 seconds Then blue screen and black pointer for approx 2 seconds The blue screen spinning wheel / black pointer repeats. Also can't start up from Snow Leopard DVD.
I get exactly the same scenario. I have held down the power key at got the tone. Still won't start. It's an Imac (white one) 1.8Gig Dual with 1.5 gig of ram.
Running Snow leopard. I can see my disc over the ethernet; it is still there as it was sharing with my other machine.
just installed 10.5.6 on their last gen. iBook.She left the iBook plugged in to the mains and came back to find that the iBook was alternating between the grey Apple screen and a light blue desktop screen where she could see the cursor. Sometimes it would also switch to a blue screen without a cursor.
I've tried holding shift during startup - no effect. I've tried rebooting NVRAM - no effect.
My MBP was updated from 10.5.2 to 10.5.4 (combined update) this morning and, after the installation finished, it rebooted into a blue screen. I restarted it several times and always went into blue screen.
Now, the interesting part is that this is not the "blue screen after install" problem others are experiencing. If I disconnect the external monitor during restart and wait for OS X to start everything works fine. After OS X starts properly I can even reconnect the external monitor and it works fine. In fact I am writing this post from my MBP using the external monitor right now.
Since some document on the Apple Support website was suggesting to remove the file ApplicationEnhancer.bundle in System/Library/SystemConfiguration when experiencing blue screens after the install of 10.5.4, I did look in that folder for that file but it's not there...
I have just updated my iMac G5 to 10.5.6. When I restart, it hangs on the blue screen before log in. I have restarted in Safe Mode (no problem there) and removed the APE files in the library folder, as suggested on I have also repaired permissions and verified the drive. Still no luck.
Is it really possible that the computer needs hours to restart after the update? And would it be better for me to restore using Time Machine or do an Archive & Install with the Leopard discs? The computer was acting a little funky before I updated to 10.5.6 (iTunes was sluggish), but I never had a problem rebooting.
since installing sl, my imac itself works fine however i am stuck with a solid blue wallpaper. everytime i try and change it, it goes back to blue screen within 30 seconds or so. not a crashing problem like others have faced, but annoying nonetheless. got to second level of apple support and still could not figure it out. anyone have any ideas?
I have a 2006 Mac Mini using Snow leopard OS X 10.6.8.It will start up to show the 2 User accounts that are set up however when one of the accounts is selected all that appears is a totally blue screen with only my mouse curser working on it. Is there a fix for this?
After upgrading from Leapard to Snow Leapard a few weeks ago on my macbook there has been a blue screen flashing before the login screen. Is this normal? Or am I being peranoid? could it be that i installed app cleaner? I unistalled app cleaner and it still did the same.
I am on a brand new 3.06 GHz iMac. Installed Snow Leopard, 10.6.1. In general I don't experience any of the problems other people seem to have. But twice now my screen has turned blue while I am in the middle of something. All the open apps disappear and the Finder seems to relaunch. It only takes a few seconds. I don't have steps to reproduce it. Both times I had several apps open and had video/DVD running in the background.
Has anybody seen this?
I am a notorious file-saver which means I haven't lost much work through this but if it keeps happening I might have to go back to Leopard.
I installed snow leopard on my iMac. Everything seemed to go ok. It took about 45 minutes to install and it restarted but now it sits on a blue screen. What gives?
I upgraded from Leopard to Snow Leopard and I wanted to restore my computer so I found directions that said I should put the snow leopard disk back in the computer and restart it. Well, I did that and now all I have is a blue screen. What do I do!?!? I've tried manually turning it on/off and it will turn off, but still goes back to blue screen with nothing on it.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6)
My Snow leopard machine hangs during startup at the screen with the Grey Apple logo. It appears there is a SW issue with my OS X boot partition. Here are facts I have learned:The computer boots fine if I hold option at startup and select my boot camp partitionThe compute boots fine if I attach an external HD with OS X 10.6Running a disk repair from the external HD, I see the following two issues that are repaired. Also, note the last line about boot partitionsAfter this disk repair, the disk will still not boot, it hangs at the Grey Apple logo.Booting in safe mode does not resolve the issue, the machine will still not boot to a desktopBooting in Verbose mode, drivers initialize with the last succesful line being the ethernet drives (I believe) and then the hangup occurs. It is unclear what state the boot process is at on the hangup.
This situation has happen twice in the past few weeks. The first time I did a reinstall of OS X to resolve the issue. Then, the issue appeared again approximately two weeks later. I'm hoping to avoid a second reinstall (And really, avoid this issue in the future). It seems perhaps something in the boot partition table or the OS partition, although disk utility says the partition is fine. I have downloaded Test Disk 6.13 to look at the partition table, but I don't know how to interpret the outputs of that program.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Core 2 Duo), Mac OS X (10.6.3), 2 GB RAM, Boot Camp, Ex HD avail
Over the past month I have encountered a number of bugs with Snow Leopard on my MacBook Pro (mid 2006). Ever once in a while, usually during high performance task (like watching flash or encoding with handbrake) the temperature of my cpu will spike to 85-90 degrees celsius and then the system freezes.
During this freeze, I can still move my mouse, but I am unable to click on anything on the dock or any program. Moving the mouse over the dock does not invoke the magnification either. I have to do a hard reset to fix the problem.
Also every once in a while, a long blue horizontal line will appear in on the screen. (sometimes their in iChat windows, sometimes safari, and sometimes the desktop as shown in the photo).
I have an iMac 21inch, Late 2009. I found after it was runing really slow that my hard drive was failing. It told me there were SMART errors on the drive. The computer is out of warranty and I'm in the middle of no where so i have no Mac store to take it to. I bought a new drive, same model, and installed it into the computer. It turns on fine, but after the Apple logo and spinning coge wheel the screen flashes, shows the blue back ground like its going to load the desktop and then goes black.
I've tried connecting an external monitor to it and shows up like an extended display. I've tried connecting it to another Mac, a Mini, and the Mini can boot off the iMacs hard drive just fine. If it Target Disk mode the Mini and boot the iMac I get the same flash of blue desktop then it goes black.
This is where it gets weird though, I'm sure your thinking, ok the screen is going bad... BUT, I boot off an Ubuntu CD, or the AHT disk and it loads fine and has no turning black. Its only when booting into the Mac OS or the installation disk.
One last note is that when its at the black screen and I'm sure its loaded the desktop, if I hold the power button down for about 3-4 seconds, till I hear a click. I then press the button again right away and the screen flashes on showing me the desktop and everything, for about 2 seconds...
After updating the mac os and other applications that displayed in the update software notification, some of my apps wouldn’t open or start up. The icon would bounce in the sidebar like it was trying to open but then a crash report would display. Then last night, I started up the computer to find that it loaded the blue screen of death. I tried to load in safe user mode, but it only loads the different background, but no apps or finder displays. I also tried to load the OS disk that was provided at the time of purchase, but am not sure if i am doing that correctly. I can't seem to get past the blue screen.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I don't know if it's a problem or it's a normal. But i've noticed that when I boot up the macbook, just before the login screen appears, i can see the blue screen for few seconds. Must there be a blue screen?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 15-inch: 2.2 GHz
I have been having issues with my two year old MacBook Pro for a while. I have replaced two hard drives and I am now having time out problems. I have just started the computer and all I get is a blue screen.
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.53 GHz), Mac OS X (10.6.3)
I upgraded to Snow Leopard and a few days later when i went to shutdown my mac pro after i woke it up, i got the blue screen and progress wheel just spinning. After calls with Apple, running both long and short hardware tests, 3 snow leopard discs, a clean install, 2 upgrades, the tech gave up. The clean install was a bare bones install with no applications installed. I would now have to take it into a repair shop and pay for software tests. This is a one year old mac pro with apple care. I used Time Machine to restore to leopard, and all is ok. Has anyone heard of this problem? I'm quit happy to stick with Leopard, but am upset that an apple software problem has to be fixed and paid for by me. I assume if it was a hardware problem it would show up in Leopard.
1. When closing the lid or pressing the power button the computer freezes, the fans start spinning fast it stays like that until it drains the battery. This happens every time.
2. Start-up times are very long, like 3 or 4 minutes. This also happens every time.
3. Now after a fresh snow leopard install it doesn't even start up completely, as it stays showing a light blue background and I can hear the music of the introductory animation.
4. Also, the keyboard is unresponsive at the login screen, but the mouse cursor moves and the display goes to sleep normally. Clicking anywhere with the mouse also produces no effect.
5. It seems to work OK in safe mode.
The macbook worked ok with the factory installed Tiger. The SL DVD is OK, as its installation has been tested on another Mac. The machine's advanced hardware test passed successfully. Resetting Pram and SMC did not solve the problem.
I have a macbook: model - A1342 its a 2009 machine. On start up it is giving a blue screen and I am unable to do anything on the machine. I know my hard drive is pretty full and I'm trying to use an external to pull stuff off to clear up some space. Its been blue screen on me for at least fifteen minutes. I don't know the OS I'm using since I can't boot up the machine to find out.
I have an '07 MacBook Pro running 10.5 I was on the desktop and I did a 'Command I' click on the MacHD icon to see what memory was being used and how much was available. While the window was open which displayed the memory, I scrolled to the bottom to the sharing and permissions portion and where it had the everyone box - changed the permissions to 'no access'I then logged out and shut the machine down. Now I try to start up and all i get is the blue screen with the spinning gear. I have tried to start with the shift key down, no luck. I tried with the startup disk and holding the c key then went to disk utility and did the disk repair which came back OK but the disk permission keep failing due to error of underlying task.
I just want to say thanks apple for being a piece of **** machine. I have the first macbook 1.83 ghZ 2gb (that I bought from crucial) intel core duo. The problems I have had:-Battery not charging (70? replacement because I had no more warranty)-Burnt and melted charger (also expensive)-And now the problem is unknown all I know it will not start.-Faulty Macbook Air -After the second Macbook Air the charger would not work.I mean you would think that so much money for slow computers would get you reliabilit
I am trying to fix my cousin's macbook pro that she got for free. She only has the laptop and nothing else for it and it's about two years old. Wen I try to start it up I either choose the wireless network or login. After both of those things I get to the blue screen and that's it, or I get to the background with nothing else on the screen. I've tried doing safe boot and it still does nothing.
A few months ago, I bought a macbook pro and it was doing fine. But recently, every time it starts, a blue screen appears for a split second then it goes to log- in. Then, every time I shutdown, it will also show up for a split second then shutdown. It doesn't affect the computer but I'm just wondering how to stop it.